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Some similarities are shown between single-unit two-tone suppression areas and those derived from the difference of compound action potential tuning curves obtained with simultaneous and forward masking.  相似文献   

Mechanical responses to one- and two-tone acoustic stimuli were recorded from the cochlear partition in the apical turn of the chinchilla cochlea, the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea, and the hook region of the guinea pig cochlea. The most sensitive or "best" frequencies (BFs) for the sites studied were approximately 500 Hz, 17 kHz, and 30 kHz, respectively. Responses to the cubic difference tone (CDT), 2F1 - F2 (where F1 and F2 are the frequencies of the primary stimuli), were characterized at each site. Responses to the quadratic difference tone (QDT), F2 - F1, were also characterized in the apical turn preparations (QDT responses were too small to measure in the basal cochlea). The observed responses to BF QDTs and CDTs and to BF CDTs at each site appeared similar in many ways; the relative magnitudes of the responses were highest at low-to-moderate sound pressure levels (SPLs), for example, and the absolute magnitudes grew nonmonotonically with increases in the level of either primary (L1 or L2) alone. The peak effective levels of the CDT and QDT responses were also similar, at around -20 dB re L1 and/or L2. In other respects, however, the responses to CDTs and QDTs and to BF CDTs at each site behaved quite differently. At low-to-moderate SPLs, for example, most CDT phase leads decreased with increases in either L1 or L2, whereas most QDT phase leads increased with increasing L1 and varied little with L2. Most CDT responses also varied monotonically with equal-level primaries (i.e., when L1 = L2), whereas most QDT responses varied nonmonotonically. Different responses also varied in different ways when F1 and F2 were varied. Apical turn QDT responses were observed over a very wide F1/F2 range (F1 = 1-12 kHz), but were usually largest for stimuli <2-4 kHz. Apical turn CDT levels decreased (at rates of approximately 40-80 dB/octave) only when the frequency ratio F2/F1 increased beyond approximately 1.4-1.5. In the basal turn and hook regions, the CDT levels depended nonmonotonically on F2/F1 with the eventual rates of decrease being approximately 200 dB/octave. Optimal frequency ratios for the CDT increased from (F2 < 1.1F1) to (F2 approximately 1.2F1) with increasing SPL in the basal turn, but were stable at around F2/F1 approximately 1.05 in the hook region. CDT phase leads tended to increase with increasing F2/F1 in all three regions of the cochlea, particularly at low-to-moderate SPLs. These findings are discussed in relation to previous studies of cochlear mechanics, physiology, and psychophysics.  相似文献   

Steady-state responses (SSRs) or steady-state fields (SSFs) show maximum amplitude when tone pulses are presented at repetition rates near 40 Hz. This result has led to the hypothesis that the SSR/SSF consists of superimposed transient 'middle latency' responses which display wave periods near 40 Hz and summate with one another when phase locked by 40 Hz steady-state stimulation. We evaluated this hypothesis by comparing the cortical sources of the 40 Hz auditory SSF with sources of the middle latency Pa wave which is prominent in electrical and magnetic recordings, and with the cortical sources of the familiar N1 wave, at different carrier frequencies between 250 and 4000 Hz. SSF sources determined for the different carrier frequencies were found to display a 'medial' tendency tonotopy resembling that of the N1m (sources for the higher frequencies represented more deeply within the supratemporal sulcus), opposite the 'lateral' tendency tonotopy of the middle latency Pam (sources for the higher frequencies situated more laterally). A medial SSF tonotopy was observed in each of the subjects investigated, including three subjects for whom Pam and N1m maps were also available. These findings suggest that the 40 Hz SSF may not consist of summated or entrained middle latency responses, as has previously been proposed. Alternative mechanisms for the SSR are discussed.  相似文献   

The electroencephalographic responses to abrupt changes in interaural differences of time (ITD) and intensity (IID) should provide important information on the dynamic characteristics and integrity of the binaural mechanisms detecting the azimuthal shifts of a sound image. However, a change in either or both of these cues to sound lateralization would stimulate not only the binaural mechanisms but also the monaural ones. There are several reports evidencing that in the case of ITD changes this problem can be overcome by using time-shifted noise or repetitive clicks. Any change in IID, however, will inevitably have a stimulating effect also on purely monaural mechanisms. Therefore, the stimulation techniques described in the literature so far for recording the long-latency responses related to IID mechanism cannot be regarded as being specific for binaural mechanisms. We used dichotically presented 100/s click trains which were amplitude modulated with a random sequence of 50 or 100 ms square wave-intervals, so that the sound intensities at the two ears simultaneously alternated between 60 dB and 80 dB levels except during brief periods of time (50 ms) in which the interaural intensity balance was impaired, leading to an IID of 20 dB every 2 s. Owing to the fact that the cortical mechanisms remain unresponsive to repetitive stimuli presented with intervals shorter than a certain recovery period, this stimulus did not evoke any significant potential when it was presented monotically or diotically, yet it could produce lateral sound image shifts and therefore evoke pronounced long-latency responses when presented dichotically. The main components N1 and P2 of these shift responses and those of the pip responses, also recorded from the same subjects, were compared with respect to their midline distributions and hemispheric or bilateral asymmetries. The significant differences found between the shift and pip responses indicated that those evoked by the IID stimulation we designed should not be considered simply as a non-specific vertex potential.  相似文献   

Attempted to determine the relation between changes in heart rate (HR) and averaged evoked potentials. 16 male undergraduates with variable HRs received 50 flashes of light during fast heart beats, 50 during slow heart beats, and 50 during midrange HR level. Evoked responses were recorded from the scalp overlying the right and left occipital lobes. HR, respiration, eye movements, and cephalic blood flow were also recorded. Results indicate that spontaneous changes in HR were related to changes in visual evoked responses and that this relation differed for the cerebral hemispheres. Cephalic pulse amplitude was largest following slow heart beats and smallest following fast heart beats, which suggests that changes in HR are related to changes in cerebrovascular as well as electrocortical activity. Results are discussed in terms of formulations derived from behavioral studies regarding the relation between cardiovascular activity and attentional processes. (54 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although English lacks 1-to-1 relationships between sounds and spellings, considering the context in which a phoneme occurs can often aid in selecting a spelling. For example, /a/ is typically spelled as a when it follows /w/, as in wand, but as o when it follows other consonants, as in pond. In 2 experiments, the authors asked whether children's spellings of vowels in nonwords were affected by the following (Experiment 1) and preceding (Experiment 2) consonants. The participants in both experiments had spelling levels that ranged from kindergarten and 1st grade through high school. Children with higher levels of spelling skill took more advantage of context, and use of preceding context generally emerged earlier than use of following context. The results are interpreted within the framework of a statistical learning view of spelling and spelling development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Smooth, highly spherical, crosslinked chitosan microspheres in the size range of 45-300 microns loaded with progesterone were prepared by glutaraldehyde crosslinking of an aqueous acetic acid dispersion of chitosan containing progesterone in a non-aqueous dispersion medium consisting of liquid paraffin and petroleum ether stabilized using sorbitan sesquioleate. In vitro release of the drug into phosphate buffer at 37 degrees C was determined as a function of crosslinking density of the microspheres and particle size. The extent of drug release had a remarkable dependence on the crosslinking density of the microspheres, the highly crosslinked spheres releasing only around 35% of the incorporated steroid in 40 days compared to 70% from spheres lightly crosslinked. Determination of the in vivo bioavailability of the steroid from microsphere formulation by intramuscular injection in rabbits showed that a plasma concentration of 1 to 2 ng/ml was maintained up to 5 months without a high 'burst effect'. Data obtained suggest that the crosslinked chitosan microspheres would be an interesting system for long term delivery of steroids.  相似文献   

Healthy adult volunteers were immunized by parenteral or oral routes with trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (A/Chile/1/83 (H1N1), A/Mississippi/1/85 (H3N2), and B/Ann Arbor/1/86), or intranasally with live attenuated, cold-adapted influenza type A/Texas/1/85 (H1N1) reassortant virus. In all volunteers, cells spontaneously secreting IgA, IgG or IgM antibodies specific to influenza virus were detected in peripheral blood on days 6-13 after immunization, and specific IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies to influenza vaccine were measured in sera and external secretions (saliva and nasal lavage). Following systemic immunization, a raise in specific antibodies of all isotypes was observed in sera beginning on day 13. Although small variations in IgA and IgM antibodies in saliva and nasal lavages were detected, antigen-specific IgG significantly increased between days 13 and 27. Intranasal administration of attenuated virus induced IgA and IgG antibodies in serum as well as in secretions. Serum antibodies were not substantially influenced by oral immunization, only a small increase in all isotypes was observed in volunteers' sera 21 days after ingestion of vaccine. However, in secretions, antigen-specific IgA and IgG responses were detected one week after immunization and reached a peak response on day 20. These studies show that different routes of immunization can be effective for the induction of specific antibodies, and support the concept of the common mucosal immune system in humans by demonstrating that the oral or intranasal administration of antigen-induced specific antibodies of IgA isotype in external secretions, preceded by the transient appearance in peripheral blood of specific antibody-producing cells.  相似文献   

Thresholds for formant discrimination of female and male vowels are significantly elevated by two stimulus factors, increases in formant frequency and fundamental frequency [Kewley-Port et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100, 2462-2470 (1996)]. The present analysis systematically examined whether auditory models of vowel sounds, including excitation patterns, specific loudness, and a Gammatone filterbank, could explain the effects of stimulus parameters on formant thresholds. The goal was to determine if an auditory metric could be specified that reduced variability observed in the thresholds to a single-valued function across four sets of female and male vowels. Based on Sommers and Kewley-Port [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 3770-3781 (1996)], four critical bands around the test formant were selected to calculate a metric derived from excitation patterns. A metric derived from specific loudness difference (delta Sone) was calculated across the entire frequency region. Since analyses of spectra from Gammatone filters gave similar results to those derived from excitation patterns, only the 4-ERB (equivalent rectangular bandwidth) and delta Sone metrics were analyzed in detail. Three criteria were applied to the two auditory metrics to determine if they were single-valued functions relative to formant thresholds for female and male vowels. Both the 4-ERB and delta Sone metrics met the criteria of reduced slope, reduced effect of fundamental frequency, although delta Sone was superior to 4-ERB in reducing overall variability. Results suggest that the auditory system has an inherent nonlinear transformation in which differences in vowel discrimination thresholds are almost constant in the internal representation.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional tongue surface shapes of English consonants and vowels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents three-dimensional tongue surfaces reconstructed from multiple coronal cross-sectional slices of the tongue. Surfaces were reconstructed for sustained vocalizations of the American English sounds [symbol: see text]. Electropalatography (EPG) data were also collected for the sounds to compare tongue surface shapes with tongue-palate contact patterns. The study was interested also in whether 3-D surface shapes of the tongue were different for consonants and vowels. Previous research and speculation had found that there were differences in production, acoustics, and linguistic usage between the two groups. The present study found that four classes of tongue shape were adequate to categorize all the sounds measured. These classes were front raising, complete groove, back raising, and two-point displacement. The first and third classes have been documented before in the midsagittal plane [cf. R. Harshman, P. Ladefoged, and L. Goldstein, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 62, 693-707 (1976)]. The first three classes contained both vowels and consonants, the last only consonants. Electropalatographic patterns of the sounds indicated three categories of tongue-palate contact: bilateral, cross-sectional, and combination of the two. Vowels used only the first pattern, consonants used all three. The EPG data provided an observable distinction in contact pattern between consonants and vowels. The ultrasound tongue surface data did not. The conclusion was that the tongue actually has a limited repertoire of shapes and positions them against the palate in different ways for consonants versus vowels to create narrow channels, divert airflow, and produce sound.  相似文献   

If listeners treat sinusoidal signals as speech signals however unlike speech they may be, then perception should exhibit the common place sensitivity to the dimensions of the originating vocal tract. The present study, employing sinusoidal signals, raised this issue by testing the identification of target /bVt/, or b-vowel-t, syllables occurring in sentences that differed in the range of frequency variation of their component tones. Vowel quality of target syllables was influenced by this acoustic correlate of vocal-tract scale, implying that the perception of these nonvocal signals includes a process of vocal-tract normalization. Converging evidence suggests that the perception of sinusoidal vowels depends on the relations among component tones and not on the phonetic likeness of each tone in isolation. The findings support the general claim that sinusoidal replicas of natural speech signals are perceptible phonetically because they preserve time-varying information present in natural signals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Psychophysical experiments have shown that the discrimination of human vowels chiefly relies on the frequency relationship of the first two peaks F1 and F2 of the vowel's spectral envelope. It has not been possible, however, to relate the two-dimensional (F1, F2)-relationship to the known organization of frequency representation in auditory cortex. We demonstrate that certain spectral integration properties of neurons are topographically organized in primary auditory cortex in such a way that a transformed (F1,F2) relationship sufficient for vowel discrimination is realized.  相似文献   

From the geometrical standpoint, this article presents a qualitative theoretical analysis and prediction of the transient to steady-state transition during the spray-rolling process, a novel manufacturing technique for aluminum strips. The analytical results indicate that, when the deposited materials at the specific points on one roll surface overlap their counterparts on the other roll surface, spray rolling transits from the transient state to the steady state. The specific points are the limiting deposition positions of the atomized droplets on the roll surface initially.  相似文献   

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