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通过研究认为目前的岩层移动模型不能很好地分析巨厚松散层下条带开采岩土层的移动机理,对地表沉陷的主控因素和机理进行了理论分析和模拟试验,探讨了巨厚松散层下条带开采岩土层移动的复合介质模型.  相似文献   

巨厚松散层下条带开采地表移动规律分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
巨厚松散层下条带开采引起的地表移动规律及地表移动参数有明显的特点 ,采用概率积分法预计地表移动变形结果的精确与否 ,关键在于地表移动参数 .针对焦作矿区内巨厚松散层的地层条件 ,以条带开采地表移动实测资料为基础 ,用数学方法分析了巨厚松散层下条带开采地表移动规律及地表移动参数 ,并得出地表移动参数与地质采矿条件之间的函数式  相似文献   

巨厚松散层下条带开采引起的地表移动规律及地表移动参数有明显的特点,采用概率积分法预计地表移动变形结果的精确与否,关键在于地表移动参数.针对焦作矿区内巨厚松散层的地层条件,以条带开采地表移动实测资料为基础,用数学方法分析了巨厚松散层下条带开采地表移动规律及地表移动参数,并得出地表移动参数与地质采矿条件之间的函数式.  相似文献   

以国内某大型煤矿为原型,采用FLAC3D有限差分软件对厚松散层下,内部煤矿开采过程中地表沉陷进行数值模拟,并对模拟结果进行了分析和探讨.研究表明:随着煤炭资源的采出,地表沉陷不断增大,并且相比于一般条件,厚松散层下煤炭开采所产生的地表沉陷影响范围变大.  相似文献   

多煤层开采时条带空间位置对岩层移动的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在采用弹塑性有限单元法模拟的基础上,得到了多煤层条带空间位置与岩层及地表移动间的关系。给出了下沉系数q、水平移动系数b,主要影响范围角正切tgβ与上、下煤层条带间水平错距l、层间距h、累计采厚m的计算公式。根据这些计算公式计算的结果与实测相比符合较好。  相似文献   

含水松散层下缩小防护煤柱的开采机理与途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以大量的实验数据与现场实测资料的依据,分析了基岩风化带的工程地质特征,论述了邻近风化带采煤覆岩破坏与矿山压力显现规律和缩小防护煤柱的机理和途径。  相似文献   

条带法开采控制地表沉陷的新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文应用函数法,运用叠加原理,得出了预计条带开采地表移动及变形的方法,并同实测资料进行了对比,得到了令人满意的结果。  相似文献   

厚松散层放顶煤开采条件下地表移动参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用概率积分法预计地表移动与变形,其准确度关键在于地表移动参数的选取精度.而厚松散层条件下开采地表移动参数,有其明显的自身特点和规律.在鹤壁矿区实测资料的基础上,用数学方法分析了厚松散层放顶煤开采条件下地表移动参数的特点,并得出地表移动参数与地质采矿条件之间的函数关系式,对厚松散层下厚煤层"三下"开采及地表移动预计有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

厚松散层放顶煤开采条件下地表移动参数研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用概率积分法预计地表移动与变形,其准确度关键在于地表移动参数的选取精度.而厚松散层条件下开采地表移动参数,有其明显的自身特点和规律.在鹤壁矿区实测资料的基础上,用数学方法分析了厚松散层放顶煤开采条件下地表移动参数的特点,并得出地表移动参数与地质采矿条件之间的函数关系式,对厚松散层下厚煤层"三下"开采及地表移动预计有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

The dynamic ground subsidence due to underground mining is a complicated time-dependent and ratedependent process. Based on the theory of rock rheology and probability integral method, this study developed the superposition model for the prediction and analysis of the ground dynamic subsidence in mining area of thick loose layer. The model consists of two parts(the prediction of overlying bedrock and the prediction of thick loose layer). The overlying bedrock is regarded as visco-elastic beam, of which the dynamic subsidence is predicted by the Kelvin visco-elastic rheological model. The thick loose layer is regarded as random medium and the ground dynamic subsidence is predicted by the probability integral model. At last, the two prediction models are vertically stacked in the same coordinate system, and the bedrock dynamic subsidence is regarded as a variable mining thickness input into the prediction model of ground dynamic subsidence. The prediction results obtained were compared with actual movement and deformation data from Zhao I and Zhao II mine, central China. The agreement of the prediction results with the field measurements show that the superposition model(SM) is more satisfactory and the formulae obtained are more effective than the classical single probability integral model(SPIM), and thus can be effectively used for predicting the ground dynamic subsidence in mining area of thick loose layer.  相似文献   

The height of fractured zone(HFZ) at the high-intensity longwall mining panel plays a vital role in the safety analysis of coal mining under bodies of water. This paper described definitions of the highintensity mining. The processes of overburden failure transfer(OFT) were analyzed, which were divided into the development stage and the termination stage. Through theoretical analysis, the limited suspension-distance and the limited overhanging distance were proposed to judge the damage of each stratum. Mechanical models of strata suspended integrity and overhanging stability were established.A theoretical method to predict the HFZ at the high-intensity longwall mining panel was put forward based on the processes of OFT. Taking a high-intensity longwall mining panel(No. 11915 panel) as an example, the theoretical method proposed, the engineering analogy and the empirical formulas in the Regulation were used to predict the HFZ. The results show that the theoretical result is consistent with the engineering analogies' result and empirical formulas' result. The rationality and reliability of the theoretical method proposed is verified.  相似文献   

开采沉陷岩移参数研究现状分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
开采沉陷岩移参数是表征岩层和地表移动规律的重要参数,其取值的准确与否直接影响到矿山生产设计的合理性和安全性.开采沉陷岩移参数的确定方法主要有实测数据拟合、回归分析、工程类比、神经网络、力学反演分析法和模糊数学方法.在综合分析大量文献的基础上,综述了开采沉陷岩移参数的研究现状,指出了可以应用相似理论确定不同地质采矿条件下开采沉陷岩移参数.  相似文献   

连续开采下上覆岩层移动的离散元模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用离散元法对走向长壁工作面上覆岩层移动和地表沉陷进行了动态分析和模拟,探讨了离散单元法参数选择问题。通过实例分析,计算结果与实测结果基本一致,并探讨了下沉系数与回采区段尺寸的关系  相似文献   

厚松散层下开采预计的概率积分法修正模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于厚松散层下开采具有明显不同于一般地质条件下的沉陷特性,结果导致在用传统的概率积分法对其预计时,预计结果与实际往往偏差较大.基于厚松散层土体与基岩岩性不同,根据岩层移动分层传递的观点,结合厚松散层下开采地表移动特征,建立了厚松散层下开采地表移动预计的概率积分法修正模型,对厚松散层下开采地表移动预计及建筑物保护有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

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