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BACKGROUND: An apparently large disparity still exists between developed and developing countries in historical trends of the amounts of nitrogen (N) fertilizers consumed, and the same situation holds true in China. The situation of either N overuse or underuse has become one of the major limiting factors in agricultural production and economic development in China. The issue of food security in N‐poor regions has been given the greatest attention internationally. Balanced and appropriate use of N fertilizer for enriching soil fertility is an effective step in preventing soil degradation, ensuring food security, and further contributing to poverty alleviation and rural economic development in the N‐poor regions. RESULTS: Based on the China Statistical Yearbook (2007), there could be scope for improvement of N use efficiency (NUE) in N‐rich regions by reducing N fertilizer input to an optimal level (≤180 kg N ha?1), and also potential for increasing yield in the N‐poor regions by further increasing N fertilizer supply (up to 116 kg N ha?1). For the N‐rich regions, the average estimated potential of N saving and NUE increase could be about 15% and 23%, respectively, while for the N‐poor regions the average estimated potential for yield increase could be 21% on a regional scale, when N input is increased by 13%. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that to achieve the goals of regional yield improvement, it is necessary to readjust and optimize regional distribution of N fertilizer use between the N‐poor and N‐rich regions in China, in combination with other nutrient management practices. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Plantain is an important staple in West and Central Africa, where it is predominantly grown by smallholder farmers. On-farm data are rare but yields are considered to be low. We collated actual yields in the region, reviewed regional plantain research published from 1976 to 2013, then estimated what yields would be attainable on smallholder farms if the proven, best-fit innovations were adopted. Mean actual yields reported ranged from 2.9 to 8.9 Mg ha?1 with a mean of 5.7 Mg ha?1 for False horn plantain and 4.5 to 10.2 Mg ha?1 with a mean of 7.8 Mg ha?1 for French plantain. Experiments found dealt with: cultural practices, particularly intercropping; abiotic factors such as fertiliser, mulch application and irrigation; biotic factors, predominantly sucker sanitation methods, but including three controlled yield loss studies on nematodes and black sigatoka; landrace comparisons and the introduction of improved cultivars, predominantly those exhibiting black sigatoka-tolerance. We conclude that intercropping should be retained according to farmer preference as there was no evidence of yield reductions for plantain. Boiling water treatment of suckers should be universally recommended. Inputs, whether mulch or K fertiliser up to 300 kg ha?1, should be applied as both reduced plant losses and increased bunch mass. With the highest yielding local landrace type, on-farm yields could be increased from 7.8 Mg ha?1 to 35.5 Mg ha?1 with purchased inputs or to 23.7 Mg ha?1 without purchased inputs.  相似文献   

通过盆栽模拟试验研究了不同氮肥运筹方式对油菜产量、氮肥利用率、氮素淋失及氮素平衡的影响。试验设5个处理:不施氮肥(CK),氮肥全部基施(TJ),氮肥60%基施、40%做越冬肥追施(TJD),氮肥60%基施、40%做薹肥追施(TJT),氮肥60%基施、20%做越冬肥、20%做薹肥追施(TJDT)。研究结果表明,氮肥分期施用可明显增加油菜产量,提高氮肥利用率,其中以TJDT处理效果最佳,与TJ处理相比,TJDT处理的产量、氮肥农学利用率及表观利用率分别提高了17.6%、2.1kg·kg^-1氮和4.9%。同时,TJDT处理的氮素淋失量也最小。氮素平衡计算结果表明,不同时期追施氮肥对氮素平衡影响不大,但是均比氮肥集中做基肥施用(TJ)的表观损失明显减小。尽管油菜收获后,各施氮处理土壤氮素均有盈余,但分期施肥盈余量明显高于TJ。研究表明在油菜生产中,氮肥分期施用既能提高油菜籽的产量和氮肥的利用效率,又可获得较好的环境效应。  相似文献   

Eight maize (Zea mays L) hybrids were grown under five N levels with or without the nitrification inhibitor, nitrapyrin (2-chloro-[6-trichloro-methyl] pyridine), to evaluate N interactions relative to yield performance, N use efficiency, grain protein concentration, and kernel texture. Results indicate that maize hybrids can be grouped into three categories based on grain yield: (1) low N-responsive types which reach their maximum yield with 134 kg ha?1 of applied N; (2) intermediate types that respond to moderate N levels (134 to 201 kg N ha?1); and (3) high N-responsive types that respond to higher levels of N (201 kg N ha?1). High N-responsive types, in general, increased yield with nitrapyrin treatment at all levels of N. Crop N utilisation efficiency for high N-responsive hybrids decreased, but was static for low N-responsive hybrids as N fertiliser increased. In general, as the grain yield of a hybrid increased in response to N, the concentration of protein in the kernel increased; although grain yields and protein concentration are negatively correlated among hybrids. Increased kernel translucence, an indicator of kernel hardness induced by N fertiliser, correlated highly positive with zein proteins. Isoelectric focusing analysis showed that increases in zein were primarily due to a quantitative increase in α- and γ-zein polypeptides. This study indicates that hybrids are different in their N requirements for maximum yield. Low N conditions not only restrict grain yield but also affect kernel textural quality.  相似文献   

通过大田试验研究氮肥用量对油菜产量、养分含量、养分累积量及氮肥利用效率的影响。结果表明,与不施氮相比,施氮肥75、150和225kg/hm2平均分别增产41.9%、70.3%和66.2%,籽粒含氮量分别提高9.1%、14.2%和13.1%,植株地上部氮素总累积量分别增加59.6%、111.6%和108.0%。施氮促进油菜生长发育,显著提高油菜对氮素的吸收、累积和籽粒需氮量,但氮肥农学利用率、偏生产力和表观利用率均随氮肥用量的增加显著下降。氮肥用量在150kg/hm2时,能较好地协调油菜高产与氮肥合理利用的统一。  相似文献   

The response of maize to four rates of nitrogen (N) fertiliser (0, 60, 120 and 240 kg N ha?1) on an ultisol in south-eastern Nigeria was evaluated under two tillage and two mulch treatments. Differences in plant height, leaf area index and grain yield between the conventionally tilled and zero-tillage treatments were not significant at P < 0.05, but the mulched plots out-yielded the unmulched plots by 23–46% during the drier seasons. On each tillage-mulch combination, grain yield response to nitrogen was of a quadratic polynomial form, indicating that maximum yields occurred at 123, 139, 130 and 142 kg N ha?1 on the tilled-mulched, tilled-unmulched, untilled-mulched and untilled-unmulched plots, respectively. Nitrogen use efficiency (grain yield per kg N applied) decreased in the order tilled-mulched (32.6) > untilled-mulched (30.9) > untilled-unmulched (27.8) > tilled-unmulched (22.4) where the figures in parentheses represent nitrogen use efficiency (kg kg?1). For each tillage treatment maximum soil temperature was higher and moisture retained at 2 and 10 days after saturation lower on the unmulched than mulched plots. Percentage moisture loss between these days was 45.5, 83.3, 25.0 and 55.6 respectively, on the tilled-mulched, tilled-unmulched, untilled-mulched and untilled-unmulched plots. The untilled-mulched plots had the highest contents of residual organic carbon and total N.  相似文献   

Dairy farm activities contribute to environmental pollution through the surplus N and P that they produce. Optimization of animal feeding and management has been described as a key strategy for decreasing N and P excretion in manure. Sixty-four commercial dairy farms were studied to assess the efficiency of N and P use in lactating herds and to identify dietary and management factors that may contribute to improving the efficiency of nutrient use for milk production, and decrease N and P excretion. The average ration was formulated to 50:50 forage:concentrate ratio with grass silage and corn silage as the main forage sources. Mean N and P intakes were 562 g/d [16.4% crude protein (CP)] and 84.8 g/d (0.40% P), respectively. Milk yield averaged 29.7 kg/d and contributed to 25.8% (standard deviation ± 2.9) of N utilization efficiency (NUE) and 31.9% (standard deviation ± 4.5) of P utilization efficiency (PUE). Dietary N manipulation through fitting the intake of CP to animal requirements showed a better response in terms of decreasing N excretion (R2 = 0.70) than that estimated for P nutrition and excretion (R2 = 0.30). Improvement in NUE helped increase PUE, despite the widespread use of feedstuffs with a high P content. Management strategies for lactating herds, such as the use of different feeding groups, periodical ration reformulation, and selection of feeding system did not show any consistent response in terms of improved NUE and PUE. The optimization of NUE and PUE contributed to decreasing the N and P excretion per unit of milk produced, and therefore, reductions in N and P excretion of between 17 and 35%, respectively, were estimated. Nevertheless, nutritional and herd management strategies were limited when N and P excretion were considered in relation to the whole lactating herd and farmland availability. Dietary CP manipulation was estimated to decrease herd N excretion by 11% per hectare, whereas dietary P manipulation would be decreased by no more than 17%. We conclude that the correct match between the ingested and required N and P, together with an increase in milk productivity, may be feasible strategies for decreasing N and P excretion by lactating herds on commercial farms.  相似文献   

为研究氮素对油葵植株氮磷钾养分积累和产量的影响,采用田间试验方法,在宁夏中部干旱带同心地区进行了油葵肥料试验。结果表明,在供试土壤条件下,氮磷钾养分积累均呈“S”型曲线,符合Logistic方程。施氮量在6~18kg/667m2之间时,均促进油葵对氮磷钾的吸收。其中,100kg籽粒所需N、P2O5、K2O范围分别是5.68~6.19kg、4.32~4.62kg、14.82~21.20kg,三要素(N∶P2O5∶K2O)平均比例为1∶0.76∶2.93。成熟期时,氮磷钾总积累量均是N2P2K2处理最高,分别达到47.99g/株、35.45g/株、152.30g/株。当施氮量为10.53kg/667m2时,产量达最高值221.02kg/667m2,最佳经济效应施氮量为9.54kg/667m2,最佳经济效益产量为220.48kg/667m2。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(10):8454-8469
Panting score (PS) is a common research tool used to assess the physiological state of cows exposed to heat stress, but it is subjective. Infrared temperature (IRT), measured by either infrared thermometers or cameras, may be a more objective and reliable alternative. Very few studies thus far have evaluated the associations between PS, IRT, and milk production. We investigated the applicability of IRT compared with PS as a means of assessing heat stress and milk yield reduction in dairy cows in tropical smallholder dairy farms (SDF). In autumn 2017, SDF located across 4 typical dairy regions of Vietnam were each visited once to collect farm (n = 32) and individual cow data (n = 344). For each SDF, heat load index (HLI) inside the cowsheds, an indicator of environmental heat load calculated from ambient temperature, humidity, and wind speed, was measured. For each cow, PS (0 indicates a cow breathing normally, not panting; 4.5 indicates an extremely heat-stressed cow with excessive panting, tongue fully extended, and excessive drooling), IRT of the cow's body, single-day energy-corrected milk yield (ECM), body weight, and body condition score were measured. Cow genotype, age, lactation number, and days in milk were recorded. The IRT of the cows' inner vulval lip (IVuT) were measured with an infrared thermometer; and the IRT of the cows' vulval surface (OVuT), inner tail base surface (ITBT), ocular area, muzzle, armpit area, paralumbar fossa area, fore udder, rear udder, fore hoof, and hind hoof were also measured with an infrared camera. Multivariate mixed-effects models were used to assess the associations between HLI with PS and IRT, and associations between PS and IRT with ECM while accounting for the effects of other cow variables. All IRT correlated positively with PS (Pearson correlation, r = 0.23–0.50). Each unit increase in HLI was associated with increases of 0.07 units in PS and 0.09 to 0.23°C in IRT. Each degree (°C) increase in IVuT, OVuT, and ITBT was associated with decreases of 0.75, 0.87, and 0.70 kg/cow per day in ECM, respectively, whereas PS and other IRT were not significantly associated with ECM. Thus, all IRT showed potential to assess the heat stress level of cows; and IVuT, OVuT, and ITBT, but not PS and other IRT, showed potential to predict ECM reduction in cows during heat stress. First cross (F1) Holstein Brown Swiss and F1 Holstein Jersey showed lower PS and yielded higher ECM than the third backcross (B3) Holstein Zebu (7/8 Holstein + 1/8 Zebu) and pure Holstein. Thus, F1 Holstein Brown Swiss and F1 Holstein Jersey could be more suitable for tropical SDF than B3 Holstein Zebu and pure Holstein.  相似文献   

Eight commercial dairies from south central Idaho were surveyed to estimate the whole-farm surpluses of N, P, and K and to investigate the possibility of reducing P excretions through dietary manipulation. Nitrogen, P, and K imports and exports were monitored in a 12-mo period, and samples from the diets, feeds, feces, urine, and manure were collected at regular farm visits. Soils from manure-amended fields were sampled in the spring and fall. In all cases, the largest import of N, P, and K to the dairy was with purchased feeds. Major nutrient export items were milk and manure and forages, in the case of a dairy with a large land base (dairy F). Whole-farm N surplus varied from 90 to 599 t/yr (91 to 222 kg/yr per cow). The efficiency of use of imported N varied from 25 to 64%, with dairy F having the greatest efficiency of imported N use. Phosphorus and K surpluses were also significant (average of 29 and 182 t/yr and 12 and 76 kg per cow per year, respectively). During the study period, dairy F was a net exporter of K. The average efficiency of use of imported P and K was 66 and 58%, respectively. Soil P levels in the 30-cm layer were above state threshold standards, most likely from overapplication of manure. Soil nitrate-N concentrations were also high, but K concentrations were within the accepted range. Average P content of the lactating cow diets at the start of the study was 0.49% and was reduced to 0.38%. The estimated reduction in imported P due to the reduced dietary P levels was from 5.7 to 61.4 t/yr per farm, or on average 12 kg per cow per year. This study demonstrated that in addition to exports with milk and manure, export of nutrients with forages produced on the farm (dairy F) is a major factor in reducing whole-farm N, P, and K surpluses.  相似文献   

【目的】为明确最有利于烤烟和白肋烟氮素利用的氮素形态配比。【方法】采用盆栽的方法,以烤烟品种中烟100和白肋烟品种TN90为材料,设置5个硝态铵态氮比例(T1:NO3-:NH4+=100:0;T2:NO3-:NH4+=75:25;T3:NO3-:NH4+=50:50;T4:NO3-:NH4+=25:75;T5:NO3-:NH4+=0:100),测定各处理的生物量、色素含量、硝酸还原酶(nitrate reductase,NR)和谷氨酰胺合成酶(glutamine synthetase,GS)活性、NH4+-N含...  相似文献   

A huge amount of nitrogenous fertilizer is used to increase crop production. This leads to an increase in the cost of production, and to human and environmental problems. It is therefore necessary to improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and to design agronomic, biotechnological and breeding strategies for better fertilizer use. Nitrogen use efficiency relies primarily on how plants extract, uptake, transport, assimilate, and remobilize nitrogen. Many plants use nitrate as a preferred nitrogen source. It acts as a signaling molecule in the various important physiological processes required for growth and development. As nitrate is the main source of nitrogen in the soil, root nitrate transporters are important subjects for study. The latest reports have also discussed how nitrate transporter and assimilation genes can be used as molecular tools to improve NUE in crops. The purpose of this review is to describe the mechanisms and functions of nitrate as a specific factor that can be addressed to increase NUE. Improving factors such as nitrate uptake, transport, assimilation, and remobilization through activation by signaling, sensing, and regulatory processes will improve plant growth and NUE. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(8):5433-5451
The objective was to investigate the effect of nonprotein nitrogen source, dietary protein supply, and genetic yield index on methane emission, N metabolism, and ruminal fermentation in dairy cows. Forty-eight Danish Holstein dairy cows (24 primiparous cows and 24 multiparous cows) were used in a 6 × 4 incomplete Latin square design with 4 periods of 21-d duration. Cows were fed ad libitum with the following 6 experimental diets: diets with low, medium, or high rumen degradable protein (RDP):rumen undegradable protein (RUP) ratio (manipulated by changing the proportion of corn meal, corn gluten meal, and corn gluten feed) combined with either urea or nitrate (10 g NO3/kg of dry matter) as nonprotein nitrogen source. Samples of ruminal fluid and feces were collected from multiparous cows, and total-tract nutrient digestibility was estimated using TiO2 as flow marker. Milk samples were collected from all 48 cows. Gas emission (CH4, CO2, and H2) was measured by 4 GreenFeed units. We observed no significant interaction between dietary RDP:RUP ratio and nitrate supplementation, and between nitrate supplementation and genetic yield index on CH4 emission (production, yield, intensity). As dietary RDP:RUP ratio increased, intake of crude protein, RDP, and neutral detergent fiber and total-tract digestibility of crude protein linearly increased, and RUP intake linearly decreased. Yield of milk, energy-corrected milk, and milk protein and lactose linearly decreased, whereas milk fat and milk urea nitrogen concentrations linearly increased as dietary RDP:RUP ratio increased. The increase in dietary RDP:RUP ratio resulted in a linear increase in the excretion of total purine derivatives and N in urine, but a linear decrease in N efficiency (milk N in % of N intake). Nitrate supplementation reduced dry matter intake (DMI) and increased total-tract organic matter digestibility compared with urea supplementation. Nitrate supplementation resulted in a greater reduction in DMI and daily CH4 production and a greater increase in daily H2 production in multiparous cows compared with primiparous cows. Nitrate supplementation also showed a greater reduction in milk protein and lactose yield in multiparous cows than in primiparous cows. Milk protein and lactose concentrations were lower for cows receiving nitrate diets compared with cows receiving urea diets. Nitrate supplementation reduced urinary purine derivatives excretion from the rumen, whereas N efficiency tended to increase. Nitrate supplementation reduced proportion of acetate and propionate in ruminal volatile fatty acids. In conclusion, no interaction was observed between dietary RDP:RUP ratio and nitrate supplementation, and no interaction between nitrate supplementation and genetic yield index on CH4 emission (production, yield, intensity) was noted. Nitrate supplementation resulted in a greater reduction in DMI and CH4 production, and a greater increase in H2 production in multiparous cows than in primiparous cows. As the dietary RDP:RUP ratio increased, CH4 emission was unaffected and RDP intake increased, but RUP intake and milk yield decreased. Genetic yield index did not affect CH4 production, yield, or intensity.  相似文献   

采用大田试验,研究增施有机肥和钼肥对连作花生生长发育及产量和品质的影响。结果表明,在合理施用氮磷钾肥基础上,增施有机肥和钼肥可以明显促进花生的生长发育和根瘤的形成,提高产量,改善品质性状。增施钼肥花生单株根瘤数增加4.8~9.5个,侧枝长和单株有效分枝数分别增加1.4~10.3cm、1.2~2.5条,产量提高6.3%~22.3%,植株钼积累量提高1.72~2.69倍。增施有机肥花生产量提高8.2%~15.0%,蛋白质和粗脂肪分别增加13.2%~27.9%和10.3%~20.4%,但不同有机肥间效果差异不显著。本试验最佳组合为:每公顷施饼肥1200kg+钼肥播种。  相似文献   

为了探明旱作对水稻氮、磷利用效率的影响以及产量与氮磷营养的关系,通过温室微区试验研究了传统水作(CT)、覆膜旱作(FM)和裸地旱作(LD)下水稻产量、产量构成因子、氮磷累积、氮磷收获指数、氮磷生理利用效率等的差异。结果表明:旱作在一定程度上阻碍了水稻生长,降低了稻谷产量,产量构成因子中的千粒重受旱作影响较小;FM处理的稻谷产量比CT处理下降6.47%,但未达显著差异,另外,氮、磷累积量均没有受到明显影响;然而LD处理产量的下降幅度则达14.9%,且氮磷累积量均明显下降;与氮磷生理利用效率相比,水稻氮磷收获指数对旱作敏感程度更高,FM和LD处理均显著低于CT处理,其中,LD处理下降程度更大。相关性分析表明,水稻产量与氮素营养的相关性要高于与磷素营养的相关性。总之,FM处理能有效降低旱作对水稻生长及养分利用效率的影响,调控好氮、磷营养,特别是氮素营养有利于旱作条件下水稻生长及产量形成。  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3) profiles in semiarid unsaturated zones archive land use change (LUC) impacts on nitrogen (N) cycling with implications for agricultural N management and groundwater quality. This study quantified LUC impacts on NO3 inventories and fluxes by measuring NO3 profiles beneath natural and rainfed (nonirrigated) agricultural ecosystems in the southern High Plains (SHP). Inventories of NO3-N under natural ecosystems in the SHP normalized by profile depth are extremely low (2-10 kg NO3-N/ha/m), in contrast to those in many semiarid regions in the southwestern U.S. Many profiles beneath cropland (9 of 19 profiles) have inventories at depth that range from 28-580 kg NO3--N/ha/m (median 135 kg/ha/m) that correspond to initial cultivation, dated using soil water Cl. These inventories represent 74% (median) of the total inventories in these profiles. This NO3 most likely originated from cultivation causing mineralization and nitrification of soil organic nitrogen (SON) in old soil water (precultivation) and is attributed to enhanced microbial activity caused by increased soil wetness beneath cropland (median matric potential -42 m) relative to that beneath natural ecosystems (median -211 m). The SON source is supported by isotopes of NO3 (delta15N: +5.3 to +11.6; delta18O: +3.6 to +12.1). Limited data in South Australia suggest similar processes beneath cropland. Mobilization of the total inventories in these profiles caused by increased drainage/ recharge related to cultivation in the SHP could increase current NO3-N levels in the underlying Ogallala aquifer by an additional 2-26 mg/L (median 17 mg/L).  相似文献   

Farmer-led, participatory approaches are being increasingly employed in agricultural research, with promising results. This study aimed to understand how a participatory approach based on the Danish stable schools could help to achieve practical, farmer-led changes that reduced reliance on antimicrobials in the UK. Five facilitated farmer action groups comprising 30 dairy farms across South West England met on farm at regular intervals between 2016 and 2018, and worked collaboratively within their groups to discuss how to reduce antimicrobial use. Qualitative data from group discussions and individual semi-structured interviews were collected and analyzed using thematic analysis to explore how the approach helped farmers address and deal with changes to their on-farm practices. Facilitator-guided reviews of antimicrobial use and benchmarking were carried out on each farm to assess any change in usage and help farmers review their practices. The pattern of antimicrobial use changed over the 2 yr of the study, with 21 participating farms reducing their use of highest-priority critically important antibiotics (6 farms were not using any of these critical medicines from the outset). Thirty practical action plans were co-developed by the groups with an average implementation rate of 54.3% within a year. All assessed farms implemented 1 recommendation, and many were still ongoing at the end of the study. Farmers particularly valued the peer-to-peer learning during farm walks. Farmers reported how facilitated discussions and action planning as a peer group had empowered them to change practices. Participants identified knowledge gaps during the project, particularly on highest-priority critically important antibiotics, where they were not getting information from their veterinarians. The study demonstrated that facilitation has a valuable role to play in participatory approaches beyond moderating discussion; facilitators encouraged knowledge mobilization within the groups and were participants in the research as well. Facilitated, farmer-led, participatory approaches that mobilize different forms of knowledge and encourage peer learning are a promising way of helping farmers to adapt and develop responsible practices.  相似文献   

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