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1 Introduction The application of the electromagnetic body force to separate non-metallic inclusions was proposed by ALEMANY et al[1,2]. And ASAI et al have measured the migration velocity of polystyrene particles in a sodium chloride aqueous solution, in which a DC electric field and DC magnetic field were simultaneously imposed. They found that the direction of migration is opposite to the electromagnetic force and the migration velocity agrees well with the values calculated from the …  相似文献   

The effects of separation time and magnetic induction intensity on the separation efficiency of alumina particles with diameters varying from 30 to 200 μm in aluminum melt were investigated. The experimental results show that the particle-accumulated layer is formed in the periphery of the solidified specimen when the diameter of the separated molten metal, the magnetic induction intensity and the separation time are 10 mm, 0.04 T and 1 s, respectively. When the separation time is 2 s, the particle-accumulated layer can be observed obviously and the separation efficiency is about 80%. There are few alumina particles in the inner of the solidified specimen when the separation time is 3 s. The separation efficiency higher than 85% can be achieved when the separation time is longer than 3 s. When the magnetic induction intensity is 0.06 T, the visible particle-accumulated layer can be formed in 1 s and the separation efficiency is higher than 95%. The experimental results were compared with the calculated results at last.  相似文献   

Al-4%Cu过饱和合金在强磁场中时效行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用差示扫描量热仪分析并结合显微硬度测试、电子探针分析、透射电镜观察研究了10-T稳恒强磁场对Al-4%Cu(质量分数)合金130℃时效过程中各沉淀相析出行为的影响。结果表明:在低温时效初期强磁场的引入加速了铜的扩散,降低了G.P.(Ⅰ)区的溶解激活能,促进其溶解,各沉淀相的析出与溶解温度均向低温处移动,时效进程加快;另外,强磁场时效后沉淀相尺寸减小;施加强磁场试样的硬度明显高于未施加磁场试样的,时效硬化效果加强。  相似文献   

In order to find the ways to improve the elimination efficiency with high frequency magnetic field, a mathematical model of electromagnetic elimination (EME) in the tubule with high frequency magnetic field was set up. The calculated results show that by ignoring the flow of molten metal, when the surface magnetic induction intensity of the metal (B0) is 0.03 T and the diameter of the tubule is 8 mm, the non-metallic inclusions with 30 μm diameter can be wiped offin 7 s from the center of the molten aluminum, whereas the elimination time of the 5 μm non-metallic inclusions is more than 240 s. When B0 is 0.03 T, the diameter of the tubule is 8 mm and elimination time is more than 30 s, the elimination efficiency of 5μm, 10μm and 30 μm non-metallic inclusions is about 60%, 90% and 100%, respectively, the elimination efficiency increases with the decreasing diameter of the tubule. It can be concluded that increasing the magnetic induction intensity or decreasing the diameter of the tubule can decrease the elimination time and improve the elimination efficiency in EME with high frequency magnetic field.  相似文献   

高频交变磁场对大电流GMAW熔滴过渡和飞溅率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在熔化极气体保护焊过程中,采用大送丝速度,增大焊接电流和焊丝伸出长度是提高焊接熔敷率的直接途径.但当熔滴过渡转变为旋转射流过渡时,电弧不稳,飞溅增大,焊缝成形变差.施加不同频率的纵向交变磁场,对焊缝成形进行控制.采用高速摄像技术,拍摄焊接过程中的电弧形态和熔滴过渡,研究不同频率的磁场对熔滴过渡和焊接飞溅率的影响规律.结果表明,熔滴过渡形式不同,产生飞溅的机理不同;外加频率为1 000 Hz纵向交变磁场时,电弧的旋转半径减小,电弧的挺度增大,旋转射流过渡时电弧更稳定,焊接飞溅率降低,焊缝成形改善.  相似文献   

强磁场对锰锌铁氧体前驱体纳米颗粒形貌的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在共沉淀制备非铁磁性锰锌铁氧体前驱体纳米颗粒的过程中,分别施加零磁场、弱磁场(0.1~0.7 T)和强磁场(10 T),探讨磁场对非铁磁性锰锌铁氧体前驱体纳米颗粒形貌的影响规律.结果表明,当磁感应强度超过某一临界值时,非铁磁性纳米颗粒由球形颗粒向链状颗粒,然后向棒状或者纤维状颗粒转变.在10 T的强磁场下,纳米颗粒长成长径比很大的纤维状,能谱分析结果表明,纤维状颗粒主要为复合铁氧体,而非单一的沉淀产物.随着反应温度增加、溶液滴加时间延长将使纤维直径降低.  相似文献   

采用Cu/Ni/Cu扩散偶研究强磁场对Ni?Cu系原子扩散行为的影响。发现该扩散偶在有、无强磁场条件下退火处理时,Ni?Cu 系原子互扩散过程中的互扩散系数随着互扩散区内 Ni 原子摩尔分数的增加而增加,并且在强磁场条件下退火处理后,所有的互扩散系数均小于相应条件下无磁场处理时的互扩散系数。表明强磁场的施加延迟了Ni?Cu系原子的互扩散行为。分析指出,上述强磁场对原子扩散的延迟行为是通过降低互扩散过程中的频率因子而不是互扩散激活能来实现的。  相似文献   

利用高频磁场制备自生梯度复合材料的熔体温度选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了通过在熔体凝固过程中的不同温度范围施加高频磁场制备自生梯度复合材料的工艺.对于Al/Mg2Si/Si自生梯度复合材料,近似计算及实验结果表明:Al Mg2Si二元共晶区(555~595C)是施加高频磁场的最佳温度范围,此时处于低粘性熔体中的增强颗粒容易被外加电磁阿基米德力分离.高频磁场施加温度过高或过低,均不易使增强颗粒产生梯度分布效果.  相似文献   

采用高频磁场去除太阳能级硅熔体中的SiC粒子(英文)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高质量硅材料在光伏太阳能和电子设备中具有重要应用,然而原料中的非金属颗粒和金属杂质严重影响其电学性能和力学性能。由于SiC粒子会降低光伏电池的力学性能并导致分流问题,因此在制备太阳能电池之前必须将这些杂质从硅材料中去除。利用磁场去除液态金属中的非金属杂质是制备高纯金属的一项尖端技术。利用该方法去除冶金级硅材料中的SiC粒子,并结合杂质去除经典模型和计算流体力学对熔体中粒子浓度和分离效率进行计算。为检验该方法的有效性,采用感应炉进行多次实验。结果表明:该方法能有效去除非金属杂质,提纯硅熔体,且实验结果与模型的预测结果相符。  相似文献   

研究了在磁场梯度约为25T/m条件下不同磁场强度以及磁场强度约为5T时不同磁场梯度对半熔态Al-18Si合金凝固过程中初晶硅迁移行为的影响。结果表明:当磁场强度大于2.3T时,初晶硅开始迁移,但没有偏聚;当磁场强度达到6.6T时,初晶硅发生迁移并聚集,产生明显的聚集层;且随着磁场强度的进一步增大(磁场强度分别增至7.7和9.9T),聚集层的厚度基本保持不变;当磁场强度不变,随着磁场梯度的增大,初晶硅的偏聚量增加,晶粒尺寸变小。并对磁场强度影响初晶硅迁移的机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAmong Al-Si alloys,the Al-Si eutectic alloyhas the best foundry capability.The mechanicalproperties of Al-Si eutectic and hypoeutectic alloyhighly relates to the shape,size and distribution ofSi phase in eutectic structure.Coarse acicular-likeeutectic Si dissevers Al matrix badly to inducestress concentration and debase the mechanicalproperties,especially the tenacity.Modification isthe process to change the shape and size of eutecticSi,namely to change the shape of eutec…  相似文献   

磁场频率对Fe5自熔合金性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在低碳钢表面进行Fe5合金等离子弧堆焊时外加纵向磁场,对堆焊试样进行磨损和硬度试验,采用显微电镜和扫描电镜对堆焊层显微组织进行分析,研究磁场频率对堆焊层金属的硬度和耐磨性的影响规律.结果表明,外加纵向磁场通过电磁搅拌作用细化堆焊层金属的组织,并控制硬质相的形态及分布;堆焊层的硬度和耐磨性随磁场的频率变化而变化并存在最佳值,在适当的磁场频率作用下电磁搅拌达到最佳效果从而提高堆焊层金属的综合力学性能.  相似文献   

探索更加高效的焊接方法和工艺是当前国际焊接界一个热点课题,而增大焊接电流和焊丝伸出长度可直接提高MAG焊焊接效率. 文中对商用MAG焊机进行改造,使送丝速度达到50 m/min,焊接电流提升至500 A以上,以进一步提高焊接效率. 但是熔滴旋转射流过渡的形成,导致电弧不稳,飞溅增大,因而采用外加交变磁场来改善电弧形态和熔滴过渡行为. 通过焊接工艺试验,分析了焊接电流对焊接飞溅率和金属蒸发速率的影响规律,研究了交变磁场对熔滴过渡行为和焊缝成形的作用. 结果表明,外加低频交变磁场可以有效提高大电流下电弧挺度和稳定性,缩短液流束长度,减小液尖偏斜程度,进而改善焊缝成形,大幅度提高焊接效率.  相似文献   

针对时效处理铸造镍基高温合金K52的碳化物,研究了其在强磁场作用下的组织形貌与化学成分变化规律。结果表明:在不同磁场条件下时效处理后,合金中碳化物MC和M23C6的组织形貌与分布基本相同,强磁场的施加对碳化物的组织形貌与分布并未产生显著影响,但经强磁场条件下时效处理后,MC和M23C6中强碳化物形成元素W、Mo、Nb和Ti含量有所增加,而弱碳化物形成元素Cr和非碳化物形成元素Co、和Ni含量显著降低。分析指出强磁场的施加可能提高了强碳化物形成元素与C间的亲和力,增强了其形成碳化物的倾向;同时其可能减弱了弱碳化物形成元素和非碳化物形成元素与C间的亲和力,从而使其在碳化物中存在的倾向也进一步降低。  相似文献   

In this study,the (low) DC and AC magnetic fields and the high magnetic field were applied separately during the solidification process of Al-2.89%Fe alloy.The influences of these magnetic fields on the morphology and distribution of Al3Fe phase in Al-2.89%Fe alloy were investigated.The microstructure and macrostructure of the samples were observed using an optical microscope.The results show that the majority of the primary Al3Fe phase particles in the hypereutectic Al-2.89%Fe alloy is gathered at the bottom of the sample under DC and AC magnetic fields or without magnetic field.The primary Al3Fe phase becomes coarse when the alloy solidifies under DC magnetic field,while it are refined and accumulated towards the center of the sample under the AC magnetic field.When the high magnetic field of 12 T is applied,the primary Al3Fe phase distributes throughout the sample homogeneously because the magnetic force acting on the primary Al3Fe phase balances with the gravity force; and the long axis of the Al3Fe phase aligns perpendicularly to the magnetic field direction.Also,the mechanism of the effect of magnetic fields is discussed.  相似文献   

采用示差扫描量热仪(DSC)和透射电子显微镜(TEM),研究热/强磁场耦合时效对Ti-50.6%Ni(摩尔分数)形状记忆合金中Ti3Ni4相析出及相变行为的影响。结果表明:经过500℃、2.5 h热/强磁场耦合时效处理后,Ti-50.6%Ni合金呈现典型的三阶段相变,即晶界附近的B2—R转变、晶内的B2—B19′转变和晶界附近的R—B19′转变;随着磁感应强度的增加,B2—R相变峰和B2—B19′相变峰均向低温区漂移,而R—B19′相变峰位基本保持不变。TEM观察显示,热/强磁场耦合时效后,晶界附近的Ti3Ni4析出相数量明显减少,表明热/强磁场耦合时效可能阻碍了晶粒内部的Ni向晶界周围迁移,抑制了Ti3Ni4相的形核。  相似文献   


The effects of two types of magnetic fields, namely harmonic magnetic field (HMF) and pulse magnetic field (PMF) on magnetic flux density, Lorentz force, temperature field, and microstructure of high purity Cu were studied by numerical simulation and experiment during electromagnetic direct chill casting. The magnetic field is induced by a magnetic generation system including an electromagnetic control system and a cylindrical crystallizer of 300 mm in diameter equipped with excitation coils. A comprehensive mathematical model for high purity Cu electromagnetic casting was established in finite element method. The distributions of magnetic flux density and Lorentz force generated by the two magnetic fields were acquired by simulation and experimental measurement. The microstructure of billets produced by HMF and PMF casting was compared. Results show that the magnetic flux density and penetrability of PMF are significantly higher than those of HMF, due to its faster variation in transient current and higher peak value of magnetic flux density. In addition, PMF drives a stronger Lorentz force and deeper penetration depth than HMF does, because HMF creates higher eddy current and reverse electromagnetic field which weakens the original electromagnetic field. The microstructure of a billet by HMF is composed of columnar structure regions and central fine grain regions. By contrast, the billet by PMF has a uniform microstructure which is characterized by ultra-refined and uniform grains because PMF drives a strong dual convection, which increases the uniformity of the temperature field, enhances the impact of the liquid flow on the edge of the liquid pool and reduces the curvature radius of liquid pool. Eventually, PMF shows a good prospect for industrialization.


In order to study high-frequency soft magnetic properties of Finemet amorphous alloy, the microstructural change and nanocrystallization under different heat treatment conditions were investigated by XRD and TEM. The crystallite size of α-Fe was calculated from the XRD pattern using the Scherrer formula, while the high frequency magnetic properties were measured at room temperature by TPS-200SA exchange tester. The results of XRD and TEM indicate that the nanocrystallization occurs at 500 ℃. When the annealing temperature increases to 560 ℃, the amorphous alloy becomes totally nanocrystallized and the crystallites distribute homogeneously, thus an excellent combination of soft magnetic properties is obtained.  相似文献   

在3种不同凝固条件下,制备了Bi-Mn合金,研究了合金中MnBi相织构组织随磁感应强度和凝固时间的演化.结果表明,合金从265~355℃的固液两相区凝固时,随1.0T磁场中凝固时间的延长,取向棒状MnBi晶粒沿磁场方向聚合长大,长径比增大约50%;合金从355~446℃的固液两相区凝固时,随外磁场强度的增大(最大达10.0 T)和凝固时间的增加,取向片状MnBi晶粒沿磁场方向聚合长大,形成疏松不规则的粗大棒状晶粒;合金从完全熔化状态凝固时,以0.15℃/s的速度冷却可以获得MnBi相织构组织,以0.015℃/s或更小的速度冷却则不能;延长磁场中Bi-Mn合金的凝固时间不能有效提高材料的剩磁性能.  相似文献   

强磁场对Bi-Mn合金355℃包晶相变点的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
根据物质在梯度磁场中的受力与其磁性相关的原理,提出了通过测定合金在磁场中的受力来了解其相变的方法.根据该方法,对Bi-Mn合金在不同磁场强度下包晶相变点进行了测定,并从热力学上分析了强磁场对相变点的影响.结果发现:随磁场强度的提高,合金的包晶相变点逐渐提高,在10 T磁场下,相变点提高20℃左右.同时,强磁场的施加促进了MnBi相的形态由块状向片状的转变.  相似文献   

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