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一种基于Z和精化演算的形式化开发方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析Z和精化演算各自的特点,本文提出了一种使两者无缝集成的形式化开发方法。该方法利用Z良好的描述特性和扩充的类机制,将系统规约直妆定义成精化演算中的抽象程序,然后用精化规则对抽象程序逐步精化,直到可执行程序。最后给出了一个简单例子。  相似文献   

王云峰  庞军  查鸣  杨朝晖  郑国梁 《软件学报》2000,11(8):1041-1046
COOZ(complete object-oriented Z)的优势在于精确描述大型程序的规约.COOZ本身的结构 不支持精化演算,这限制了COOZ的应用能力,使COOZ难以作为完整的方法应用于软件的开发. 将精化演算引入COOZ,弥补了COOZ在设计和实现阶段的不足,同时也消除了规约与实现之间在 结构和表示方法上的完全分离,使程序开发在一个完整的框架下平滑进行.该文提出了基于CO OZ和精化演算的软件开发模型,通过实例讨论了数据精化和操作精化问题.在精化演算实现技 术方面构造了一种数据精化算子,提出一  相似文献   

王云峰  李必信  庞军  查鸣  郑国梁 《软件学报》2000,11(8):1071-1077
由于数据精化需要针对更大的程序块, 所以,它比一般的算法精化更加复杂.在精化演算中过程如何有效地进行数据精化是形式化 方法研究中的一个重要内容.该文介绍了相关的基本概念.在精化演算的基础上,构造了一种 数据精化算子,并提出一种基于数据精化演算和程序窗口推理的数据精化的方法.  相似文献   

并行程序设计是并行计算的难点之一。提出了一种将设计模式用于程序精化演算的并行程序设计方法。它通过在Z语言的Schema演算体系中扩充并行的概念和表示,使用设计模式,将问题求解和并行开发的知识进行形式化的定义与描述,通过扩充的Schema演算将其与模型规范进行复合,逐步精化得到抽象并行程序。通过实例对这一方法进行了详细的描述。  相似文献   

一种严格的软件开发方法框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文系统地提出一种严格的软件开发方法,它基于逐步精化和重用组合的程序设计思想,将基于图形的半形式化方法和基于逻辑和转换系统的形式化方法镶嵌为一体,使软件开发中的“创造”和“演算”得到合理的折衷.本文已初步实现了面向该方法的实现工具.  相似文献   

利用精化演算的方法开发软件,其过程由巨大数量的小步骤构成,由手工完成极其烦琐,也极容易出错。因此,利用机器辅助工具的支持是必要的。在分析现有的精化工具的基础上,我们提出了一个用于软件形式化开发的精化工具RT(RefinementTool),对精化工具进行了需求分析和功能分析。在精化工具的设计中,分析了精化工具的设计目标、总体结构、精化与证明的表示方法、用户界面和工具的扩充性等问题,通过对精化和证明的表示方法的分析,提出了一种精化与证明的表示相结合的方法。  相似文献   

两次数据精化的形式化软件开发方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种从数据精化、过程精化、再数据精化的两次数据精化的形式化软件开发方法。传统Z规约数据精化很复杂。该文先采用过程写出初始规范,对模式进行第一次数据精化,然后把它转换为Z模式,再进行过程精化。最后再数据精化到且标代码。以常见动态Web网页脚本语言PHP为例,阐述了该方法。并为此写了一套从过程到Z模式的转化规则,以及精化到PHP的精化规则。  相似文献   

一种从Z规约到并行程序的精化方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
万剑怡  孙永强  薛锦云 《软件学报》2002,13(11):2106-2111
提出了一种通过对设计模式进行精化,从Z规约开发并行程序的方法.该方法对Z语言进行了并行扩充,从Z功能规约出发,通过使用扩展的设计模式逐步精化得到并行的设计规约,再通过保持语义的转换,得到可最后转换为并行代码的抽象并行程序.通过实例对这一方法进行了详细的描述.  相似文献   

B语言和方法与Z、VDM的比较   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
邹盛荣  郑国梁 《计算机科学》2002,29(10):136-138
1 引言形式化方法是建立在严格数学基础上的软件开发方法。软件开发的全过程中,从需求分析、规格说明、设计、编程、系统集成、测试、文档生成直至维护各阶段,凡是采用严格的数学语言、具有精确的数学语义的方法都称为形式化方法。形式化方法的一个重要研究内容是形式规格说明,即用具有精确语义的形式化语言书写的程序功能描述,它是论证程序是否正确的依据。形式化方法需要形式规格说明语言的支持,也可以说形式化方法的关键在于形式规格说明语言。形式规格说明语言提供了一个称为语法域的记号系统和一个称为语义域的目标集合,以及一组精确地定义哪些目标系统满足哪个规格说明的规则。根据对目标软件系统进行说明的方式分三种规格说明语言:  相似文献   

1 引言精化演算是一种数学表示法和若干规则的集合,用于从程序规约推导出命令式程序。精化是从抽象程序向具体程序转换的过程,其中包含程序的正确性证明。精化的程序开发方法比对已有程序进行验证以保证程序正确性的方法更有效。通过精化演算中的转换规则可以演算出精化的程序。利用精化演算从规约导出程序的过程由大量步骤构成,非常适合利用机器工具进行辅助。本文对精化工具进行了需求分析和功能分析,研究了一个新的精化工具PRT(Program Refinement Tool)并与现有的一些工具进行了比较。  相似文献   

A syntactic calculation of Morgan's least conjunctive refinement operator for predicate transformers is developed. The operator is used to develop a general approach to lifting relational operators to predicate transformer operators. Predicate transformer versions of the relational conjunction and disjunction operators are considered in detail. The Z-based technique of program promotion is considered in a refinement calculus setting. A standard Z promotion example is recast in the refinement calculus. Received August 1997 / Accepted in revised form January 1999  相似文献   

In the development of critical systems, standards dictate that it is necessary to first design, construct and formally analyse abstract models of the system. Developers must then verify that the final implementation is consistent with these more abstract specifications.Z is an example of a state-based specification language. It has been shown to be effective in a variety of cases—indeed it was developed as part of a joint collaboration between Oxford University's PRG and IBM Hursley for the specification of the CICS system. However, Z's main weakness is that it does not have the necessary tool support: whilst there are associated type checkers, there is no tool for automatically verifying refinement in Z.The contribution of this paper is to show how data refinement in Z can be automatically verified using the Alloy Analyzer. The soundness and joint completeness of the simulation rules for Z have already been established: here we translate them to Alloy. We then show how data types expressed in Z can also be translated to Alloy, before presenting the assertions necessary for the Alloy Analyzer to identify the retrieve relation and hence verify refinement. We present a simple example in which the Alloy Analyzer successfully identifies the retrieve relation between two data types thereby verifying simulation and hence refinement. We conclude the paper with a discussion of the suitability of the Alloy Analyzer for such a task.  相似文献   

Parallel computers have not yet had the expected impact on mainstream computing. Parallelism adds a level of complexity to the programming task that makes it very error-prone. Moreover, a large variety of very different parallel architectures exists. Porting an implementation from one machine to another may require substantial changes. This paper addresses some of these problems by developing a formal basis for the design of parallel programs in the form of a refinement calculus. The calculus allows the stepwise formal derivation of an abstract, low-level implementation from a trusted, high-level specification. The calculus thus helps structuring and documenting the development process. Portability is increased, because the introduction of a machine-dependent feature can be located in the refinement tree. Development efforts above this point in the tree are independent of that feature and are thus reusable. Moreover, the discovery of new, possibly more efficient solutions is facilitated. Last but not least, programs are correct by construction, which obviates the need for difficult debugging. Our programming/specification notation supports fair parallelism, shared-variable and message-passing concurrency, local variables and channels. The calculus rests on a compositional trace semantics that treats shared-variable and message-passing concurrency uniformly. The refinement relation combines a context-sensitive notion of trace inclusion and assumption-commitment reasoning to achieve compositionality. The calculus straddles both concurrency paradigms, that is, a shared-variable program can be refined into a distributed, message-passing program and vice versa. Received July 2001 / Accepted in revised form May 2002  相似文献   

The refinement calculus for the development of programs from specifications is well suited to mechanised support. We review the requirements for tool support of refinement as gleaned from our experience with existing refinement tools, and report on the design and implementation of a new tool to support refinement based on these requirements. The main features of the new tool are close integration of refinement and proof in a single tool (the same mechanism is used for both), good management of the refinement context, an extensible theory base that allows the tool to be adapted to new application domains, and a flexible user interface. Received June 1997 / Accepted in revised form June 1998  相似文献   

论文探讨了如何将可视化建模语言UML和形式化描述语言Z集成而得到一种新的求精方法,寻求一种在软件体系结构求精过程中UML到Z的映射与转换机制。最后通过使用这个新的求精方法对一个实例求精来描述整个求精过程。  相似文献   

The fact that Z is a specification language only, with no associated program development method, is a widely recognised problem. As an answer to that, we present ZRC, a refinement calculus based on Morgan's work that incorporates the Z notation and follows its style and conventions. This work builds upon existing refinement techniques for Z, but distinguishes itself mainly in that ZRC is completely formalised. In this paper, we explain how programs can be derived from Z specifications using ZRC. We present ZRC-L, the language of our calculus, and its conversion laws, which are concerned with the transformation of Z schemas into programs of this language. Moreover, we present the weakest precondition semantics of ZRC-L, which is the basis for the derivation of the laws of ZRC. More than a refinement calculus, ZRC is a theory of refinement for Z. Received July 1997 / Accepted in revised form October 1998  相似文献   

在软件工程中,使用Z语言形式化规格可以大大提高软件开发质量,提高稳定性,降低开发成本,但要开发出高质量的形式化规格并通过验证,却需要损耗较多的时间和精力.为使软件开发人员能够较快地并且高质量地开发出基于Z语言的形式化规格,提出一种简明的类树形流程图,并以电信服务系统中的呼叫转移功能模块为例子,详细描述如何把类树形流程图应用到Z语言的形式化规格开发当中,以期为开发人员带来便利,节省开发时间,提高形式化规格的质量.  相似文献   

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