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随着电商业务的迅速发展,传统架构已难以满足高并发需求,且新兴的Hadoop生态系统完全无法代替传统项目的需求.因此构建一个大型、高负载、高并发、多功能、分布式的大型电商务平台成为亟待解决的问题.本文采用分布式面向服务的思想,对大型电商平台的所有业务进行抽象抽取,构建基于Dubbo架构的独立部署的分布式服务大型电商平台.... 相似文献
杨黎霞 《电脑编程技巧与维护》2009,(8):36-37
本文以一个初步完成的计算机专业部分课程学习资源库设计为例,对于学习资源库建设中的数据库技术的应用进行了探讨。首先概述学习资源库的基本组成,然后详尽分析学习资源库的设计、开发、使用、维护的基本过程。 相似文献
韩凌波 《数字社区&智能家居》2014,(18):4188-4191
为满足干部学员的在线学习需求,设计实现了一种基于SSH轻量级架构的干部在线学习系统,对系统进行了需求分析,提出了系统的设计原则和目标,分析了系统的网络架构和软件体系结构,对系统关键功能模块进行了研究,给出了系统部署和运行结果。学员可以使用Internet登录系统,浏览资讯,查询资料,学习课件和在线考试等。该系统的设计与实现为干部在线学习提供了一种新的解决方案,具有一定的实用和参考价值。 相似文献
模型驱动架构(Model Driven Architecture.MDA)是对象管理集团(OMG)提出的一个新的软件开发框架,它把应用开发的重点由编码转移到更高的抽象层次——模型(元数据)。针对现今Web服务开发模式中存在的问题,讨论了模型驱动架构技术在Web服务开发与集成中的应用,引出开发流程并且提出一个二者结合的模型集成架构,最后使用支持MDA的工具OptimalJ开发与集成了一个Web服务,从实例中分析它们结合的可行性与优势。 相似文献
在大数据环境背景下,传统机器学习算法多采用单机离线训练的方式,显然已经无法适应持续增长的大规模流式数据的变化。针对该问题,提出一种基于Flink平台的分布式在线集成学习算法。该方法基于Flink分布式计算框架,首先通过数据并行的方式对在线学习算法进行分布式在线训练;然后将训练出的多个子模型通过随机梯度下降算法进行模型的动态权重分配,实现对多个子模型的结果聚合;与此同时,对于训练效果不好的模型利用其样本进行在线更新;最后通过单机与集群环境在不同数据集上做实验对比分析。实验结果表明,在线学习算法结合Flink框架的分布式集成训练,能达到集中训练方式下的性能,同时大大提高了训练的时间效率。 相似文献
在线考试相比传统考试方式有着很多的优点,例如在线考试的成本更低,在线考试试题的即时更新性,在线考试可以更快给出应试人员的答题情况的统计分析,还可以给不同的应试人员随机出题以防止抄袭等.本文系统的分析了在线考试系统的架构以及如何就系统性能方面进行优化,着重分析了基于Ajax的前端优化,分布式缓存机制等优化手段. 相似文献
J-C. Hong C-L. Cheng M-Y. Hwang C-K. Lee & H-Y. Chang 《Journal of Computer Assisted Learning》2009,25(5):423-437
Abstract In recent years, digital games have assumed an important place in the lives of children and adolescents. Effective content design is crucial to the success of digital game-based learning. Therefore, the tool for assessing the effectiveness of game design is accordingly very important for parents and teachers, so that they may encourage or discourage students to play. The purpose of this study is to develop an assessment tool to examine the educational values of digital games. In the first phase of this research, the research team developed the indices for assessing the educational values of digital games. An expert panel consisting of game scholars and professional game designers was established to construct the indices for evaluating digital games in three focus group discussions. Seventy-four game evaluation indices were sorted into seven categories: mentality change, emotional fulfilment, knowledge enhancement, thinking skill development, interpersonal skill development, spatial ability development and bodily coordination. In the second phase of the research, the game designers were asked to assess certain games by using the 74 indices. Meanwhile, the game scholars were also asked to evaluate the same pool of games by the same indices. The assessments by both the scholars and designers were then compared and the similarities were found. This research provided a preliminary framework for future game designers, parents and teachers in assessing educational values of digital games. 相似文献
Game immersion experience: its hierarchical structure and impact on game‐based science learning 下载免费PDF全文
Many studies have shown the positive impact of serious educational games (SEGs) on learning outcomes. However, there still exists insufficient research that delves into the impact of immersive experience in the process of gaming on SEG‐based science learning. The dual purpose of this study was to further explore this impact. One purpose was to develop and validate an innovative measurement, the Game Immersion Questionnaire (GIQ), and to further verify the hierarchical structure of game immersion by construct validity approaches, including exploratory factor analysis (EFA) (n = 257) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) (n = 1044). The second purpose was to investigate the impact of game immersion on science learning through SEG play (n = 260). Overall, the results supported the internal structure of the GIQ with good reliability and validity, and the inter factor bivariate correlations for each construct indicated a high internal consistency. Players did learn from playing an SEG, and game immersion experience did lead to higher gaming performance. Moreover, players' gaming performance plays a role in mediating the effect of immersion on science learning outcomes through SEG play. However, as players became more emotionally and subjectively attached to the game, the science learning outcomes were not definitively reliable. 相似文献
教育网络游戏产业自主创新研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文运用SWOT分析法系统分析杭州动漫游戏产业的优势与劣势,以及面临的机会和威胁,并结合该市教育网络游戏产业自身特点,给出相应的对策,为杭州教育网络游戏产业的发展提出了一些建设性的对策和建议。 相似文献
分布式异构环境下SDAI系统的设计与实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对分布式异构环境下的产品数据访问需求,提出一种基于Client/Server体系结构的SDAIC迟联编系统.系统由数据字典、界面层、对象管理和数据库访问等模块组成。其中,数据字典以计算机可理解的形式保存EXPRESS模式信息;在它的支持下,界面层与对象管理模块共同实现了STEP数据的远程并发访问和实时事务处理,并为STEP数据视图提供了接口;数据库访问模块完成具体的数据库操作,对其他模块屏蔽不同DBMS的差异,系统已成功地应用于集成化CAD/CAPP/CAM系统GS-ICCC的分布式数据访问。 相似文献
面向农业科学数据的分布式存储方法研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着农业科技的飞速发展,农业科学数据以几何级数快速膨胀。面对持续增长的农业数据资源,如何有效地存储和管理海量的农业数据成为一个研究热点。借助Hadoop分布式存储框架的优势,提出了一种面向农业科学数据的分布式存储方法,该方法采用了“中心控制节点--数据节点”的存储体系,通过报文通信技术和混合式索引分布策略,实现了对海量数据的高并发式存储和检索。实验结果证明,该方法适用于各种类型的农业科学数据进行存储管理。 相似文献
基于NARA模型和筛选方法的并行神经网络体系结构 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文将介绍一种并行的神经网络体系结构(PNN),它是以NARA模型和筛选方法为基础的,PNN由一个控制网络CN和一组识别网络RNi(i=1,2,3,…,p)组成。它能够自动地将复杂问题分解为简单问题,容易实现追加学习,并且可以分析其内部状态,其结构也是模块化结构,易于硬件电路实现,可以作为一种计算机运算部件,而且PNN具有较高的运行效率。 相似文献
针对当前海量卫星资源难以高效共享的问题,采用分布式架构实现卫星资源的整合。各卫星数据中心依据本领域的知识本体构建目录服务,之后系统进行整合为虚拟全局目录供各个数据中心共享,为用户快速查找所需资源提供支持;设计了分层的系统架构,包括负载均衡层、前端缓存层、应用服务层、数据库缓存层和数据库应用层,通过在应用服务层简单添加服务器就可以使系统性能线性增长,很好地解决了高并发访问的问题。仿真实验结果表明,系统能够实现不同数据中心的资源共享,高并发访问性能良好。 相似文献
Elise A. Blas 《国际互联网参考资料服务季刊》2016,21(3-4):93-100
Evaluation of sources and information is an important part of information literacy and the research process. Evaluation skills and their application to daily life might be reduced to a checklist in a one-shot lesson or a semester-long information literacy class. To demonstrate the transferability of evaluation skills, one teaching librarian created an active-learning, online murder mystery to engage students. Instructors have established using games as an active-learning lesson in the face-to-face classroom. A murder mystery game challenges students to evaluate information from the course, verify the information using online searches, and demonstrate critical thinking skills in the context of a game. This case study explains the rationale of using such a game in an online, semester-long class, the process of creating the mystery, and its benefits in the virtual classroom. 相似文献