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Cigarette smoke contains different populations of free radicals which may be responsible for endothelial cell (EC) injury of smokers. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of gas-phase cigarette smoke on EC endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF)/NO-guanylate cyclase (GC)-cGMP pathway and on EC detachment-type injury after incubation with smoke. Furthermore, we examined whether different kind of antioxidants can prevent smoke-caused EC injury. We measured cGMP pathway using direct (sodium nitroprusside, SNP) and indirect (A23187, the calcium ionophore and bradykinin, BK) activators of GC. Directly and indirectly stimulated EC cGMP production dose-dependently decreased and EC detachment increased after incubation with smoke. Externally added thiols (glutathione, GSH; D-Penicillamine, DP; N-acetylcysteine, NAC) protected EC from damage of cGMP production and cell detachment. Other antioxidants (catalase, deferoxamine and superoxide dismutase) were ineffective. These results suggest that the thiol containing GC in EC is destroyed or inactivated or thiol like species responsible for activation of GC is incomplete in EC after incubation with smoke. It is also possible that externally added thiols bind an unknown component of smoke and this way, EC is protected. EC injury may contribute to vascular diseases associated with cigarette smoking.  相似文献   

Immediate repair of the gastrointestinal epithelium after superficial injury is called restitution. It is based on the migration of the surviving mucoid neck cells over the area of injury. The involvement of growth factors in the process has been recently documented. They are known to enhance the process (ie, EGF, FGF, TGF-beta) and to activate the basolateral Na+-H+-antiport (EGF). They may exert their effect by activating intracellular tyrosine kinases or by inducing chemotaxis. Yet, their precise mechanism of action in the process is unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of modulation of the signal transduction pathway on the occurrence of proliferative mucoid neck and foveolar cells in guinea pig gastric epithelium. Therefore guinea pig gastric epithelium was mounted in Ussing chambers in vitro and perfused 4 hr after superficial injury with 1.25 M NaCl. The potential difference over the epithelium and tissue resistance were recorded simultaneously. The tissue was exposed either to cycloheximide, genistein, or to 4-phorbol myristate 13-acetate (PMA) during the 4-hr recovery, and the expression of proliferative cells was assessed by staining the tissue for proliferative cells (Ki-67). The mean proliferative index of tissues subjected to NaCl injury was significantly higher than that of uninjured control tissues after 4 hr of restitution. Inhibition of the signaling pathway with genistein decreased the proliferative index significantly, while its stimulation with phorbol myristate increased it. Both electrophysiologic and morphologic restitution were sensitive to genistein, but not to PMA or cycloheximide. Superficial epithelial injury results in a significantly increased occurrence of proliferative cells in isolated guinea pig gastric epithelium. This endogenous activation of the tissue is sensitive to inhibition by tyrosine kinases and to stimulation by protein kinases. Electrophysiologic and morphologic recovery are also affected by the modulation of the signaling pathway. This suggests that it is involved in the immediate repair process.  相似文献   

To understand the pathogenesis of vasculitides, we analyzed how cytokine stimulation of HUVEC in vitro activates the cytotoxic capacity of polymorphonuclear (PMN) granulocytes. IL-1beta, IFN-gamma, or TNF-alpha caused highly significant dose and time-dependent HUVEC injury. TNF-alpha-treated HUVEC activated the PMN by means of phospholipase C-related event, since coincubations conferred PMN to react with a rise of cytosolic calcium concentrations, [Ca2+]i. Ab blockade of ICAM-1 on HUVEC inhibited 50 to 70% of the injury induced by these cytokines, whereas a mAb to E-selectin reduced 45 to 65% of IL-1beta- and TNF-alpha-, but not IFN-gamma-induced cytotoxicity. The role of nitric oxide (NO) was of significance since injury induced by each cytokine was reduced by 60 to 87% by specific NO-synthase inhibitors, as well as by scavenging extracellular NO by oxyhemoglobin. In contrast, injury induced by TNF-alpha was inhibited by neither superoxide dismutase or catalase, alpha1-antitrypsin, alpha2-macroglobulin, nor the platelet-activating factor receptor antagonist WEB-2086. Moreover, PMN from a patient with chronic granulomatous disease were fully capable of mediating cytotoxicity. The possibility that IL-8, produced by HUVEC in response to TNF-alpha, mediated activation of PMN was not corroborated since addition of an IL-8-blocking mAb did not modify HUVEC injury. Nonetheless, the IL-8 mAb (but not WEB-2086) blocked the rise of [Ca2+]i. Thus, in this in vitro model of vasculitis, the effect of IL-1beta, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha as promotors of cytokine-mediated neutrophil-dependent injury to HUVEC is a process dependent on expression of adhesion molecules and probably associated with NO produced in the system.  相似文献   

The accuracy and reliability of the TMJ Scale were originally determined in cross-validation studies on large, research-based patient samples. It had been assumed that the demographic characteristics and test responses of these research-based samples would be representative of the clinical population in which the TMJ Scale would ultimately find use. The present study on more than 10,000 patients that were evaluated for temporomandibular disorders in clinical practice demonstrates that the test scores, demographic variables, and the patterns of symptom severity that characterize the original TMJ Scale research sample accurately represent the general temporomandibular disorder patient population in which the TMJ Scale is now being used. The results suggest a high degree of confidence in the clinical efficacy of this assessment tool. The overall symptom severity of temporomandibular disorders was found to be normally distributed in the patient population. Women with temporomandibular disorders report a higher level of severity of all physical and psychological symptoms than men. This may explain the high female-to-male ratio in patients seeking treatment. However, a higher percentage of male temporomandibular disorder patients has clinically significant psychological and stress-related problems than do women. The severity and prevalence of symptoms associated with joint dysfunction and range of motion limitation are lower in older age groups, and the overall symptom severity of temporomandibular disorders is not higher in older age groups. However, the severity and prevalence of symptoms associated with joint dysfunction are greater in groups in which temporomandibular disorders have existed for longer durations, although pain levels do not follow this trend. There is also an association between time duration of the temporomandibular disorder and the severity of psychological problems and chronicity. Patients with chronic problems are symptomatically more impaired than those with acute problems.  相似文献   

Polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) sequestration within the pulmonary microvasculature is known to occur in association with ischemia/reoxygenation (I/R). This sequestration is dependent on eicosanoids and reactive oxygen species. PMN sequestration within the lungs suggests that pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells (MECs) may in part regulate the I/R response. Simulating I/R, we examined the effect of hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R) on pulmonary MECs in vitro, with and without PMNs. Significant cellular injury, assessed by 51Cr release, occurred upon reoxygenation of MECs (P < .01). Addition of PMNs to the H/R-injured monolayers did not increase MEC injury. Reoxygenation of MECs also resulted in increased thromboxane (Tx) B2 production compared to controls (P < .01). Inhibition of Tx secretion by aspirin reduced H/R-induced PMN adhesion to MECs (P < .01). Furthermore, H/R-induced increases in PMN-MEC adhesion were prevented by allopurinol and superoxide dismutase (P < .01). These data suggest that the pulmonary response to H/R is mediated by MEC generation of reactive oxygen radical species and Tx, which promotes increased PMN adhesion.  相似文献   

Schwann cell is a cell type that forms myelin sheath and provides trophic supports for neuronal cells by producing neurotrophic factors such as neurotrophins and neurokines in both normal and traumatic situations. It was recently reported that after lesion of sciatic nerve, mRNA for cholinergic differentiation factor (CDF)/leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is induced in nonneuronal cells in the nerve. However, the source of LIF-mRNA and the mechanism of LIF-mRNA regulation have remained largely unknown. In the present study, we searched for factors regulating the LIF-mRNA expression in cultured Schwann cells isolated from newborn rat sciatic nerve. Among various growth factors and cytokines tested, TGF beta-1 exerted the most prominent effect on the induction of LIF-mRNA in the cultured Schwann cells. The effect of TGF-beta 1 on the increase of LIF-mRNA levels was suppressed by either staurosporine or H-7 suggesting the role of PKC or PKC-like protein kinase activity in the induction of LIF-mRNA. The induction of LIF mRNA by TGF-beta 1 was suppressed in the co-culture of the Schwann cells with embryonic rat DRG neurons. The addition of ascorbic acid, which is known to promote myelination in this co-culture system, further suppressed the TGF-beta 1 induction of LIF-mRNA. These results suggest that Schwann cells respond to TGF-beta 1 in a lesion situation to produce LIF, which supports neuronal survival and regeneration. The re-establishment of neuron-Schwann cell interaction would in turn suppress the LIF production to terminate its action during the lesion situation.  相似文献   

The integration of pharmacological therapies for comorbid disorders requires an acceptance of independence and interactions of respective addictive and psychiatric disorders. At the same time, alcohol and other drugs induce psychiatric states that are indistinguishable from psychiatric disorders. On the other hand, while psychiatric disorders do not induce addictive use of alcohol and drugs, they do pose vulnerabilities to the development of addictive disorders. Generally, the treatment of comorbid disorders begins with abstinence and evaluation of the effects of alcohol and other drugs in contributing to the psychiatric picture. In the case of comorbid disorders, stabilization and standard treatments can be employed with certain cautions, namely, to avoid the use of addicting medications such as benzodiazepines and opiates beyond the detoxification stage. High potency neuroleptics and antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can be used to treat continuing psychiatric states after the exclusionary criteria in DSM-IV for substance-related disorders have been applied to the clinical case. If the psychiatric symptoms clear with sustained abstinence, little or no medications may be required. Specific treatment of the addictive disorders will often determine the extent that addictive disorders are responsible for psychiatric symptomatology. Alternatively, treatment of the psychiatric disorder will enhance compliance with addiction treatment.  相似文献   

Post-transfusion graft-versus-host disease (PT-GVHD) is a fatal adverse effect of blood transfusion. In spite of its severity, there is no effective treatment at present for PT-GVHD. Previously, we reported that chloroquine (CH) inhibited the cytotoxicity of cytotoxic T-cell (CTL) clones and tumour necrosis factor beta (TNF beta) production by TNF beta-producing clones in vitro, both the clones being derived from peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBMCs) of PT-GVHD patients. To explore the possibility of utilizing CH for the treatment of PT-GVHD, we extended our investigation of the immunosuppressive effects of CH in vitro to PBMCs derived from healthy donors. Our results show that CH inhibits the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) between allogeneic PBMCs, production of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF alpha, interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) and interferon gamma (IFN gamma) in mixed lymphocyte culture and natural killer cell activity, and, further, reduces the number of alloreactive CTL precursors.  相似文献   

S Wu  N Tamaki  T Nagashima  M Yamaguchi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,43(3):577-83; discussion 584
OBJECTIVE: To clarify the mechanism of anoxia/reoxygenation (A/R) injury of rat brain capillary endothelial cells (BCEC). METHODS: BCEC isolated from Sprague-Dawley rats by enzymatic treatment and centrifugation were subjected to anoxia (95% N2, 5% CO2) for 20 minutes and then to reoxygenation (95% air, 5% CO2) for 3 hours. Enzyme inhibitors, including oxypurinol, indomethacin, and N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, or specific free-radical scavengers, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and the ferric iron chelator deferoxamine, were added before A/R injury. The BCEC were incubated in a range of Ca2+ concentrations from 1 to 0.01 mmol/L during A/R injury. Cytotoxicity was assayed by release of intracellular lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). RESULTS: With A/R injury, LDH release from the control group (no protective agents) significantly increased (44.8 +/- 3.3%), compared with a small increase in a normoxic group. BCEC treated with oxypurinol, indomethacin, or N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester showed suppression of LDH release. LDH release was almost totally suppressed by superoxide dismutase and partially by catalase or deferoxamine. The LDH release was partly dependent on calcium concentration. CONCLUSION: BCEC subjected to A/R become potent generators of free radicals, especially superoxide anion. Free radical production depends on both xanthine oxidase and cyclooxygenase pathways. Peroxynitrite and extracellular Ca2+ both contribute importantly to reoxygenation injury of BCEC.  相似文献   

We have investigated the developmental relationship of the hemopoietic and endothelial lineages in the floor of the chicken aorta, a site of hemopoietic progenitor emergence in the embryo proper. We show that, prior to the onset of hemopoiesis, the aortic endothelium uniformly expresses the endothelium-specific membrane receptor VEGF-R2. The onset of hemopoiesis can be determined by detecting the common leukocyte antigen CD45. VEGF-R2 and CD45 are expressed in complementary fashion, namely the hemopoietic cluster-bearing floor of the aorta is CD45(+)/VEGF-R2(-), while the rest of the aortic endothelium is CD45(-)/VEGF-R2(+). To determine if the hemopoietic clusters are derived from endothelial cells, we tagged the E2 endothelial tree from the inside with low-density lipoproteins (LDL) coupled to DiI. 24 hours later, hemopoietic clusters were labelled by LDL. Since no CD45(+) cells were inserted among endothelial cells at the time of vascular labelling, hemopoietic clusters must be concluded to derive from precursors with an endothelial phenotype.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Metamorphopsia is a visual illusion that distorts the size, shape, or inclination of objects. Reversal of vision metamorphopsia (RVM) is a rare transient form of metamorphopsia described as an upside-down, 180 degrees rotation of the visual field in the coronal plane. The pathophysiological characteristics of RVM remain unclear. DESIGN: Patients with RVM had a complete neurologic examination during or shortly after an episode of metamorphopsia, with particular emphasis on gaze disorders, visual fields, visually guided hand movements, and perceptual or cognitive deficits. Workup included imaging studies, visual field examinations, and brainstem auditory and visual evoked response. SETTING: Department of Neurology, Hadassah University Hospital, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel. PATIENTS: Six consecutive patients were evaluated from 1991 to 1996. RESULTS: Five patients had parieto-occipital brain insult sparing the primary visual cortex, and 3 also had evidence of a concomitant brainstem or cerebellar syndrome. One patient had pure brainstem syndrome underlying the RVM. Three patients had complete RVM as well as oblique RVM of less than 180 degrees. CONCLUSIONS: These cases imply a possible anatomical localization of the central integrator of visual extrapersonal orientation. Our observations suggest that a separate central mechanism of visual orientation might exist in each cerebral hemisphere and that occipital and parietal lesions that spare the optic radiations may account for the oblique and complete RVM. We postulate that failure to perceive space in an allocentric coordinate frame, particularly in the coronal roll plane, is potentially the critical event underlying RVM.  相似文献   

1. The ability of dextran sulphate to protect cultured porcine arterial endothelial cells injured by addition of xanthine and xanthine oxidase (X/XO) or hydrogen peroxide to cell medium was examined using a variety of drug preparations. Cell damage was assessed by determining cell viability (by trypan blue exclusion) and release of lactate dehydrogenase into the medium. 2. Dextran sulphates of average molecular weight (M(r)) 5000, 8000 (hydrogenated or unhydrogenated) at 0.05, 0.5, 5 and 50 micrograms ml-1 medium, added 24 h prior to X/XO, protected cells, whereas dextran sulphate M(r) 500,000 was protective only at 0.5 microgram ml-1. 3. None of the dextran sulphates used showed any toxic effect on cells in concentrations up to 500 micrograms ml-1 medium. 4. When the duration of pretreatment with dextran sulphate M(r) 8000 was varied, 6 h was required for a protective effect on cells damaged by X/XO, which was enhanced with durations of 16 and 24 h. 5. Dextran sulphates had a similar protective effect on cells damaged by hydrogen peroxide. 6. This study suggest that dextran sulphates may prevent conditions resulting from free radical injury.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ischemia with or without reperfusion induces the release of diverse products from monocytes, including cytokines such as interleukin-1 (IL-1). To determine whether these phenomena modulate fibrinolysis and potentially exacerbate impairment of the macrocirculation, microcirculation, or both, we characterized the effects of IL-1 on the expression of fibrinolytic system and matrix proteins in rat cardiac microvascular endothelial cells (CMECs). METHODS AND RESULTS: Confluent CMECs were exposed to IL-1 in serum-free medium for 24 hours, and cell-conditioned medium was assayed for plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), the primary physiological inhibitor of plasminogen activators, and for type 1 collagen with Western blotting. IL-1 (2 ng/mL) specifically increased the accumulation of PAI-1 (4.4 +/- 0.6-fold; mean +/- SD; n = 9) without affecting tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) or urokinase plasminogen activator (u-PA) levels, which remained unchanged. IL-1 increased the accumulation of collagen in conditioned media by 3.5 +/- 0.7-fold (n = 6). Conversely, the accumulation of both PAI-1 and collagen induced by IL-1 was inhibited with an IL-1 receptor antagonist (200 ng/mL; n = 6) and with cycloheximide (10 micrograms/mL; n = 6), implying that protein synthesis was a requirement for the effect. To determine whether the IL-1 effect was mediated by induction of oxygen-centered free radical production, known to be induced by IL-1, we exposed the cells to the hydroxyl radical scavenger tetramethylthiourea (10 mmol/L) and observed abolition of the IL-1-induced increase in the expression of PAI-1 and collagen (n = 6). Conversely, superoxides (generated with 10 mU/mL xanthine oxidase plus 0.6 mmol/L hypoxanthine, and 100 mumol/L hydrogen peroxide) induced the accumulation of PAI-1 and collagen (n = 6). IL-1 (1 microgram/kg body wt) and lipopolysaccharide (50 micrograms/kg body wt) administered in vivo increased PAI-1 protein in rat hearts as detected with Western blotting and PAI-1 immunostaining of rat heart microvessels, indicating the effects delineated in vitro were paralleled by effects in vivo. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that IL-1-induced oxygen-centered free radicals stimulate elaboration of PAI-1 and collagen by CMECs. Accordingly, microvascularly mediated inhibition of fibrinolysis may predispose to the persistence of microvascular thrombi, thereby contributing to impaired microcirculatory function, the no-reflow phenomenon, and cardiac dysfunction after ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   

The effect of the angiogenic cytokine vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and cyclooxygenase (COX) expression was examined in human (HUVEC) and bovine (BAE) endothelial cells. VEGF (10 ng/ml) induced constitutive COX-1 expression in both HUVEC and BAE, but not the cytokine-inducible isoform, COX-2, inducible NOS or endothelial NOS. In HUVEC, VEGF (10 ng/ml) increased COX activity, but COX inhibitors had no effect on the proliferative response of endothelial cells to this cytokine. In conclusion the induction of COX-1 by VEGF is not involved in the mitogenic response of endothelial cells, but may be an important regulatory mechanism in the maintenance of vascular integrity.  相似文献   

Oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) has been recognized as playing an important role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis. In this study, the effects of aged garlic extract and one of its major compounds, S-allylcysteine, on oxidized LDL-induced cell injury were studied. Pulmonary artery endothelial cells were pre-incubated with the garlic extract (1, 2.5 and 5 mg mL-1) or S-allylcysteine (0.1, 1, 10 and 20 mM) at 37 degrees C and 5% CO2 for 24 h, washed, and then exposed to 0.1 mg mL-1 oxidized LDL for 24 h. Lactate dehydrogenase release as an index of membrane damage, methylthiazol tetrazolium assay for cell viability and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances indicating lipid peroxidation were determined. Preincubation of endothelial cells with the extract or S-allylcysteine significantly prevented membrane damage, loss of cell viability and lipid peroxidation. The data indicate that these compounds can protect vascular endothelial cells from injury caused by oxidized LDL, and suggest that they may be useful for prevention of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

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