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Methods for growing whole mouse embryos in vitro have been greatly improved in the last two decades. The present technology enables embryos to develop remarkably close to what can be achieved in vivo from the pre-gastrula to the early organogenesis stages. The ability to grow whole embryos for a substantial period outside the uterine environment offers a unique opportunity to observe the progression of development, and permits the performance of direct manipulation on the embryo. Experiments combining whole embryo culture and micro-manipulation have led to the discovery of new information on lineage differentiation, tissue interaction and morphogenetic mechanisms that are associated with the establishment of the fetal body plan.  相似文献   

The amino acid requirements of the preimplantation mouse embryo in culture changes as development proceeds from the zygote to the blastocyst stage. Eagle's non-essential amino acids and glutamine significantly increased cleavage rates during the first four cell cycles, while Eagle's essential amino acids without glutamine did not confer any benefit to embryo development before the eight-cell stage. After the eight-cell stage, non-essential amino acids and glutamine no longer stimulated cleavage rates but significantly increased blastocoel development and blastocyst hatching. In contrast, after the eight-cell stage essential amino acids increased cleavage rates as well as stimulating development of the inner cell mass of the resultant blastocysts. Fetal development after transfer of blastocysts was also significantly increased by culture with essential amino acids from the eight-cell stage. Consequently highest rates of development in vitro and viability after transfer were achieved when embryos were cultured with non-essential amino acids and glutamine to the eight-cell stage followed by development to the blastocyst stage in the presence of all 20 amino acids. Analysis of the parameters measured revealed a significant relationship between number of blastocyst cells and inner cell mass development with viability after transfer. Blastocyst formation and hatching could not be used to assess subsequent developmental potential.  相似文献   

The effects of glufosinate ammonium on embryonic development in mice were examined using whole embryo and micromass cultures of midbrain and limb bud cells. In day 8 embryos cultured for 48 hr, glufosinate caused significant overall embryonic growth retardation and increased embryolethality to 37.5% at 10 micrograms/ml (5.0 x 10(-5) M). All embryos in the treated groups exhibited specific morphological defects including hypoplasia of the prosencephalon (forebrain) (100%) and visceral arches (100%). In day 10 embryos cultured for 24 hr, glufosinate significantly reduced the crown-rump length and the number of somite pairs, and produced a high incidence of morphological defects (84.6%) at 10 micrograms/ml. These embryos were characterized by blister in the lateral head (100%), hypoplasia of prosencephalon (57.1%), and cleft lips (42.9%) at 20 micrograms/ml (10.0 x 10(-5) M). Histological examination of the treated embryos showed numerous cell death (pyknotic debris) present throughout the neuroepithelium in the brain vesicle and neural tube, but did not involve the underlying mesenchyme. In micromass culture, glufosinate inhibited the differentiation of midbrain cells in day 12 embryos with 50% inhibition occurring at 0.55 microgram/ml (2.8 x 10(-6) M). The ratios of 50% inhibition concentration for cell proliferation to cell differentiation in limb bud cells were 0.76 and 1.52 in day 11 and 12 embryos, respectively. These findings indicate that glufosinate ammonium is embryotoxic in vitro. In addition to causing growth retardation, glufosinate specifically affected the neuroepithelium of the brain vesicle and neural tube, leading to neuroepithelial cell death.  相似文献   

Methoxychlor (MXC) has been shown to have adverse effects on reproductive functions. However, it has not been fully determined whether the effects of MXC on reproduction are due to its estrogenic or antiestrogenic effects. Therefore, to further elucidate the estrogenic action of this pesticide in the mouse, we studied the effect of MXC on implantation and embryo development. MXC was found to initiate implantation in most delayed implanting mice at 400 microg/g body weight. However, at the higher dose of 800 microg/g body weight, MXC initiated implantation in only 50% of animals and the number of embryos implanting was significantly decreased (P < 0.05). It was determined that MXC inhibited implantation in intact pregnant mice only when given on Day 1 or Day 2 at 800 microg/g but not at lower doses or later in the preimplantation period. Embryonic development and transport were delayed on Days 3 and 4 in these animals. Finally, reciprocal embryo transfers with donor embryos recovered from MXC-treated animals (800 microg/g body weight on Day 1) transferred to untreated recipients resulted in no implantation compared to 79% implantation when donor embryos were treated with vehicle. These data indicate that MXC acts as an estrogen agonist at the level of the uterus and oviduct but as an antiestrogen in the ovary. In addition, MXC appears to alter normal preimplantation embryonic development. These results suggest the need for further studies to assess the mechanism of action of MXC in preimplantation embryos.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The amino acids, glutamate, GABA and glycine are involved in normal cellular function as well as in neuro-transmission. Glutamate in particular may be linked to neuron development and an oversupply may be the major cause of many acute and chronic neurological diseases. Such diseases include retinopathy of prematurity, glaucoma, hypertension, diabetes and ischemic damage secondary to vessel occlusion. CONCLUSIONS: This paper provides a review of the localization, proposed function and the mechanisms of manufacture and deactivation of the amino acid neurotransmitters. Current mechanisms of excitotoxicity are also discussed. In addition, the data presented from an animal model of retinal ischemia show morphological and neurochemical changes consistent with glutamate induced neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily have emerged as critical regulators for cell growth and differentiation. Whereas the different TGF-beta subtypes are equipotent in the majority of biological assays using cell lines cultured in vitro, there are indications that in more complex systems involving epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, the TGF-beta subtypes differ in their biological activities. To test the hypothesis that TGF-beta subtypes specifically regulate either Meckel's cartilage or tooth morphogenesis, we designed experiments to compare loss of function effects of TGF-beta 1, TGF-beta 2, and TGF-beta 3 subtypes using a serumless, chemically defined medium to culture embryonic mouse E10 (42-44 somite pairs) mandibular explants. The major effect of loss of function resulting from abrogation of TGF-beta 1 using antisense treatment resulted in a 20% increase (P < 0.05) in chondrocyte number, a decrease in extracellular matrix, and dysmorphology of the rostral region of Meckel's cartilage. Exogenous TGF-beta 1 provided indistinguishable recovery to the normal phenotype. TGF-beta 2 antisense treatment produced a threefold enlargement (P < 0.05) of tooth organs and advanced their development to the cap stage. TGF-beta 2 provided recovery to the normal phenotype (e.g., reduced tooth size and development to the bud stage), whereas TGF-beta 1 or TGF-beta 3 polypeptides had no effect. TGF-beta 3 antisense treatment resulted in a reduction of approximately 15% in the length of Meckel's cartilage. We interpret these results to suggest that TGF-beta 1 functions to regulate the number of chondrogenic cells, the amount of extracellular matrix, and the rate of developmental assembly of the rostral to posterior segments in forming Meckel's cartilage. TGF-beta 2 appears to regulate tooth size and stage of development without affecting cartilage. TGF-beta 3 appears to regulate Meckel's cartilage size without altering tooth size or shape. The results are discussed in terms of the regulatory functions of the TGF-beta subtypes during embryonic craniofacial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Subsequent to the publication of a report in 1984 entitled "Poorly Differentiated ("Insular") Carcinoma: A Reinterpretation of Langhans "wuchernde Struma," poorly differentiated insular thyroid carcinoma (PDITC) has become recognized as a distinct thyroid neoplasm. It is classified morphologically and biologically as an intermediate entity between well-differentiated (papillary and follicular) and undifferentiated (anaplastic) thyroid carcinomas. Only a few publications have addressed the findings with fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). CASE: A 67-year-old female presented for evaluation of a massively enlarged thyroid gland. Fine needle aspiration biopsy of the thyroid with a 22-gauge needle showed many large, multilayered, round to oval nests of tumor cells, 0.2-0.4 mm in diameter. Rosettelike configurations of 8-15 cells, 0.025-0.050 mm in diameter, were also observed. Nests of neoplastic cells in the histologic sections were virtually identical to those in the fine needle aspiration biopsy specimens. When the patient developed metastatic cervical adenopathy one year later, a microfollicular pattern was seen on both the FNAB and histologic sections. CONCLUSION: When nests of tumor cells, 0.2-0.4 mm in diameter, are identified in a thyroid FNAB specimen, PDITC should be included in the differential diagnosis. A microfollicular pattern in a metastatic lymph node does not exclude the possibility that the primary tumor is a PDITC.  相似文献   

Two-cell mouse embryos (B6D2F1) were cultured in the presence or absence of 100 microg/ml monoclonal antibodies specific for the mammalian 60 kDa (HSP60), 70 kDa (HSP70) and 90 kDa (HSP90) heat shock proteins. Embryo development was evaluated after 3, 5 and 7 days in culture by determining the number of blastocysts, hatched blastocysts and outgrown trophoblasts at the successive time points. At day 3, only 29% (22/75) of the embryos cultured with anti-HSP60 antibody developed to the blastocyst stage (P < 0.0001) as compared to 67% (31/46) of the embryos cultured with anti-HSP70, 72% (43/60) cultured with anti-HSP90, and 79% (49/62) in medium plus mouse IgG1. By day 5, hatched embryos were present in 28% (13/ 46) of the cultures containing anti-HSP70 (P < 0.0001), as opposed to 57% (34/60) containing anti-HSP90 and 73% (45/62) containing IgG1. At day 7, outgrown trophoblasts were observed in 9% (4/46) of cultures containing anti-HSP70 (P < 0.0001), 45% (27/60) containing anti-HSP90 (P < 0.01) and 66% (41/62) cultured in medium plus IgG1. Antibodies to different heat shock proteins exerted a detrimental effect on mouse embryo development at unique development stages. Immune sensitization to heat shock proteins may be a cause of reproductive failure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pregnancy care within family practice on medical students' choices of family practice as a career and to determine the effect the degree of emphasis on pregnancy care has on students' choices of specific residency programs. METHODS: Eight hundred and ten randomly selected student members of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and 805 randomly chosen members of the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) were sent an 11-item survey that asked how their career (specialty) and specific residency program choice would be affected if family practice residencies included more (or less) training in pregnancy and delivery management. RESULTS: Fifty-one percent of AAFP members and 37% of AMSA members would be less likely to enter family practice if pregnancy care was eliminated from the specialty. Six percent of AAFP members and 9% of AMSA members stated that they would be more likely to enter family practice if the specialty ceased this training. Students who plan to enter family practice favor a residency program with a stronger pregnancy care experience over a residency program with less emphasis on this training by a 10:1 ratio. CONCLUSION: This study shows significant medical student interest in a high level of pregnancy care experience in family practice training programs.  相似文献   

The inclusion of specific amino acids in conventional culture media has been shown to enhance mammalian embryo development in vitro. Amino acids have been shown to confer their benefits to the preimplantation embryo in a number of different ways. However, their ability to buffer intracellular pH (pHi) has not been investigated. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine if amino acids regulate pHi in the mouse preimplantation embryo. pHi was determined using carboxy-seminaphthorhodafluor-1 (SNARF-1) and confocal microscopy. Incubation with 5,5-dimethyl-2,4-oxazol-idinedione (DMO), a non-metabolizable weak acid, resulted in a significant intracellular acidification in the zygote, 2-, 4- and 8-16-cell embryo. However, in the presence of groups of amino acids, the degree of acidification due to DMO was markedly reduced in the mouse embryo up to the 4-cell stage. Specifically, non-essential amino acids and glutamine had the greatest capacity to buffer pHi in the early embryo. The ability of amino acids to buffer pHi was not apparent from the 8-16-cell stage onwards. In contrast to the precompacted embryo, the morula did not undergo a significant decrease in pHi until exposed to DMO concentrations > or = 10 mM in the absence of amino acids. This may be due to the generation of a permeability seal during compaction, thus enabling the morula to regulate its own pHi. This regulatory ability could either be reversed by causing the morula to decompact, or created by inducing premature compaction in the 8-16-cell embryo. Data presented in this study indicate that amino acids act as buffers of pHi in the early embryo and play a key role in regulating cell physiology. Further evidence for this was provided by the result that only those embryos cultured in 30 mM DMO in the presence of non-essential amino acids and 1 mM glutamine did not block at the 2-cell stage, but grew on to develop into expanded blastocysts.  相似文献   

Many in vitro studies show estrogen regulation of the hypothalamic pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) system, including a decrease in hypothalamic POMC mRNA after estradiol treatment. Because such in vivo experiments do not allow one to determine whether peripheral, interacting systems or extra-hypothalamic brain regions are involved in this regulation, we sought to establish whether estrogen acts directly in hypothalamus to decrease POMC mRNA. Using an in vitro approach, we studied effects of estradiol (E2) on POMC/cyclophilin mRNA concentrations (RNAse protection assays) in neuronal cultures derived from day 17 fetal rat hypothalamus. Chemically defined medium was deprived of progesterone for 2 days prior to E2 treatment and for the duration of the study. E2 (10(-13)-10(-9) M) dose-dependently decreased POMC mRNA concentrations during a 2-day treatment. Whereas the lowest dose (10(-13) M) of E2 resulted in a statistically significant 44% decrease in POMC mRNA concentrations relative to control cultures, this inhibitory effect was lost because higher doses (10(-11) and 10(-9) M) did not produce statistically significant decrements (22 and 16%, respectively) in POMC mRNA concentrations. Additional time course studies revealed that this decrease in POMC mRNA can be seen as early as 4 h after E2 (10(-13) M) treatment. We conclude that E2 inhibition of POMC mRNA concentrations in hypothalamic neuronal cultures indicates that this inhibition can occur directly in hypothalamus.  相似文献   

The growth of myeloma cells in Leibovitz medium supplemented with 20% serum was limited by the depletion of glutamine. A simple modification of the Leibovitz medium by increasing the concentrations of glutamine, lysine, isoleucine, leucine, sodium pyruvate, galactose, and vitamins resulted in over 100% increase in cell growth yield. The total myeloma protein produced by the cells was increased by approximately 90% in modified Leibovitz media. Analysis of spent culture media for 19 amino acids showed that the concentrations of 8 amino acids were reduced; those of 5 amino acids were increased and the other 6 did not change significantly.  相似文献   

We examined the relative importance of G (Gi) protein-coupled brain-type (CB1-R) and spleen-type (CB2-R) cannabinoid receptors in preimplantation embryo development using agonists and antagonists specific to CB1-R and CB2-R. The results establish that endogenous cannabinoid ligands, anandamide and sn-2 arachidonoylglycerol, arrest embryo development in vitro, and this effect is reversed by CB1-R antagonists SR141716A or AM 251, but not by SR144528, a CB2-R antagonist. A CB2-R selective agonist AM 663 failed to affect embryo development. These results suggest that cannabinoid effects on embryo development are mediated by CB1-R. We also observed that delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol ([-]THC) infused in the presence of cytochrome P450 inhibitors interfered with blastocyst implantation. This adverse effect was reversed by coinfusion of SR141716A. The less active stereoisomer (+)THC plus the inhibitors failed to affect implantation. Analysis of tissue levels demonstrated that uterine accumulation of (-)THC occurred when it was infused in the presence of the P450 inhibitors. These results demonstrate that the uterus and perhaps the embryo have the cytochrome P450 enzymes to metabolize (-)THC and neutralize its adverse effects on implantation. Collectively, the present study demonstrates that cannabinoid effects on embryo development and implantation are mediated by embryonic and/or uterine CB1-R, but not CB2-R.  相似文献   

The binding of N-[1-(2-thienyl)cyclohexyl]-[3H]piperidine ([3H]TCP) to the phencyclidine-binding sites in the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor complex-associated ion channel was characterized in cerebral cortical membranes from 3-day-old to 24-month-old mice. The binding was saturable, exhibiting only one binding component during the whole life-span studied. The maximal binding capacity Bmax, calculated per protein content, decreased during postnatal development until 3 months of age, remaining thereafter constant in ageing mice, thus indicating the greatest availability of phencyclidine-binding sites in the immature cerebral cortex. The binding constant KD increased during the first postnatal week, remained thereafter unchanged and increased again during the second year of life, indicating a decreased affinity of the receptor sites for the ligand. The general properties of the binding; potentiation by glutamate and NMDA, as well as by glycine in a strychnine-insensitive manner, prevailed during development and ageing, certain of these effects being however less pronounced in the immature brain. Taurine and beta-alanine stimulated TCP binding, acting probably at the glycine modulatory site. The actions of these inhibitory amino acids were weak and inconsistent when compared to that of glycine. Since NMDA receptors have been suggested to be involved in neuronal plasticity and learning and memory processes, these modifications in the properties of cortical phencyclidine-binding sites might be of importance in the regulation of excitatory amino acid functions during development and ageing.  相似文献   

The present study aims to ascertain whether dietary supplementation with a mixture of vitamins C and E may prevent the maternal-age-associated decrease in both the number of ovulated oocytes after exogenous ovarian stimulation and embryo development in vitro in the mouse. Experimental females were fed a standard diet supplemented with i) high doses of vitamins C and E from the first day of weaning until 12 or 40 weeks of age; or ii) moderate doses of vitamins C and E from the first day of weaning until 12 weeks of age or from 22 to 33 weeks of age. The age-related reduction in ovulation rate was partially prevented by supplementing diet with high doses of vitamins C and E from the first day of weaning. Shorter periods of treatment and lower doses of vitamins C and E were also efficient in preventing the maternal-age-associated reduction in ovulation rate after exogenous ovarian stimulation. No effect of maternal diet on fertilisation and embryo development was observed until the blastocyst stage. Although any extrapolation to human fertility should be made with caution, these findings may have direct implications for preventing or delaying maternal-age-associated infertility in humans.  相似文献   

Preimplantation mouse embryos (n = 1540) were cultured in the presence of platelet-activating factor (PAF) (10(-7)- 10(-14) mol/l) to the hatched blastocyst stage. A dose-dependent negative correlation (-0.75783) relationship between blastocysts and the concentration of PAF was statistically significantly different (p < 0.001). Long-term but not short-term PAF exposure is detrimental to preimplantation Swiss Webster mouse embryos. Short-term PAF (10(-9) mol/l) exposure was found significantly (p < 0.05) to reduce blastocoel diameter. The effect of PAF during preimplantation development may be genotype dependent and be affected by the culture conditions.  相似文献   

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