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针对黑河流域上下游水资源矛盾,中游张掖盆地地下水位持续上升的现象,设计增加地下水开采量的解决方案。首先对张掖盆地地下水生态水位进行了理论探讨,将张掖盆地分为山前倾斜平原区和中部细土平原区,在山前平原地带地下水位埋深应控制在10 m之内,以便发挥地下水含水层的调蓄能力;中部平原生态水位的上限是防治地表土壤盐渍化的水位,埋深为3 m,下限是防止地表植被退化的水位,埋深为5 m。然后根据各灌区当前情况设计地下水可持续开采量3.6亿m3,采用数值模拟方法对研究区的地下水位进行模拟和预测,并依据研究区合理生态水位证明了设计开采方案的合理性。  相似文献   

辛小娟  项国圣 《人民黄河》2013,(8):43-45,48
针对黑河流域上下游水资源矛盾,中游张掖盆地地下水位持续上升的现象,设计增加地下水开采量的解决方案。首先对张掖盆地地下水生态水位进行了理论探讨,将张掖盆地分为山前倾斜平原区和中部细土平原区,在山前平原地带地下水位埋深应控制在10 m之内,以便发挥地下水含水层的调蓄能力;中部平原生态水位的上限是防治地表土壤盐渍化的水位,埋深为3 m,下限是防止地表植被退化的水位,埋深为5 m。然后根据各灌区当前情况设计地下水可持续开采量3.6亿m3,采用数值模拟方法对研究区的地下水位进行模拟和预测,并依据研究区合理生态水位证明了设计开采方案的合理性。  相似文献   

焉耆盆地开都河北岸地下水开发利用工程位于巴州焉耆盆地开都河北岸,作为向塔里木河下游输水,改善塔里木河下游生态环境的重要工程。工程具有灌溉、改善生态、置换地表水等综合效益。工程必须加强组织协调,做好工程管理工作,同时要做好工程优化设计方案,选择经验丰富的设计单位,对提高工程的设计水平和控制投资具有重要的意义。笔者参与了工程建设,针对水源地施工及运行管理实际状况,提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

阐明流域地下水可持续开采量概念提出的必要性,并分析传统可开采量概念在解决现有问题时的局限性。从提高流域内整体水资源的利用率出发,以实现综合效益最佳,环境负效应最小为原则,以流域内整体水资源的人工调控技术为手段,提出了流域地下水可持续开采量的概念并论述其概念的内涵与组成。通过与传统可开采量概念的比较和分析进一步阐述新概念所具有的进步性,最后建立了流域地下水可持续开采量的评价体系。  相似文献   

摘要:水资源开发利用格局改变将会导致地下水补排关系发生变化,针对此问题,本文通过系统分析水资源优化配置模型和地下水数值模拟模型的数据交互关系,将二者进行耦合迭代计算规划年地下水可开采量,并将其应用于新疆鄯善县。计算结果显示,随着规划年水资源优化配置及开发利用格局改变,当地地下水可开采量和超采量分别由现状年的23469万m³和18592万m³衰减到2030年的13730万m³和0万m³,较好地解决了规划年地下水可开采量的准确量化难题,可作为地下水资源开发利用和保护的依据。此方法可供其他类似地区参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

基于水资源优化配置的地下水可开采量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源开发利用格局改变将会导致地下水补排关系发生变化。通过系统分析水资源优化配置模型和地下水数值模拟模型的数据交互关系,将二者进行耦合迭代,计算规划年地下水可开采量,并将其应用于新疆鄯善县。计算结果显示,随着规划年水资源优化配置及开发利用格局改变,当地地下水可开采量和超采量分别由现状年的23469万m3和18592万m3衰减到2030年的13730万m3和0万m3,较好地解决了规划年地下水可开采量的准确量化难题,可作为地下水资源开发利用和保护的依据。  相似文献   

地下水允许开采量的分析计算方法很多,各种方法均存在优点与不足。结合多年工作经验,浅谈水量均衡法在平原区的应用,希望有助于平原区域地下水开采工作的开展。  相似文献   

临汾盆地地下水资源量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2000年为基准年对临汾盆地地下水进行均衡分析,并利用GMS软件建立地下水三维数值模拟模型,计算了地下水补给量与排泄量.结果表明,2000年临汾盆地地下水补给(包括降水入渗、地表水入渗、侧向流入、河水侧渗、越流补给)量为650 251.81万m3,排泄(包括蒸发、开采、排入河道、越流排泄)量为70 956.67万m3,处于超采状态.提出了地下水资源可持续利用对策.  相似文献   

采用抽水试验采集数据,利用Modflow软件,对台兰河流域的地下水流进行数值模拟,最终模拟水位的变化趋势与实测变化趋势一致。采用可开采实验法,计算得到地下水可开采量约5.7889亿m3。  相似文献   

Outdated groundwater allocation policies have resulted in unrestrained abstraction of groundwater in the Great Lakes Basin. Continuing on this course will lead to more frequent conflicts and further degradation of the Basin's ecosystem. Alternative approaches must focus on achieving sustainable groundwater allocation. The authors present two alternative institutions, local collaborative planning for groundwater allocation, and a regional watershed board. Collaborative institutions responsible for local groundwater planning should be established according to practical geographical units, have access to sound scientific information, utilize adaptive management and engage in open deliberation. The regional watershed board should establish a comprehensive and unified inventory of all groundwater resources in the Basin, designate critical groundwater areas, monitor groundwater management by respective jurisdictions, and make recommendations on best practices.  相似文献   

对鄂尔多斯市白垩系深层地下水的总储量和可更新能力进行了分析,利用同位素技术和地球化学方法确定了地下水的更新速率,计算出最大允许开采量为3.24亿m3/a。根据对已有供水水源地的统计分析,确定深层水的持续开采量为1.78亿m3/a。实例应用结果表明:利用同位素技术和地球化学方法确定地下水的更新速率,是评价深层地下水可持续开采量的有效方法之一;可持续开采量不是一成不变的,要实现完全意义上的可持续开采量评价还需要深入研究。  相似文献   

Jha  Madan K.  Chikamori  K.  Kamii  Y.  Yamasaki  Y. 《Water Resources Management》1999,13(6):443-470
The Konan groundwater basin of Kochi Prefecture, Japan, is experiencing freshwater shortages for the past few years, particularly during the winter season. The present study aimed at analyzing the problem and exploring increased groundwater withdrawals to meet burgeoning freshwater demands in various sectors. The trend analysis of waterconsumption indicates that the groundwater demandwould increase by 43 and 52% by the years 2010 and2025, respectively, compared to 32 100 m3 d-1 at present.The streamflow of the Monobe River reduces to a minimumin winter and it shows a decreasing trend in recentyears. The geologic investigation results indicatethat unconfined (phreatic) aquifers comprisingalluvial sand and gravel and/or diluvial silty sandand gravel are dominant, and that the northwestern andwestern portions of the basin have greater potentialfor groundwater. Groundwater flows essentially fromnorth to south into the ocean. Groundwater levelfluctuations over the basin vary appreciably in spaceand time, indicating a wide variation of naturalrecharge. Field observations confirm the hypothesisthat stream-aquifer interaction also significantlycontributes to groundwater recharge, besides therainfall infiltration. Further, the pumping testsresults demonstrate that though the aquifers arelow-yielding, enhanced groundwater withdrawals couldbe possible. The aquifer hydraulic conductivity ischaracterized as high and ranges from 65 to 804 m d-1(mean = 229 m d-1), thereby suggesting great aquiferheterogeneity. Finally, it is concluded that thelong-term sustainability of the scarce groundwaterresource of the Konan basin is doubtful, and that acomprehensive analysis of the groundwater system isessential prior to formulating plans for the futuregroundwater development and management.  相似文献   

西北内陆盆地地下水资源可持续利用战略分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西北内陆盆地气候干旱,水资源缺乏,而地下水分布较广泛,开采方便,在经济建设和环境保护中具有不可替代的作用.结合水资源开发引起的生态环境问题,对地下水可持续利用战略进行了分析,强调西北内陆区地下水开发要与生态建设相协调,保证生态用水,实施科学用水.  相似文献   

In Pakistan, on-demand availability of groundwater has transformed the concept of low and uncertain crop yields into more assured crop production. Increased crop yields has resulted in food security and improved rural livelihoods. However, this growth has also led to problems of overdraft, falling water tables and degradation of groundwater quality, and yields generally remain well below potential levels. Over the last three decades, Pakistan has tried several direct and indirect management strategies for groundwater management. However the success has been limited. This paper argues that techno-institutional approaches such as introducing water rights, direct or indirect pricing and permit systems are fraught with difficulties in Pakistan due to its high population density and multitude of tiny users. Therefore there is a need to develop frameworks and management tools that are best suited to Pakistani needs. Pakistan should follow both supply and demand management approaches. For demand management, adoption of water conservation technologies, revision of existing cropping patterns and exploration of alternate water resources should be encouraged. For supply management, implementation of the groundwater regulatory frameworks developed by Provincial Irrigation and Drainage Authorities (PIDAs) and introduction of institutional reforms to enhance effective coordination between different organizations responsible for the management of groundwater resources should be given priority.  相似文献   

肥城盆地地下水水化学演变规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于肥城盆地1999—2013年地下水水质实测数据,选取钙、镁、硫酸根、氯、重碳酸根、钠和钾等离子作为主要研究对象,利用Aqua Chem软件分析了主要离子的时空分布情况、总硬度和矿化度的变化趋势,揭示了近年来该区地下水水质变化规律并分析了水质变化驱动力。结果表明:肥城盆地地下水主要离子浓度呈上升趋势,总硬度和矿化度在空间上由东北向西南盆地出水口方向逐渐升高,水化学类型由HCO3-Ca型、HCO3-Ca-Mg型向HCO3-SO4-Ca-Mg型、HCO3-SO4-Ca型转变。肥城盆地地下水水质变化与降水入渗、地下水超采、工业废水及城市污水排放、农业污水灌溉、生活垃圾随意堆放等有关,据此提出了相应的地下水保护措施。  相似文献   

The Balasore coastal groundwater basin of Orissa in eastern India is under a serious threat of overdraft and seawater intrusion. Two optimization models were developed in this study for the efficient utilization of water resources in Balasore basin during non-monsoon periods: (a) a non-linear hydraulic management model for optimal pumpage, and (b) a linear optimization model for optimal cropping pattern in integration with a calibrated and validated groundwater flow simulation model. Based on the simulation-optimization modeling results, optimal pumping schedules, cropping patterns, and corresponding groundwater conditions are presented for three scenarios viz., wet, normal and dry years. It was found that optimal pumping schedules and corresponding cropping patterns differed significantly under the three scenarios, and the groundwater levels improved significantly under the optimal hydraulic conditions compared to the existing condition. In dry years, the groundwater levels under the present pumping pattern and the optimal pumpage indicated that the non-monsoon pumpage should not exceed the optimal pumpage in the absence of remedial measures in the basin. It is concluded that in order to ensure sustainable groundwater utilization in the basin, the optimal cropping pattern and pumping schedule should be adopted by the farmers.  相似文献   

赵树红 《海河水利》2010,(4):8-8,30
地下水资源作为唐山市经济社会发展的重要水源,其开发管理日益受到重视。由于降水减少、地下水超采、面源污染等原因影响,地下水开发利用存在一定程度的环境和生态问题。加强地下水资源管理,是实现地下水资源可持续利用的有效途径。阐述了唐山市地下水管理现状、存在的问题,以及加强地下水管理的具体措施。  相似文献   

马斌  徐萍 《人民黄河》2012,34(4):39-41
通过对马莲河流域水资源分布规律、特征进行调查分析,研究了流域水资源开发利用在统筹规划、生态保护、管理机制等方面的限制因素,提出了以资源水利为主旨的战略对策,即通过加强水利工程建设、提高水资源利用水平、改善生态环境、健全涉水事务管理等方式来实现马莲河流域水资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

镇赉县地下水资源可持续研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对镇赉县地下水资源开发利用供需平衡分析研究,探讨镇赉县地下水资源可持续利用的途径。  相似文献   

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