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小学语文教学的改革经历了从“满堂灌”到“满堂问”再到“满堂练”的过程,但始终没有很好地协调好语文的“工具性”与“人文性”、教师的主导性与学生的主体性、语文教学的文学熏陶与学生创新能力培养这几对矛盾体之间的关系。长期以来,教学过程中师生缺乏良性互动,教师主宰了课堂教学,学生学得被动,课堂上质疑问难的机会少,信息反馈多限于一问一答,  相似文献   

在我们的课堂中,教师总是想让学生“不乱章法”地执行教案,千方百计地让学生“入圈套”,生怕“节外生枝”耽误了时间,完不成教学任务。所以,我总因面对许多意外没有把握,或者没有机会利用而遗憾。但是,我更因为常与“意外”相遇,创造的火花在意外中汇成的精彩而欣喜。下面是我的几点思考,希望能得到同仁的指教。  相似文献   

新课程理念下的课堂教学,强调以学生为中心,但在实际课堂上,很多教师只关注教什么、怎么教、有没有教,而没有从“学生立场”去思考“学生真的在学习吗”?华东师范大学崔允漷教授认为,课堂的主体应该是学生,教学设计应从“教师立场”转为“学生立场”。基于此,他提出了“学历案”,实现深度学习,让学习真正发生。  相似文献   

一、背景介绍 小学生天生好奇,由好奇而去观察,在观察与思考中产生疑问,由此而产生探究的兴趣与动力。而探究型课程关注和尊重学生的兴趣爱好、已有经验和自主选择,给他们更多的机会去发现和发展自己的兴趣爱好。因此,在探究课中没有一个“学困生”,每个人都能找到自己合适的位置。  相似文献   

在“互联网+”飞速发展的今天,为高校学生的自主创业提供了更多的机会.本文阐述了基于“互联网+”时代背景下,高校电商学生自主创业的可行性,并提出了一种创业人才的模式,借助淘宝平台,实现学生自主创业.  相似文献   

舒畅 《现代计算机》2009,(4):129-129
乔治50岁的时候就死了,死后他见到了上帝,他向上帝诉苦:“主啊,我在世上活了50年,您连一次飞黄腾达的机会都没有给我,因为没机会,我平庸地度过了一生。”  相似文献   

大学毕业生们很快就要和学校saygoodbye了。当大多数应届生还在招聘会上碰得焦头烂额之时,来自华南理工大学和广州工业大学的19名大四学生放弃招聘机会,潜心开发他们的低成本、高技术的“蓝海”计划,立志要做“阿里巴巴第二”。  相似文献   

7月初,《电脑爱好者》和《互动软件》的全体成员来到了“那里”郊游。那里?哪里?就是那里!其实,“那里”是京郊怀柔的一处风景区,以独特的名字和优美的山水吸引了CFan的到来。本期“我拍”就精选了“那里”的照片,没有机会目睹CFan俊男靓女的读者可不要错过机会呦!  相似文献   

进入1998年,“电子商务”已成为信息技术在企业应用的重点,没有个人的电子信箱已经成了落伍的标志。Internet为众多企业的生存和发展提供了一次难得的机会。  相似文献   

“人太多了,都没有机会多说话,还不如到网上投简历”,刚出北京农展招聘会的毕业生小路感慨地说到。  相似文献   

陈铭夏 《软件》2013,(12):163-166
当今的社交网络拥有庞大的用户数量和随之而来的海量信息,可以为工业界各个领域的研究提供重要的数据补充。其中,如何高效准确地对网络人群进行按照兴趣领域的划分成为了研究的热点。本文通过引入文本分析中常用的LDA模型,挖掘出微博用户和其单向关注的其他用户之间暗含的兴趣信息,建立主题模型来给用户进行粗粒度划分。同时本文研究了引入非对称超参数、弱连接理论、TF-IDF调频以优化本算法划分的正交度,并给出了相应分析。  相似文献   

间接计算模型和间接形式化方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹晓辉  邹顺鹏 《软件》2011,32(5):1-5
本文旨在从人机交互界面与协同计算程序结合而构成协同智能计算系统的角度,论述间接计算模型和间接形式化方法结合所支持的优化云计算技术原理。本文在系统回顾图灵可计算理论、克莱尼小字符串形式理论、冯诺依曼数字计算机体系结构和图灵人工智能判定假设等前人理论研究成果对主流数字计算机通用范式影响的基础之上,着重介绍了笔者设计的间接计算模型和大、小字符串兼容的问接形式化理论,并以中文信息数据为例介绍了协同智能计算系统原型的设计构想。其意义是该成果有利于从数据中心到知识中心优化云计算。  相似文献   

恶意软件分析技术的研究一直都是安全研究的重点之一。近年来,基于机器学习和数据挖掘算法的恶意软件行为特征的分析方法逐渐受到研究人员的重视。但目前这类方法普遍基于用户态行为进行分析。针对用户态监测所处层级高、容易造成获取行为不完整等问题,本文提出一种基于内核级监测的恶意软件聚类方法,在内核中监测获取恶意软件内核函数调用序列,提取内核行为表示成内核行为表示模型,并采用层次聚类算法对内核行为序列进行聚类分析。通过实验,验证了本文的分析方法能够获取较好的分析结果。  相似文献   

Developing augmented reality (AR) applications for mobile devices and outdoor environments has historically required a number of technical trade-offs related to tracking. One approach is to rely on computer vision which provides very accurate tracking, but can be brittle, and limits the generality of the application. Another approach is to rely on sensor-based tracking which enables widespread use, but at the cost of generally poor tracking performance. In this paper we present and evaluate a new approach, which we call Indirect AR, that enables perfect alignment of virtual content in a much greater number of application scenarios.To achieve this improved performance we replace the live camera view used in video see through AR with a previously captured panoramic image. By doing this we improve the perceived quality of the tracking while still maintaining a similar overall experience. There are some limitations of this technique, however, related to the use of panoramas. We evaluate these boundaries conditions on both a performance and experiential basis through two user studies. The result of these studies indicates that users preferred Indirect AR over traditional AR in most conditions, and when conditions do degrade to the point the experience changes, Indirect AR can still be a very useful tool in many outdoor application scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper presents a micro-architectural enhancement, named Indirect Branch Validation Unit (IBVU), to prevent malicious attacks from compromising the control data of the program. The IBVU provides a run-time control flow protection by validating a dynamic instance of an indirect branch’s address and its target address – indirect branch pair (IBP), which represents the program behavior. To validate an IBP at run-time with little performance and storage overhead, the IBVU employs a Bloom filter, a hashing based bit vector representation for querying a set membership. Two organizations trading off of the access delay and space in VLSI design are provided, and three commonly used hashing schemes are evaluated for the performance impact as well as the area overhead. Recognizing potential false positives from adopting the Bloom filter, consideration of reducing it per the Bloom filter’s design parameters is discussed, while the difficulty of utilizing the false positives due to hashing based indexing of the Bloom filter for malicious attack is noted.  相似文献   

A indirect adaptive control method is presented. The method is based on a lifted representation of the plant that can be stabilized using a simple performant periodic control scheme. The controller parameters computation involves the inverse of the controllability/observability matrix. Potential singularities of this matrix are avoided by means of an appropriate estimates modification. This estimates transformation is linked to the covariance matrix properties, and hence, it preserves the convergence properties of the original estimates. This modification involves the singular value decomposition of the controllability/observability matrix's estimate. As compared with previous studies on the subject, the controller proposed here does not require the frequent introduction of periodic n-length sequences of zero inputs. Therefore, the new controller is such that the system is almost always operating in closed loop, which should lead to better performance characteristics  相似文献   

万龙静  刘刚 《软件》2013,(12):51-55
由于传统的最大似然训练准则的局限性,区分性训练的研究逐渐成为当前语音识别领域的一个热点,它已经被应用到实际中并且取得了较好的效果。围绕区分性的概念,可以进行多角度的研究,本文的研究的最小音素错误特征训练就是使用最小音素错误训练准则进行特征变换、参数更新以及模型训练。其研究目的在于调整特征,使得目标函数值趋近最优。研究内容包括高维特征向量和变换矩阵,相关实验证明该算法在词正确率方面,相10对于MLE的提升有近3.8%,相对于MPE的提升大概有1.2%。  相似文献   

Indirect jumps are used to implement increasingly common programming language constructs such as virtual function calls, switch-case statements, jump tables, and interface calls. Unfortunately, the prediction accuracy of indirect jumps has remained low because many indirect jumps have multiple targets that are difficult to predict even with specialized hardware. This paper proposes a new way of handling hard-to-predict indirect jumps: dynamically predicating them. The compiler identifies indirect jumps that are suitable for predication along with their control-flow merge (CFM) points. The microarchitecture predicates the instructions between different targets of the jump and its CFM point if the jump turns out to be hardto-predict at run time. We describe the new indirect jump predication architecture, provide code examples showing why it could reduce the performance impact of jumps, derive an analytical cost-benefit model for deciding which jumps and targets to predicate, and present preliminary evaluation results.  相似文献   

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