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The problem of fitting a straight line to a finite collection of points in the plane is an important problem in statistical estimation. Robust estimators are widely used because of their lack of sensitivity to outlying data points. The least median-of-squares (LMS) regression line estimator is among the best known robust estimators. Given a set of n points in the plane, it is defined to be the line that minimizes the median squared residual or, more generally, the line that minimizes the residual of any given quantile q, where 0<q?1. This problem is equivalent to finding the strip defined by two parallel lines of minimum vertical separation that encloses at least half of the points.The best known exact algorithm for this problem runs in O(n2) time. We consider two types of approximations, a residual approximation, which approximates the vertical height of the strip to within a given error bound εr?0, and a quantile approximation, which approximates the fraction of points that lie within the strip to within a given error bound εq?0. We present two randomized approximation algorithms for the LMS line estimator. The first is a conceptually simple quantile approximation algorithm, which given fixed q and εq>0 runs in O(nlogn) time. The second is a practical algorithm, which can solve both types of approximation problems or be used as an exact algorithm. We prove that when used as a quantile approximation, this algorithm's expected running time is . We present empirical evidence that the latter algorithm is quite efficient for a wide variety of input distributions, even when used as an exact algorithm.  相似文献   

We present an O(n3)-time approximation algorithm for the maximum traveling salesman problem whose approximation ratio is asymptotically , where n is the number of vertices in the input complete edge-weighted (undirected) graph. We also present an O(n3)-time approximation algorithm for the metric case of the problem whose approximation ratio is asymptotically . Both algorithms improve on the previous bests.  相似文献   

We present a linear time approximation algorithm with a performance ratio of 1/2 for finding a maximum weight matching in an arbitrary graph. Such a result is already known and is due to Preis [STACS'99, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., Vol. 1563, 1999, pp. 259-269]. Our algorithm uses a new approach which is much simpler than the one given by Preis and needs no amortized analysis for its running time.  相似文献   

Motivated by the problem of supporting energy-efficient broadcasting in ad hoc wireless networks, we study the Minimum Energy Consumption Broadcast Subgraph (MECBS) problem. We present the first logarithmic approximation algorithm for the problem which uses an interesting reduction to Node-Weighted Connected Dominating Set.  相似文献   

We present a constant factor, polynomial time approximation algorithm for the problem of scheduling a sequence of rectangles on a matrix. The approximation is on the area covered by the rectangles, and a rectangle is placed on the matrix only if all its preceding rectangles in the sequence were already placed.  相似文献   

Polynomial-time approximation algorithms with nontrivial performance guarantees are presented for the problems of (a) partitioning the vertices of a weighted graph intok blocks so as to maximize the weight of crossing edges, and (b) partitioning the vertices of a weighted graph into two blocks of equal cardinality, again so as to maximize the weight of crossing edges. The approach, pioneered by Goemans and Williamson, is via a semidefinite programming relaxation. The first author was supported in part by NSF Grant CCR-9225008. The work described here was undertaken while the second author was visiting Carnegie Mellon University; at that time he was a Nuffield Science Research Fellow, and was supported in part by Grant GR/F 90363 of the UK Science and Engineering Research Council, and Esprit Working Group 7097 “RAND”.  相似文献   

A fast deterministic smallest enclosing disk approximation algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a simple and fast -time algorithm for finding a (1+?)-approximation of the smallest enclosing disk of a planar set of n points or disks. Experimental results of a readily available implementation are presented.  相似文献   

M. Jerrum  U. Vazirani 《Algorithmica》1996,16(4-5):392-401
A new approximation algorithm for the permanent of ann ×n 0,1-matrix is presented. The algorithm is shown to have worst-case time complexity exp(O(n 1/2 log2 n)). Asymptotically, this represents a considerable improvement over the best existing algorithm, which has worst-case time complexity exp((n)).Supported by SERC Grant GR/F 90363; work done in part while visiting DIMACS (Center for Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science).Supported by an NSF PYI grant, with matching equipment grant from the AT&T Foundation; work done in part while visiting DIMACS.  相似文献   

The maximum weight matching problem is a fundamental problem in graph theory with a variety of important applications. Recently Manne and Mjelde presented the first self-stabilizing algorithm computing a 2-approximation of the optimal solution. They established that their algorithm stabilizes after O(2n) (resp. O(3n)) moves under a central (resp. distributed) scheduler. This paper contributes a new analysis, improving these bounds considerably. In particular it is shown that the algorithm stabilizes after O(nm) moves under the central scheduler and that a modified version of the algorithm also stabilizes after O(nm) moves under the distributed scheduler. The paper presents a new proof technique based on graph reduction for analyzing the complexity of self-stabilizing algorithms.  相似文献   

We consider the minimum maximal matching problem, which is NP-hard (Yannakakis and Gavril (1980) [18]). Given an unweighted simple graph G=(V,E), the problem seeks to find a maximal matching of minimum cardinality. It was unknown whether there exists a non-trivial approximation algorithm whose approximation ratio is less than 2 for any simple graph. Recently, Z. Gotthilf et al. (2008) [5] presented a -approximation algorithm, where c is an arbitrary constant.In this paper, we present a -approximation algorithm based on an LP relaxation, where χ(G) is the edge-coloring number of G. Our algorithm is the first non-trivial approximation algorithm whose approximation ratio is independent of |V|. Moreover, it is known that the minimum maximal matching problem is equivalent to the edge dominating set problem. Therefore, the edge dominating set problem is also -approximable. From edge-coloring theory, the approximation ratio of our algorithm is , where Δ(G) represents the maximum degree of G. In our algorithm, an LP formulation for the edge dominating set problem is used. Fujito and Nagamochi (2002) [4] showed the integrality gap of the LP formulation for bipartite graphs is at least . Moreover, χ(G) is Δ(G) for bipartite graphs. Thus, as far as an approximation algorithm for the minimum maximal matching problem uses the LP formulation, we believe our result is the best possible.  相似文献   

The input to the metric maximum clustering problem with given cluster sizes consists of a complete graph G=(V,E) with edge weights satisfying the triangle inequality, and integers c1,…,cp. The goal is to find a partition of V into disjoint clusters of sizes c1,…,cp, maximizing the sum of weights of edges whose two ends belong to the same cluster. We describe an approximation algorithms for this problem with performance guarantee that approaches 0.5 when the cluster sizes are large.  相似文献   

We observe that combining the techniques of Arora, Rao, and Vazirani, with the rounding algorithm of Rao and Richa yields an -approximation for the minimum-linear arrangement problem. This improves over the O(logn)-approximation of Rao and Richa.  相似文献   

The problem of finding approximate solutions for a subclass of multicovering problems denoted byILP(k, b) is considered. The problem involves findingx∈{0,1} n that minimizes ∑ j x j subject to the constraintAxb, whereA is a 0–1m×n matrix with at mostk ones per row,b is an integer vector, andb is the smallest entry inb. This subclass includes, for example, the Bounded Set Cover problem whenb=1, and the Vertex Cover problem whenk=2 andb=1. An approximation ratio ofk−b+1 is achievable by known deterministic algorithms. A new randomized approximation algorithm is presented, with an approximation ratio of (k−b+1)(1−(c/m)1/(k−b+1)) for a small constantc>0. The analysis of this algorithm relies on the use of a new bound on the sum of independent Bernoulli random variables, that is of interest in its own right. The first author was supported in part by a Walter and Elise Haas Career Development Award and by a grant from the Israeli Science Foundation. This work was done white the third author was at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, The Weizmann Institute, Rehovot 76100, Israel.  相似文献   

We present a randomized parallel algorithm that computes the greatest common divisor of two integers of n bits in length with probability 1−o(1) that takes O(nloglogn/logn) time using O(n6+?) processors for any ?>0 on the EREW PRAM parallel model of computation. The algorithm either gives a correct answer or reports failure.We believe this to be the first randomized sublinear time algorithm on the EREW PRAM for this problem.  相似文献   

In a recent paper Chekuri and Khanna improved the analysis of the greedy algorithm for the edge disjoint paths problem and proved the same bounds also for the related uniform capacity unsplittable flow problem. Here we show that their ideas can be used to get the same approximation ratio even for the more general Unsplittable Flow Problem with nonuniform edge capacities.  相似文献   

The segment minimization problem consists of representing an integer matrix as the sum of the fewest number of integer matrices each of which have the property that the non-zeroes in each row are consecutive. This has direct applications to an effective form of cancer treatment. Using several insights, we extend previous results to obtain constant-factor improvements in the approximation guarantees. We show that these improvements yield better performance by providing an experimental evaluation of all known approximation algorithms using both synthetic and real-world clinical data. Our algorithms are superior for 76% of instances and we argue for their utility alongside the heuristic approaches used in practice.  相似文献   

We study the problem of scheduling n jobs in a two-machine flow shop where the second machine is not available for processing during a given time interval. A resumable scenario is assumed, i.e., if a job cannot be finished before the down period it is continued after the machine becomes available again. The objective is to minimize the makespan. The best fast approximation algorithm for this problem guarantees a relative worst-case error bound of 4/3. We present an improved algorithm with a relative worst-case error bound of 5/4.  相似文献   

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