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Today's mobile applications require constant adaptation to their changing environments, or contexts. Technological advances have increased the pervasiveness of mobile computing devices such as laptops, handhelds, and embedded sensors. The sheer amount of context information available for adaptation places a heightened burden on application developers as they must manage and utilize vast amounts of data from diverse sources. Facilitating programming in this data-rich environment requires a middleware that provides context information to applications in an abstract form. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of such a middleware that allows programmers to focus on high-level interactions among programs and to employ declarative abstract context specifications in settings that exhibit transient interactions with opportunistically encountered components. We also discuss the novel context-aware abstractions the middleware provides and the programming knowledge necessary to write applications using it. Finally, we provide examples demonstrating the infrastructure's ability to support differing tasks from a wide variety of application domains.  相似文献   

Ubiquitous and mobile computer technologies are increasingly being appropriated to facilitate people’s social life outside the work domain. Designing such social and collaborative technologies requires an understanding of peoples’ physical and social context, and the interplay between these and their situated interactions. In response, this paper addresses the challenge of informing design of mobile services for fostering social connections by using the concept of place for studying and understanding peoples’ social activities in a public built environment. We present a case study of social experience of a physical place providing an understanding of peoples’ situated social interactions in public places of the city derived through a grounded analysis of small groups of friends socialising out on the town. Informed by this, we describe the design and evaluation of a mobile prototype system facilitating sociality in the city by (1) allowing people to share places, (2) indexing to places, and (3) augmenting places.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the development of task-specific information retrieval systems for software engineers. We discuss how software engineers interact with information and information retrieval systems and investigate to what extent a domain-specific search and recommendation system can be developed in order to support their work related activities. We have conducted a user study which is based on the “Cognitive Research Framework” to identify the relation between the information objects used during the code development (code snippets and search queries), the tasks users engage in and the associated use of search interfaces. Based on our user studies, a questionnaire and an automated observation of user interactions with the browser and software development environment, we identify that software engineers engage in a finite number of work related tasks and they also develop a finite number of “work practices”/“archetypes of behaviour”. Secondly we identify a group of domain specific behaviours that can successfully be used as a source of strong implicit relevance feedback. Based on our results, we design a snippet recommendation interface, and a code related recommendation interface which are embedded within the standard search engine.  相似文献   

Mobile devices have conquered nearly all parts of the daily life. These devices support their owners in specific situations, both at work and in leisure contexts, and therefore make it increasingly difficult to keep work and private life separated. Examining the practices around the use of mobile technology has become a topic of some interest as issues around “work–life balance” emerge. Although the field of HCI provides different approaches for capturing people’s activities in situ, we will show that an additional value can be obtained from a consideration of the “situated” view of contextuality, one which incorporates concerns of privacy and which identifies the reasons people might have for long-term user participation in this kind of study. Despite the undoubted sophistication of existing platforms, the issue of how to provide for dynamic adjustment to meet emerging research questions over time remains challenging. In this paper, we examine how one might approach the design of an observation environment that includes methods for understanding the way of how users reason about research, based upon the context they find themselves in. We have developed a research framework called “PartS,” which captures in situ information about the individual as well as his/her (work/personal) context and offers functionality for collaborative discussions about the information collected. Based on its evaluation, we outline six lessons that need to be considered when designing a study for capturing the subjective context and related activities from an individual user’s as well as a researcher’s perspective.  相似文献   

This study investigates the context of interactions of information technology (IT) security practitioners, based on a qualitative analysis of 30 interviews and participatory observation. We identify nine different activities that require interactions between security practitioners and other stakeholders, and describe in detail two of these activities that may serve as useful references for security-tool usability scenarios. We propose a model of the factors contributing to the complexity of interactions between security practitioners and other stakeholders, and discuss how this complexity is a potential source of security issues that increase the risk level within organizations. Our analysis also reveals that the tools used by our participants to perform their security tasks provide insufficient support for the complex, collaborative interactions that their duties involve. We offer several recommendations for addressing this complexity and improving IT security tools.  相似文献   

The widespread adoption of online services for performing work, home and leisure tasks enables users to operate in the ubiquitous environment provided by the Internet by managing a possibly high number of parallel (private and shared) activity contexts. The provision of awareness information is a key factor for keeping users up-to-date with what happens around them; e.g., with the operations performed by their collaborators. However, the delivery of notifications describing the occurred events can interrupt the users’ activities, with a possible disruptive effect on their emotional and attentional states. As a possible solution to the trade-off between informing and interrupting users, we defined two context-dependent notification management policies which support the selection of the notifications to be delivered on the basis of the user’s current activities, at different granularity levels: general collaboration context versus task carried out. These policies are offered by the COntext depeNdent awaReness informAtion Delivery (CONRAD) framework. We tested such policies with users by applying them in a collaboration environment that includes a set of largely used Web 2.0 services. The experiments show that our policies reduce the levels of workload on users while supporting an up-to-the-moment understanding of the interaction with their shared contexts. The present paper presents the CONRAD framework and the techniques underlying the proposed notification policies.  相似文献   


In the new “open world” of information, educational systems should involve students in constructing new knowledge of value to a community out of fragmentary information. The already proposed Knowledge Building (KB) approaches typically support only a few general-purpose activities due to the constraints of the utilised web-based environments. To organise and facilitate students’ KB during course activities, this study incorporated services provided by DoosMooc social learning environment into a knowledge transformation model. This approach is completely adapted to an educational context and allows time for iterations, helping students to both contribute to social KB processes and take collective responsibility for improving their understanding of authentic problems. The features provided by the introduced environment support and assess students’ KB activities and facilitate processes of creating, representing, organising, and reviewing different types of knowledge artefacts. The results of a semester-long experiment indicate that the approach and the corresponding instructional design thereof could successfully organise students’ KB activities and facilitate the required interactions. This study reports the impacts of parameters such as learner expertise and quality of shared knowledge on the planned KB processes, and investigates the relationships between students' KB activities and learning achievements.  相似文献   

The global scale and distribution of companies have changed the economy and dynamics of businesses. Web-based collaborations and cross-organizational processes typically require dynamic and context-based interactions between people and services. However, finding the right partner to work on joint tasks or to solve emerging problems in such scenarios is challenging due to scale and temporary nature of collaborations. Furthermore, actor competencies evolve over time, thus requiring dynamic approaches for their management. Web services and SOA are the ideal technical framework to automate interactions spanning people and services. To support such complex interaction scenarios, we discuss mixed service-oriented systems that are composed of both humans and software services, interacting to perform certain activities. As an example, consider a professional online support community consisting of interactions between human participants and software-based services. We argue that trust between members is essential for successful collaborations. Unlike a security perspective, we focus on the notion of social trust in collaborative networks. We show an interpretative rule-based approach to enable humans and services to establish trust based on interactions and experiences, considering their context and subjective perceptions.  相似文献   

Office work is situated social action, a notion that includes both the social actions of computer systems in their interactions with office workers and other computer systems. This notion can be operationalized by dialogue context, which can then be used as a design parameter in office information systems. Observational data were collected by video recording a secretary's activities over an 8 hour duration. The data were analysed and discussed with the secretary to identify her action units. These action units were then related using an action graph. An interpretation of the action graph and observational data suggest certain features that a dialogue context management mechanism should have. They are: (1) a good match between applications and activities, (2) automated tools to support routine activities, and (3) informative and manageable metaphor to model the real world.  相似文献   

UML2.0 introduced interaction overview diagrams (IODs) as a way of specifying relationships between UML interactions. IODs are a variant of activity diagrams that show control flow between a set of interactions. The nodes in an IOD are either inline interactions or references to an interaction. A number of recent papers have defined a formal semantics for IODs. These are restricted, however, to interactions that can be specified using basic sequence diagrams. This excludes the many rich modeling constructs available in activity diagrams such as interruptible regions, activity groups, concurrent node executions, and flow final nodes. It is non-trivial to allow such constructs in IODs because their meaning has to be interpreted in the context of interaction sequences rather than activities. In this paper, we consider how some of these activity diagram constructs can be used practically in IODs. We motivate the integration of these constructs into IODs using a NASA air traffic control subsystem and define a formal semantics for these constructs that builds on an existing semantics definition for IODs.  相似文献   

Social media and mobile devices have revolutionized the way people communicate and share information in various contexts, such as in cities. In today’s “smart” cities, massive amounts of multiple forms of geolocated content is generated daily in social media, out of which knowledge for social interactions and urban dynamics can be derived. This work addresses the problem of detecting urban social activity patterns and interactions, by modeling cities into “dynamic areas”, i.e., coherent geographic areas shaped through social activities. Social media users provide the information on such social activities and interactions in cases when they are on the move around the city neighborhoods. The proposed approach models city places as feature vectors which represent users visiting patterns (social activity), the time of observed visits (temporal activity), and the context of functionality of visited places category. To uncover the dynamics of city areas, a clustering approach is proposed which considers the derived feature vectors to group people’s activities with respect to location, time, and context. The proposed methodology has been implemented on the DynamiCITY platform which demonstrates neighborhood analytics via a Web interface that allows end-users to explore neighborhoods dynamics and gain insights for city cross-neighborhood patterns and inter-relationships.  相似文献   

In recent years, the focus on higher education learning has shifted from knowledge to skills, with interpersonal skills likely being the most difficult to assess and work with. Wikis ease open collaboration among peers. A number of these skills can be objectively assessed by using wikis in an educational environment: collaborative writing, conflict resolution, group management, leadership, etc. However, when the number of students increases, their interactions usually increase at a higher rate. Under these circumstances, traditional assessment procedures suffer from scalability problems: manually evaluating in detail the information stored in a wiki to retrieve objective metrics becomes a complex and time-consuming task. Thus, automated tools are required to support the assessment of such processes. In this paper we compare seven case studies conducted in Computer Science courses of two Spanish universities: Cádiz and Seville. We comment on their different settings: durations, milestones, contribution sizes, weights in the final grade and, most importantly, their assessment methods. We discuss and compare the different methodologies and tools used to assess the desired skills in the context of each case study.  相似文献   

A business process is a set of activities performed in a coordinated manner within an organizational and technical environment that is aimed toward a business goal. The flexibility of a process is related to an understanding of the unexpected events that occur when people, systems and resources interact and require adjustments. Thus, business processes must be designed to respond to information about different events and their specificity. This information defines what the literature calls “context”. To broaden the perception of context in the case of a business process, this work proposes an approach to characterize the context of a business process activity in a given domain through conceptual models structured in layers. A case study was conducted to evaluate the proposal, which provided evidence of the applicability of the model.  相似文献   

Social and collaborative aspects of interaction with a service robot   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To an increasing extent, robots are being designed to become a part of the lives of ordinary people. This calls for new models of the interaction between humans and robots, taking advantage of human social and communicative skills. Furthermore, human–robot relationships must be understood in the context of use of robots, and based on empirical studies of humans and robots in real settings. This paper discusses social aspects of interaction with a service robot, departing from our experiences of designing a fetch-and-carry robot for motion-impaired users in an office environment. We present the motivations behind the design of the Cero robot, especially its communication paradigm. Finally, we discuss experiences from a recent usage study, and research issues emerging from this work. A conclusion is that addressing only the primary user in service robotics is unsatisfactory, and that the focus should be on the setting, activities and social interactions of the group of people where the robot is to be used.  相似文献   

Activity recognition (AR) is a key enabler for a context‐aware smart home since knowing what the residents’ current activities helps a smart home provide more desirable services. This is why AR is often used in assistive technologies for cognitively impaired people to evaluate their abilities to undertake activities of daily living. In a real‐life scenario, multiple‐resident AR has been considered as a very challenging problem, primarily due to the complexity of data association. In addition, most prior research has not considered the potential interpersonal interactions among residents to simplify complexity, especially in an environment monitored by ambient sensors. In this study, we propose two types of multiuser activity models, both of which are derived from an interaction‐feature enhanced multiuser model learning framework. These two models consider interpersonal interactions and data association for multiuser AR using ambient sensors. We then compare their performance with the other two baseline models with or without consideration of data association and interpersonal interactions. The experimental results show that the derived models outperform other baseline classifiers. Therefore, the proposed approach can increase the opportunities for providing context‐aware services for a multiresident smart home.  相似文献   

Participation is a complex process, engaging the whole person, implying cognitive, emotional and relational aspects. In online open and distant learning, group work is a commonly used strategy, given its collaborative nature and constructivist framework (2, 4 and 7). In this context, collaborative learning processes are highly dependent on the shared written information and the interactions that are established among the participants. The types of interactions that occur within such groups can influence their knowledge convergence processes, and are often decisive for its success.  相似文献   

The ambient intelligence paradigm involves one important challenge: to be adaptive to users and context through simple and natural interactions. To meet this goal, it is important to associate data with relevant everyday objects in the environment, including users themselves, and to enable interaction mechanisms between these objects. Following this premise, in this paper, we present a conceptual model to link contextual information with augmented elements acquired from user interactions in an implicit and transparent way. In this way, it is possible to personalize and enhance offered services in order to facilitate daily user activities. We call this contextual data “awareness marks”, and these awareness marks make it possible to offer novel services adapted from past events that were captured as they happened. Moreover, we have developed and evaluated a set of prototypes using Near Field Communication technology, which follows the presented model.  相似文献   

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