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Failure detectors have been shown to be a very useful mechanism to solve the consensus problem in the crash failure model, for which a number of communication-efficient algorithms have been proposed. In this paper we deal with the definition, implementation and use of communication-efficient failure detectors in the general omission failure model, where processes can fail by crashing and by omitting messages when sending and/or receiving. We first define a new failure detector class for this model in terms of completeness and accuracy properties. Then we propose an algorithm that implements a failure detector of the proposed class in a communication-efficient way, in the sense that only a linear number of links are used to send messages forever. We also explain how the well-known consensus algorithm of Chandra and Toueg can be adapted in order to use the proposed failure detector.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of broadcasting in synchronous point-to-point networks, where one initiator owns a piece of information that has to be transmitted to all other vertices as fast as possible. The model of fractional dynamic faults with threshold is considered: in every step either a fixed number c(G)−1c(G)1, where c(G)c(G) is the edge connectivity of the communication graph, or a fraction αα of sent messages can be lost depending on which quantity is larger.  相似文献   

Easy proofs are given, of the impossibility of solving several consensus problems (Byzantine agreement, weak agreement, Byzantine firing squad, approximate agreement and clock synchronization) in certain communication graphs.It is shown that, in the presence ofm faults, no solution to these problems exists for communication graphs with fewer than 3m+1 nodes or less than 2m+1 connectivity. While some of these results had previously been proved, the new proofs are much simpler, provide considerably more insight, apply to more general models of computation, and (particularly in the case of clock synchronization) significantly strengthen the results.Michael J. Fischer is currently Professor of Computer Science at Yale University, New Haven, CT, where he heads the Theory of Computation Group. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. His research interests include theory of distributed systems, cryptographic protocols, and computational complexity.Dr. Fischer received the B. S. degree in matheamtics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, in 1963, and the M. A. and Ph. D. degrees in applied mathematics from Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, in 1965 and 1968, respectively. He has taught previously at Carnegie-Mellon University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and University of Washington.Nancy Lynch is currently Associate professor of Computer Science at M.I.T., and heads the Theory of Distributed Systems group in M.I.T.'s Laboratory for Computer Science. Her interests are in all aspects of distributed computing theory, including formal models, algorithms, analysis, and correctness proofs. Dr. Lynch received the B.S. degree in mathematics from Brooklyn College in 1968 and the Ph. D. degree in mathematics from M.I.T. in 1972. She has served on the faculty of Tufts University, the University of Southern California, Florida International University, Georgia Tech.Michael Merritt is currently a member of the technical staff with AT&T Bell Laboratories. During the 1984 –85 academic year, he was a visiting lecturer at M.I.T., sponsered by Bell Labs. His research interests include distributed computation, cryptography and security. Dr. Merritt received the B. S. degree in computer science and philosophy from Yale in 1978 and the M. Sc. and Ph. D. degrees in 1980 and 1983, respectively, both in information and computer science from Georgia Tech. He is a member of SIGACT and of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.This paper has appeared in the ACM Conference Proceedings of PODC 1985. © 1985, Association for Computing Machinery, reprinted by permission  相似文献   

We present a simple elementary proof for the result of Fischer, Lynch, and Paterson (FLP) [J. ACM 32 (2) (April 1985) 374-382] that the consensus problem cannot be solved deterministically in an asynchronous system where a single process may fail by crashing. Our proof is, in contrast to the original, constructive in its crucial lemma, showing not only that a non-terminating execution does exist but also how it can be constructed. Our proof is based on the new notion of non-uniformity of a configuration. Non-uniformity is different from bivalency, which is the central notion in the original proof as well as in proofs of related results.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of reliably broadcasting a message in a multihop network. We assume that some nodes may be Byzantine, and behave arbitrarily. We focus on cryptography-free solutions.  相似文献   

We present a self-stabilizing solution to a new version of the dining philosophers problem. We call this problem mobile philosophers problem because the philosophers can move around a logical ring formed out of a dynamic network.  相似文献   

The failure detector class Omega (Ω) provides an eventual leader election functionality, i.e., eventually all correct processes permanently trust the same correct process. An algorithm is communication-efficient if the number of links that carry messages forever is bounded by n, being n the number of processes in the system. It has been defined that an algorithm is crash-quiescent if it eventually stops sending messages to crashed processes. In this regard, it has been recently shown the impossibility of implementing Ω crash quiescently without a majority of correct processes. We say that the membership is unknown if each process pi only knows its own identity and the number of processes in the system (that is, i and n), but pi does not know the identity of the rest of processes of the system. There is a type of link (denoted by ADD link) in which a bounded (but unknown) number of consecutive messages can be delayed or lost.In this work we present the first implementation (to our knowledge) of Ω in partially synchronous systems with ADD links and with unknown membership. Furthermore, it is the first implementation of Ω that combines two very interesting properties: communication-efficiency and crash-quiescence when the majority of processes are correct. Finally, we also obtain with the same algorithm a failure detector () such that every correct process eventually and permanently outputs the set of all correct processes.  相似文献   

Reliability is an important research topic in distributed computing systems consisting of a large number of processors. To achieve reliability, the fault-tolerance scheme of the distributed computing system must be revised. This kind of problem is known as a Byzantine agreement (BA) problem. It requires all fault-free processors to agree on a common value, even if some components are corrupt. Consequently, there have been significant studies of this agreement problem in distributed systems. However, the traditional BA protocols focus on running ⌊(n−1)/3⌋+1 rounds of message exchange continuously to make each fault-free processor reach an agreement. In other words, since having a large number of messages results in a large protocol overhead, those protocols are inefficient and unreasonable, especially for some network environments which have large number of processors. In this study, we propose a novel and efficient protocol to reduce the number of messages. Our protocol can collect, compare and replace the received values to find the reliable processors and replace the values sent by the unreliable processors. Subsequently, each processor can agree on a common value through three rounds of message exchange. Furthermore, the proposed protocol can use the minimum number of messages to tolerate the maximum number of faulty components in a distributed system.  相似文献   

In self-stabilization, each node has a local view of the distributed network system, in a finite amount of time the system converges to a global setup with desired property, in this case establishing a 2-packing set. Using a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) to represent the network, a subset S⊆VSV is a 2-packing if ∀i∈V:|N[i]∩S|?1iV:|N[i]S|?1. In this paper, we first propose an ID-based, constant space, self-stabilizing algorithm that stabilizes to a maximal 2-packing in an arbitrary graph. We show that the algorithm stabilizes in O(mn)O(mn) moves under any scheduler (such as a distributed daemon). Secondly, we show that the algorithm stabilizes in O(n2)O(n2) rounds under a synchronous daemon where every privileged node moves at each round.  相似文献   

A simple proof of the uniform consensus synchronous lower bound   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We give a simple and intuitive proof of an f+2 round lower bound for uniform consensus. That is, we show that for every uniform consensus algorithm tolerating t failures, and for every f?t−2, there is an execution with f failures that requires f+2 rounds.  相似文献   

A distributed Ada run-time system, DARTS, is presented. DARTS is used with a source code transformation method for pre-partitioning, and it also allows a late configuration. A single program can be partitioned to run on a loosely coupled multiprocessor system. The distributed units are tasks, task objects, packages, variables, procedures and functions. Task objects can by dynamically distributed. High fault tolerance is assured by unit redistribution. Design decisions, implementation details and ideas are presented.  相似文献   

We present a set of library routines that allow easily parallelized graphics rendering routines that require no communication between each parallel task, such as ray-tracing, to be run efficiently in an environment of distributed workstations. The presentation of the paper focuses on the problems encountered in implementing a distributed system under Unix and proposes solutions to each problem. Specifically, we discuss the challenges involved in overcoming the limits of communicating with a large number of processes in Unix and in providing fault tolerance when using sockets. Technical aspects of the implementation and some additional problems that were encountered are discussed. Finally, we compare the rendering times for a complex image with a renderer using the library and show that the library routines are able to exploit much of the existing parallelism. The library is presented using a graphics application, though the concepts are generic enough to be of use in designing any distributed system under Unix.  相似文献   

This paper presents distributed self-stabilizing algorithms for the maximal independent and the minimal dominating set problems. Using an unfair distributed scheduler the algorithms stabilizes in at most max{3n−5,2n} resp. 9n moves. All previously known algorithms required O(n2) moves.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present two bounded cost algorithms that solve multivalued consensus using binary consensus instances. Our first algorithm uses log2n number of binary consensus instances where n is the number of processes, while our second algorithm uses at most binary consensus instances, where is the maximum length of the binary representation of all proposed values in the run. Both algorithms are significant improvements over the previous algorithm in [A. Mostefaoui, M. Raynal, F. Tronel, From binary consensus to multivalued consensus in asynchronous message-passing systems, Information Processing Letters 73 (5–6) (2000) 207–212], where the number of binary consensus instances needed to solve one multivalued consensus is unbounded.  相似文献   

When implementing multivalued consensus using binary consensus, previous algorithms assume the availability of uniform reliable broadcast, which is not implementable in systems with fair-lossy links. In this paper, we show that with binary consensus we can implement uniform reliable broadcast directly in systems with fair-lossy links, and thus the separate assumption of the availability of uniform reliable broadcast is not necessary. We further prove that, when binary consensus instances are available only as black boxes, any implementation of uniform reliable broadcast in the fair-lossy link model requires the invocation of an infinite number of binary consensus instances even if no process ever broadcasts any messages, and this is true even when multivalued consensus is used.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a variation of the Byzantine generals problem (or Byzantine consensus). Each general has a set of good plans and a set of bad plans. The problem is to make all loyal generals agree on a good plan proposed by a loyal general, and never on a bad plan.  相似文献   

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