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农作物病虫害统防统治作为农业减灾、农药减量、生态环保的重要手段,越来越受到各级政府和广大农民欢迎。本文立足河北省景县实际,对统防统治工作的发展背景、发展历程、运行机制以及由此可能带来的社会影 响进行了剖析。  相似文献   

探索新世纪的政府办公建筑形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者代表广州设计院参加了湖南省政府新机关院办公区的建筑设计投标,在设计过程中,我们对政府办公建筑设计有了一些新认识,本文将结合部分工程实例和本工程的创作体会,探索新世纪政府办公建筑设计的一些新思路。  相似文献   

我是这样想的,评奖是一个社会产物。不论是政府的还是学术的,有很多原因和需要,作为利益的需要自古以来就有,它是用评奖的方式来激励一些东西,是统治的需要。这其中也包括学术统治、商业统治。不论做什么事都有  相似文献   

中山路街区自德占时期开辟后初成面貌,后经历数次变迁.外来建筑文化与本国建筑文化并融于此道路之各色建筑,是青岛建筑类型与风格的集中反映,是青岛文化的载体与影射.试从建筑历史角度追溯众多历史建筑生长与消亡,采取对街区及建筑进行现场走访、建筑测绘结合资料查阅整理的方法,寻找街区重要近代建筑踪迹,阐述了中山路街区的变化发展,为以后街区建筑价值评定与保护更新提供部分基础资料.  相似文献   

据建设部副部长仇保兴透露,2006年,政府既定节能目标没有完成,今年我国将出台建筑节能条例。并将重点建立针对高耗能的政府办公建筑、大型公共建筑的能耗统计制度、能效审计和披露制度,并在17个省市试点。  相似文献   

根据政府机构办公建筑的节能诊断结果,归纳出目前政府机构办公建筑在建筑节能中存在的共性问题,包括设计问题、施工及初调节问题、运行调节问题、管理问题及个别高能耗的不合理环节等。  相似文献   

我国发展进入了新的关键历史时期,这个时期有三个重要特征:一是生态环境脆弱,二是人均资源短缺,三是社会问题突出。国家提出了科学发展观。城市是国家发展的主要基地,城市发展必须充分体现科学发展观的要求。从城市规划来讲,需要更加突出“三个保护”:保护环境,改善生态条件;保护资源,合理利用资源;保护公共利益,促进社会和谐。城市规划作为公共政策,需要更加突出其综合属性。  相似文献   

我国发展进入了新的关键历史时期,这个时期有三个重要特征:一是生态环境脆弱;二是人均资源短缺;三是社会问题突出。国家提出了科学发展观。城市是国家发展的主要基地,城市发展必须充分体现科学发展观的要求。从城市规划来讲,我认为需要更加突出“三个保护”:保护环境,改善生态条件;保护资源,合理利用资源;保护公共利益.促进社会和谐。城市规划作为公共政策,需要更加突出其综合属性。  相似文献   

随着现代社会的不断发展,城市化进程不断加快,办公建筑作为商业文化的重要工作场所也取得不断的发展。目前,在很多一线城市越来越多的高层办公建筑出现在人们的社会生活中。办公建筑也逐渐成为城市当地的亮丽风景线。高层办公建筑从一定程度上减轻了城市用地紧张的问题,同时也带动了城市的发展。  相似文献   

山东省邹城市是全国商品粮基地和全国农作物病虫害统防统治示范县,小麦是邹城市第一大粮食作物,其产量占全年粮食总产量的45%左右。为切实保障粮食生产安全,充分发挥全国农作物病虫害统防统治示范县的示范引领作用,邹城市坚决贯彻落实上级各部门重大病虫害防控工作决策部署,积极推动“政府主导、属地管理、联防联控”的重大病虫害防控机制,坚持“政府扶持、市场主导、组织主体、专业服务”的原则,高点站位,高位谋划,积极采取组织领导、监测预警、统防引领、宣传发动和废物回收等有力举措,全力推进小麦“一喷三防”专业化统防统治工作,显著提升了农作物病虫害防治的效果、效率和效益,有效推动了专业化统防统治服务组织快速发展壮大,有力促进了植保机械升级换代,为夺取全年粮食丰收打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

Conclusion Tourism scholarship concerning conferences and exhibitions is dominated by writings concerned with developed countries. An examination of the South African experience, therefore, provides a useful complement to the existing writings and reveals certain parallel themes, particularly concerning issues of local development. Historically, in the apartheid period the market for conference and exhibition tourism was based upon domestic demand. After the democratic transition, however, it is evident that new opportunities were opened for the attraction of international conferences and exhibitions to South Africa. Undoubtedly, a watershed event in the development of South African participation in the global market for conferences was the successful hosting in Johannesburg during 2002 of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. The positive local development impacts of the attraction of such conferences have been the essential catalyst for the development and continuous upgrading of three international quality convention centres in the country. These three major convention facilities represent the apex of an estimated 1700 conference and exhibition centres that currently exist across South Africa and serve both domestic and international MICE markets. With heightened levels of competition for the conference and exhibition market—both domestic and international—uncertainty surrounds the long-term prospects of many of these facilities. The task of monitoring the progress, dynamics and changing fortunes of conference and exhibition tourism merits a place on the research agenda of urban tourism studies in South Africa over the next decade.  相似文献   

Phila Xuza 《Urban Forum》2007,18(2):117-123
This article offers a perspective from a practitioner on the experience of involvement in the first decade of initiatives for promoting local economic development in South Africa. The reflection on the first decade identifies ten key trends in the practice of LED in South Africa. It is argued that whilst debates on LED in South Africa have made considerable progress, it is necessary to reflect on the knowledge created in the first decade of LED practice and design.  相似文献   


Although born and educated to pre‐university level in South Africa, William Holford is invariably associated with Great Britain where he lived throughout his adult like and where he was accorded so many honours. Most of the writings by and about him consequently relate to this British background and not a great deal is known outside South Africa of his professional association with the land of his birth. He was in fact involved in a number of projects in South Africa in the post‐war years, including those in Pretoria, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town and Durban, which are discussed in this paper. The projects are viewed against the backdrop of the principles and premises of planning as enunciated by Holford himself, on which basis the connections between his statements and their application in practice ‐ between rhetoric and reality ‐ are assessed.  相似文献   

胡文娜  刘栋 《华中建筑》2013,(10):117-120
非洲拥有大量的国家公园和自然保护区,旅游资源非常丰富,旅游产业已经成为很多非洲国家的支柱性产业.肯尼亚、津巴布韦和南非三国大力发展生态旅游,重视建设生态型旅游度假村.文中所阐述的8个旅游度假村大多位于国家公园、自然保护区内部或者附近,设施完善,服务水平高,开发成熟,具有一定的代表性.文章分析了旅游度假村的功能和规模,并对非洲常见的三种度假村建筑类型进行了区分和比较,最后总结出非洲的生态型旅游度假村在理念、建设和规划设计等方面的特点和可借鉴之处.  相似文献   

Unemployment remains one of South Africa's most pressing problems while at the same time there is a great need for physical infrastructure in both urban and rural areas. Concurrently there is also a lack of individual skills and institutional capacity. From a theoretical perspective, substantiated by large scale experience elsewhere in Africa (and research and development in South Africa) there are reasons for advocating the establishment of carefully formulated, long term programmes using employment-intensive methods for the construction and maintenance of the required infrastructure. These programmes have also improved institutional capacities and developed individual skills. Proper employment-intensive construction results in a significant increase in employment generated per unit of expenditure. It can be financially competitive with conventional (equipment-based) construction and can produce the same quality of product within the same time. From a development perspective there are additional socio-economic benefits to be gained such as the development of individual skills and institutional capacities and a contribution to the alleviation of poverty. The concepts and principles, taken together with the processes and results of successful long term, large scale programmes provide criteria by which to evaluate other projects and programmes. In 1994 the South African National Public Works Programme (NPWP) was launched based on the principles outlined above. This paper briefly describes the NPWP and evaluates progress in satisfying its objectives.  相似文献   

Assistant Professor, Charles W. Graham of the College of Architecture at Texas A&M University and Rubintheran Pather, of Durban, South Africa, report the findings of an investigation into building technology development in South Africa, where standards and Building Codes were found to be a major barrier to the use of new building technologies.  相似文献   

Cities are the frontline for addressing issues of global sustainability. This notion has been inducted into the development discourse of the Global North with varying degrees of success. However, urban environments in the Global South face unique challenges, and Western-derived perceptions of sustainability are inappropriate for these regions. This paper examines issues of sustainability within impoverished urban communities in South Africa. Survey interviews helped inform and examination of South Africa’s urban morphology to determine the specific obstacles to sustainable urban development of marginalised communities in South Africa. In response, the study proposes the application of the principles founded in facilities management (FM) at a macro/urban scale. Urban facilities management (UFM) is a new alignment of FM that advocates a holistic view of an urban precinct to facilitate systemic solutions with a variety of urban role-players. A conceptual framework for a UFM aligned development process for marginalised communities of the Global South is developed based on issues identified through the interviews. This framework seeks to enable a comprehensive integration of social, environmental, economic, and institutional dimensions of sustainability into an urban development model. In doing so, it holds the promise of unlocking the opportunities for developing/emerging countries to pioneer global sustainability.  相似文献   

Are South African cities to small? Given the history of South Africa’s spatial development, one might expect that South African cities might be under-sized, and not over-sized as in many other developing countries. It is found that the rank-size distribution explains the sizes of South Africa’s cities but that Zipf’s Law does not hold for the country’s cities. The so-called q-coefficient was found to be equal to −0.75 for the 123 places with population in excess of 100 000. It was also found that urbanisation in South Africa over the past decade seems to have taken the form of the parallel (slow, 1.04%) growth of five large cities. Finally, calculating the “H-measure” for 19 metropolitan areas in South Africa yields an inverse H-measure of 11.3. This suggests a reasonable degree of dispersal, which would only be consistent with optimal city size if transport costs were low and manufacturing not in need of scale economies; two conditions unlikely to apply to South Africa. Finally, the primacy ratio for South Africa’s largest urban agglomeration was found to be 38%. This suggests that the size of the Johannesburg-East Rand urban agglomeration (the primate city) may be relatively too large, whereas more efficient growth may come from larger harbour cities.  相似文献   

随着南非1994年向民主国家进行过渡,服务于种族主义与种族隔离政策空间社会管理几十年的传统的总体与空间规划开始被视为完全丧失信誉的规划手段。  相似文献   

讲故事的空间——南非种族隔离博物馆案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈铁夫  李哲 《世界建筑》2005,(2):110-115
南非种族隔离博物馆按照线性的空间流线对南非的种族隔离历史进行了介绍与反思,建筑师本着对历史的理解与尊重,探索了空间处理和材料应用的手法,强调了建筑与城市文脉的联系。  相似文献   

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