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基于OpenGL和地形图支撑下的地形三维显示 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
以吉林省汪清林业局金仓林场为研究区域,利用地形图丰富的高程信息,在Are/info、R2V等软件的支撑下生成DEM数据,并以此为基础在面向对象软件Visual C 下利用OpenGL生成了林场的三维立体图形,并能用交互方式实现图形的旋转、缩放。 相似文献
DEM与空间叠加分析在土地定量评价中的研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
以湖北省建始县为例,研究了海拔、坡度和坡向与该区农业生产条件的关系,建立了土地适宜性评价模型。在MapGIS支持下,该文综合应用数字高程模型(DEM)及空间叠加分析技术实现了该模型在土地适宜性评价中的应用。实践表明,该数字化定量评价方法所得的结果与实际情况相符,具有高效、准确和可视化的特点,可为政府决策提供支持。 相似文献
Chaoqing Yu Alan M. MacEachren Donna J. Peuquet Brent Yarnal 《Environmental Modelling & Software》2009,24(12):1501-1512
Recent natural disasters indicate that modern technologies for environmental monitoring, modeling, and forecasting are not well integrated with cross-level social responses in many hazard-management systems. This research addresses this problem through a Java-based multi-agent prototype system, GeoAgent-based Knowledge System (GeoAgentKS). This system allows: (1) computer representation of institutional regulations and behavioral rules used by multiple social institutions and individuals in cross-level human–environment interactions, (2) integration of this representation with scientific modeling of dynamic hazard development, and (3) application of automated reasoning that suggests to users the appropriate actions for supporting cooperative social responses. This paper demonstrates the software architecture of GeoAgentKS and presents such an integrated approach by modeling the drought management processes in Central Pennsylvania, USA. The results show that it is possible to use GeoAgentKS to represent multilevel human–environment interactions and to use those interactions as input to decision making in hazard management. 相似文献
介绍了GIS(地理信息系统)在水电枢纽工程运行管理中的设计与应用,详细论述了数字电厂模型的建立以及设计目标、设计思路和功能设计。以及GIS在数字电厂中的使用方法,如数据输入及更新、图形处理、图形漫游、属性查询、统计分析等。 相似文献
通信管道地理模型的设计与实现 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
基于面向对象GIS建模技术提出了一种有效的通信管道地理模型,并且在Maplnfo平台通过MapBasic编程完全实现。该模型不仅满足视觉要求,而且设计的用户操作简便、易用,为实现对市话管线资源的高效、可视化管理提供了一条有效的途径。 相似文献
将地理信息系统(GIS)技术、数据库技术、网络通信技术应用于开发基于园区的水、电、暖、天然气等管刚监控与管理系统,可以为管网系统提供一个直观的、实时的、量化的信息平台。该文通过研究管网信息管理与监控系统的需求,给出了其所涉及的关键技术和数据模型,从而构建一种通用的园区网信息管理与监控系统模理,使特定的系统可以在此基础上进行定制。 相似文献
GPRS/Web-GIS在GPS车辆定位导航系统中的应用研究 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
就GPS车辆定位系统数据传输问题,对GPRS通信链路性能进行了分析,提出一个基于GPRS通信平台,利用Web-GIS实现车辆定位导航信息分布式发布的功能框架;就GIS信息在GPRS移动终端上的无线发布实现作了进一步探讨,提出了相应解决方案。仿真实验取得较好效果。 相似文献
Since the various people involved in the design process for a building project tend to hold conflicting views, this inevitably
leads to a range of disparate models for planning and calculation purposes. In order to interpret the relevant geometrical,
topological and semantical data for any given building model, we identify a structural component graph, a graph of room faces,
a room graph and a relational object graph as aids and explain algorithms to derive these relations. We start with a building
model by transferring its geometrical, topological and semantical data into a volume model, decomposing the latter into a
so-called connection model and then extracting all air volume bodies and hulls of the model by means of further decomposition
into elementary cyclic connection components. The technique is demonstrated within the scope of building energy simulation
by deriving both a dimensionally reduced object model required for setting up a thermal multizone model and a geometrical
model for defining single or multiple computational fluid dynamic domains in a building together with incidence matrices correlating
these models. The algorithm is basically applicable to any building energy simulation tool.
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SAGACIA是一种混合随机优化算法,该算法虽已吸收了模拟退火算法、遗传算法和趋化性算法的优点,但搜索过程中仍存在收敛速度慢以及采用固定步长影响搜索精度的缺点,而捕食搜索策略通过限制的调节能较快锁定最优区域,从而提高收敛速度。结合两者的优缺点,提出一种具有捕食搜索策略的自适应调整步长SAGACIA算法,改进后的算法通过捕食搜索策略平衡了算法的局域搜索和全局搜索,提高了收敛速度;邻域搜索采用自适应步长,避免了最优解附近的震荡,提高了搜索精度。实验仿真结果表明,改进后的SAGACIA算法具有较快的收敛速度和较高的寻优精度,证明了算法改进的有效性和可行性。 相似文献
Francesco Sarti Yaacov ArkinJean Chorowicz Arnon KarnieliTeresa Cunha 《Remote sensing of environment》2003,86(2):141-149
Differential radar interferometry, using archived ERS data over the region of the Dead Sea Transform, allows to detect ground movement (subsidence or uplift) in playas within the southern Arava Valley segment of the Dead Sea Rift. These measurements are consistent with a mean displacement rate of about 0.4 cm/month, in the direction of the radar beam, during the 8-month period preceding the Nuweiba earthquake of 22 November 1995. In the 3 years following the earthquake, the measured rate was smaller by a factor of 10. These movements are not related to salt diapirs or water pumping activities in the area. The exact location, along faults, suggests a possible correlation with pre-seismic and post-seismic fault deformation.A simple fault model consistent with the observed phenomena associates the observed subsidence/uplift to right and left stepping en-echelon fault patterns related to inter-seismic tensional accumulation along the faults. Further observations are necessary on this site and similar fault areas to corroborate the correlation between seismic activity and the observed phenomena. Monitoring of these sites should continue with differential Global positioning system (GPS) measurements and radar interferometric analysis using Envisat and Radarsat as well as archived data (including J-ERS). 相似文献
This paper describes the state-of-the-art medical-information systems and technologies at the beginning of the 21st century. The complexity of construction of full-scaled clinical diagnoses as the basis of medical databases of different topo-typology is shown. 相似文献