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冯良 《电器》2005,(7):70-72
2005年1月15日~29日,国家发展和改革委员会(以下简称发改委)环境资源综合利用司、国务院法制办财金司、财政部综合司,国家发改委价格司、法规司等派员参加的废旧家电回收处理考察团访问了芬兰、德国、荷兰三国,其间与欧盟及企业相关人士分别就电子废物的回收处理以及运营情况进行了广泛的交流.  相似文献   

建立我国废旧家电产品回收处理体系,实现我国电子废物的无害化、资源化处理,是十分紧迫的任务  相似文献   

美国东北部各州政府如何影响电脑和电视的回收   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

电子废弃物的大多处置方式不仅对环境和人类造成危害,还浪费了宝贵的资源。为了寻找最佳电子废物的处置方式,探讨了循环经济的概念,提出采用循环经济模式来回收利用电子废物,从根本上解决电子废物的处置问题。  相似文献   

企业如何肯花时间去进行过程调研、经济因素分析以及资源评价,将会发现回收和再利用是一项削减成本的可行措施。本文介绍了美国中小型企业中运用的一种回收再利用技术,以供我国同类企业参考借鉴。  相似文献   

李剑锋 《电器》2006,(5):55-55
由于高科技产品的逐步普及和人们需求的不断增长,电子废弃物每年将以5%至8%的速度增长,已经成为世界上增长最快的垃圾。4月24日,记者在“电子废弃物循环利用论坛”上听到很多专家在议论这一话题。电子垃圾不同于其他产品,其中含有大量的铅、铬、水银等有毒有害物质。由于失去利用价值的部件扔掉后被填埋或焚烧,大量有毒有害物质进入土壤和地下水,造成了环境的严重污染。而谈及中国解决电子垃圾回收面临的最紧迫问题时,中国家用电器协会副理事长刘福中表示:“中国政府应该早日出台切实可行的关于回收的法律法规,建立符合中国国情的处理厂和回收体系”。  相似文献   

顾列铭 《电器》2007,(5):28-29
目前日本共有专业家电回收处理企业46家,通过合理处理方式,从废旧电器中回收利用大量铁、铜、铝、塑料和玻璃等原材料。经过日本家电及电子制造企业近几年的探索,日本的电子垃圾处理模式已经能够实现“从商品到商品”的良性循环处理过程。  相似文献   

建立废旧电子产品的回收利用处理体系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张帆 《家电科技》2005,(1):43-45
针对我国的具体情况,提出了建立符合国情的废旧电子电器产品回收利用处理体系的建议和构想。  相似文献   

德国WEEE回收处理体系和资源再利用技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全球WEEE(废旧电子电器)总量增加,自然资源不断减少,环境压力持续加大,这是各国政府和企业及学者最为关注的课题,本文分析了欧洲发达地区应对措施,重点研究德国WEEE回收处理体系和成功经验,推广其管理体系和先进技术,提倡循环经济,推行生态设计,尽量减少废弃物,循环利用资源。  相似文献   

The concept of ‘recycling’ was adopted to solve the overuse of resources by mass production and mass consumption of products in the 20th century. In the latter half of the 20th century, all companies started recycling activities slowly but positively, and some of them established their own recycling plants. This article introduces the processes through which used home appliances are made into materials (for reuse), and the machines, facilities, and methods for such reuse, as well as the results of their actual application by the study of a recycling plant. It is expected that this article would motivate the readers for recycling and to consider and feel what we, consumers, should do. Copyright © 2007 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

SiC是提高功率模块中功率密度的一种理想材料,SiC功率器件具有非常低的开关损耗,热传导率很低。本文介绍了SiC混合模块(传统IGBT和SiC肖特基二极管)和全SiC模块的性能,并与传统硅续流二极管(CALHD)和快速硅二极管进行比较。.  相似文献   

MATLAB仿真在电力电子教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电力电子技术的关键知识点多为变换器工作过程分析,在电路结构复杂、电路具有多个工作状态的条件下,通过传统教学手段讲解的过程冗长、枯燥而且容易漏掉细节。本文对MATLAB/Simulink仿真环境下的SimPowerSystems仿真模型库进行简单介绍,并通过搭建串联谐振直流环节DC-DC变换器模型,演示了MATLAB/Simulink环境在教学实践中应用,最后本文对教学效果进行了评估和总结。  相似文献   

E-enforcement, or electronic enforcement, is the use of electronic tools in law enforcement. We shall distinguish between the first and second generations of e-enforcement. The first generation of e-enforcement tools provided means of "automated enforcement". This article is based on our research into the effects of two forms of second generation e-enforcement: the digital tachograph and 'Weigh in Motion' (WIM). The digital tachograph replaces the analog tachograph in all heavy goods vehicles within the European Union. The equipment registers drivers' driving and rest times. Weigh in Motion with Video (WIM-Vid) is a system involving sensors in the road and cameras, which detect and register overloading of heavy goods vehicles. The WIM-Vid system was developed and implemented in the Netherlands and is currently attracting international attention. We compare the situation prior to the introduction of these e-enforcement measures to the situation after the introduction of e-enforcement.  相似文献   

Although the overall aims of university engineering education in the U. S. A. and the U. K. are broadly similar, the means of achieving these aims in the two countries are rather different. This paper discusses teaching methods and philosophies in the Department of Electronics at the University of Southampton and compares them with attitudes in the U. S. A. First, high-school curricula in the U. K. are reviewed, as they determine the quality of students at university entry. Then, the probable future pattern of industry, and the aims of a university education are discu sed. The courses devised to train both "systems" and "device" engineers, including the all-important laboratory training, are outlined together with examination and assessment techniques. Postgraduate activities include a new type of postgraduate Master's degree course in semiconductor product technology and industrial techniques.  相似文献   

Widespread developments in lasers and coherent optical electronics during the past decade make this an important and growing area of electronic technology. A course in lasers and laser electronics for undergraduate or first-year graduate engineers is described. The course adopts an electronic engineering approach to the subject, makes extensive use of simple class demonstrations, and requires no quantum-mechanical background or prerequisites outside the usual undergraduate engineering curriculum.  相似文献   

The area of Power Electronics consists of groups of topics which should now form part of a program in Electrical Power Engineering. Some of these topics can be introduced by modifying part of the standard curriculum in Electrical Engineering; others require the introduction of new courses. Desirable modifications are described and new courses in Thyristor Circuits are outlined. It is acknowledged that the number of courses required to give students an adequate knowledge of Power Electronics may be considered excessive for an undergraduate program in that they could result in a level of specialization which may be undesirable. In this case the main group of courses on Thyristor Circuits would be part of the graduate program with one introductory course included in the undergraduate program.  相似文献   

仿生学在电力电子学中的应用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文将电力电子仿生学作为电力电子学中的一个新的研究方向提出来 ,阐述了其基本概念和研究方法 ,讨论了电力电子系统和生物系统之间的内在相似性。论述了电力电子学可向生命科学借鉴和学习的主要内容 ,它们包括生物系统的高度可靠性、生物系统的高效能量流动、奇妙的生物智能、先进的组织结构和运行模式以及性能优良的生物材料等五个方面。本文的研究工作对仿生学在电力电子学中的应用有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

电力系统中的电力电子技术和谐波治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对电力电子技术在电力系统中应用的主要方面作了综述 ,预测了我国电力系统中应用电力电子技术的发展趋势 ,分析和介绍了用于治理电力电子设备谐波污染的有源电力滤波器和有源功率因数校正器的基本原理、技术难点和发展方向。  相似文献   

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