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An approach to the design of effective computer-based systems is discussed. This approach exploits the user's traditional diagrammatic notations in an effort to achieve usability for experts other than computer professionals. Notations are formalized as visual languages, thus allowing the design of visual editors, interpreters, and compilers. The users themselves exploit these tools to define a hierarchy of environments by a bootstrapping approach. By navigating within these environments, they can progressively design visual interfaces and computing tools that allow them not only to execute the required computational tasks, but also to gain insight into and control the computational process, and check the results.  相似文献   

Conceptual design and editing parameterized models of 3D solids often requires user interactions with many types of entities and relations. In this paper, we present a concept for simplifying the design process. The simplification is based on three paradigms; integration of data structures and control structures, multiple view interface, and use of hypertext techniques for fast traversal and selective display of data. Data structures and control structures are integrated into uniform building blocks called cells. Cells define assemblies of CSG solids and can be grouped bottom-up into more complex cells or, alternatively, can be refined top-down during the design process. Efficient specification of complex cells and patterns is made possible through the use of automatic default values, multiple instantiation, built-in repetition, and recursion. A multiple-view interface enables the designer to view and edit both the cell parameters and the hierarchical structure of the model. The interface provides integrated textual, 2D graphical, and 3D direct-manipulation techniques for specifying primitive dimensions and relative transformations.  相似文献   

VITUID is a visual tool for user interface development. It aims to help user-interface designers, who may be non-programmers, to specify and create interactive, graphical user interfaces through graphical interaction. VITUID lets designers specify the user command set and the human-computer dialogs by building a tree and specifying the behavior of each dialog via a dialog-control word, adopting the object-oriented approach. The main strategy of VITUID is to separate a user interface into an application-dependent part and an application-independent part and then let the designer specify only the application-dependent part.  相似文献   

Until quite recently, perhaps the least appreciated part of user interface management system (UIMS) architecture has been the interface to the application. A number of approaches to interface-application communication have been attempted, but these have suffered as a result of being non-programmable, unstructured and/or static. This paper presents the user-interface-application communication system developed for the Chimera UIMS, which attempts to address these problems. This system enables interprocess communication between user interface and application via an explicit, programmable UIMS component—an application linkage, which is structured, dynamic and reconfigurable at run-time. The internal structure of the linkage is described, along with the mechanism for communication with dialogue control and application. An extensive example is developed in order to illustrate the communication process to and from the user via dialogue control and linkage to the application.  相似文献   

The development of the user interface concerns all aspects of a software system that are targeted to the interactive delivery of its functionality and data. Today, user interface development accounts for a large proportion of the overall software implementation, while the programming process involves various recurring software patterns. Based on the identification of key commonly occurring user interface programming patterns, we have designed and implemented a user interface programming language with built-in constructs to directly support those software patterns, offering declarative programming features such as: precondition-based actions, unidirectional constraints and data-content monitors. Initially, we introduce the deployment syntax and semantics of the novel programming elements, relying upon subject interaction scenarios. Then we reveal the most demanding implementation aspects of the code generator and the respective run-time library.  相似文献   

IBS (Icon Based System) is an experimental graphical query language based on icons. It demonstrates the capabilities of a workstation environment by integrating the aspects of database programming in one graphical setting. Namely, it allows direct manipulation of objects dealing with pictorial data as well as alphanumeric data. We point out the interaction techniques between users and database systems. Then we describe the design of IBS, illustrate its features, and show how queries are formulated in a medical context.  相似文献   

The last decade has placed the superiority of graphical user interfaces over traditional text-based approaches beyond dispute. In almost all contexts, users have found graphical interfaces easier to learn, faster to use, and less error-prone. However, it has been shown that the creation of powerful graphical interfaces takes up to 80% of the time required to develop an application. In our work, we seek to extend the benefits of graphical interaction to the next layer of computer user—the interface designer. Our work in this area is distinguished from other efforts by two important differences. First, while other efforts focus primarily on the design of standard user interfaces, our approach emphasizes the creation of unique and innovative interfaces by supporting, among other things, arbitrary user-designed graphical representations, direct specification of animation, and digitized sound. Second, our goal is to cater to the nonprogrammer. Thus, we address a challenging trade-off: maximizing power and flexibility in an extremely simple environment. We explore the utility of the prototype object-oriented paradigm, a high-level userinterface language, and a direct-manipulation programming environment in this context.  相似文献   

In this paper a brief review of user interface management systems (UIMSs) and their advantages is given. Shortcomings of current UIMSs and open requirements imposed by industrial application areas are outlined. Among the most important requirements are uniform design mechanisms independent of interaction media, techniques, and styles as well as a straight forward end-user adaptability of user interfaces. A new approach to interactive interface construction, called “direct composition”, is introduced. In this approach all interface objects contain the means for their own modification and design and therefore offer consistent interaction techniques for both the construction and usage of user interfaces. Moreover, end-user adaptability is an inherent feature of direct composition interfaces. The user interface design environment SX/Tools is described to exemplify specific properties of user interface management systems following the principle of direct composition. The impacts of direct composition on user interface design include a uniform interface development process covering tool development, interface development, and “on-usage” interface adaptation. It is argued that the direct composition approach can overcome many of the problems with traditional UIMSs.  相似文献   

In this paper, an interactive graphical approach for the design of parameterized part-hierarchies is presented. Primitive solids can be grouped into compound objects, and multiple instances of a compound object can be used in further designs. Geometric relations between primitives and instances are specified by geometric constraints between their local coordinate systems. The user can specify and edit a model by direct manipulation on a perspective or parallel projection with a mouse, whereas a procedural model representations is automatically generated via visual programming. The obtained twoview approach offers two concurrent interface styles to the end-user and enables the combination of an intuitive direct manipulation interface with the expressiveness of a procedural modeling language.  相似文献   

This study examines the essential effects of visual feedback on users’ perceptions of time and on their evaluations of waiting time for a mobile application user interface. The two variables adopted in this experiment are wait indicator visual feedback and waiting time. Three types of visual feedback were used: bar indicator, pie indicator, and cartoon indicator. Three waiting times were used: 2 s, 5 s, and 10 s. This study was conducted based on the attentional-gate model of Zakay and Block to help investigate user time perceptions. The experiment of this study was a 3 × 3 mixed factorial design to measure the impact of the research variables on the users’ perceptions of waiting time, wait evaluations, and preferences. Results showed that the users’ time perceptions and wait evaluations were affected by the feedback types and waiting times, and the results are consistent with Vierordt's law and the attentional-gate model. Furthermore, there was a positive impact on the participants' preferences when they perceived a shorter waiting time. The cartoon type feedback can help reduce the perception of waiting time, but it does not necessarily improve user experience regarding short waiting time.  相似文献   

While past studies on user-interface design focused on a particular system or application using the experimental approach, we propose a theoretical model to assess the impact of perceived user-interface design (PUID) on continued usage intention (CUI) of self-paced e-learning tools in general. We argue that the impact of PUID is mediated by two variables, namely perceived functionality (PF) and perceived system support (PSS), which influence perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU), respectively. We empirically validated the model using data collected from a survey administered to university students in Hong Kong. We found that most hypotheses are valid and PUID is an important antecedent of CUI of a self-paced e-learning tool. We also showed that PU and user satisfaction (USat) are two essential predictors of CUI. However, the impact of PEOU on CUI is indirect via PU as a mediator. Our findings enrich the theory on the continued usage of technology, and provide e-learning developers with managerial insights on how to entice learners to continue using their e-learning tools.  相似文献   

基于网络媒体的视觉传达设计是一个崭新的领域,同时也是属于艺术设计创新领域的范畴。随着互联网技术的飞速发展,视觉传达设计正日渐向立体化、交互性偏移,这对传统设计者而言是在风格、手法和思维上的挑战,同时也是这一领域的重大变革。本文将立足于新媒体领域,对网络媒体的视觉传达设计的特征和需求进行分析,结合多方面的艺术表现要素和具体项目实践内容,提出相关的建议和对策。  相似文献   

Graphical or Visual User Interface (GUI) is recognized as one of the most important application components for safety critical and business oriented software systems. It is highly advantageous for GUI designers and application developers to analyze the visual complexity of a GUI and predict users’ perception and judgment during the design phase. Although in recent years, various methods have been developed for visual complexity analysis, these have not been widely used due to applicability, practicality and validity issues. In this respect, we have conducted a comprehensive review of studies and methods in visual complexity analysis. After identifying and analyzing 85 research studies, we grouped the visual complexity analysis methods and accordingly a taxonomy is presented. Furthermore, conceptual comparison of the methods is given and gap analysis as well as possible future directions are provided. According to the our findings, major gaps for each visual complexity analysis method may be stated as follows: 1) In metric-model based methods, there is a lack of information about the suitability of the metric-model created for analysis, since the extent to which each metric contributes to visual complexity analysis is still not known exactly. 2) In heuristic- based methods, the extracted rule set is not yet extendable enough beyond the use for specific GUIs. 3) While the visual complexity analysis could be considered as a kind of computer vision task, there exist limited studies that does so. Therefore, generalizable solutions based on machine learning techniques seem to be a promising research direction to develop efficient approaches.  相似文献   

The article investigates how the various colors and color pairs used as grouping factors affect the visual search process and direct manipulation activities in the context of toolbar-like graphical panels. Red, green, and blue colors having the same perceptual distance in the CIELab space are used. The results demonstrate significant influence of the examined color-related factors on the speed and accuracy. The color preattentive property depends strongly on the grouping pattern: layouts with smaller colored areas were operated worse than panels divided into larger parts. Meaningful differences were also observed between panels with single and two colored backgrounds.  相似文献   

There are three fundamental problems that may occur in the process of user participation design: first, the participants/users may not be able to express their requirements clearly; second, they have little knowledge about design; and third, they are generally unfamiliar with the software that designers use. Based on this understanding, a method that considers design rationale is proposed in this work to support the process of user participation design. In addressing the user participation process, a fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach is applied to grasp people's ideas, in the initial design phase. A case study on creating house layout design is employed to illustrate the proposed approach. In this regard, to help participants/users create layout designs, it is proposed that a 3D generative system is used, which integrates navigational concepts, direct manipulation, and the design rationale theory. In a nutshell, this research proposes a system to implement a design rational model and improve design communication in the user participation process. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed prototype system, a user test is performed and we put forward some findings and research questions for further research and industry practices.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether the instruction of visual design principles had an influence on pre-service teachers’ perception and analysis (interpretation) of visual materials. In addition, the relationships between pre-service teachers’ visual intelligence and their perception and analysis (interpretation) of visual materials were also explored. Participants were 86 pre-service teachers who took a one-credit required educational technology course at a mid-western university in the United States. Some participants were absent in the weeks when data were collected, resulting in a total of 59 responses included in data analysis. Findings implied that the instruction of visual design principles could possibly improve pre-service teachers’ visual literacy. Suggestions for future research were discussed.  相似文献   

可视化、智能化用户界面管理系统的模型及实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
吴刚  董金祥  何志均  陈刚 《软件学报》1997,8(4):283-290
本文描述了用户界面开发工具ZDIS(ZheDainteractivesystem)系统的设计思想、体系结构和实现技术.ZDIS系统包括5部分:基于事例学习的自适应环境、基于直接操纵技术的可视化操作环境、基于事件模式的任务调度器、基于面向对象技术的交互类集和运行支持工具集、基于形式文法的界面描述语言.ZDIS系统支持并发、多线索的用户界面机制,并提供了动态用户界面的构筑方法,此外在用户界面的测试、评价方法上也进行了有益的探索.  相似文献   

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