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This paper considers flowshop scheduling problems where job processing times are described by position dependent functions, i.e., dependent on the number of processed jobs, that model learning or aging effects. We prove that the two-machine flowshop problem to minimize the maximum completion time (makespan) is NP-hard if job processing times are described by non-decreasing position dependent functions (aging effect) on at least one machine and strongly NP-hard if job processing times are varying on both machines. Furthermore, we construct fast NEH, tabu search with a fast neighborhood search and simulated annealing algorithms that solve the problem with processing times described by arbitrary position dependent functions that model both learning and aging effects. The efficiency of the proposed methods is numerically analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the two-machine flowshop problem with the makespan minimization and the learning effect, which computational complexity was not determined yet. First, we show that an optimal solution of this problem does not have to be the ‘permutation’ schedule if the learning effect is taken into consideration. Furthermore, it is proved that the permutation and non-permutation versions of this problem are NP-hard even if the learning effect, in a form of a step learning curve, characterizes only one machine. However, if both machines have learning ability and the learning curves are stepwise then the permutation version of this problem is strongly NP-hard. Furthermore, we prove the makespan minimization problem in m-machine permutation proportional flowshop environment remains polynomially solvable with identical job processing times on each machine even if they are described by arbitrary functions (learning curves) dependent on a job position in a sequence. Finally, approximation algorithms for the general problem are proposed and analyzed.  相似文献   

Both the building cost and the multiple-source routing cost are important considerations in construction of a network system. A spanning tree with minimum building cost among all spanning trees is called a minimum spanning tree (MST), and a spanning tree with minimum k-source routing cost among all spanning trees is called a k-source minimum routing cost spanning tree (k-MRCT). This paper proposes an algorithm to construct a spanning tree T for a metric graph G with a source vertex set S such that the building cost of T is at most 1+2/(α−1) times of that of an MST of G, and the k-source routing cost of T is at most α(1+2(k−1)(n−2)/k(n+k−2)) times of that of a k-MRCT of G with respect to S, where α>1, k=|S| and n is the number of vertices of G.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the single machine total tardiness problem, and proves that if the job sequences produced by two heuristics, named as Time Forward and Time Backward algorithms, have the same starting and ending job subsequences, then there exists an optimal job sequence with the starting and ending job subsequences. The computation experiments show that there is a significant improvement of the running time of a branch and bound algorithm with the incorporation of the new property.  相似文献   

In this paper, we bring into the scheduling field a new model of the learning effect, where in two ways the existing approach is generalized. First we relax one of the rigorous constraints, and thus in our model each job can provide different experience to the processor. Second we formulate the job processing time as a non-increasing k-stepwise function, that, in general, is not restricted to a certain learning curve, thereby it can accurately fit every possible shape of a learning function. Furthermore, we prove that the problem of makespan minimization with the considered model is polynomially solvable if every job provides the same experience to the processor, and it becomes NP-hard if the experiences are diversified. The most essential result is a pseudopolynomial time algorithm that solves optimally the makespan minimization problem with any function of an experience-based learning model reduced into the form of the k-stepwise function.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the problem of minimizing the weighted sum of makespan and total completion time in a permutation flowshop where the processing times are supposed to vary according to learning effects. The processing time of a job is a function of the sum of the logarithms of the processing times of the jobs already processed and its position in the sequence. We present heuristic algorithms, which are modified from the optimal schedules for the corresponding single machine scheduling problem and analyze their worst-case error bound. We also adopt an existing algorithm as well as a branch-and-bound algorithm for the general m-machine permutation flowshop problem. For evaluation of the performance of the algorithms, computational experiments are performed on randomly generated test problems.  相似文献   

In traditional scheduling problems, the processing time for the given job is assumed to be a constant regardless of whether the job is scheduled earlier or later. However, the phenomenon named “learning effect” has extensively been studied recently, in which job processing times decline as workers gain more experience. This paper discusses a bi-criteria scheduling problem in an m-machine permutation flowshop environment with varied learning effects on different machines. The objective of this paper is to minimize the weighted sum of the total completion time and the makespan. A dominance criterion and a lower bound are proposed to accelerate the branch-and-bound algorithm for deriving the optimal solution. In addition, the near-optimal solutions are derived by adapting two well-known heuristic algorithms. The computational experiments reveal that the proposed branch-and-bound algorithm can effectively deal with problems with up to 16 jobs, and the proposed heuristic algorithms can yield accurate near-optimal solutions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates flowshop scheduling problems with a general exponential learning effect, i.e., the actual processing time of a job is defined by an exponent function of the total weighted normal processing time of the already processed jobs and its position in a sequence, where the weight is a position-dependent weight. The objective is to minimize the makespan, the total (weighted) completion time, the total weighted discounted completion time, and the sum of the quadratic job completion times, respectively. Several simple heuristic algorithms are proposed in this paper by using the optimal schedules for the corresponding single machine problems. The tight worst-case bound of these heuristic algorithms is also given. Two well-known heuristics are also proposed for the flowshop scheduling with a general exponential learning effect.  相似文献   

This paper provides a continuation of the idea presented by Yin et al. [Yin et al., Some scheduling problems with general position-dependent and time-dependent learning effects, Inform. Sci. 179 (2009) 2416-2425]. For each of the following three objectives, total weighted completion time, maximum lateness and discounted total weighted completion time, this paper presents an approximation algorithm which is based on the optimal algorithm for the corresponding single-machine scheduling problem and analyzes its worst-case bound. It shows that the single-machine scheduling problems under the proposed model can be solved in polynomial time if the objective is to minimize the total lateness or minimize the sum of earliness penalties. It also shows that the problems of minimizing the total tardiness, discounted total weighted completion time and total weighted earliness penalty are polynomially solvable under some agreeable conditions on the problem parameters.  相似文献   

A branch and bound algorithm (B&B) has been widely used in various discrete and combinatorial optimization fields. To obtain optimal solutions as soon as possible for scheduling problems, three tools, which are branching, bounding and dominance rules, have been developed in the B&B algorithm. One of these tools, a branching is a method for generating subproblems and directly determines size of solution to be searched in the B&B algorithm. Therefore, it is very important to devise effective branching scheme for the problem.In this note, a survey of branching schemes is performed for parallel machines scheduling (PMS) problems with n independent jobs and m machines and new branching schemes that can be used for identical and unrelated PMS problems, respectively, are suggested. The suggested branching methods show that numbers of generated subproblems are much smaller than that of other methods developed earlier and therefore, it is expected that they help to reduce a lot of CPU time required to obtain optimal solutions in the B&B algorithm.  相似文献   

Single-machine and flowshop scheduling with a general learning effect model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Learning effects in scheduling problems have received growing attention recently. Biskup [Biskup, D. (2008). A state-of-the-art review on scheduling with learning effect. European Journal of Operational Research, 188, 315–329] classified the learning effect scheduling models into two diverse approaches. The position-based learning model seems to be a realistic assumption for the case that the actual processing of the job is mainly machine driven, while the sum-of-processing-time-based learning model takes into account the experience the workers gain from producing the jobs. In this paper, we propose a learning model which considers both the machine and human learning effects simultaneously. We first show that the position-based learning and the sum-of-processing-time-based learning models in the literature are special cases of the proposed model. Moreover, we present the solution procedures for some single-machine and some flowshop problems.  相似文献   

The importance of the ready times can be found in Wafer fabrication with the presence of unequal ready times. It is sometimes advantageous to form a non-full batch, while in other situations it is a better strategy to wait for future job arrivals in order to increase the fullness of the batch. On the other hand, there is a significant involvement of humans in scheduling environments; the amount of learning activities is high. Hence it seems to be reasonable to consider learning in scheduling environments. However, research with learning and release times is relatively unexplored. Motivated by this observation, this paper deals with a single-machine problem with the learning effect and release times where the objective is to minimize the makespan. This paper proposes a branch-and-bound algorithm and three two-stage heuristic algorithms for the problem. The computational experiments show that the branch-and-bound algorithm can solve instances up to 25 jobs, and the best one with the average error percentage of the proposed heuristics is less than 0.05%.  相似文献   

This paper addresses scheduling a set of jobs with specified release times on a single machine for delivery in batches to customers or to other machines for further processing. This problem is a natural extension of minimizing the sum of flow times in the presence of release time by considering the possibility of delivering jobs in batches and introducing batch delivery costs. The scheduling objective adopted is that of minimizing the sum of flow times and delivery costs. The extended problem arises in the context of coordination between machine scheduling and a distribution system in a supply chain network. Structural properties of the problem are investigated and used to devise a branch-and-bound solution scheme. Computational experiments show significant improvement over an existing dynamic programming algorithm.  相似文献   

We present a single-machine problem with the unequal release times under learning effect and deteriorating jobs when the objective is minimizing the makespan. In this study, we introduced a scheduling model with unequal release times in which both job deterioration and learning exist simultaneously. By the effects of learning and deterioration, we mean that the processing time of a job is defined by increasing function of its execution start time and position in the sequence. A branch-and-bound algorithm incorporating with several dominance properties and lower bounds is developed to derive the optimal solution. A heuristic algorithm is proposed to obtain a near-optimal solution. The computational experiments show that the branch-and-bound algorithm can solve instances up to 30 jobs, and the average error percentage of the proposed heuristic is less than 0.16%.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a single-machine scheduling problem with an exponentially time-dependent learning effect. The processing time of a job is assumed to be an exponential function of the total normal processing time of jobs already processed before it. For such a scheduling problem, we first provide the upper bound for the maximum lateness and for the total weighted completion time. Next, we show that problems with the following criteria: makespan, the total completion time, the total weighted completion time, the total earliness/tardiness penalties and the maximum lateness under some agreeable conditions, are polynomially solvable.  相似文献   

In scheduling of batch processing machines in the diffusion and oxidation areas of a wafer fabrication facility, it can be found that the processing times of these batching operations can be extremely long (10 h) when compared to other operations (1-2 h) in a wafer fab. Moreover, the jobs to be processed may have different priorities/weights, due dates and ready times. In the presence of unequal ready times, it would be better to wait for future job arrivals in order to increase the fullness of the batch. On the other hand, repeated processing of similar tasks improves workers’ skills. Motivated by these observations, we consider a single-machine problem with the sum of processing times based learning effect and release times. The objective is to find a schedule to minimize the total completion times. We first develop a branch-and-bound algorithm for the optimal solution. Then we propose a simulated-annealing heuristic algorithm for a near-optimal solution. Finally, we conduct a computational experiment to evaluate the performances of the proposed algorithms. The results show that the branch-and-bound algorithm can solve instances up to 24 jobs, and the average error percentage of the simulated-annealing algorithm is less than 0.1482%.  相似文献   

The flow shop scheduling problem is an attractive subject in the field of scheduling, which has attracted the attention of many researchers in the past five decades. In this paper, the non-permutation flow shop scheduling problem with the learning effects and machine availability constraints has been studied for minimizing the total flow time as a performance measure. First, a mixed integer linear programming model has been proposed for the modeling of the problem and then, an effective improving heuristic method, which is able to find proper non-permutation solutions, has been presented. Finally, the computational results are used for evaluation the performance and effectiveness of the proposed heuristic.  相似文献   

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