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For frequency-hopped (noncoherent) binary frequency shift keying (FH/BFSK) on a worst-case partial-band Gaussian interference channel, the bit error probability results are well known for the extreme cases where the signal is either nonfading or Rayleigh fading. In this work, the region between these extremes is filled in by considering the general Nakagami-m fading model. The worst-case partial-band Gaussian interference results are given by a one-parameter family which for m→∞ gives the Viterbi-Jacobs nonfading result, and for m=1 gives the Rayleigh fading result. In the latter case, a broadband interference strategy is optimal. Thus, the Nakagami- m results provide a smooth one-parameter bridge between the Viterbi-Jacobs channel and the Rayleigh fading channel. The results show that the worst-case interference fraction ρ increases as the fading variance increases, up to Rayleigh fading. Any fading less severe than Rayleigh, however slight the departure from Rayleigh, requires a partial-band strategy for sufficiently large Eb/NI  相似文献   

A useful method is presented for the evaluation of the error probability ofM-ary phase-shift-keyed systems with Gaussian noise and intersymbol interference. By regarding a portion of the intersymbol interference as an equivalent Gaussian noise, this method suggests first calculating the probability of error caused by the combined effects of the Gaussian noise and the equivalent noise. Necessary correction terms are then added to the calculation to take into account the fact that the intersymbol interference is actually non-Gaussian. It is shown that with this method any desired accuracy can be theoretically achieved in the evaluation of the probability of error. This method has been programmed for numerical computations. Some examples are also given for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Underlay mechanism allows concurrent communications of primary users and secondary users in cognitive radio networks (CRNs), causing mutual interference between them. However, current literature neglects primary interference or considers it as Gaussian noise. In addition, artificial noise, which is intentionally generated to interfere eavesdroppers, can improve security performance of CRNs. This paper analyzes security performance of CRNs, accounting for artificial noise and considering primary interference as non-Gaussian noise, under maximum transmit power constraint, interference power constraint, and Rayleigh fading channels. The security performance is evaluated through proposed exact expressions of secrecy outage probability, non-zero achievable secrecy rate probability, and intercept probability, which are verified by Monte-Carlo simulations. Various results demonstrate that CRNs suffer security performance saturation in the range of large maximum transmit power or large maximum interference power, and primary interference significantly deteriorates security performance while artificial noise is useful in enhancing this performance.  相似文献   

We propose the logical and diversity combining in slotted frequency-hopped spread spectrum multiple access (FH/SSMA) packet radio networks. The proposed diversity scheme employs the symbol-by-symbol logical AND operation between the currently received packet and the previously combined packet. Our results show that the proposed low-complexity diversity combining scheme provides a significant performance improvement over existing diversity combining schemes  相似文献   

Gui  X. Gunawan  E. Dubey  V.K. 《Electronics letters》1999,35(17):1435-1437
Analytical bit error rate (BER) results of a chip-interleaving direct sequence (DS) spread spectrum (SS) system using nonlinearity in the presence of pulsed interference are presented. Several simple nonlinearities, such as hole puncher, soft clipper, and hard limiter nonlinearities, are studied. The BERs of a conventional DS SS system employing the same nonlinearities are also given. The proposed system is compared with the conventional DS SS system using numerical examples.  相似文献   

Energy detector is simple in structure and easy to implement. Therefore, it is a promising candidate for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks. However, its detection performance is typically challenged by the noise uncertainty. Thus, the detection performance of energy detector in the presence of noise uncertainty needs to be evaluated. In this paper, we derive the decision rules for the energy detector in the presence of noise uncertainty by employing a widely used model. Firstly, we derive the decision rule for unknown deterministic signal when the noise power is uncertain. Second, we derive the decision rule for random Gaussian distributed signal when there is noise uncertainty. Then, we analyze the detection performance of the energy detector in the presence of noise uncertainty for both unknown deterministic signal and random Gaussian distributed signal. Both theoretical analyses and simulation results show that in the presence of noise uncertainty, our derived decision rules provide precise sensing thresholds for the energy detector. Furthermore, compared with the conventional decision rule obtained by overestimating the noise power, our decision rules provide performance gains in terms of signal to noise ratio.  相似文献   

While the use of radio technology for wireless data communications has increased rapidly, the wide variety of radio interfaces being used has made interference investigations hard to perform. With that in mind, we present a novel approach for analyzing packet radio communications, applicable to interfering heterogeneous networks, which leads to tractable analytical expressions. The core of the approach is an analytical framework modeling each network with individual properties for the packet types and the channel sets used, while taking path loss between all network nodes into account. Furthermore, we present a derivation of closed-form expressions for the throughput of the networks, thus allowing for the investigation of important mechanisms limiting network and system performance. The expressions enable fast and flexible analysis to be performed without extensive computer simulations or measurement campaigns. To illustrate the use of the framework and the strength of the closed-form expressions, we analyze a heterogeneous example system consisting of one IEEE 802.11b network and multiple Bluetooth networks that use multiple packet types. In the analysis, we also take the adjacent channel interference into account when calculating network throughput as functions of the number of interferers in the system.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio (CR) has been considered as a promising technology to improve the spectrum utilization. In this paper we analyze the capacity of a CR network with average received interference power constraints. Under the assumptions of uniform node placements and a simple power control scheme, the maximum transmit power of a target CR transmitter is characterized by its cumulative distribution function (CDF). We study two CR scenarios for future applications. The first scenario is called the CR based central access network, which aims at providing broadband access to CR devices. In the second scenario, the so-called CR assisted virtual multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) network, CR is used to improve the access capability of a cellular system. The uplink ergodic channel capacities of both scenarios are derived and analyzed with an emphasis on understanding the impact of numbers of primary users and CR users on the capacity. Numerical and simulation results suggest that the CR based central access network is more suitable for less-populated rural areas where a relatively low density of primary receivers is expected; while the CR assisted virtual MIMO network performs better in urban environments with a dense population of mobile CR users.  相似文献   

Different from the prior works, this paper presents the performance analysis of an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-assisted communication link in a static and mobile scenario impaired by Rayleigh fading and additive white generalized Gaussian noise (AWGGN). Precisely, the IRS is configured as an intelligent access point, and the mobile behavior of the nodes is characterized by the random waypoint (RWP) model. To this end, closed-form expressions of average bit error rate (BER), average channel capacity (ACC), and outage probability (OP) in both static and mobile scenarios are obtained. To gain further insight into the system performance at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), asymptotic expressions are obtained. Moreover, the effect of the number of reflective elements ( N) and the shaping parameter ( λ) on the system performance is thoroughly studied. The results indicate that introduction of IRS leads to significant improvement in the overall system performance. The derived results are corroborated with Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the performance (power and bandwidth efficiency) of a scheme with multidimensional signals, and both optimal detector and nonoptimal but simple detector, and show that they are inferior to known schemes with narrowband Nyquist signals and optimal detectors  相似文献   

A signal model for a frequency-hop (FH) spread spectrum system and an FM system is presented, and the demodulation of an FM signal in the presence of interfering FH and noise is described. The FM receiver presented uses a zero-crossing scheme for demodulation. To demonstrate the zero-crossing technique, two algorithms are developed and examined. The results show that for many applications, FM systems could reasonably coexist with frequency-hopping spread-spectrum systems. Furthermore, zero-crossing demodulation schemes are shown to be useful with microprocessor-based detector systems  相似文献   

The impact of narrowband interference (NBI) on two ultra wideband (UWB) systems is analyzed. The two systems are impulse radio (IR) and a variation of it, termed direct-sequence IR (DS-IR). The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the decision device of a correlation receiver is computed for both systems, assuming that the NBI is wide sense stationary and that the channel is frequency-selective. The SNR is expressed by means of a simple equation involving the signal and the interference spectrum. Next, a statistical model for the interference is introduced, considering the interference as the sum of a given number of sinusoidal signals with random powers and frequencies. The bit-error rate of IR and DS-IR is derived. The results are then specialized and compared with simulations in three case studies of practical interest, where the NBI is a single jammer with deterministic power and frequency, a multitone signal with random frequencies, or a grid of interfering signals with random powers.  相似文献   

Presents the measured/simulated performance of a time division multiplexing/time division multiple access (TDM/TDMA) portable radio link for noise, interference and delay spread impairments. The radio link transmits short TDMA bursts of 82 symbols at 450 kbits/sec using 4QAM. This modulation is also referred to 4PSK, but phase shift modulation is constant envelope. Nyquist filtering of quadrature signal components yields quadrature amplitude modulation which, of course, also contains π/2 phase variations at the sampling instants. Demodulation is performed by a low-overhead digital coherent demodulator with 2-branch selection diversity. The port or base has two receivers for diversity but the portable or handset uses only a single receiver to perform selection diversity. Signal-to-noise ratio and signal-to-interference ratio performance of the link was measured for a stationary channel and for a channel with different fading rates. In a Rayleigh fading environment, increasing the fading rate causes only a small performance degradation. The results also show that selection diversity is effective against interference in a slow Rayleigh fading environment. A separate set of experiments were performed to measure the effects of delay-spread on the link. Selection diversity is effective in reducing the word-error ratio floor caused by frequency-selective fading. As a result, relatively high data rates can be supported by a multipath fading channel without using adaptive equalization. Thus, a portable radio communications system using low complexity hardware design incorporating selection diversity can achieve good performance  相似文献   

研究了基于完全信道信息和部分信道信息的最佳中继选择策略认知中继网络中断概率,详细推导了这两种策略中断概率的封闭表达式,然后分析了它们的平均误码率。仿真结果表明,基于完全信道信息的中断概率和平均误码率性能要优于部分信道信息,并且两种策略的性能随中继节点数目、干扰温度增加而提高。  相似文献   

无线电扩频通信受到多径分量噪声的干扰,导致通信信道均衡性不好,抗干扰能力不强,误码率较高。需要进行噪声干扰抑制,改善无线电扩频通信质量。提出一种基于自适应级联陷波和码间干扰抑制的无线电扩频通信优化技术。构建无线电扩频通信系统传输结构模型,采用自适应陷波器对无线电扩频通信中的多径分量噪声进行有效抑制,降低了进入信号通频带内的干扰功率,提高解调器的输出信噪比和信干比。采用扩展后的序列去调制载波,将信号搬移到载频上,实现信道均衡,提高抗干扰能力。仿真结果表明,该算法能有效降低无线电扩频通信的误比特率,抗干扰性较强,提高通信质量。  相似文献   

The performance of two ultra wideband communication systems is investigated. The first system is the classical impulse radio (IR). The second is obtained by adding a direct-sequence (DS) code to the IR system, and is termed direct-sequence impulse radio (DS-IR). For both systems, binary pulse amplitude modulation is considered. The performance of IR and DS-IR is analyzed in a multiuser scenario, assuming an ideal channel and a correlation receiver. The performance analysis is original and general. It yields simple and exact formulas relating the performance to the system parameters. The analysis shows that IR suffers a performance degradation with respect to DS-IR unless the system parameters are chosen carefully. An optimum shape for the monocycle is identified, yielding an upper bound to the performance. The optimum system achieving this upper bound is shown to be, in principle, feasible for both DS-IR and IR. The degradation experienced by real systems with respect to the optimum system is also evaluated. Furthermore, it is shown that DS-IR has practical advantages with respect to IR. Simulations are included to validate the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

Extensive research in recent years has shown the benefits of cognitive radio technologies to improve the flexibility and efficiency of spectrum utilization. This new communication paradigm, however, requires a well-designed spectrum allocation mechanism. In this paper, we propose an auction framework for cognitive radio networks to allow unlicensed secondary users (SUs) to share the available spectrum of licensed primary users (PUs) fairly and efficiently, subject to the interference temperature constraint at each PU. To study the competition among SUs, we formulate a non-cooperative multiple-PU multiple-SU auction game and study the structure of the resulting equilibrium by solving a non-continuous two-dimensional optimization problem, including the existence, uniqueness of the equilibrium and the convergence to the equilibrium in the two auctions. A distributed algorithm is developed in which each SU updates its strategy based on local information to converge to the equilibrium. We also analyze the revenue allocation among PUs and propose an algorithm to set the prices under the guideline that the revenue of each PU should be proportional to its resource. We then extend the proposed auction framework to the more challenging scenario with free spectrum bands. We develop an algorithm based on the no-regret learning to reach a correlated equilibrium of the auction game. The proposed algorithm, which can be implemented distributedly based on local observation, is especially suited in decentralized adaptive learning environments as cognitive radio networks. Finally, through numerical experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed auction framework in achieving high efficiency and fairness in spectrum allocation.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio (CR) is an emerging wireless communications paradigm of sharing spectrum among licensed (or, primary) and unlicensed (or, CR) users. In CR networks, interference mitigation is crucial not only for primary user protection, but also for the quality of service of CR user themselves. In this paper, we consider the problem of interference mitigation via channel assignment and power allocation for CR users. A cross-layer optimization framework for minimizing both co-channel and adjacent channel interference is developed; the latter has been shown to have considerable impact in practical systems. Cooperative spectrum sensing, opportunistic spectrum access, channel assignment, and power allocation are considered in the problem formulation. We propose a reformulation–linearization technique (RLT) based centralized algorithm, as well as a distributed greedy algorithm that uses local information for near-optimal solutions. Both algorithms are evaluated with simulations and are shown quite effective for mitigating both types of interference and achieving high CR network capacity.  相似文献   

The Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) network consists of a core network (CN) and a UMTS terrestrial radio access network (UTRAN). The UTRAN offers radio access bearer (RAB) services between the user equipment (UE) and the CN to support mobile multimedia applications with different quality of service (QoS) requirements. Depending on the requested QoS, different types of RABs can be established at the request of the CN. The UTRAN then has to establish and maintain the RAB with the requested QoS. We study the queueing of RABs as a means for improving the bandwidth utilization while minimizing the RAB blocking probability. We develop an analytical model to study the performance for UTRAN with queued RABs in terms of RAB blocking probability and average queueing time of queued RABs. From an analytic point of view, the main contribution of this paper is the introduction of a novel recursion for the computation of the performance measures.  相似文献   

The performance of digital radio communication systems with a Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) coding scheme under a microwave oven interference environment is investigated. Numerical results indicate that the performance cannot be improved by using only BCH codes but a large performance improvement can be obtained by using BCH codes combined with bit interleaving  相似文献   

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