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张天恩  林嘉宇  陈巍 《微处理机》2012,33(5):68-70,75
针对目前印刷电路板工业高速发展的生产要求,设计了基于图像处理的印刷电路板质量检测系统总体结构,阐述了基于图像处理检测系统的工作原理,讨论了图像采集单元中扫描仪的选择,以及扫描仪驱动的设计;讨论了图像处理单元中的图像去噪,图像分割、图像识别算法,运用图像差分运算方法完成了对缺陷的检测。实验结果证明使用该方法能够简单、快速、有效地识别出PCB板上断路、短路和缺损缺陷。  相似文献   

提出了基于IMAQ Vision Assistant的印刷电路板上电子元件缺件检测方法。该方法首先对被检测的印刷电路板图像进行校正,然后主要利用IMAQ Vision Assistant的模板匹配函数实现对印刷电路板上电子元件缺件的检测。文中给出了应用实例,结果表明该方法能有效地检测出印刷电路板上电子元件缺件缺陷。  相似文献   

基于图象比对技术的柔性印刷电路板检测系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柔性印刷电路板(FPCB)以其特有的优点得到了广泛的应用,但传统的人工检测方法提高了生产成本,降低了效率。为了克服这些问题,笔者开发了基于图像模板比对的柔性印刷电路板快速检测的方法。利用标准模板图象与被测产品图象比对,实现了印刷线路几何尺寸的快速检测;应用图象边缘分析技术,实现了对产品的微小缺陷识别,并具此自动划分产品质量等级。对实施结果表明,该系统采用的方法能够满足生产要求,为实现柔性印刷电路板全面自动化检测奠定了良好的基础。  相似文献   

对许多人来说,用计算机辅助设计来设计电路板并不困难,难的是设计过程遇到的实际问题,如怎样设计电路板的形状和尺寸、元件引线孔和焊盘该多大、印制导线该多宽等等。本文就这方面的一些设计经验做一些介绍,供读者参考。一、关于电路板的形状和尺寸电路板是固定电子元器件用的,从原则上讲它可以设计成任意的形状和尺寸,但在实际设计中必须遵循以下的几个原则。第一,在保证电气性能的前题下,电路板的形状和  相似文献   

全面地论述了电子设备的电磁兼容性问题。比较详细地分析了印刷电路板设计中的电磁兼容性所涉及的多方面因素,并介绍了有效抑制和防止干扰的各种措施及其原理。  相似文献   

印刷电路板的制作是电子爱好者制作电子装置时必然会遇到的难题。怎样把电路板制作精美,这里面有诸多奥妙,现将笔者的经验写下来与爱好者切磋共享。一、首先要处理好铜箔板的表面,可用0~#砂纸轻轻砂去铜箔表面的污垢,待其光亮如镜时,再将印制板图复写印上去。用0~#砂纸轻砂既可  相似文献   

王晓筠 《测控技术》1999,18(9):60-61
通过对MELTA有限公司SCADA系统的配置的介绍,展示了Wizcon安全、灵活、易操作的特性  相似文献   

基于图像处理的印刷缺陷计算机自动检测   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
介绍了基于数字图像处理的印刷品缺陷计算机自动检测系统的设计。该系统从印刷品图像中提取缺陷图像,实现印刷品表面的印后缺陷自动检测。  相似文献   

Automatic inspection system for printed circuit boards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this correspondence is to present problems and methods in automating visual inspection of printed circuit boards (PCB's). Vertical and diagonal illumination are useful in detecting PCB patterns correctly. An algorithm comparing local features of the patterns to be inspected with those of the pattern to be referenced is proposed. An inspection system using developed technologies is also described.  相似文献   

The complex operations and considerable process time variability of printed circuit board (PCB) fabrication create difficulties in finding effective and efficient planning techniques for today's PCB production management. A great deal of money is involved. By modeling and testing a real world PCB fabrication facility, this paper shows that computer simulation can provide a viable planning tool to estimate production capacity and to explore optimum arrangement in batch work size of key bottleneck machines to minimize product throughput time. Many simulation experiments are performed and the results analyzed as a response surface. The general characteristic of product throughput time is found to be that its minimal value exists when batch job numbers of subsequential key machines are matched in batch size or in multiples thereof. A nonlinear empirical equation to estimate product throughput time has been derived from the simulation results.  相似文献   

A set of programs for the computer-aided design of two-sided PCB's uses a routing algorithm based on artificial intelligence techniques. The data input is translated and checked. The programs also supply a component map as well as the routing solution draft distinguishing the pins, via holes and each side of the board.  相似文献   

精准评估影响定制化印制电路板质量的关键工序,可更好地指导企业精益管理产品品质,但企业常用方法难以利用工序关联实体间的深层语义。为解决上述问题,构建工序关联实体知识图谱并提出GENI-SD模型评估工序重要性。首先,使用知识图谱表征工序关联实体间的关系,并采用图神经网络模型GENI对工序节点进行重要性评估;然后,引入基于改进谓词感知注意力机制的采样模块和考虑邻边方向的分数聚合,改进GENI容易聚合到噪声邻节点且未考虑邻边方向的不足,建立工序重要性评估新模型GENI-SD。最后,以PCB车间真实数据开展实验验证,结果显示GENI-SD优于其他对比模型,且得到的Spearman和NDCG@10指标值较GENI所得结果分别提高6.78%和0.71%。该研究为工序重要性评估提供了新的有效方法。  相似文献   

结合SUSAN算子,OFMM算子与奇异点去除方法,提出了一种高精度线路板(PCB)夹角测量算法。该算法首先利用SUSAN算子检测出所有可能的边缘点;然后选定区域获取被测夹角的边缘目标点,利用最小二乘拟合法去除奇异的边缘点后,进行亚像素定位;最后对被测量夹角的亚像素边缘点进行直线拟合,利用直线方程计算出夹角。通过对真实线路板图像的测量,实验结果证明了该算法的有效性。该方法已应用于自制的光学自动测量仪,取得较好的效果。  相似文献   

The present article covers the gradual introduction of computer aids into the laying out of PCBs in an electronic industry, the internal development and introduction of PCB layout stations in that industry, and the subsequent orientation on PCB design aids supplied by specialist companies. For the particular industry in question, that orientation resulted in the acquisition of commercially available systems. The latter was based on an internal study in which five PCB layout systems were compared - the results of which are included in the article. The article also touches upon the economic aspects involved to some extent. In concluding, the choice of approach to design aids for PCBs, i.e., buy or make, is reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper describes an automatic inspection system for printed wiring board masks. This system utilizes a hierarchical defect detection algorithm developed for inspecting high precision mask patterns for both printed wiring boards and integrated circuits. This algorithm makes use of geometrical characteristics of mask patterns to discriminate defects. Sufficient defect detection capability, as well as high inspection throughput, has been accomplished by hardware-implementation of the algorithm and inspection result utilization through retouching machines.  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer system which integrates three types of numerical control machines in the production of artwork drawings and drill tapes for multi-layer printed circuit boards.  相似文献   

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