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根据气球的一般性质,从气球存放、充灌前的准备、充灌速度的控制、充灌气量的控制、气球的扎系、降低球内外气压差、升球时间的把握等方面,阐述了施放探空气球过程中对气球施放高度造成影响的多个主要因素,并采取相应措施提高探空气球的探测高度,以便获取更大垂直范围内的高空大气探测资料,为准确预报天气提供依据。  相似文献   

在探空仪的鉴定或定型试验中,温度—高度试验是必须进行的项目之一。本文通过分析探空仪的探测范围、大气温度垂直分布,发现探空仪的温度—高度试验条件不很合理,并提出了新的探空仪的温度—高度试验条件,为完善探空仪的环境适应性试验方法进行了有益探索。  相似文献   

影响探空气球探测高度的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从气球的储存、气球的充灌使用、净举力的调整、升速控制、氢气的纯度、天气状况等方面,对影响探测高度的因素逐一进行合理分析,总结归纳出提高施放高度的有效途径,并利用本站2001~2011年探测高度资料进行统计比较,结果表明:随着各项措施的采用,特别是净举力的调整及球皮的更新,探测高度大幅度提高,为天气预报和气候分析提供了更多的可用气象信息和资料。  相似文献   

文章通过统计分析民勤站高空探测气球近7a的施放高度,掌握气球主要成分特性和气象环境因素对施放高度的影响,提出改善贮存环境、提高使用技巧和方法以及改进或研发推广新产品的建议。以期提升气象气球使用性能,从而提高GCOS探空业务数据准确度。  相似文献   

本文从影响激光云高仪测量高度的各因素出发,分别对激光发射机、接收机、接收与发射光学系统、垂直大气透过率及各类云层的反射系数进行了定量或定性的分析。在公式推导的基础上,计算并列出所需参数的具体数值表,最后应用探测高度的高度公式求出给定条件下的测云高度。  相似文献   

本文从影响激光云高仪测量高度的各因素出发,分别对激光发射机、激光接收机、接收与发射光学系统、垂直大气透过率及各类云层的反射系数进行了定量或定性的分析。在公式推导的基础上,计算并列出所需参数的具体数值表,最后应用探测高度的计算公式求出给定条件下的测云高度。  相似文献   

文章通过信号仿真的方法,得出风廓线雷达最高有效探测时回波信号的信噪比理论阈值,并利用福建省德化县风廓线雷达站和晋江市风廓线雷达站2020年的探测资料进行了验证,结果表明:实际信噪比与通过信号仿真实验得出的理论信噪比阈值具有较好的一致性,表明了理论信噪比阈值的准确性,以及通过信噪比阈值算法来评估的风廓线雷达实际有效最大探测高度的可行性,为风廓线雷达探测高度评估方法的研究提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

对潜望镜及改变双透镜转像系统间的间隔来实现潜望高度的改变进行了简要说明,并对转像系统间隔变化对整个系统性能可能产生的影响,进行了分析及计算。  相似文献   

在数控车床外圆车削中,当车刀刀尖安装高度不在工件中心水平面上时,将会引起径向进刀误差,从而产生车削直径误差。文章给出了刀尖安装高度h对车削台阶工件直径影响值δ的计算公式。  相似文献   

液态喷射泵吸上高度对其性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李福天 《流体机械》1996,24(10):46-49
对作者曾提出的液态喷射泵汽蚀流量比q_k的质疑作了进一步的探讨,从理论上阐述了泵吸入压力对扬程比h的影响,说明q_k并不是汽蚀发生的工况,并通过一些试验及实例予以证明。由此得出结论:液态喷射果是一种不会产生汽蚀的泵。最后,还分析了吸上性能对泵性能的影响。  相似文献   

文章简述了我国高空探测气球研究的历史和现状,重点阐述了我国热敏化法探空气球工艺的研究和生产现状,详细介绍了我国第一条热敏化法气球生产线。同时指出了目前高空探测气球应解决的若干问题。  相似文献   

In this study, theoretical analysis and experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of avalanche-point deviation and the deviation between the calibration and test-flying heights during the glide head calibration in the glide height tests for manufacturing hard disks. To obtain accurate glide height test results and improve the reproducibility of the test, flying height control should be carried out by limiting the acceptable deviation range of the flying heights of the glide heads. When the avalanche-point deviation is zero, the test results using different calibrated rails (or heads) are the same when they are used to detect the same defect. To avoid wrong test results due to avalanche-point deviation, the test-flying height should be the same as the calibration flying height because the difference of the output voltages of any two rails (or heads) is zero in this case. If these two deviations cannot be eliminated completely, the calibration and test-flying heights should be carefully selected because the error still can be minimised depending on the selection of the flying heights.  相似文献   

本文推导出了风廓线雷达方程,依据雷达方程分析了影响风廓线雷达最大探测高度的三类因素及其机理,得到了相关结论。  相似文献   

邓琦  张仁杰 《光学仪器》2012,34(3):83-86
国内轴承生产厂商主要是采用量规、卡尺对轴承高度进行手动测量,测量效率低,容易造成疲劳操作带来经济损失。现设计了一种基于单片机的无内圈、冲压外圈轴承的高度自动测量装置。该装置采用电感式位移传感器,将高度尺寸的变化值转变为传感器输出电压值,由AT89S52单片机作为控制芯片构成的测量系统,很好地适应了快速的生产节拍需求,并利用VB开发人机界面。该测量装置能精确地测量这种轴承的高度,自动化效率高,满足了生产需求,是一款实用的测量装置。  相似文献   

Surface texture plays an important role in understanding heat flow through the interface of the contacting surfaces. In a majority of experimental investigations, however, only the surface roughness is reported. Hence, it was found desirable to determine functional relationship between the rms roughness, slope and peak heights. This work reports the results of measurements of the topography of 79 rough surfaces. The materials were stainless steel, mild steel, aluminium and copper. The surfaces of the specimens were blasted with particles of different materials at a range of pressures. It was found that profile heights were generally Gaussian. Simple correlations between measured parameters were developed. Analysis was also conducted based on the effect of different cut-off lengths. It was confirmed that roughness parameters are not intrinsic properties of the surface, but depend on the cut-off length.  相似文献   

采煤机截割高度的测量及其误差分析是实现综采工作面自动化的一项重要研究内容.本文针对机身姿态传感器和摇臂摆角传感器测量方案、机身姿态传感器和调高油缸位移传感器测量方案,分别建立了采煤机截割高度测量模型.利用函数误差公式,推导了测量误差模型.以MG1000/2660-WD型采煤机为例,分析了截割高度测量误差分别随俯仰角、摇...  相似文献   

本文对浮筒法、电容法、超声波法和光纤传感器法等几种液位测量方法进行比较系统的分析,并针对各自的原理、特点等指出在制药行业中的应用。  相似文献   

It is a big challenge to determine ultra-low slider flying height accurately. The intensity interferometry flying height testing method is widely used to determine slider flying height. However, the intrinsic measurement errors of the method are becoming non-negligible with the decrease in slider flying height. Strategies have to be developed to minimize the errors. To measure flying height with a normal incidence optical flying height tester, a calibration process is required to determine several constants used in flying height calculation. In practice, the calibration is usually done simply by retracting the slider from the disk and measuring the intensity minima and maxima of the interferogram during the retracting process. It has been demonstrated that the single most important source of error in the flying height measurement is associated with errors in the determination of the intensity maxima and minima. In this work, the effects of optical filter, the responding frequency of photodetector, and the lack of the first order intensity minimum on the determination of the intensity maxima and minima are studied. Methodologies to minimize the errors in flying height measurement caused by the above factors are developed.  相似文献   

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