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A new testing procedure is suggested for measuring the fracture toughness of brittle materials as superconductors and ceramics. The idea is to perform a compression test on a subcompact square specimen which contains a central hole. The presence of the hole induces a tensile stress at a certain small region attached to the hole. In this region an artificial notch is introduced such that the fracture path satisfies a pure tensile opening mode (mode I) to which the linear fracture mechanics rules apply. The stress distribution on the fracture plane guarantees a certain amount of stable crack extension. The relationship between the critical compressive load and the stress intensity factor is formulated via an available Green function along with a numerical solution (FEM with ANSYS code). The testing procedure is demonstrated with specimens made of two types of tungsten carbide which differ by their grain size only. Test results are examined via fracture toughness and strength values produced by other conventional methods and the agreement is very good. The geometry and loading direction enable the fracture toughness results to be relatively insensitive to the notch tip radius and the crack length, thereby relaxing the requirements for accurate measurements.The small size of the suggested specimen (12.70mm×12.70mm×5mm) and the avoidance of gripping interfaces provide the major cost-wise advantages.  相似文献   

The relationship between the indentation fracture toughness, K c, and the fractal dimension of the crack, D, has been examined on the indentation-fractured specimens of SiC and AIN ceramics, a soda-lime glass and a WC-8%Co hard metal. A theoretical analysis of the crack morphology based on a fractal geometry model was then made to correlate the fractal dimension of the crack, D, with the fracture toughness, K IC, in brittle materials. The fractal dimension of the indentation crack, D, was found to be in the range 1.024–1.145 in brittle materials in this study. The indentation fracture toughness, K c, increased with increasing fractal dimension, D, of the crack in these materials. According to the present analysis, the fracture toughness, K IC, can be expressed as the following function of the fractal dimension of the crack, D, such that $$In K_{IC} = {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}\{ In[2\Gamma E/(1 - \nu ^2 )] - (D - 1)In r_L \}$$ Where Γ is the work done in creating a unit crack surface, E is Young's modulus, v is Poisson's ratio, and r L is r min/r max, the ratio of the lower limit, r min, to the upper limit, r max, of the scale length, r, between which the crack exhibits a fractal nature (r min ?r?r max). The experimental data (except for WC-8%Co hard metal) obtained in this study and by other investigators have been fitted to the above equation. The factors which affect the prediction of the value of K IC from the above equation have been discussed.  相似文献   

In this investigation, fracture process zone model is used to establish a new relationship to predict the intrinsic fracture toughness from the apparent fracture toughness of a notched-crack specimen. The parameters needed in the proposed model are very rare, such as, the fracture process zone size of materials, the notch radius. Specimens made up of two kinds of polycrystalline alumina and one soda-lime glass with notch radii as small as a few micrometer are used to verify the predictions of this model. Besides, the results also show that fracture toughness of ceramics decreases with the decreasing of notch root radius. Under condition of the radius of crack tip is not greater than the averaged grain size, the apparent toughness can be approximately regarded as the fracture toughness of the materials.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation is carried out to investigate the effect of loading rate on dynamic fracture initiation toughness including the crack-tip constraint. Finite element analyses are performed for a single edge cracked plate whose crack surface is subjected to uniform pressure with various loading rate. The first three terms in the Williams’ asymptotic series solution is utilized to characterize the crack-tip stress field under dynamic loads. The coefficient of the third term in Williams’ solution, A 3, was utilized as a crack tip constraint parameter. Numerical results demonstrate that (a) the dynamic crack tip opening stress field is well represented by the three term solution at various loading rate, (b) the loading rate can be reflected by the constraint, and (c) the constraint A 3 decreases with increasing loading rate. To predict the dynamic fracture initiation toughness, a failure criterion based on the attainment of a critical opening stress at a critical distance ahead of the crack tip is assumed. Using this failure criterion with the constraint parameter, A 3, fracture initiation toughness is determined and in agreement with available experimental data for Homalite-100 material at various loading rate.  相似文献   

A simple bond breakage model for computing the fracture surface energy and toughness of a wide variety of brittle materials is presented and correlated against values reported in the literature for the single crystalline forms of these same materials. The correlation shows that this simple model can provide an accurate estimate for both the fracture surface energy and toughness of these materials. It is further shown that this simple model can be extended to amorphous materials with reasonable accuracy by normalizing the fracture surface energy of the crystalline material by the ratio of the density of the amorphous material vs. the density of the single crystalline material. Applications to thin film low-k materials and capabilities for non-destructive measurements are also discussed.  相似文献   

Microstructural observations of brittle materials indicated that a variety of microdefect events can be responsible not only for inelastic behaviour, but also for macroscopic crack front irregularity. This irregularity produces an increase in the fracture toughness of the material. In this paper, this irregularity is analysed by fractal geometry in a very simple manner; a fractal model of crack branching is established. Both microscopic and macroscopic analytical results show that the toughness can be raised appreciably as a fractal geometric effect of the irregularity.
Résumé Des observations microscopiques sur des matériaux fragiles ont montré qu'une variété d'évènements à l'échelle du microdéfaut peuvent être responsables non seulement du comportement inélastique, mais aussi de l'irrégularité du front d'une fissure macroscopique. Cette irrégularité provoque un accroissement de la ténacité à la rupture du matériau. Dans cette étude, on analyse de manière très simple cette irrégularité par fractogéométrie (Mandelbrot) et on établit un modèle fractal relatif à une fissure qui se ramifie. Les résultats de l'analyse microscopique et macroscopique montrent qu'un effet fractogéométrique de l'irrégularité du front de fissure est d'accroitre de manière appréciable la ténacité.

The short rod chevron-notch specimen has the advantages of (1) crack development at the chevron tip during the early stage of test loading and (2) convenient calculation of K Ic from the maximum test load and a calibration factor which depends only on the specimen geometry and manner of loading. For generalized application, calibration of the specimen over a range of specimen proportions and chevron-notch configurations is necessary. Such was the objective of this investigation, wherein calibration of the short rod specimen was made by means of experimental compliance measurements converted into dimensionless stress intensity factor coefficients.  相似文献   

Dimensional argument analysis and near-tip singular in-plane shear stress of a continuum model have been employed to derive the expression for mode II fracture toughness of brittle cellular materials. It was found that both mode I and II fracture toughnesses have the same dependence on cell size, relative density and modulus of rupture of solid cell walls, except a microstructure coefficient included in their expressions. In addition, the linear superposition principle was applied to calculate the bending moment exerted at the first unbroken cell wall for brittle cellular materials under a combined loading of uniform tensile and in-plane shear stresses. The resulting mixed-mode fracture criterion was compared to existing experimental data in PVC foams; agreement was found to be good.  相似文献   

A new statistical distribution function for fracture toughness has been derived on the basis of the self-similar nature of the mechanical behaviour of crack-tip regions. It has been used to describe statistically variable fracture-toughness data well and to give a good prediction of the effect of the crack front length, that is of the specimen size. The present paper develops on this basis a statistical criterion for failure in linearly elastic materials containing distributions of many microcracks. Data from a number of materials tested in several different laboratories are presented, as are the results of statistical tests showing the quality of the fits obtained using the new function. Some bimodal data is considered.
Résumé On a établi une nouvelle fonction de distribution statistique pour la ténacité à la rupture, en se basant sur la nature homothétique du comportement mécanique des régions sises aux extrémités de fissures.Cette fonction est utilisée pour présenter des données de ténacité à la rupture statistiquement variables, et pour fournir une prédiction satisfaisante des effet de la longueur du front de fissuration ou de la taille de l'éprouvette.Sur cette base, on développe dans l'étude un critère statistique de rupture dans des matériaux linéaires élastiques comportant des distributions de nombreuses microfissures.Les données relatives à plusieurs matériaux essayés dans divers laboratoires sont fournies, et les résultats d'essais statistiques présentés montrent la bonne concordance à laquelle conduit l'usage de la nouvelle finction. On considère également quelques données à caractère bimodal.

Strain criterion of fracture in brittle materials   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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