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体验经济与医疗科技时代的发展,促使医疗服务体验的多样性和广泛性,在儿童病床体验方面,体验的层次与方式更加丰富多元:据调查。现今儿童病床环境及护理流程还停留在以功能需求列表导向设计为核心思想的设计理念,而该设计理念已经无法适应日益增长的利益相关者的需求及复杂情况变化;所以需要通过对儿童认知发展、儿童病床环境及护理流程的考察,确定多方参与者需求的动机,以构建患儿病床体验的机理模型;对儿童病床环境与护理过程进行多层次体验设计思路探讨。提升患儿及各方参与者感官、行为、情感等层面的体验。从针对感官进行病床物理属性的静态设计研究转变为针对感官、情感要素影响行为的过程进行病床多层面体验的动态设计研究,提出儿童病床体验系统的创新整合思路。  相似文献   

人是当今环境的主角,随着现代人居空间设计的思路逐渐向关怀人文尺度转变,文章通过对室内空间形态和人文意识转换过程的研究,将重点放在人居互动的情感表达方面,人和空间通过不同的认知、情感、互动体验实现有意义的对话关系,通过人性化、智能化、功能化几个方面来分析人居互动中是如何达到满足人们行为需求的设计,最终做出具有丰富情感关怀的设计。  相似文献   

设计美学是基于哲学美学理论结合设计理论而衍生发展出的一种新型理论。意大利的产品设计在基于设计美学理论的同时,还从人类情感角度出发进行综合考虑。设计师在设计产品时从概念、外观、功能、包装等每个方面都是以人类情感因素为前提进行设计的,情感因素在不知不觉中影响着人们对于美的判断。  相似文献   

人工情感及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
自然系统中,情感影响人的行为.目前,人工情感在拟人agent的研究得到了越来越多的重视.为此,本文从工程角度综述了人工情感研究的基本问题,简要介绍了几类情感模型,并着重讨论了基于人工情感的agent体系结构的典型应用.人工情感的研究不仅体现在情感辨识、情感表达等人机交互方面,同时情感的作用机理也影响到智能agent的控制体系结构和算法设计.基于人工情感的体系结构具有混合分层的特点,强调情感和其他过程的联系以增强agent在与动态环境交互中的自适应能力.在这个结构中人工情感的核心作用主要体现在两个方面:首先,人工情感是联系agent的内部状态和外部环境的基础,情感状态影响到agent信息处理的整个过程,包括紧急情况下的快速响应和规划任务时的复杂推理.其次,人工情感作为内部驱动机制对学习过程十分重要,人工情感作为强化刺激促使agent创建更复杂的行为功能.在设计中引入人工情感,对agent实现智能化和个性化至关重要.  相似文献   

网络世界安全(cybersec)正在冲破信息安全(infosec)框架的束缚,完成从被动防护到主动管理转变,从单一的授权控制模式到授权控制和行为、内容的可信性并重的模式转变;从面向局域到面向超大规模网络环境转变;从单一的安全责任到责任和效益并重转变;从面对威胁(脆弱性)到更加面对能力转变;从安全性要求到可信性要求转变。在网络虚拟世界主动构筑具有行为监管、行为认证、行为控制、行为对抗能力的有序、可信的网络世界已成为必需。QNS工作室提出“国家组合公钥(CPK)基础设施”NCI(NationalCPKInfrastructure)的设想。NCI理念包括CPK-inside的芯片、NCI企业联盟、NCI论坛等。以《软件行为学》和《CPK认证算法》作为主要理论和技术支撑,逐步开展八个方面的可信平台建设。从本期起我们与QNS工作室合作开设“NCI论坛”,陆续刊登相关文章,敬请读者关注。  相似文献   

本文从唯物辩证法的视角出发,以不同的角度与案例来探讨工业设计的发展历程及其特点。从生活方式的转变,产品形式的转变,环境特性的转变等几个方面具体展开论述。最后得出结论,从设计的角度表达了对美好明天的展望。  相似文献   

基于向量空间模型、潜在语义分析等传统文本意见分类模型将文本映射到词汇或语义空间中,侧重于词汇的辨别能力,无法对映像空间给出明确的语义说明,导致其扩展性、准确率等方面的性能受到限制。为此,在人类情感分类理论的基础上,假设文本中的意见表达与人们的情感存在较强的关联,结合词汇语义扩展、特征选择等方法构造3种情感表示模型,把表达人类情感倾向的文本转换到情感空间中,利用情感模型对国外股票论坛信息提取情感特征,构建情感模型,并设计文本意见分类方法。针对实际股票论坛的数据进行实验,结果表明,该分类方法能获得较高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

研究基于表情识别的在线学习效果监测方法.从感知教学理论中寻找表情识别与学习效果监测之间的关系;从表情特征向量选取、特征点数据采集、表情数据库构建和SVM支持向量机建模等方面深入了解表情识别算法原理;采用决策树算法和设计测试实验用来检验学习效果监测的真实有效性;进行在线学习系统模型设计,使其能够实现教师与学生在教学情感上...  相似文献   

本文通过从形态、功能、情趣等三方面对日用陶瓷产品的仿生设计进行分析,反映了日用陶瓷的仿生设计不仅巧妙地表达功效,传达自然审美,还借助仿生造型取得情感共鸣。  相似文献   

人的根本需求:安全、温暖、爱,不会因历史而消逝,回归人本的设计语言是属于全人类共同的生命经验,不论国家或种族。在全球经济低迷的大环境下,简单利落,贴心温暖的人本设计,更可以给予使用者温柔抚慰和感受愉悦的力量,也因此更有魅力。人本设计更强调人的细微情感和更深层次的心理需求;设计心理学可以帮助设计者对这些方面加以深入探求。因此,文章从设计心理学的面向入手,从知觉设计和情感化设计等方面来进行对人本设计的探讨。  相似文献   

This paper explores theoretical issues in ergonomics related to semantics and the emotional content of design. The aim is to find answers to the following questions: how to design products triggering ‘happiness’ in one's mind; which product attributes help in the communication of positive emotions; and finally, how to evoke such emotions through a product. In other words, this is an investigation of the ‘meaning’ that could be designed into a product in order to ‘communicate’ with the user at an emotional level. A literature survey of recent design trends, based on selected examples of product designs and semantic applications to design, including the results of recent design awards, was carried out in order to determine the common attributes of their design language. A review of Good Design Award winning products that are said to convey and/or evoke emotions in the users has been done in order to define good design criteria. These criteria have been discussed in relation to user emotional responses and a selection of these has been given as examples.  相似文献   

研究设计的发展规律对于我们更好地认清设计的发展方向具有重要作用。本文以产品本身为对象,通过分析设计史,探究设计的发展规律。结果发现,工业设计的发展过程具有功能性与情感化设计交替上升的特点。结合这一规律的背景因素,得出了一些有关设计趋势的结论:在两者的同步行进时期,设计往往处于平稳发展阶段,发展的形式主要表现为小规模的量变;每当有一方异军突起时,设计往往处于迅猛发展阶段,容易发生推动性的质变。  相似文献   

Detecting changing emotions in human speech by machine and humans   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The goals of this research were: (1) to develop a system that will automatically measure changes in the emotional state of a speaker by analyzing his/her voice, (2) to validate this system with a controlled experiment and (3) to visualize the results to the speaker in 2-d space. Natural (non-acted) human speech of 77 (Dutch) speakers was collected and manually divided into meaningful speech units. Three recordings per speaker were collected, in which he/she was in a positive, neutral and negative state. For each recording, the speakers rated 16 emotional states on a 10-point Likert Scale. The Random Forest algorithm was applied to 207 speech features that were extracted from recordings to qualify (classification) and quantify (regression) the changes in speaker’s emotional state. Results showed that predicting the direction of change of emotions and predicting the change of intensity, measured by Mean Squared Error, can be done better than the baseline (the most frequent class label and the mean value of change, respectively). Moreover, it turned out that changes in negative emotions are more predictable than changes in positive emotions. A controlled experiment investigated the difference in human and machine performance on judging the emotional states in one’s own voice and that of another. Results showed that humans performed worse than the algorithm in the detection and regression problems. Humans, just like the machine algorithm, were better in detecting changing negative emotions rather than positive ones. Finally, results of applying the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to our data provided a validation of dimensional emotion theories and they suggest that PCA is a promising technique for visualizing user’s emotional state in the envisioned application.  相似文献   

本文旨在通过现代主义设计向国际主义风格演变的过程来阐释任何具体的设计活动都具备它的时代背景。每次设计风格的转变并不是单一外在形式的变化,在更深层次上意味着社会、文化乃至阶级价值的转变。在现代的社会进程中,经济的富裕和民主的进步使得人们对器物有了更高的情感依托,这种依托带来了情感化设计这种新的社会文化理念以及设计风格。我们将进一步来阐述这种风格背景下的形式转变。  相似文献   

平面设计发展到当下,它的本土化、民族化和传统化已成为现代艺术中一种趋势。原生态的元素符号应用到现代平面设计中是许多设计师的灵感来源,而汉字不仅作为一种表达人类情感的媒介物,而且还富有生动的图像、抽象的形式和审美需求等重要元素。本文从当下平面设计中入手,对汉字符号拟作全方位的诠释。  相似文献   


The design of humanoid robots’ emotional behaviors has attracted many scholars’ attention. However, users’ emotional responses to humanoid robots’ emotional behaviors which differ from robots’ traditional behaviors remain well understood. This study aims to investigate the effect of a humanoid robot’s emotional behaviors on users’ emotional responses using subjective reporting, pupillometry, and electroencephalography. Five categories of the humanoid robot’s emotional behaviors expressing joy, fear, neutral, sadness, or anger were designed, selected, and presented to users. Results show that users have a significant positive emotional response to the humanoid robot’s joy behavior and a significant negative emotional response to the humanoid robot’s sadness behavior, indicated by the metrics of reported valence and arousal, pupil diameter, frontal middle relative theta power, and frontal alpha asymmetry score. The results suggest that humanoid robot’s emotional behaviors can evocate users’ significant emotional response. The evocation might relate to the recognition of these emotional behaviors. In addition, the study provides a multimodal physiological method of evaluating users’ emotional responses to the humanoid robot’s emotional behaviors.  相似文献   

Previous research into multimedia learning has mainly focused on cognitive factors to investigate different instructional conditions and design principles. Emotional factors have so far been widely neglected. However, recent studies showed that the emotional design of multimedia learning material can evoke positive emotions in learners that in turn facilitate the learning process. Following this lead, our study aims to further explore the potential of an emotional design. We seek to differentiate the current findings by systematically deducing emotionally relevant design features and also taking into account negative emotional states. In order to deduce relevant design features, we adopt concepts from web design. German college students (N = 334) were assigned to one of nine conditions, created by two design factors (classical vs. expressive aesthetics), each with two levels (high vs. low) and a usability factor (high vs. low usability) as well as a control group (no color/gray scale). Unexpectedly, objective differences in aesthetics or usability did not affect learners’ emotional states. However, the perceived aesthetics and usability positively affected the emotional states of the learners. Learners’ emotional states had a minor impact on learning outcomes but a larger impact on learners’ intrinsic motivation, including the motivation to continue working with the material.  相似文献   


Monitoring land surface phenology (LSP) trends is important in understanding how both climatic and non-climatic factors influence vegetation growth and dynamics. Controlling for land-cover changes in these analyses has been undertaken only rarely, especially in poorly studied regions like Africa. Using regression models and controlling for land-cover changes, this study estimated LSP trends for Africa from the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) derived from 500 m surface reflectance Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MOD09A1), for the period from 2001 to 2015. Overall end of season showed slightly more pixels with significant trends (12.9% of pixels) than start of season (11.56% of pixels) and length of season (LOS) (5.72% of pixels), leading generally to more ‘longer season’ LOS trends. Importantly, LSP trends that were not affected by land-cover changes were distinguished from those that were influenced by land-cover changes such as to map LSP changes that have occurred within stable land-cover classes and which might, therefore, be reasonably associated with climate changes through time. As expected, greater slope magnitudes were observed more frequently for pixels with land-cover changes compared to those without, indicating the importance of controlling for land cover. Consequently, we suggest that future analyses of LSP trends should control for land-cover changes such as to isolate LSP trends that are solely climate-driven and/or those influenced by other anthropogenic activities or a combination of both.  相似文献   

结合移动互联网的发展趋势。阐述了拟物化以及扁平化设计的趋势发展:重点基于用户情感化需求,从视觉意向表现、功能以及用户行为等方面。结合案例分析在扁平化设计发展趋势下的拟物化设计发展,为实际的商业移动互联网产品提供参考。  相似文献   

本文从情感化设计的重要根源:哲学地位和心理学依据对国内外的诸多于情感化设计的研究做了综述。同时,情感化设计的源头——UCD做了详细的调查介绍,并对情感化设计领域未来的发展和研究提出自己的观点。  相似文献   

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