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无印良品的设计是传统与现代、本土与国际、质朴与时尚、商业与文化有机结合的典型案例。本文对无印良品的设计从形式、色彩、材质、情感内涵以及它对环保的关注等方面进行了分析和思考,旨在给我国的设计业如何走一条适合中国设计发展的道路以启示。  相似文献   

通过对无印良品品牌名称"无"和"良"的解读,结合日本设计和禅宗思想的相关理论,以日本传统文化的禅宗为出发点,从"空寂""物哀""原初"三个方面分析了无印良品产品设计中无装饰、简约、自然的设计主题及产品内部所蕴含的"无为"的禅学思想。探究了无印良品这一研究对象如何在产品的造型、颜色、材料上将产品设计与其传统文化进行融洽的结合。  相似文献   

通过对无印良品品牌名称"无"和"良"的解读,结合日本设计和禅宗思想的相关理论,以日本传统文化的禅宗为出发点,从"空寂""物哀""原初"三个方面分析了无印良品产品设计中无装饰、简约、自然的设计主题及产品内部所蕴含的"无为"的禅学思想。探究了无印良品这一研究对象如何在产品的造型、颜色、材料上将产品设计与其传统文化进行融洽的结合。  相似文献   

光良,本名王光良,前“无印良品”组合成员。1990年光良参加30次大小各类型歌唱比赛,得过冠军、亚军、季军等奖项:1995年加盟滚石唱片,与黄品冠组成”无印良品”。2001年5月,离开“无印良品”单独发展。  相似文献   

关于深泽直人,似乎已经不用过多介绍了,无人不知的无印良品(MUJI)将简约与纯粹的产品设计风格诠释得淋漓尽致。艺术感与易用性是如此完美地融合在一起,这是所有拥有无印良品产品甚至仅仅是参观过无印良品店的朋友们心中的共识。  相似文献   

文章从品牌文化、包装设计、消费目标的角度对比了无印良品和后这两个日、韩著名品牌。分析二者如何通过结合传统医学和古典文化风格与追求自然、质朴的超然生活品质来获得品牌的商业成功。并以此经验推动中国品牌的品牌文化确立和包装特色的提升。  相似文献   

因为观赏者和使用者所处的生活圈子、所经历的事情不同,故当他们在看到同一件设计作品时,所引发的感想也各有不同,但是在这些不同之中,人们的情感总体方向却是一致的。当观赏者看到日本无印良品的设计时,常常会与佛教"禅宗"的思想联系起来。  相似文献   

伦敦百分百设计展-100% Design London;上海电子艺术节:城市化风景;寻找无印良品(MUJI AWARD 03:Found MUJI);21世纪人展(XX1st Century Man).  相似文献   

光良,著名歌手,计算机工程及录音工程专业毕业,在小学四年级时开始学习钢琴,中二开始了创作,并曾担任教堂华语歌咏教练。1990年参加30次大小各类型歌唱比赛,得过冠军、亚军、季军等奖项,1994制作首张本地华语圣歌集,1994与陈峰、陟豪,黄品冠等人合作《掌心》专辑。随后与品冠组成“无印良品”组合,当年的“无印良品”红透了半边天,  相似文献   

英国作家吉卜林曾经说过:人的嗅觉比视觉、听觉更能挑动人们细腻的心。面对竞争越来越激烈的国内市场,产品设计的"仿造"、销售方式的趋同等此类现象已经让消费者产生了审美疲劳,如何把握消费者的消费心理成为这一时代的热点话题。文章以无印良品在门店中的香味设计为出发点,结合中国"中医药学"、日本"香道文化"分析嗅觉设计对消费者的感知与品牌理念渗透的重要作用。  相似文献   

民间美术产自民间,它的产生、发展和人们的衣食住行密切相关,不仅直接反映生活、服务于生活,同时又体现了质朴的审美观念。本文以浙江民居窗牖设计为典型案例,重点分析了其造型设计与结构功能,对其造型与功能上的特质进行阐述,进而总结出相关的设计方法与设计理念。  相似文献   

The goals of Design Rationale Capture (DRC) are improving design quality and reducing design time. These general goals have led to the design of many DRC techniques originating from research in various design and other related disciplines. However, little evidence about attaining these goals or about their usability or utility in practice has been demonstrated. To improve this situation, we use QFD tools to design a new DRC technique. QFD can be used to transform general needs into working products; its practical utility in improving design quality and reducing overall design time are widely recognised. In the course of using QFD, significant design knowledge is generated and recorded. Consequently, we picked QFD as a candidate DRC technique, and used QFD itself to improve its DRC proper-ties. The utility of QFD as a DRC tool is illustrated by using it to capture the rationale underlying its own design.  相似文献   

人类已跨入"体验经济"时代,体验设计是将消费者的参与融入设计中,企业把服务作为"舞台",产品作为"道具",而环境作为"布景",使消费者在商业活动过程中感受到美好的体验过程。本文将从中国饮食文化中寻找契合体验设计中"主题化"元素,并阐述如何取其形,延其意,传其神来带给用餐者不同的体验。  相似文献   

Traceability is a key issue to ensure consistency among software artifacts of subsequent phases of the development cycle. However, few works have so far addressed the theme of tracing object oriented (OO) design into its implementation and evolving it. This paper presents an approach to checking the compliance of OO design with respect to source code and support its evolution. The process works on design artifacts expressed in the OMT (Object Modeling Technique) notation and accepts C++ source code. It recovers an “as is” design from the code, compares the recovered design with the actual design and helps the user to deal with inconsistencies. The recovery process exploits the edit distance computation and the maximum match algorithm to determine traceability links between design and code. The output is a similarity measure associated to design‐code class pairs, which can be classified as matched and unmatched by means of a maximum likelihood threshold. A graphic display of the design with different green levels associated to different levels of match and red for the unmatched classes is provided as a support to update the design and improve its traceability to the code.  相似文献   

Prompted by a shift in design philosophy from product performance to cost-effectiveness, the present work addresses issues pertaining to the evaluation of cost during design and its subsequent incorporation in the design optimization process. Various cost modeling methodologies as applicable to engineering design are studied. Following a comparison of the performance-oriented and cost-driven approaches to design optimization, a novel, unified approach termed design-for-integrated-cost-and-performance is developed. Moreover, focusing mainly on structural design, implications of the simultaneous design paradigm, which extends the design process beyond its conventional boundaries, are highlighted by considering manufacturing and fabrication constraints alongside the typical structural requirements such as mass, stiffness, or strength.  相似文献   

The performance of a technical system depends on proper control of its technological functions reacting on varying conditions of its environment. The control system, that fulfills the necessary control actions, should be designed as an integral pan of a technical system. Therefore, the common principles of a technical system design have to be respected during the control system design. But the control system also has its specific features, which should not be omitted during the design process. The control system design methodology should respect both the methodological aspects of a technical system's design and individual design aspects of control and automation.  相似文献   

Software design, development and evolution commonly require programmers to model design decisions, visualize implemented programs, and detect conflicts between design and implementation. However, common design notations rarely reconcile theoretical concerns for rigor and minimality with the practical concerns for abstraction, scalability and automated verifiability. The language of Codecharts was designed to overcome these challenges by narrowing its scope to visual specifications that articulate automatically-verifiable statements about the structure and organization of object-oriented programs. The tokens in its visual vocabulary stand for the building-blocks of object-oriented design, such as inheritance class hierarchies, sets of dynamically-bound methods, and their correlations. The formalism was tailored for those pragmatic concerns which arise from modeling class libraries and design patterns, and for visualizing programs of any size at any level of abstraction. We describe design verification, a process of proving or refuting that a Java program (i.e. its native code) conforms to the Codechart specifying it. We also describe a toolkit which supports modeling and visualization with Codecharts, as well as a fully-automated design verification tool. We conclude with empirical results which suggest gains in both speed and accuracy when using Codecharts in software design, development and evolution.  相似文献   

Engineering design is a complex socio-technical activity characterized by co-evolution of problem and solution. However, the actual design theories are not well-suited to represent and model the complexity of design activity, the co-evolution and its dynamics. Therefore, there is a need to develop design activity reasoning theories and tools, which can theorize and simulate the model of co-evolution and its dynamics. Multiagent systems have the capacity to play an important role in developing and analyzing models and theories of interactivity in socio-technical societies, particularly in design. This paper first addresses a theory for design activity reasoning. Then, it will present a multiagent system, called ADEA (Agents-based DEsign activity Analysis), in order to model, simulate and analyze this theory. The agents of the ADEA platform formalize the necessary design roles, characterizing the design activity as well as the relationship between design parameters in the design space. ADEA’s platform shows that cognitive limitation of role agents has been overcome, considering their relationship with the design space modeled as a network of design parameter agents.  相似文献   

数字媒体技术的发展,为我们创造了一个与物理世界对应的虚拟世界,自然式交互是连接这两个世界的一座桥梁,它将在物理世界中获得的认知经验运用到虚拟世界,降低了认知负荷,体现了以人为本的设计理念。自然式交互设计是以技术为基础、需求为目的、创意为灵魂的认知活动,技术使想象力得到充分的解放,使创作设计充满了新的可能性和更广阔的创意空间;创意为新技术拓展了应用领域,促进了技术的发展。自然式交互设计是技术与艺术的有机融合。  相似文献   

我国当下经济、政策、产业的导向都为设计服务业的发展带来机遇。而作为设计服务业主体的设计公司由于自身发展的局限性,导致其经营定位模糊、层次不清。以企业创新所提出的纵向专业化服务深度的需求和横向多专业领域服务广度的需求为线索,设计公司可以明确自己的发展路径,接合自身特点与优势选择定位,从而抓住发展的机遇。  相似文献   

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