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随着科学技术的飞速发展,人们生活水平的提高,网上超市作为一种新的消费方式已被大多数人所接受。网上超市的产品组合也越来越受到关注。本文从Apriori算法的内涵出发,对网上超市的商品组合进行挖掘。使用女性消费者经常购买的商品作为挖掘对象,利用Apriori算法找出频繁出现的商品组合并最终得到最优的产品组合。对网上超市的发展有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

很多手机用户都是唯"新"主义的坚定拥护者,在价格相近时总会认定新品一定要比老产品更好。以三星最新的Galaxy A7为例,金属一体化的机身和八核处理器的组合,貌似要比S5和Note3还要优秀。但事实果真如此吗?今天我们就以同属韩系品牌代表,LG旗下的G3与A7一决雌雄吧。  相似文献   

如今淘宝上很多店铺或商品的日销量超过十几万元,具有众多忠诚用户,也拥有一定的知名度和美誉度。但不管在淘宝上的销量有多高,这些商品最多只是C2C网货品牌,而不能成为真正具有,“泛影响力和品牌传播力的市场品牌。也无法像传统品牌那样,与大型B2C开展市场合作。  相似文献   

自2008年启动品牌化运营模式,至2010年底,已有线下专卖店800多家,线上加盟商近90家,年营业额超过4亿。在短短3年内如此成功运作一个体育用品品牌。福建凯帆体育用品公司通过巧妙嫁接姚明的国际化高度与民族体育形象所创立的"姚YAO"品牌做到了。  相似文献   

尽管互联网零售商跃跃欲试,准备以自己的品牌销售商品,增加收益。但这样做也会承担库存积压、失去部分客户的风险。Safeway Select和Sears Kenmore这样以店为牌的零售商在网络以外的零售行业经久不衰。Safeway将它从各种渠道采购的商品都冠以自己的Select商标销售,这一名牌效应给该公司带来驰名的品牌和丰厚的收益。  相似文献   

朱奕  孙田雨  王玲  赵纹硕  杨以雄 《控制与决策》2018,33(10):1825-1832
为协调服装企业渠道间的利益关系,结合零售利益冲突成因,从利润最大化角度出发,依据需求服从均匀分布,分析批发价格契约与转运契约条件下,合作方式与订货量的变化对品牌企业、加盟商及零售整体的库存量、缺货量及利润等指标数据的影响,由此建立相关模型和事例解析.结果表明,相比批发价格契约,转运契约条件下,服装品牌企业与加盟商的库存量、缺货量明显降低,获利能力增加,同时可减少缺货损失和库存,实现双渠道收益共享.转运契约模型的应用可减少市场需求变动风险,促进服装供应链利益共享的实现.  相似文献   

针对商品市场现有的防伪认证方式,在分析和研究RFID技术和NFC技术的基础上,提出一套相对完整的防伪认证设计思路,并设计与实现了一个防伪认证系统原型。该防伪认证系统以RFID射频标签作为信息载体,以手机NFC设备作为射频标签读写器,结合数据中心的应用系统来完成商品真伪性的验证。该系统采用Java EE平台进行设计开发,对企业进行商品防伪认证在思路和技术方面有一定的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

品牌与文化有着天然的联系。作为时尚代名词的女装品牌,无论从其商品物质层面还是消费行为层面本身来看,都最大限度的体现着市场与消费的文化本质。品牌包含了文化的同时,文化也成了品牌的本质属性,并以此体现它所具有的精神个性。文化特征是女装品牌个性表述的基础,品牌个性则决定品牌的魅力与灵魂所在。因此,女装品牌标识就成为了其品牌文化表现的物质载体,成为女装品牌文化区分的载体。鉴于女性的特质,成功的品牌标识会成为女性在独特的品牌文化中实现认同的纽带,从而帮助品牌构建起固定的消费群体。  相似文献   

郑映春 《电脑》2013,(6):272
非常城市作为中国汽车音响第一品牌,这次的欧洲之行,非常城市不仅要将世界一流的产品和服务带给中国的广大消费者,引领中国汽车音响改装文化,促进汽车音响改装技术交流也是他们的努力方向。"行乐胜言,服务于心",充分体现了非常城市将秉承这一理念做好品牌,做好服务。4月4日—4月12日,2013年"非常城市"欧洲考察团赴丹麦、意大利、德国、法国开展汽车音响考察调研圆满落幕。本次考察团由非常城市董事长吴杰先生率领全国十一位优秀加盟商组成。  相似文献   

"丸来玩趣"品牌隶属于上海贝源餐饮管理有限公司,2006年9月在上海人民广场迪美购物中心开设第一家小吃店,是国内首家把"街边摊小吃"带入各大高端Shoping Mall的时尚小吃连锁品牌.一直致力于经营深受消费者喜爱的国内外各种名小食.前期以直营连锁的方式在上海、杭州、苏州等地发展,逐步成为江浙沪家喻户晓的品牌,近两年受到加盟商热捧,而逐步开放加盟方式拓展业务,在全国拥有300多家门店,在深圳、青岛、苏州、无锡、常州、南京等地分别设立了分公司.  相似文献   

In this exploratory study we investigate the impact of an organization-wide intranet on the power relationships between franchisee and franchisor. This article reports on a study of an intranet implementation at PJ's, a franchise organization consisting of 25 coffee and tea cafes. Through use of interviews as well as a detailed case study of one franchisee, we examine how the relationship between franchisor and franchisee changes with the implementation of an intranet. Among the findings was that the intranet appeared to increase power of both franchisee and franchisor, though the franchisor continued to have relatively more power than the franchisee. The franchisor did not include franchisee to franchisee communications as an intranet feature and, interestingly, the franchisees did not seek to develop such a virtual community outside of the system. We speculate that the current satisfaction with the franchisor among franchisees might explain disinterest in such a community. We also found evidence that some franchisees who entered the franchise organization early in its evolution might react much differently to the implementation of the intranet than those who invested in the more established organization several years later.  相似文献   

The number and configuration of franchise outlets in a market defines the distribution strategy of a franchise company. The introduction of new franchise outlets contributes to conflict between the franchisee and franchisor over the degree of market penetration. The selection of sites for new franchises is an important factor in the long-term profitability of many types of franchises. This selection process requires consideration of objectives of the franchisee and franchisor which are often conflicting in nature. This paper deals with the problem of locating new franchises in an existing franchise network using multiple objective integer programming models and methods.  相似文献   

工业设计是企业在市场竞争中保持核心竞争力的武器,在品牌管理中发挥着极其重要的作用。国内企业急需转变观念,在品牌战略建设过程中加强我国企业对工业设计对品牌战略的重要性认识。因此,本文的研究对我国企业的品牌战略建设具有一定的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

文章通过深入研究品牌经营、市场营销、产品策略等学科理论,提出了品牌经营与产品开发的对接工具,主要从行业解析、品牌解析和产品开发研究三个方面入手,搭建了市场解析工具和品牌目标体系解析工具,建立了品牌战略和产品开发之间的桥梁,从而提供更有针对性的产品开发研究工具,旨在提高产品的针对性、功能性和竞争性,满足当前状态下变化的市场和消费需求。  相似文献   

在当代的市场竞争中,品牌的建立与维护成为诸企业努力的重要目标,而树立品牌形象的重要手段之一便是建立品牌的视觉识别系统,但在视觉识别系统的设计实践中却存在种种问题,阻碍了视觉识别设计的发展与影响,本文从视觉心理学的角度,通过对视觉识别设计中的核心要素等内容的形式分析,以期提供一个在视觉识别设计中能够起到一定指导性思想的设计规则。  相似文献   

关于广西侗族服饰遗产的保护问题,虽然国内学者多有讨论,但是大都集中在政府和传承人作用的研究上,多元的、完整的、具体的论述不多见。本文针对三江侗族服饰遗产保护工作的保护主体,进行了具体的分类分析,从历史发展和时代变迁以及市场经济的角度,就其角色、地位、职能、作用等进行了讨论和探讨,批评了其中存在的问题,提出了解决的措施,阐明了唤起全民自觉投入少数民族服饰传统遗产保护工作的目的。  相似文献   

This study aims to clarify whether and how the portal sites in wired Internet environments can enhance their positions as market leaders in the mobile environment.The result may explain that the user’s trust in the mobile services of portal sites (the mobile portal services) is related to the site’s quality and the site’s brand equity significantly and is a mediator to increase the user’s intention to use mobile portal services. This study also explains that the user’s experience with a smartphone can encourage portal users to expect that the mobile portal services are useful and that the experience can link brand equity in certain business environments to trust in the brand in other business environments. Site quality including the design quality of portal sites can affect the user’s trust in the mobile services of the portal sites directly and can affect the user’s intention to use the mobile portal services under certain conditions. Practically, this study suggests that portal sites should focus on designing and developing more usable sites with high-quality UI components—convenient menu navigation, a proper UI design, and usable content rather depend on their current position as the leading companies in the wired Internet environment.  相似文献   

The basic functional demands on working clothes are protection and comfort. These basic demands are determined by the three variables: (1) level of activity of the worker, (2) environmental pollution and impacts, (3) surrounding climate. The environmental mapping is a systematic method to detect, quantify and analyse the demands on working clothes in different working situations. A pilot study was carried out in Swedish industry to investigate the general conditions regarding working clothes and to find the correspondence between clothing demands and environmental factors. The second study was motivated by clothing problems in the mechanical engineering industry. In both studies the three determining variables for the clothing of each interviewed person were given certain code values according to their measured or graded values. The pilot study confirmed the theoretical model for work classification. The model serves as an instrument for finding relevant clothing demands for clothing development and clothing procurement, and as a source of information for the workers so that they can check the clothing demands for their own working conditions. In the study of the mechanical engineering industry all 310 interviewed workers with 20 different professions could be divided into three groups with different clothing demands. These quantified functional clothing demands were transformed into certain demands in terms of textile material and model design. The development work finally resulted in new clothes, an overall and bib-and-brace trousers in various suitable materials.  相似文献   

为了提升企业形象,增加商业利润,为了在激烈的市场竞争中取胜,商业公司应该基于用户导向的市场策略改变品牌定位,走可持续性发展的道路。努力建立绿色品牌,提供可持续性的产品和服务,在某些特定行业使用新型可持续性绿色包装。  相似文献   

服装是与流行共生并存、相辅相成的。在市场中,成功的服装品牌离不开前期对品牌合理企划。而在服装品牌企划当中,对流行信息的了解和需求贯穿产品企划的环节始终。好的品牌不能脱离市场和消费者需求而存在,作为流行时尚的诠释者,优秀的服装设计师,应该具有筛选资讯的能力,善于从讯息万变的流行信息中提取元素,合理安排在服装品牌企划中的每步环节,与服装品牌的文化和消费者需求融合在一起,从而在第一时间有效的占领市场。本文通过分析在服装企划环节中所需要的流行信息的内容及运用,了解流行信息在服装品牌企划中的重要性。  相似文献   

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