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Constraint Score is a recently proposed method for feature selection by using pairwise constraints which specify whether a pair of instances belongs to the same class or not. It has been shown that the Constraint Score, with only a small amount of pairwise constraints, achieves comparable performance to those fully supervised feature selection methods such as Fisher Score. However, one major disadvantage of the Constraint Score is that its performance is dependent on a good selection on the composition and cardinality of constraint set, which is very challenging in practice. In this work, we address the problem by importing Bagging into Constraint Score and a new method called Bagging Constraint Score (BCS) is proposed. Instead of seeking one appropriate constraint set for single Constraint Score, in BCS we perform multiple Constraint Score, each of which uses a bootstrapped subset of original given constraint set. Diversity analysis on individuals of ensemble shows that resampling pairwise constraints is helpful for simultaneously improving accuracy and diversity of individuals. We conduct extensive experiments on a series of high-dimensional datasets from UCI repository and gene databases, and the experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Feature selection is an important preprocessing step for building efficient, generalizable and interpretable classifiers on high dimensional data sets. Given the assumption on the sufficient labelled samples, the Markov Blanket provides a complete and sound solution to the selection of optimal features, by exploring the conditional independence relationships among the features. In real-world applications, unfortunately, it is usually easy to get unlabelled samples, but expensive to obtain the corresponding accurate labels on the samples. This leads to the potential waste of valuable classification information buried in unlabelled samples.In this paper, we propose a new BAyesian Semi-SUpervised Method, or BASSUM in short, to exploit the values of unlabelled samples on classification feature selection problem. Generally speaking, the inclusion of unlabelled samples helps the feature selection algorithm on (1) pinpointing more specific conditional independence tests involving fewer variable features and (2) improving the robustness of individual conditional independence tests with additional statistical information. Our experimental results show that BASSUM enhances the efficiency of traditional feature selection methods and overcomes the difficulties on redundant features in existing semi-supervised solutions.  相似文献   

With the proliferation of extremely high-dimensional data, feature selection algorithms have become indispensable components of the learning process. Strangely, despite extensive work on the stability of learning algorithms, the stability of feature selection algorithms has been relatively neglected. This study is an attempt to fill that gap by quantifying the sensitivity of feature selection algorithms to variations in the training set. We assess the stability of feature selection algorithms based on the stability of the feature preferences that they express in the form of weights-scores, ranks, or a selected feature subset. We examine a number of measures to quantify the stability of feature preferences and propose an empirical way to estimate them. We perform a series of experiments with several feature selection algorithms on a set of proteomics datasets. The experiments allow us to explore the merits of each stability measure and create stability profiles of the feature selection algorithms. Finally, we show how stability profiles can support the choice of a feature selection algorithm. Alexandros Kalousis received the B.Sc. degree in computer science, in 1994, and the M.Sc. degree in advanced information systems, in 1997, both from the University of Athens, Greece. He received the Ph.D. degree in meta-learning for classification algorithm selection from the University of Geneva, Department of Computer Science, Geneva, in 2002. Since then he is a Senior Researcher in the same university. His research interests include relational learning with kernels and distances, stability of feature selection algorithms, and feature extraction from spectral data. Julien Prados is a Ph.D. student at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. In 1999 and 2001, he received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from the University Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France). After a year of work in industry, he joined the Geneva Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, where he is working on bioinformatics and datamining tools for mass spectrometry data analysis. Melanie Hilario has a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Paris VI and currently works at the University of Geneva’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She has initiated and participated in several European research projects on neuro-symbolic integration, meta-learning, and biological text mining. She has served on the program committees of many conferences and workshops in machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence. She is currently an Associate Editor of theInternational Journal on Artificial Intelligence Toolsand a member of the Editorial Board of theIntelligent Data Analysis journal.  相似文献   

A formal study of feature selection in text categorization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
One of the most important issues in Text Categorization (TC) is Feature Selection (FS). Many FS methods have been put forward and widely used in TC field, such as Information Gain (IG), Document Frequency thresholding (DF) and Mutual Information. Empirical studies show that some of these (e.g. IG, DF) produce better categorization performance than others (e.g. MI). A basic research question is why these FS methods cause different performance. Many existing works seek to answer this question based on empirical studies. In this paper, we present a formal study of FS in TC. We first define three desirable constraints that any reasonable FS function should satisfy, then check these constraints on some popular FS methods, including IG, DF, MI and two other methods. We find that IG satisfies the first two constraints, and that there are strong statistical correlations between DF and the first constraint, whilst MI does not satisfy any of the constraints. Experimental results indicate that the empirical performance of a FS function is tightly related to how well it satisfies these constraints and none of the investigated FS functions can satisfy all the three constraints at the same time. Finally we present a novel framework for developing FS functions which satisfy all the three constraints, and design several new FS functions using this framework. Experimental results on Reuters21578 and Newsgroup corpora show that our new FS function DFICF outperforms IG and DF when using either Micro- or Macro-averaged-measures.  相似文献   

Microblog as one kind of typical social media has many research implications in social event discovery and social-media-based e-learning and collaborative learning. At present, researchers usually employ feature-based classification approaches to detect social events in microblogs. However, it is very common to get different results when different features are used in event discovery. Therefore, it has been a critical issue how to select appropriate features for event discovery in microblogs. In this paper, we analyze five different feature selection methods and present an improved method for selecting features for microblog-based event discovery. We compare all the methods on a real microblog dataset in terms of various metrics including precision, recall, and F-measure. And finally we discuss the best feature selection method for the event discovery in microblogs. To the best of our knowledge, there are no such comparative studies on feature selection for event discovery in social media, and this paper is expected to offer some useful references for the future research and applications on the event discovery in microblogs.  相似文献   

The main objective of feature selection is to improve learning performance by selecting concise and informative feature subsets, which presents a challenging task for machine learning or pattern recognition applications due to the large and complex search space involved. This paper provides an in-depth examination of nature-inspired metaheuristic methods for the feature selection problem, with a focus on representation and search algorithms, as they have drawn significant interest from the feature selection community due to their potential for global search and simplicity. An analysis of various advanced approach types, along with their advantages and disadvantages, is presented in this study, with the goal of highlighting important issues and unanswered questions in the literature. The article provides advice for conducting future research more effectively to benefit this field of study, including guidance on identifying appropriate approaches to use in different scenarios.  相似文献   

Feature selection has become an increasingly important field of research. It aims at finding optimal feature subsets that can achieve better generalization on unseen data. However, this can be a very challenging task, especially when dealing with large feature sets. Hence, a search strategy is needed to explore a relatively small portion of the search space in order to find “semi-optimal” subsets. Many search strategies have been proposed in the literature, however most of them do not take into consideration relationships between features. Due to the fact that features usually have different degrees of dependency among each other, we propose in this paper a new search strategy that utilizes dependency between feature pairs to guide the search in the feature space. When compared to other well-known search strategies, the proposed method prevailed.  相似文献   

Algorithms for feature selection in predictive data mining for classification problems attempt to select those features that are relevant, and are not redundant for the classification task. A relevant feature is defined as one which is highly correlated with the target function. One problem with the definition of feature relevance is that there is no universally accepted definition of what it means for a feature to be ‘highly correlated with the target function or highly correlated with the other features’. A new feature selection algorithm which incorporates domain specific definitions of high, medium and low correlations is proposed in this paper. The proposed algorithm conducts a heuristic search for the most relevant features for the prediction task.  相似文献   

The number of Internet users and the number of web pages being added to WWW increase dramatically every day.It is therefore required to automatically and e?ciently classify web pages into web directories.This helps the search engines to provide users with relevant and quick retrieval results.As web pages are represented by thousands of features,feature selection helps the web page classifiers to resolve this large scale dimensionality problem.This paper proposes a new feature selection method using Ward s minimum variance measure.This measure is first used to identify clusters of redundant features in a web page.In each cluster,the best representative features are retained and the others are eliminated.Removing such redundant features helps in minimizing the resource utilization during classification.The proposed method of feature selection is compared with other common feature selection methods.Experiments done on a benchmark data set,namely WebKB show that the proposed method performs better than most of the other feature selection methods in terms of reducing the number of features and the classifier modeling time.  相似文献   

With the wide applications of Gaussian mixture clustering, e.g., in semantic video classification [H. Luo, J. Fan, J. Xiao, X. Zhu, Semantic principal video shot classification via mixture Gaussian, in: Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, vol. 2, 2003, pp. 189-192], it is a nontrivial task to select the useful features in Gaussian mixture clustering without class labels. This paper, therefore, proposes a new feature selection method, through which not only the most relevant features are identified, but the redundant features are also eliminated so that the smallest relevant feature subset can be found. We integrate this method with our recently proposed Gaussian mixture clustering approach, namely rival penalized expectation-maximization (RPEM) algorithm [Y.M. Cheung, A rival penalized EM algorithm towards maximizing weighted likelihood for density mixture clustering with automatic model selection, in: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2004, pp. 633-636; Y.M. Cheung, Maximum weighted likelihood via rival penalized EM for density mixture clustering with automatic model selection, IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(6) (2005) 750-761], which is able to determine the number of components (i.e., the model order selection) in a Gaussian mixture automatically. Subsequently, the data clustering, model selection, and the feature selection are all performed in a single learning process. Experimental results have shown the efficacy of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Feature selection for text categorization is a well-studied problem and its goal is to improve the effectiveness of categorization, or the efficiency of computation, or both. The system of text categorization based on traditional term-matching is used to represent the vector space model as a document; however, it needs a high dimensional space to represent the document, and does not take into account the semantic relationship between terms, which leads to a poor categorization accuracy. The latent semantic indexing method can overcome this problem by using statistically derived conceptual indices to replace the individual terms. With the purpose of improving the accuracy and efficiency of categorization, in this paper we propose a two-stage feature selection method. Firstly, we apply a novel feature selection method to reduce the dimension of terms; and then we construct a new semantic space, between terms, based on the latent semantic indexing method. Through some applications involving the spam database categorization, we find that our two-stage feature selection method performs better.  相似文献   

Selecting correct dimensions is very important to subspace clustering and is a challenging issue. This paper studies semi-supervised approach to the problem. In this setting, limited domain knowledge in the form of space level pair-wise constraints, i.e., must-links and cannot-links, are available. We propose a semi-supervised subspace clustering (S3C) algorithm that exploits constraint inconsistence for dimension selection. Our algorithm firstly correlates globally inconsistent constraints to dimensions in which they are consistent, then unites constraints with common correlating dimensions, and finally forms the subspaces according to the constraint unions. Experimental results show that S3C is superior to the typical unsupervised subspace clustering algorithm FINDIT, and the other constraint based semi-supervised subspace clustering algorithm SC-MINER.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm-based method for feature subset selection   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
As a commonly used technique in data preprocessing, feature selection selects a subset of informative attributes or variables to build models describing data. By removing redundant and irrelevant or noise features, feature selection can improve the predictive accuracy and the comprehensibility of the predictors or classifiers. Many feature selection algorithms with different selection criteria has been introduced by researchers. However, it is discovered that no single criterion is best for all applications. In this paper, we propose a framework based on a genetic algorithm (GA) for feature subset selection that combines various existing feature selection methods. The advantages of this approach include the ability to accommodate multiple feature selection criteria and find small subsets of features that perform well for a particular inductive learning algorithm of interest to build the classifier. We conducted experiments using three data sets and three existing feature selection methods. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach is a robust and effective approach to find subsets of features with higher classification accuracy and/or smaller size compared to each individual feature selection algorithm.  相似文献   

A note on genetic algorithms for large-scale feature selection   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We introduce the use of genetic algorithms (GA) for the selection of features in the design of automatic pattern classifiers. Our preliminary results suggest that GA is a powerful means of reducing the time for finding near-optimal subsets of features from large sets.  相似文献   

In many pattern recognition applications, high-dimensional feature vectors impose a high computational cost as well as the risk of “overfitting”. Feature Selection addresses the dimensionality reduction problem by determining a subset of available features which is most essential for classification. This paper presents a novel feature selection method named filtered and supported sequential forward search (FS_SFS) in the context of support vector machines (SVM). In comparison with conventional wrapper methods that employ the SFS strategy, FS_SFS has two important properties to reduce the time of computation. First, it dynamically maintains a subset of samples for the training of SVM. Because not all the available samples participate in the training process, the computational cost to obtain a single SVM classifier is decreased. Secondly, a new criterion, which takes into consideration both the discriminant ability of individual features and the correlation between them, is proposed to effectively filter out nonessential features. As a result, the total number of training is significantly reduced and the overfitting problem is alleviated. The proposed approach is tested on both synthetic and real data to demonstrate its effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

An efficient filter feature selection (FS) method is proposed in this paper, the SVM-FuzCoC approach, achieving a satisfactory trade-off between classification accuracy and dimensionality reduction. Additionally, the method has reasonably low computational requirements, even in high-dimensional feature spaces. To assess the quality of features, we introduce a local fuzzy evaluation measure with respect to patterns that embraces fuzzy membership degrees of every pattern in their classes. Accordingly, the above measure reveals the adequacy of data coverage provided by each feature. The required membership grades are determined via a novel fuzzy output kernel-based support vector machine, applied on single features. Based on a fuzzy complementary criterion (FuzCoC), the FS procedure iteratively selects features with maximum additional contribution in regard to the information content provided by previously selected features. This search strategy leads to small subsets of powerful and complementary features, alleviating the feature redundancy problem. We also devise different SVM-FuzCoC variants by employing seven other methods to derive fuzzy degrees from SVM outputs, based on probabilistic or fuzzy criteria. Our method is compared with a set of existing FS methods, in terms of performance capability, dimensionality reduction, and computational speed, via a comprehensive experimental setup, including synthetic and real-world datasets.  相似文献   

We introduce a novel wrapper Algorithm for Feature Selection, using Support Vector Machines with kernel functions. Our method is based on a sequential backward selection, using the number of errors in a validation subset as the measure to decide which feature to remove in each iteration. We compare our approach with other algorithms like a filter method or Recursive Feature Elimination SVM to demonstrate its effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

In classification, feature selection is an important data pre-processing technique, but it is a difficult problem due mainly to the large search space. Particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is an efficient evolutionary computation technique. However, the traditional personal best and global best updating mechanism in PSO limits its performance for feature selection and the potential of PSO for feature selection has not been fully investigated. This paper proposes three new initialisation strategies and three new personal best and global best updating mechanisms in PSO to develop novel feature selection approaches with the goals of maximising the classification performance, minimising the number of features and reducing the computational time. The proposed initialisation strategies and updating mechanisms are compared with the traditional initialisation and the traditional updating mechanism. Meanwhile, the most promising initialisation strategy and updating mechanism are combined to form a new approach (PSO(4-2)) to address feature selection problems and it is compared with two traditional feature selection methods and two PSO based methods. Experiments on twenty benchmark datasets show that PSO with the new initialisation strategies and/or the new updating mechanisms can automatically evolve a feature subset with a smaller number of features and higher classification performance than using all features. PSO(4-2) outperforms the two traditional methods and two PSO based algorithm in terms of the computational time, the number of features and the classification performance. The superior performance of this algorithm is due mainly to both the proposed initialisation strategy, which aims to take the advantages of both the forward selection and backward selection to decrease the number of features and the computational time, and the new updating mechanism, which can overcome the limitations of traditional updating mechanisms by taking the number of features into account, which reduces the number of features and the computational time.  相似文献   

Feature selection is the basic pre-processing task of eliminating irrelevant or redundant features through investigating complicated interactions among features in a feature set. Due to its critical role in classification and computational time, it has attracted researchers’ attention for the last five decades. However, it still remains a challenge. This paper proposes a binary artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm for the feature selection problems, which is developed by integrating evolutionary based similarity search mechanisms into an existing binary ABC variant. The performance analysis of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by comparing it with some well-known variants of the particle swarm optimization (PSO) and ABC algorithms, including standard binary PSO, new velocity based binary PSO, quantum inspired binary PSO, discrete ABC, modification rate based ABC, angle modulated ABC, and genetic algorithms on 10 benchmark datasets. The results show that the proposed algorithm can obtain higher classification performance in both training and test sets, and can eliminate irrelevant and redundant features more effectively than the other approaches. Note that all the algorithms used in this paper except for standard binary PSO and GA are employed for the first time in feature selection.  相似文献   

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