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Most existing approaches in structure from motion for deformable objects focus on non-incremental solutions utilizing batch type algorithms. All data is collected before shape and motion reconstruction take place. This methodology is inherently unsuitable for applications that require real-time learning. Ideally the online system is capable of incrementally learning and building accurate shapes using current measurement data and past reconstructed shapes. Estimation of 3D structure and camera position is done online. To rely only on the measurements up until that moment is still a challenging problem.  相似文献   

讨论了采用针孔摄像机进行摄像机沿光轴运动下的场景三维重建的方法.基于摄像机轴向运动的特点和性质,利用该方法找到图像间的缩放因子,进而解决了轴向运动下的特征匹配;采用Sturm的摄像机自标定方法得到摄像机的内外参数;从而实现了摄像机沿光轴运动下的场景三维重建.  相似文献   

Detailed Real-Time Urban 3D Reconstruction from Video   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper presents a system for automatic, geo-registered, real-time 3D reconstruction from video of urban scenes. The system collects video streams, as well as GPS and inertia measurements in order to place the reconstructed models in geo-registered coordinates. It is designed using current state of the art real-time modules for all processing steps. It employs commodity graphics hardware and standard CPU’s to achieve real-time performance. We present the main considerations in designing the system and the steps of the processing pipeline. Our system extends existing algorithms to meet the robustness and variability necessary to operate out of the lab. To account for the large dynamic range of outdoor videos the processing pipeline estimates global camera gain changes in the feature tracking stage and efficiently compensates for these in stereo estimation without impacting the real-time performance. The required accuracy for many applications is achieved with a two-step stereo reconstruction process exploiting the redundancy across frames. We show results on real video sequences comprising hundreds of thousands of frames.  相似文献   

提出了一种稳定、快速地获取摄像机视频运动图像的三维重建方法,并对该运动图像做适当的虚拟化处理以展示重建效果。采用基于尺度不变特征点匹配的摄像机标定进行三维重建。尺度不变特征对于视频图像中的特征具有优秀敏锐的匹配能力,极大地放宽了摄像机标定对于设备上的限制,拓宽了实时三维重建的适用范围。通过对系统的一系列优化,不但提升了三维重建的精度,减少了错误匹配对摄像机标定的影响,而且进一步提升了处理速度。通过在三维重建的基础之上进行虚拟化处理,展示了本系统的三维重建效果。实验结果表明,该系统适用范围广,处理速度较快,重建精度高,实现了基于视频运动图像的三维重建。  相似文献   

Aligning shapes is essential in many computer vision problems and generalized Procrustes analysis (GPA) is one of the most popular algorithms to align shapes. However, if some of the shape data are missing, GPA cannot be applied. In this paper, we propose EM-GPA, which extends GPA to handle shapes with hidden (missing) variables by using the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm. For example, 2D shapes can be considered as 3D shapes with missing depth information due to the projection of 3D shapes into the image plane. For a set of 2D shapes, EM-GPA finds scales, rotations and 3D shapes along with their mean and covariance matrix for 3D shape modeling. A distinctive characteristic of EM-GPA is that it does not enforce any rank constraint often appeared in other work and instead uses GPA constraints to resolve the ambiguity in finding scales, rotations, and 3D shapes. The experimental results show that EM-GPA can recover depth information accurately even when the noise level is high and there are a large number of missing variables. By using the images from the FRGC database, we show that EM-GPA can successfully align 2D shapes by taking the missing information into consideration. We also demonstrate that the 3D mean shape and its covariance matrix are accurately estimated. As an application of EM-GPA, we construct a 2D + 3D AAM (active appearance model) using the 3D shapes obtained by EM-GPA, and it gives a similar success rate in model fitting compared to the method using real 3D shapes. EM-GPA is not limited to the case of missing depth information, but it can be easily extended to more general cases.  相似文献   

现有研究一般是在正交约束条件下采用最小二乘法来求解三维运动轨迹基重建问题,然而这些算法的性能容易受噪声影响,产生不适定性。为此,通过利用离散线性的方法为三维运动搜索最优轨迹基系数和三维结构,建立了一种基于特征符号搜索算法的三维运动轨迹基重建方法。利用该方法,对一系列单目图像序列进行了重建实验研究,结果表明所提出的方法是可行的,并提高了重建算法的准确性。  相似文献   

提出一种利用运动目标三维轨迹重建的视频时域同步算法.待同步的视频序列由不同相机在同一场景中同时拍摄得到,对场景及相机运动不做限制性约束.假设每帧图像的相机投影矩阵已知,首先基于离散余弦变换基重建运动目标的三维轨迹.然后提出一种基于轨迹基系数矩阵的秩约束,用于衡量不同序列子段间的空间时间对准程度.最后构建代价矩阵,并利用基于图的方法实现视频间的非线性时域同步.我们不依赖已知的点对应关系,不同视频中的跟踪点甚至可以对应不同的三维点,只要它们之间满足以下假设:观测序列中跟踪点对应的三维点,其空间位置可以用参考序列中所有跟踪点对应的三维点集的子集的线性组合描述,且该线性关系维持不变.与多数现有方法要求特征点跟踪持续整个图像序列不同,本文方法可以利用长短不一的图像点轨迹.本文在仿真数据和真实数据集上验证了提出方法的鲁棒性和性能.  相似文献   

针对使用传统单目相机的全自动三维重建方法结果精确度差和整体结构理解缺失等问题,提出一种结合视觉惯性里程计和由运动到结构的全自动室内三维布局重建系统.首先利用视觉里程计获得关键帧图像序列和对应空间位置姿态,并利用运动恢复结构算法计算精确相机位姿;然后利用多图视立体几何算法生成高质量稠密点云;最后基于曼哈顿世界假设,针对典型的现代建筑室内场景,设计一种基于规则的自底向上的布局重建方法,得到最终房间外轮廓布局.使用浙江大学CAD&CG实验室场景现场扫描数据集和人工合成的稠密点云数据集作为实验数据,在Ubuntu 16.04和PCL 1.9环境下进行实验.结果表明,文中方法对三维点云噪声容忍度高,能够有效地重建出室内场景的三维外轮廓布局.  相似文献   

为了高效、高精度、低成本地实现对物体的全视角三维重建, 提出一种使用深度相机融合光照约束实现全视角三维重建的方法。该重建方法中,在进行单帧重建时采用RGBD深度图像融合明暗恢复形状(Shape from shading,SFS)的重建方法, 即在原有的深度数据上加上额外的光照约束来优化深度值; 在相邻两帧配准时, 采用快速点特征直方图(Fast point feature histograms, FPFH)特征进行匹配并通过随机采样一致性(Random sample consensus, RANSAC)滤除错误的匹配点对求解粗配准矩阵, 然后通过迭代最近点(Iterative closest point, ICP)算法进行精配准得出两帧间的配准矩阵; 在进行全视角的三维重建时, 采用光束平差法优化相机位姿, 从而消除累积误差使首尾帧完全重合, 最后融合生成一个完整的模型。该方法融入了物体表面的光照信息,因此生成的三维模型更为光顺,也包含了更多物体表面的细节信息,提高了重建精度;同时该方法仅通过单张照片就能在自然光环境下完成对多反射率三维物体的重建,适用范围更广。本文方法的整个实验过程通过手持深度相机就能完成,不需要借助转台,操作更加方便。  相似文献   

The metric reconstruction of a non-rigid object viewed by a generic camera poses new challenges since current approaches for Structure from Motion assume the rigidity constraint of a shape as an essential condition. In this work, we focus on the estimation of the 3-D Euclidean shape and motion of a non-rigid shape observed by a perspective camera. In such case deformation and perspective effects are difficult to decouple – the parametrization of the 3-D non-rigid body may mistakenly account for the perspective distortion. Our method relies on the fact that it is often a reasonable assumption that some of the points on the object’s surface are deforming throughout the sequence while others remain rigid. Thus, relying on the rigidity constraints of a subset of rigid points, we estimate the perspective to metric upgrade transformation. First, we use an automatic segmentation algorithm to identify the set of rigid points. These are then used to estimate the internal camera calibration parameters and the overall rigid motion. Finally, we formulate the problem of non-rigid shape and motion estimation as a non-linear optimization where the objective function to be minimized is the image reprojection error. The prior information that some of the points in the object are rigid can also be added as a constraint to the non-linear minimization scheme in order to avoid ambiguous configurations. We perform experiments on different synthetic and real data sets which show that even when using a minimal set of rigid points and when varying the intrinsic camera parameters it is possible to obtain reliable metric information.  相似文献   

刘鑫  孙凤梅  胡占义 《自动化学报》2012,38(9):1428-1438
捆绑调整(Bundle adjustment, BA)是三维重建中的关键步骤,它需要消耗大量的计算时间和内存存储空间.本 文旨在处理三维点数比相机模型数多很多的捆绑调整问题,我们称之为针对大规模三维点集的捆 绑调整(Massive-points bundle adjustment, MPBA)问题.此类问题在对高分辨率图像进行三 维重建时会经常出现.为了高效地解决MPBA问题,本文提出一种分布式的捆绑调整算法.通过基 于三维点集划分的分解方法,原MPBA问题被分成若干子问题.该分解方法不依赖于输入参数的内在 联系,因而分解结果与具体BA问题无关.算法被映射于两个集群上,一个集群有5台计算机,另一个集 群有3台计算机,其中每台机器都配置一块图形处理器(Graphic processing unit, GPU).通过对若 干MPBA问题的实验,与经典捆绑调整算法SBA (Sparse bundle adjustment)相比,本文算法获得了 最高达75倍的加速比,并保持了算法的高精确度.而且,本文算法的两个实现所消耗的单机内存存储 空间,仅为SBA实现的1/7和1/4.  相似文献   

Monocular observers perceive as three-dimensional (3D) many displays that depict three points rotating rigidly in space but rotating about an axis that is itself tumbling. No theory of structure from motion currently available can account for this ability. We propose a formal theory for this ability based on the constraint of Poinsot motion, i.e., rigid motion with constant angular momentum. In particular, we prove that three (or more) views of three (or more) points are sufficient to decide if the motion of the points conserves angular momentum and, if it does, to compute a unique 3D interpretation. Our proof relies on an upper semicontinuity theorem for finite morphisms of algebraic varieties. We discuss some psychophysical implications of the theory.This work was supported by National Science Foundation grants IRI-8700924 and DIR-9014278 and by Office of Naval Research contract N00014-88-K-0354.  相似文献   

We prove the following: Given four (or more) orthographic views of three points then (a) the views almost surely have no rigid interpretation but (b) if they do then they almost surely have at most thirty-two rigid interpretations. Part (a) means that the measure of false targets, viz., the measure of nonrigid motions that project to views having rigid interpretations, is zero. Part (b) means that rigid interpretations, when they exist, are not unique. Uniqueness of interpretation can be obtained if a point is added, but not if views are added. Our proof relies on an upper semicontinuity theorem for proper mappings of complex algebraic varieties. We note some psychophysical motivations of the theory.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in the fields of computer vision and computer graphics is the construction and representation of life-like virtual 3D scenarios within a computer. The VISIRE project attempts to reconstruct photo-realistic 3D models of large scenarios using as input multiple freehand video sequences, while rendering the technology accessible to the non-expert. VISIRE is application oriented and hence must deal with multiple issues of practical relevance that were commonly overlooked in past experiences. The paper presents both an innovative approach for the integration of previously unrelated experiences, as well as a number of novel contributions, such as: an innovative algorithm to enforce closedness of the trajectories, a new approach to 3D mesh generation from sparse data, novel techniques dealing with partial occlusions and a method for using photo-consistency and visibility constrains to refine the 3D mesh. Tomas Rodriguez was born in Madrid in 1961. Bachelor in Physics and Master in Electronics by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He started his career in the private R&D sector in 1987, when he specialized in computer vision and parallel processing systems. In the early nineties he participated in the EVA project; one of the most outstanding traffic monitoring system of the time. For more than 10 years, he has been involved in international research projects within the ambit of EUREKA, ESPRIT, V and VI Framework programmes. During this time, he coordinated eight international projects (CAMELOT, CITRONE, ON-LIVE, SAID, VISIRE, EVENTS, ITALES, HOLONICS) and acted as principal investigator in two additional ones (CITRUS and VICTORIA). Since the early days, he had the opportunity to collaborate with some of the most prestigious research institutions in Europe: Franhoufer Inst., INRIA, CNRS, University of Oxford, University of Lund, DFKI, Siemens C-Lab, Philips Research Labs, etc. Evaluator of R&D projects for the Spanish Ministry for Science and reviewer of international scientific journals, he is currently the R&D manager and coordinator for European projects at Eptron SA. His recent interests include: computer vision, real time software, industrial control, parallel processing, iTV, and mobile technologies, etc.  相似文献   

研究图像序列中非刚体的三维运动重建问题。介绍非刚体运动重建的两种重要算法:奇异值分解法和线性迭代法。对迭代算法所用的重构方法进行修改,在迭代过程中应用结果更为精确的重构方法来求解非刚体的模型和旋转矩阵。对真实图像序列的实验结果验证了该算法的有效性和精确性。  相似文献   

透视投影下三维运动重建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
单相机下,三维信息的恢复往往呈现出病态,如何在透视投影约束下恢复高质量的三维人体运动信息是计算机视觉领域一个具有挑战性的课题。提出一个扩展模型,即如何从起点出发,依次扩展到得三维空间中人体关节点的位置,从而恢复出运动信息。相对于已有的算法,提出在搜索空间中用一组最优准则得到连续平滑的扩展起点,并且在扩展过程中利用全局运动平滑假设,有效地消除了深度信息恢复时固有的二义性。最后,将结果运用于动画制作,验证提出的算法的有效性。  相似文献   

In order to reconstruct 3-D shape from two uncalibrated views, one needs to resolve two problems: (i) the computed focal lengths can be imaginary; (ii) the computation fails for fixated images. We present a practical remedy for these by subsampling feature points and fixing the focal length. We first summarize theoretical backgrounds and then do simulations, which reveal a rather surprising fact that when the focal length is actually fixed, not using that knowledge yields better results for non-fixated images. We give an explanation to this seeming paradox and derive a hybrid method switching the computation by judging whether or not the images are fixated. Doing simulations and real image experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.  相似文献   

The problem we are stating is the discrimination of non-rigid objects capable of holding our attention in a scene. Motion allows gradually obtaining all moving objects shapes. We introduce an algorithm that fuses spots obtained by means of neuronal lateral interaction in accumulative computation.  相似文献   

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