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提出了一种残差加权的多元素协同表示算法. 该算法针对SRC的单一鉴别性不足,对样本提出样本与字典的多元素分解并分别进行相应的协同表示,自适应地学习出多元素的残差权重并进行线性加权,从而提高分类的性能. 实验表明:自适应残差加权的多元素协同表示分类算法,能够有效提高识别性能.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于多特征字典的稀疏表示算法。该算法针对SRC的单特征鉴别性较弱这一不足,对样本提出多个不同特征并分别进行相应的稀疏表示。并根据SRC算法计算各个特征的鉴别性,自适应地学习出稀疏权重并进行线性加权,从而提高分类的性能。实验表明,基于自适应权重的多重稀疏表示分类算法,具有更好的分类效果。  相似文献   

为了解决人脸识别应用中针对人脸姿态的变化,光照等外部环境变化导致识别率不高,且稀疏表示应用于人脸识别收敛速度慢的情况,提出了一种基于多分量的Gabor特征提取和自适应权重选择的协同表示人脸识别算法(GAW-CRC).特征提取阶段,将Gabor变换的所有特征分量中鉴别能力较差的分量淘汰,剩余分量构建特征字典,分别协同表示对应测试样本的特征分量,将所有剩余分量的识别结果,按照自适应的权重函数加权融合得出最终分类结果.实验证明:算法应用于AR,FERET与Extended Yale B人脸库中,当对应的样本存在人脸角度变化,表情变化和光照条件变化等情况时,能够得到更高的识别率.  相似文献   

针对以往基于表示的分类(RBC)方法在类别数较多的数据集上性能不佳的问题,提出了一种自适应多阶段线性重构表示的分类(MPRBC)方法。在每一阶段,首先得到L1范数或L2范数正则化的重构表示系数,然后将表示系数按类求和,根据和的大小来选取相似类,并保留相似类中的全部样本作为下一阶段的训练样本。该策略最终产生具有高分类置信度的稀疏类概率分布,根据类系数的大小自适应选择相似的类,提高了分类计算的效率。实验结果表明,该方法分类性能优于其他RBC方法,特别是在类别数较多的数据集上性能提升明显,并且CPU时间保持相对较低水平。  相似文献   

为提高协同表示模型的特征表达能力和鲁棒性,解决对正则参数敏感的问题,提出加权协同表示分类器(WCRC)并运用于人脸识别。基于L2范数求解最优化问题,利用训练样本的先验距离信息作为权重,将待识别图像与每类样本的距离信息作为先验信息引入到特征表示函数中,增强距离待识别样本较近的某类样本的重构权重,利用最小二乘法求解表示系数,根据待识别图像与每类训练图像的重构残差大小判断待识别图像的类别。通过实验测试以及与其它算法的对比验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

杜海顺  蒋曼曼  王娟  王胜 《计算机科学》2017,44(10):302-306, 311
农作物病害是我国主要的农业灾害之一,准确识别病害类型是防治农作物病害的关键。因此,首先采集了小麦、玉米、花生、棉花4种农作物的22种常见叶部病害的441张图像;然后,在对每张病害图像中的叶片和病斑进行分割的基础上,分别提取了描述农作物种类的叶片特征参数和描述病害类型的病斑特征参数;其次,将这两类特征参数组合并作归一化处理,得到病害图像的数据特征向量;再次,采用所有病害图像的数据特征向量,构建了一个农作物叶部病害数据集;最后,在同时考虑数据特征重要性和数据空间局部性的基础上,提出了一种双权重协同表示分类(DWCRC)方法并将其用于农作物叶部病害识别。在农作物叶部病害数据集上的实验结果表明,提出的双权重协同表示分类方法在用于农作物叶部病害识别时具有较高的识别率。  相似文献   

基于马氏距离的稀疏表示分类算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常用分类算法对人脸图像在不同光照条件下的识别效果较不理想.设计了一种新颖的基于马氏距离(Mahalanobis Distance)的人脸识别分类算法(Mahalanobis Distance based Sparse Representation Classification,MSRC).该算法框架基于稀疏表示原理,通...  相似文献   

针对传统的岩石薄片成分分析耗时、识别率不高等问题,提出了一种基于协同表示(CR)的岩石薄片成分分析方法。首先,分析探讨了岩石薄片中颗粒纹理特性,证明将薄片图像的分层多尺度局部二值化(HMLBP)特征与灰度共生矩阵(GLCM)特征相融合能有效地表征岩石薄片中颗粒的纹理。然后,为降低识别阶段时间复杂度,采用主成分分析(PCA)方法将新特征降维到100维。最后,采用基于协同表示的分类器(CRC)进行分类识别。与基于稀疏表示的分类器(SRC)分别采用样本字典中某一个样本单独编码表征预测样本不同,基于协同表示的分类器采用样本字典中的所有样本协同编码表征预测样本,借助不同样本的同一属性提高识别率。实验结果表明该方法的识别速度较基于稀疏的分类器识别方法提高300%,识别率提高2%;在实践应用中能较好地区分岩石薄片中的石英成分和长石成分。  相似文献   

针对由于空间信息利用不充分而导致的高光谱图像分类精度较低的问题,提出一种基于图正则自适应联合协同表示的高光谱图像分类算法.首先,采用双边滤波操作对高光谱图像进行空间信息提取,以充分挖掘每个像素的空间信息;其次,在联合协同表示的目标函数中引入图正则约束项,以保持高光谱数据的流形结构;再次,一方面利用图像分割来自适应调整空间邻域的形状,另一方面通过对中心像素的空间近邻赋予不同的权重,提出一种自适应空间-光谱特征融合策略;最后,基于误差最小原则,给出测试样本的类别标签.在两个高光谱数据集上的实验结果表明,所提出算法的整体分类精度分别达到98.50%和97.30%.  相似文献   

Multi-view based classification has attracted much attention in recent years. In general, an object can be represented with various views or modalities, and the exploitation of correlation across different views would contribute to improving the classification performance. However, each view can also be described with multiple features and this types of data is called multi-view and multi-feature data. Different from many existing multi-view methods which only model multiple views but ignore intrinsic information among the various features in each view, a generative bayesian model is proposed in this paper to not only jointly take the features and views into account, but also learn a discriminant representation across distinctive categories. A latent variable corresponding to each feature in each view is assumed and the raw feature is a projection of the latent variable from a more discriminant space. Particularly, the extracted variables in each view belonging to the same class are encouraged to follow the same gaussian distribution and those belonging to different classes are conducted to follow different distributions, greatly exploiting the label information. To optimize the presented approach, the proposed method is transformed into a class-conditional model and an effective algorithm is designed to alternatively estimate the parameters and variables. The experimental results on the extensive synthetic and four real-world datasets illustrate the effectiveness and superiority of our method compared with the state-of-the-art.  相似文献   

Recently, the nearest regularized subspace (NRS) classifier and its spectral–spatial versions such as joint collaborative representation (JCR) and weighted JCR (WJCR) have gained an increasing interest in the hyperspectral image classification. JCR and WJCR average each pixel with its neighbours in a spatial neighbourhood window. The use of spatial information as averaging of pixels in a local window may degrade the classification accuracy in the neighbourhood of discontinuities and class boundaries. We propose the edge-preserving-based collaborative representation (EPCR) classifier in this article, which overcomes this problem by using the edge image estimated by the original full-band hyperspectral image. The estimated edge image is used for calculation of the weights of neighbours and also the final residuals in the collaborative representation classifier. The advantage of multiscale spatial window is also assessed in this work. Moreover, the kernelized versions of NRS and its improved versions are developed in this article. Our experimental results on several popular hyperspectral images indicate that EPCR and its kernelized version are superior to some state-of-the-art classification methods.  相似文献   

目的 协作表达分类算法在人脸识别实验上表现出较好的性能,但其未考虑样本的局部特性,且算法只能处理测试样本中的噪声,未能有效处理训练样本集中的噪声.针对这两个问题,提出融合局部思想和协作表达的鲁棒分类算法.方法 一方面,在训练集上,通过奇异值分解SVD得到其有效表达,丢弃一些噪声;另一方面,算法考虑数据的局部相似性,以保持测试样本与其相邻训练样本之间的相似性.结果 本文算法能得到一个闭式(closed-form),可避免稀疏表示分类算法中由于迭代引起的高时间复杂度问题,在ORL、扩展YALEB和PIE人脸库上的识别率分别可达91.4%,93.8%和93.2%,与同类算法相比识别率有较大幅度地提高;实验结果验证了算法所得到的系数具有较高的判别能力.结论 算法将训练样本进行奇异值分解得到“干净”的训练样本,能在一定程度上消除噪声的影响,且在协作表达的基础上,考虑测试样本和与之相邻的训练样本的局部相似性,相比原始的协作表达分类算法有更好的稳定性和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Multimodal biometrics technology consolidates information obtained from multiple sources at sensor level, feature level, match score level, and decision level. It is used to increase robustness and provide broader population coverage for inclusion. Due to the inherent challenges involved with feature-level fusion, combining multiple evidences is attempted at score, rank, or decision level where only a minimal amount of information is preserved. In this paper, we propose the Group Sparse Representation based Classifier (GSRC) which removes the requirement for a separate feature-level fusion mechanism and integrates multi-feature representation seamlessly into classification. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on two multimodal biometric datasets. Experimental results indicate that the proposed classifier succeeds in efficiently utilizing a multi-feature representation of input data to perform accurate biometric recognition.  相似文献   

Zhang  Guoqing  Zheng  Yuhui  Xia  Guiyu 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2019,78(21):30175-30196
Multimedia Tools and Applications - Conventional representation based classification methods, such as sparse representation based classification (SRC) and collaborative representation based...  相似文献   

Classification using the l 2-norm-based representation is usually computationally efficient and is able to obtain high accuracy in the recognition of faces. Among l 2-norm-based representation methods, linear regression classification (LRC) and collaborative representation classification (CRC) have been widely used. LRC and CRC produce residuals in very different ways, but they both use residuals to perform classification. Therefore, by combining the residuals of these two methods, better performance for face recognition can be achieved. In this paper, a simple weighted sum based fusion scheme is proposed to integrate LRC and CRC for more accurate recognition of faces. The rationale of the proposed method is analyzed. Face recognition experiments illustrate that the proposed method outperforms LRC and CRC.  相似文献   

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