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Four methods assessing the physical demands of manual lifting were compared. The scaffolding job was evaluated and three distinct scaffolding tasks were ranked using: (1) the revised NIOSH lifting equation (NIOSH method), (2) lifting guidelines for the Dutch construction industry (Arbouw method), (3) rapid appraisal of the NIOSH lifting equation (practitioners' method), and (4) systematic observations. For the three first-mentioned methods the same dataset was used; observation took place in a different setting in the same company. At job level, all methods indicated that ergonomic interventions are required to protect scaffolders from an increased risk for low back pain. The NIOSH, Arbouw and practitioners' method resulted in a similar ranking order of tasks (transport>construction>dismantlement). In contrast, the observational method gave transport the lowest ranking. The underlying cause was probably that the observational method is more sensitive to durations of tasks and lifting within tasks than the three other methods. 相似文献
Jamie McGaha Kim Miller Alexis Descatha Laurie Welch Bryan Buchholz Bradley Evanoff Ann Marie Dale 《Applied ergonomics》2014
Floor layers have high rates of musculoskeletal disorders yet few studies have examined their work exposures. This study used observational methods to describe physical exposures within floor laying tasks.Methods
We analyzed 45 videos from 32 floor layers using Multimedia-Video Task Analysis software to determine the time in task, forces, postures, and repetitive hand movements for installation of four common flooring materials. We used the WISHA checklists to define exposure thresholds.Results
Most workers (91%) met the caution threshold for one or more exposures. Workers showed high exposures in multiple body parts with variability in exposures across tasks and for different materials. Prolonged exposures were seen for kneeling, poor neck and low back postures, and intermittent but frequent hand grip forces.Conclusions
Floor layers experience prolonged awkward postures and high force physical exposures in multiple body parts, which probably contribute to their high rates of musculoskeletal disorders. 相似文献3.
This paper addresses the use of scaffolding in learning contexts that incorporate technologically based novel problems. We suggest that in computer contexts extended conceptualisations of scaffolding are needed in order to gain greater insights into teaching and learning processes. Our work has revealed that traditional forms of scaffolding, based on the “expert’s” view of how the problem should be solved, need to be modified in order to accommodate the child’s perspective and that three different types of scaffolding which we refer to as cognitive, technical and affective can be conceptualized. This paper discusses the ways in which the performance of pairs of children is enhanced in such scaffolding contexts, to include more examples of metastrategic processes and strategies for problem-solving, than when the pairs are left to spontaneously solve the problems. This study provides additional support that cognitive, affective and technical scaffolding are beneficial for learning and that children are able to support each others learning via sharing strategies and articulating the reasons behind them to each other. 相似文献
Jang R Karwowski W Quesada PM Rodrick D Sherehiy B Cronin SN Layer JK 《Ergonomics》2007,50(11):1835-1855
A field study was conducted to investigate spinal kinematics and loading in the nursing profession using objective and subjective measurements of selected nursing tasks observed in a hospital setting. Spinal loading was estimated using trunk motion dynamics measured by the lumbar motion monitor (LMM) and lower back compressive and shear forces were estimated using the three-dimensional (3D) Static Strength Prediction Program. Subjective measures included the rate of perceived physical effort and the perceived risk of low back pain. A multiple logistic regression model, reported in the literature for predicting low back injury based on defined risk groups, was tested. The study results concluded that the major risk factors for low back injury in nurses were the weight of patients handled, trunk moment, and trunk axial rotation. The activities that required long time exposure to awkward postures were perceived by nurses as a high physical effort. This study also concluded that self-reported perceived exertion could be used as a tool to identify nursing activities with a high risk of low-back injury. 相似文献
This study examined the effects of scaffolds on triads’ metacognitive activities in complex open learning environments. In an experimental design, two experimental groups receiving scaffolds were compared with a control group. The experimental groups differed in the form of scaffolding messages used: structuring scaffolds vs. problematizing scaffolds. We analyzed the effects of scaffolding and the different forms of scaffolds on the amount of metacognitive activities of triads on the interpersonal plane. The results show that scaffolding has a significant effect on stimulating metacognitive activities; triads receiving scaffolds performed significantly more metacognitive activities on the interpersonal plane. Additionally, scaffolding also has a significant development effect; triads continue to show more metacognitive activities after the scaffolding is ceased. Finally, no significant differences between the two forms of scaffolding were found: triads receiving problematizing scaffolds did not showed more metacognitive activities during or after the scaffolding compared to triads receiving structuring scaffolds. 相似文献
A mobile learning system for scaffolding bird watching learning 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Abstract This paper develops a mobile learning system for scaffolding students learning about bird-watching. The aim is to construct an outdoor mobile-learning activity using up-to-date wireless technology. The proposed Bird-Watching Learning (BWL) system is designed using a wireless mobile ad-hoc network. In the BWL system, each learner has a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) with a Wi-Fi-based (IEEE 802.11b) wireless network card. The BWL system offers a mobile learning system which supports the students learning through scaffolding. The aim of a formative evaluation was twofold: to explore the possible roles and scaffolding aids that the mobile learning device offers for bird-watching activities and to investigate whether student learning benefited from the mobility, portability, and individualisation of the mobile learning device. 相似文献
This study investigated the effect of adding real planks, in virtual scaffolding models of elevation, on human performance in a surround-screen virtual reality (SSVR) system. Twenty-four construction workers and 24 inexperienced controls performed walking tasks on real and virtual planks at three virtual heights (0, 6 m, 12 m) and two scaffolding-platform-width conditions (30, 60 cm). Gait patterns, walking instability measurements and cardiovascular reactivity were assessed. The results showed differences in human responses to real vs. virtual planks in walking patterns, instability score and heart-rate inter-beat intervals; it appeared that adding real planks in the SSVR virtual scaffolding model enhanced the quality of SSVR as a human – environment interface research tool. In addition, there were significant differences in performance between construction workers and the control group. The inexperienced participants were more unstable as compared to construction workers. Both groups increased their stride length with repetitions of the task, indicating a possibly confidence- or habit-related learning effect. The practical implications of this study are in the adoption of augmented virtual models of elevated construction environments for injury prevention research, and the development of programme for balance-control training to reduce the risk of falls at elevation before workers enter a construction job. 相似文献
Craig A. Halpern Kenneth D. Dawson 《International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics》1997,20(6):429-440
A participatory ergonomics program was designed and implemented to control and reduce workers' compensation costs within an automobile products manufacturing company. Pareto analysis identified a substantial number of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) associated with manual, machine sewing of canvas automobile accessory products. This case study will discuss the elements of the participatory ergonomics program, describe its implementation, highlight intervention measures, and present program results. Specifically, during the period of 1993 to 1996, the participatory ergonomics program played a significant part in reducing the number of MSD claims by approximately 85%, and contributed to an overall reduction in workers' compensation incurred loss costs by approximately 42%. 相似文献
Ferguson SA Marras WS Gary Allread W Knapik GG Vandlen KA Splittstoesser RE Yang G 《Applied ergonomics》2011,(5):699-709
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are costly and common problem in automotive manufacturing. The research goal was to quantify MSD exposure as a function of vehicle rotation angle and region during assembly tasks. The study was conducted at the Center for Occupational Health in Automotive Manufacturing (COHAM) Laboratory. Twelve subjects participated in the study. The vehicle was divided into seven regions, (3 interior, 2 underbody and 2 engine regions) representative of work areas during assembly. Three vehicle rotation angles were examined for each region. The standard horizontal assembly condition (0° rotation) was the reference frame. Exposure was assessed on the spine loads and posture, shoulder posture and muscle activity, neck posture and muscle activity as well as wrist posture. In all regions, rotating the vehicle reduced musculoskeletal exposure. In five of the seven regions 45° of vehicle rotation represented the position that reduced MSD exposure most. Two of the seven regions indicated 90° of vehicle rotation had the greatest impact for reducing MSD exposure. This study demonstrated that vehicle rotation shows promise for reducing exposure to risk factors for MDS during automobile assembly tasks. 相似文献
Sixty-two workers engaged in computer-telephone interactive tasks in an active telemarketing center and a telephone call center of an international bank subsidiary in S?o Paulo. Brazil, were assessed by means of a work analysis and a self-administered questionnaire aiming to determine the statistical relationship of ergonomic, organizational and psychosocial characteristics of their jobs with the report of symptoms in neck-shoulder and hand-wrist for more than 7 consecutive days and any time away from work during the current job due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). According to chi-square univariate tests and multiple logistic regression models, active telemarketing operations, duration in the job and the low level of satisfaction with the physical arrangement of the workstation emerged as the factors most related to neck-shoulder and hand-wrist MSD and MSD-induced time away from work. This study emphasizes the role of psychosocial factors and duration in the job in MSD occurrence and induced absenteeism among workers engaged in computer-telephone interactive tasks. 相似文献
Firefighters performing emergency rescue functions are at an elevated risk of musculoskeletal injuries. The objective of the current study was to analyze the biomechanical stresses placed on the body based on simulations of the following strenuous and frequently performed emergency rescue tasks: (1) transferring a patient from a bed to a stretcher using bedsheets, (2) transferring a patient from the ambulance stretcher to a hospital gurney, (3) carrying a victim down a set of stairs and through a landing using a stairchair, (4) carrying a victim down a set of stairs and through a landing using a backboard, and (5) carrying a victim down a straight set of stairs using a stretcher. Postural data were analyzed using the University of Michigan's Three-Dimensional Static Strength Prediction Program and the relative risk of low back disorder (LBD) was quantified using the trunk motion model published by Marras et al. (1993, spine 18, 617-628). Peak compression values and the probabilities from the Marras et al. (1993) model indicated that the most hazardous tasks performed as part of this simulation included pulling a victim from a bed to a stretcher, the initial descent of a set of stairs when using the stretcher, and lifting a victim on a backboard from the floor. Overall, the two models were well correlated in their assessment of the task components modelled (r = 0.78). These data indicate where engineering changes to equipment regularly used by emergency rescue personnel would have the greatest impact in reducing the risk of musculoskeletal injury. 相似文献
This paper describes a case study of a neighborhood pub in British Columbia, Canada. This case study is an examination of three common pub occupations-bartending, waitressing and cooking (n = 17). The aims of this study are to determine the biomechanical loads of job tasks identified as physically demanding for the three occupations analyzed, to assess the potential risk of musculoskeletal injury in these job tasks, and to recommend injury prevention measures. Risk of musculoskeletal injury was assessed with four validated methods (RULA, NIOSH lifting equation, Shoaf pulling model, 3D Static Strength prediction program). Tasks commonly and frequently performed were observed to pose some risk to the working populations and require investigation and changes soon as indicated by the upper extremity and low-back assessment procedures used. Mean combined compression at the lumbrosacral disc in common tasks have been demonstrated to exceed the action limit described by NIOSH. Ligament strain was observed to reach as high as 18% at the lumbosacral joint. 相似文献
ObjectiveThis study aimed to assess the effects of backrest inclination and vibration frequency on muscle activity in a dynamic environment using a musculoskeletal model.MethodThe muscle activity modeling method was used to analyze a full body musculoskeletal system of a seated person with a public domain rigid body model in an adjustable car seat. This model was established using AnyBody Modeling System, based on the inverse dynamic approach. And the min/max criterion in dealing with the muscle redundancy problem. Ten healthy subjects were exposed to whole body vibration (WBV) with five frequencies (3, 4.5, 6, 7, and 8 Hz) in the vertical direction in a randomized order on three separate days. The displacement of the seat-pan and head was measured using a hybrid Polaris spectra system to obtain the seat-to-head (STH) transmissibility. Muscle oxygenation was measured using near-infrared spectroscopy. The validity of the model was tested using STH transmissibility and muscle oxygenation.ResultsIncreased vibration frequency caused high muscle activities of the abdomen and the right leg with a backrest forward inclination angle. The muscle activities of the left leg decreased at a backrest backward inclination except at inclination angles of 15° and 30°. Muscle activity of the lumbar suddenly increased at a backrest inclination angle of 5° and vibration frequency of 5 Hz. Muscle activities were higher under vibration than that without vibration.ConclusionVibration frequency significantly affected the muscle activity of the lumbar area. Likewise, the inclination degree of the backrest significantly affected the muscle activities of the right leg and the abdomen. The combination of vibration and forward inclination of the backrest can be used to maximize the muscle activity of the leg, similar to the abdomen and lumbar muscles.Relevance to the industryThe musculoskeletal model established in the present study provides a method that can be used to investigate the biomechanical response of seated drivers to WBV. This model helps protect drivers from occupational injury. 相似文献
Owing to an orderly recruitment of motor units, low threshold type I fibres are presumed to be vulnerable in contractions of long duration. To study load on these fibres muscular rest was registered as the time fraction of electromyographic (EMG) activity below a threshold. Moreover, the frequency of periods with muscular rest, EMG gaps, was derived, since a low gap frequency has been shown to be a risk factor for musculoskeletal disorders. Trapezius EMG was registered in 24 female hospital cleaners, 21 female office workers and 13 male office workers during one working day. Cleaners have a high risk of neck/shoulder pain and had much less muscular rest than office workers measured as a percentage of total registered time (median value= 1.5%, range= 0.2-13% vs. median value= 12%, range= 0.0-32%, respectively). Gap frequency showed no difference between the two occupational groups. Both measures displayed a wide inter-individual variation. For the cleaners, some of the variance was explained by body mass index (BMI) and age, with lower values of muscular rest for older subjects with a high BMI. Among the office workers, low values of muscular rest and a high gap frequency were registered in subjects with a low subjective muscular tension tendency. Gender, strength, smoking, job strain, employment time and musculoskeletal symptoms had no impact on either EMG measure. 相似文献
Currently used excavators and other construction machines use hydraulic actuators as the means of providing the necessary power to their effector tooling. The tools lack the flexibility of applying varying forces on an excavated object, thus preventing the use of powered equipment for the excavation and handling of buried sensitive objects. The prototype design of a master-slave force-feedback hydraulic manipulator described here will enable equipment operators to “feel” the force applied by the tool on a handled object as well as its location in space. This new tool may be provided as an optional feature on the traditional excavators, thus contributing to a greater flexibility of these machines and to the productivity enhancement of related work tasks. 相似文献
This study provided an objective, biomechanical comparison of four "top of the line" mattresses from four different manufacturers using two different measurements. One, which has been used in other studies, was pressure distribution patterns-evaluating maximum pressures generated by an individual lying supine on the mattresses. The other was a novel approach developed specifically for this study-quantifying the degree of spinal distortion induced when in the side posture position. Eighteen normal adult males of similar height but in three different weight groups were tested using both of these approaches on each of four mattresses. As expected, greater maximum pressure directly related to subject's weight group and was greater in the pelvic compared to the thoracic region. One mattress did induce significantly lower maximum pressures than the other three in both the pelvic and thoracic regions. Spinal distortion was not reliably different across the four mattresses in five of the seven spine regions evaluated. However, at the T1/T3 and the T6/T8 spinal segments, inconsistent but statistically significant separation between some mattresses was observed. 相似文献
Biomechanical evaluation of bike power saver 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Shan G 《Applied ergonomics》2008,39(1):37-45
Bike power saver (BPS) is a new product that claims to change the angle of pedaling forces and reduce applied power dead range (Chic Sheng Industrial Co., Ltd, Taiwan, China). In order to determine its effectiveness, we quantified how BPS operates through a 3D kinematical study and electromyography (EMG) analysis of leg muscles during pedaling. Ten kinesiology students participated in this study. A 3D motion capture system consisting of nine high-speed cameras (VICON v8i, a capture rate of 120 frames/s) was used to collect the total body and pedal motion with and without BPS at statically determined low, middle and high intensity cycling levels. The short-time test (14s) was applied to all intensity levels while the long-time test (30 min) was applied only to the low wattage level. Wireless EMG was synchronized with the 3D motion capture system to monitor the right and left tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, quadriceps and hamstring. The results revealed that BPS did not alter hip and knee movement significantly (p>0.05), but it did vary ankle movement. BPS caused a movement change in the pedals, and consequently induced instability in ankle control. The altered pedal movement led to an increase in activity level and presumably also energy expenditure for dominant muscles, resulting in a faster fatigue process. From these data, it is likely that the BPS actually requires more effort than a standard bike. 相似文献
Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are common among construction workers, such as masons. Few interventions are available to reduce masons' exposure to heavy lifting, a risk factor for MSDs. The purpose of this study was to determine whether one such intervention, the use of light-weight concrete blocks (LWBs), reduces physiological loads compared to standard-weight blocks (SWBs). Using a repeated measures design, 21 masons each constructed two 32-block walls, seven courses (rows) high, entirely of either SWBs or LWBs. Surface electromyography (EMG), from arm and back muscles, and heart rate was sampled. For certain muscles, EMG amplitudes were slightly lower when masons were laying LWBs compared to SWBs. Upper back and forearm extensor EMG amplitudes were greater for the higher wall courses for both block weights. There were no significant differences in heart rate between the two blocks. Interventions that address block weight and course height may be effective for masons. 相似文献