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Measurements on ignition delay times of n-butane/hydrogen/oxygen mixtures diluted by argon were conducted using the shock tube at pressures of 2, 10 and 20 atm, temperatures from 1000 to 1600 K and hydrogen fractions (XH2) from 0 to 98%. It is found that hydrogen addition has a non-linear promoting effect on ignition delay of n-butane. Results also show that for XH2 less than 95%, ignition delay time shows an Arrhenius type dependence and the increase of pressure and temperature lead to shorter ignition delay times. However, for XH2 = 98% and 100% mixtures, non-monotonic pressure dependence of ignition delay time were observed. The performances of the Aramco2.0 model, San Diego 2016 model and USC2.0 model were evaluated against the experimental data. Only the Aramco2.0 model gives a reasonable agreement with all the measurements, which was conducted in this study to interpret the effect of pressure and hydrogen addition on the ignition chemistry of n-butane.  相似文献   

汽油发动机直接点火系统设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
直接点火有利于改善汽油发动机的排放,提高点火系统的可靠性。本文提出了直接点火系统次级电压与点火能量的设计计算模型,设计了LJ276Q发动机直接点火系统,研制了样品,并进行了排放对比试验,研究的结果可为今后直接点火及电喷点火系统设计提供有效的手段。  相似文献   

多次点火提高LPG发动机点火可靠性的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以液化石油气(1iquefied petroleum gas)为燃料的发动机对点火系统的要求较普通汽油发动机高,由于其可能存在失火使LPG发动机的怠速稳定性不佳。对应用多次点火方式提高LPG发动机的点火可靠性进行了试验研究。试验设计了通过ECU控制点火提前角的多次点火系统,并通过怠速稳定性间接验证了多次点火对点火可靠性的影响。试验结果表明:多次点火有助于提高点火可靠性,特别在点火提前角过大或过小、空燃比偏离最佳点火比例时。  相似文献   

There is worldwide interest in using renewable fuels within the existing infrastructure. Hydrogen and syngas have shown significant potential as renewable fuels, which can be produced from a variety of biomass sources, and used in various transportation and power generation systems, especially as blends with hydrocarbon fuels. In the present study, a reduced mechanism containing 38 species and 74 reactions is developed to examine the ignition behavior of iso-octane/H2 and iso-octane/syngas blends at engine relevant conditions. The mechanism is extensively validated using the shock tube and RCM ignition data, as well as three detailed mechanisms, for iso-octane/air, H2/air and syngas/air mixtures. Simulations are performed to characterize the effects of H2 and syngas on the ignition of iso-octane/air mixtures using the closed homogenous reactor model in CHEMKIN software. The effect of H2 (or syngas) is found to be small for blends containing less than 50% H2 (or syngas) by volume. However, for H2 mole fractions above 50%, it increases and decreases the ignition delay at low (T < 900 K) and high temperatures (T > 1000 K), respectively. For H2 fractions above 80%, the ignition is influenced more strongly by H2 chemistry rather than by i-C8H18 chemistry, and does not exhibit the NTC behavior. Nevertheless, the addition of a relatively small amount of i-C8H18 (a low cetane number fuel) can significantly enhance the ignitability of H2-air mixtures at NTC temperatures, which are relevant for HCCI and PCCI dual fuel engines. The CO addition seems to have a negligible effect on the ignition of i-C8H18/H2/air mixtures, indicating that the ignition of i-C8H18/syngas blends is essentially determined by i-C8H18 and H2 oxidation chemistries. The sensitivity and reaction path analysis indicates that i-C8H18 oxidation is initiated with the production of alkyl radical by H abstraction through reaction: i-C8H18 + O2 = C8H17 + HO2. Subsequently, the ignition chemistry in the NTC region is characterized by a competition between two paths represented by reactions R2 (C8H17 + O2 = C8H17O2) and R8 (C8H17 + O2 = C8H16 + HO2), with the R8 path dominating, and increasing the ignition delay. As the amount of H2 in the blend becomes significant, it opens up another path for the consumption of OH through reaction R36 (H2 + OH = H2O + H), which slows down the ignition process. However, for T > 1100 K, the presence of H2 decreases ignition delay primarily due to reactions R31 (O2 + H = OH + O) and R35 (H2O2 + M = OH + OH + M).  相似文献   

高能(电子)点火系与供油系匹配试验研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对两种点火系进行定功率质量调整对比,说明高能点火可燃用较少的汽油而发生同样的功率,因而排放与油耗率均得到改善,据此试验结果,对化油器进行匹配调整,取得提高发协机动力性(Pe max提高3.9%),改善经济性和降低排放(常用工况油耗率下降4.7%,CO和HC平均下降50%以上)的效果,动态性能也有明显提高。试验还表明,高能点火正确匹配使用,它不但是机内净化的有效装置,也是改善发动机性能的重要途径  相似文献   

As gas recirculation constitutes a fundamental condition for the realization of MILD combustion, it is necessary to determine gas recirculation ratio before designing MILD combustor. MILD combustion model with gas recir- culation was used in this simulation work to evaluate the effect of fuel type and pressure on threshold gas recir- culation ratio of MILD mode. Ignition delay time is also an important design parameter for gas turbine combustor, this parameter is kinetically studied to analyze the effect of pressure on MILD mixture ignition. Threshold gas re- circulation ratio of hydrogen MILD combustion changes slightly and is nearly equal to that of 10 MJ/Nm3 syngas in the pressure range of 1-19 atm, under the conditions of 298 K fresh reactant temperature and 1373 K exhaust gas temperature, indicating that MILD regime is fuel flexible. Ignition delay calculation results show that pres- sure has a negative effect on ignition delay time of 10 MJ/Nm3 syngas MILD mixture, because OH mole fraction in MILD mixture drops down as pressure increases, resulting in the delay of the oxidation process.  相似文献   

舒涌  徐航 《内燃机工程》1994,15(2):68-73
介绍了以紧凑式微机为基础的无分电器全电子点火系统。该系统可完全取代机械分电器点火系统,并以最少的硬件实现更可靠,精确,复杂的点火正时。文中讨论了该系统的工作原理,并报道了发动机台架稳态工况试验的结果。  相似文献   

《Combustion and Flame》2014,161(2):371-383
Ignition delay times and ethylene concentration time-histories were measured behind reflected shock waves during decalin oxidation and pyrolysis. Ignition delay measurements were conducted for gas-phase decalin/air mixtures over temperatures of 769–1202 K, pressures of 11.7–51.2 atm, and equivalence ratios of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0. Negative-temperature-coefficient (NTC) behavior of decalin autoignition was observed, for the first time, at temperatures below 920 K. Current ignition delay data are in good agreement with past shock tube data in terms of pressure dependence but not equivalence ratio dependence. Ethylene mole fraction and fuel absorbance time-histories were acquired using laser absorption at 10.6 and 3.39 μm during decalin pyrolysis for mixtures of 2200–3586 ppm decalin/argon at pressures of 18.2–20.2 atm and temperatures of 1197–1511 K. Detailed comparisons of these ignition delay and species time-history data with predictions based on currently available decalin reaction mechanisms are presented, and preliminary suggestions for the adjustment of some key rate parameters are made.  相似文献   

电控汽油喷射发动机中点火线圈与喷油器的控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
详细分析了电控汽油喷射发动机中点火线圈控制信号与喷油器控制信号的定时关系,提出采用双可编程定时/计数器联动产生控制信号的方法,并对这种方法的控制精度及其优缺点给予分析与评价。  相似文献   

柴油机着火滞燃期检测装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏荣年  王贺武 《内燃机工程》1992,13(2):50-55,65

本文对基于模糊理论的发动机点火系统故障诊断方法进行了初步的研究,给出了体现诊断专家经验知识的模糊诊断国,提出了诊断系统的组成结构以及模糊诊断的基本过程,并且针对东风EQ6100型汽车发动机点火系统的常见故障进行了实例诊断,结果表明,利用模糊理论对发动机的点火系统进行故障诊断,是一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

汽油机瞬态工况点火系统的优化控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用微机技术,使汽油机在非爆震区根据发动机的转速和功率由开环控制系统自动寻找点火角度;而在爆震区,则由闭环控制系统对其跟踪调整,至微爆状态。这样,发动机在稳态和瞬态运行都能实现点火系统的最佳控制。本文介绍的正是这种技术在480型汽油机上应用的成果。  相似文献   

点燃式发动机富氧燃烧的基础研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探清混合气的氧浓度对紊流燃烧速度的影响,进行了定容器内预混合气紊流燃烧实验。研究结果表明,在较大的氧浓度下,氢混合气和甲烷混合气具有较高的紊流燃烧速度,而丙烷混合气则具有相反的倾向。  相似文献   

二甲醚(DME)在压燃式发动机上应用研究的新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
大量的研究表明二甲醚(DME)是压燃式发动机的一种较为理想的代用清洁燃料,本文介绍了迄今为止DME在压燃式发动机上应用研究的最新进展。研究人员借助各种先进手段对DME的热物性和喷雾、燃烧特性进行了深入的研究,从理论上探讨了DME的燃烧过程及其能实现超低排放的机理,试验研究了发动机在不同工况下的各项性能指标。在此基础上一些国家开发出了新型的DME燃料供给和喷射系统,并成功应用在车辆上。  相似文献   

提高点燃式甲醇发动机效率的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  

The autoignition of C8H10 aromatic/air mixtures (ortho-xylene, meta-xylene, para-xylene, and ethylbenzene in air) has been studied in a shock tube at temperatures of 941-1408 K, pressures of 9-45 atm, and equivalence ratios of Φ=1.0 and 0.5. Ignition times were determined using electronically excited OH emission and pressure measurements. The measurements illustrate the differences in reactivity for the C8H10 aromatics under the studied conditions. Ethylbenzene was by far the most reactive C8H10 aromatic with ignition times a factor of two to three shorter than the xylenes. The xylene isomers exhibited ignition times that were similar, with o-xylene the most reactive, p-xylene the least reactive, and m-xylene just slightly more reactive than p-xylene. The p-xylene ignition times are almost identical to previous measurements for toluene at the same conditions. The differences in reactivity can be attributed to the C-H and C-C bond strengths in the alkyl side chains and the proximity of the methyl groups in the xylenes. These results represent the first ignition measurements for C8H10 aromatics at the elevated-pressure moderate-temperature conditions studied, providing needed targets for kinetic modeling at engine-relevant conditions. Kinetic modeling illustrates the importance of the methylbenzyl + HO2 reaction and indicates further study of this reaction is warranted.  相似文献   

The ignition of iso-octane/air and iso-octane/O2/Ar (∼20% O2) mixtures was studied in a shock tube at temperatures of 868-1300 K, pressures of 7-58 atm, and equivalence ratios Φ=1.0, 0.5, and 0.25. Ignition times were determined using endwall OH emission and sidewall piezoelectric pressure measurements. Measured iso-octane/air ignition times agreed well with the previously published results. Mixtures with argon as the diluent exhibited ignition times 20% shorter, for most conditions, than those with nitrogen as the diluent (iso-octane/air mixtures). The difference in measured ignition times for mixtures containing argon and nitrogen as the diluent gas can be attributed to the differing heat capacities of the two diluent species and the level of induction period heat release prior to ignition. Kinetic model predictions of ignition time from three mechanisms are compared to the experimental data. The mechanisms overpredict the ignition times but accurately capture the influence of diluent gas on iso-octane ignition time, indicating that the mechanisms predict an appropriate amount of induction period heat release.  相似文献   

汽油机进行排气再循环时的参数优化试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在EQ6100汽油机上进行的大量试验表明,各种负荷工况下排气再循环都能显著降低 NOX排放,但HC 和CO排放及油耗率随EGR率的变化关系则较为复杂,各工况下在下一个最优EGR率。试验结果还表明,进行EGR时的燃空当量比和点火提前角等参数也需要进行相应的调整和优化。这些措施为设计实用的EGR系统提供了依据。  相似文献   

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