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Lam  Kam-Yiu  Hung  Sheung-Lun  Son  Sang H. 《Real-Time Systems》1997,13(2):141-166
The use of Static Two Phase Locking Protocols (S2PL) for concurrency control in real-time database systems (RTDBS) has received little attention in the past. Actually, real-time S2PL (RT-S2PL) protocols do possess some desirable features making them suitable for RTDBS, especially for distributed real-time database systems (DRTDBS) in which remote locking is required and distributed deadlock is possible. In this paper, different RT-S2PL protocols are proposed. They differ in their methods of reducing the blocking time of higher priority transactions. Their performance is studied and compared with a real-time dynamic two phase locking protocol (RT-D2PL), called Hybrid Two Phase Locking (Hb2PL). The impact of different system and workload parameters, such as mean inter-arrival time of transactions, number of remote lock requests of a transaction, communication overhead for sending messages, and database size on their performance have been examined. The performance results indicate that the RT-S2PL protocols are suitable for DRTDBS in which the proportion of local locks of a transaction is small and the communication overhead for locking is high.  相似文献   

分布式实时数据库并发控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在集中式实时数据库中,事务并发控制一般采用基于优先级的事务重启或优先级继承.在分布式实时数据库中,由于一个主事务的各参与事务可能分布在多个节点上,事务重启一方面会造成系统资源的极大浪费,另一方面又会加大网络传输的负担.而在优先级继承策略中,被阻塞的高优先级事务的执行完全依赖于阻塞它的低优先级事务,在分布式环境中,事务的执行具有更多的不可确定的因素,这就很难保证被阻塞事务的截止期.本文提出了一种基于数据多映像的并发控制协议,事务因访问数据而形成不同的依赖关系,改变高优先级事务和低优先级事务的依赖关系从而更有利于高优先级事务而又不矢折或阻塞其他事务,从而大大提高事务执行的并发度,更好地满足实时事务的截止期.  相似文献   

Priority Scheduling of Transactions in Distributed Real-Time Databases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lee  Victor C. S.  Lam  Kam-Yiu  Kao  Ben 《Real-Time Systems》1999,16(1):31-62
One of the most important issues in the design of distributed real-time database system (DRTDBS) is transaction scheduling which consists of two parts: priority scheduling and real-time concurrency control. In the past studies, mostly, these issues are studied separately although they have a very close interaction with each other. In this paper, we propose new priority assignment policies for DRTDBS and study their impact on two typical real-time concurrency control protocols (RT-CCPs), High Priority Two Phase Locking (HP-2PL) and Optimistic Concurrency Control with Broadcast Commit (OCC-BC). Our performance results show that many factors, such as data conflict resolution, degree of data contention and transaction restarts, that are unique to database systems, have significant impact on the performance of the policies which in turn affect the performance of the real-time concurrency control protocols. OCC-BC is more affected by the priority assignment policies than HP-2PL owing to the late detection of conflict. In the design of priority assignment policies, we have found that neither the purely deadline driven policies nor data contention driven policies are suitable for DRTDBS. Our proposed policy, the Mixed Method (MM), which considers both transaction timeliness and data contention, outperforms other policies over a wide range of system parameter settings.  相似文献   

提出了移动事务实时提交协议(MTRTC)和多版本乐观并发控制协议(MVOCC)处理移动分布式实时事务。MVOCC有效性检查分为局部有效性检查和全局有效性检查,采用动态调整串行次序,避免了不必要的事务重启动,改善了只读事务的响应时间。MTRTC是一个实时提交协议,减少了通信信息。实验结果表明结合MVOCC和MTRTC事务处理协议优于其它事务处理协议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了oracle数据库中的分布式事务概念、二阶段提交机制、IN-DOUBT分布式事务产生的原因及处理方法,同时介绍了基于智能存储技术的容灾系统,并给出了分布式数据库环境的容灾数据库中IN-DOUBT分布式事务的处理实例。  相似文献   

Concurrency control issues in nested transactions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The concept of nested transactions offers more decomposable execution units and finer-grained control over concurrency and recovery than flat transactions. Furthermore, it supports the decomposition of a unit of work into subtasks and their appropriate distribution in a computer system as a prerequisite of intratransaction parallelism. However, to exploit its full potential, suitable granules of concurrency control as well as access modes for shared data are necessary. In this article, we investigate various issues of concurrency control for nested transactions. First, the mechanisms for cooperation and communication within nested transactions should not impede parallel execution of transactions among parent and children or among siblings. Therefore, a model for nested transactions is proposed allowing for effective exploitation of intra-transaction parallelism. Starting with a set of basic locking rules, we introduce the concept of downward inheritance of locks to make data manipulated by a parent available to its children. To support supervised and restricted access, this concept is refined to controlled downward inheritance. The initial concurrency control scheme was based on S-X locks for flat, non-overlapping data objects. In order to adjust this scheme for practical applications, a set of concurrency control rules is derived for generalized lock modes described by a compatibility matrix. Also, these rules are combined with a hierarchical locking scheme to improve selective access to data granules of varying sizes. After having tied together both types of hierarchies (transaction and object), it can be shown how controlled downward inheritance for hierarchical objects is achieved in nested transactions. Finally, problems of deadlock detection and resolution in nested transactions are considered.  相似文献   

In a real-time database system, an application supports a mix of transactions. These include the real-time transactions that require completion by a given deadline. Time-critical requirements also exist in many distributed multi-media system applications. Existing concurrency control procedures introduce excessive delays due to non-availability of data resources. In this study, we ignore the delays incurred by ordinary transactions, in order to achieve a non-interference mode of execution (near parallel) for the time-critical transactions. For this purpose, a data allocation model has been studied. It is a stochastic process model based on the use of two-phase locking. It highlights the available possibilities for reductions of delays for time-critical transactions within a distributed real-time database systems. Based on the new conceptual model, modified synchronization techniques for time-critical transactions have been proposed.  相似文献   

提出了实时Client/Server数据库多版本两阶段封锁并发控制协议.该协议具有多版本并发控制机制与两阶段封锁机制的优点,使用如下策略以减少延误截止时间事务数量:若冲突集中有比持锁事务Ti优先级高的事务,且Ti重启动不会延误截止时间,则Ti重启动,冲突集中优先级最高的事务获得锁;否则,冲突集中其它事务等待.为了提高只读事务的响应时间,客户端设有一致数据库影子,只读事务在客户端处理.通过仿真模拟,与2V2PL和OCC—TI—WAIT—50协议进行比较,结果表明:该并发控制协议不仅能有效降低事务延误截止时间率,而且能改善只读事务的响应时间,减少优先级高事务的锁等待时间.协议性能优于2V2PL协议和OCC—TI—WAIT—50协议.  相似文献   

对分布式事务采用多副本并发控制的多数法,实现了一个多层分布式数据库应用系统的模型设计;引入了协调对象并使用COM+技术,在实现分布式事务执行无阻塞、数据正确恢复的前提下,对模型进行了改善,提高了数据库模型执行的效率。  相似文献   

Concurrency control based on distributed locking introduces delays due to local processing and message communication. With improvements in processor speeds, there is a simultaneous increase in contrast, between these delays. In this study, a new approach has been proposed to reduce delays by enhancing local processing, and reducing the inter-site communication delays. The proposal presents an efficient synchronization algorithm for exchange of precedence in case of a conflict. The technique is efficient in global time-stamp management, and incurs a minimal overall synchronization overhead. A comparative analysis to study the advantages of this approach has shown favourable results. The proposed approach, enhances transaction concurrency and succeeds in lowering the number of inter-site messages.  相似文献   

Tree-Based Concurrency Control in Distributed Groupware   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present a novel algorithm, called dARB, forsolving the concurrency control problem indistributed collaborative applications. Themain issue of concurrency control is resolvingthe conflicts resulting from simultaneousactions of multiple users. The algorithmreduces the need for manual conflict resolutionby using a distributed arbitration scheme. Themain advantages of our approach are thesimplicity of use and good responsiveness, asthere are no lock mechanisms. Our algorithmrequires the applications to use a tree as theinternal data structure. This makes itapplication independent and suitable forgeneral collaborative applications. The treerequirement is reasonable since many newapplications use XML (extensible MarkupLanguage) for data representation and exchange,and parsing XML documents results in treestructures. Example applications of thealgorithm, a group text editor and acollaborative 3D virtual environment calledcWorld, are implemented and evaluated in theDISCIPLE collaboration framework. We alsointroduce awareness widgets that users avoidgenerating the conflicting events and help inmanual conflict resolution.  相似文献   

一种用于分布式数据库系统的并发控制新算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对分布式数据库的并发控制提出了一种新算法.本算法根据新事务与本地节点上已启动但还未完成事务的信息进行比较,动态地在一种称为EWP的乐观并发控制算法与一种称为PSL的悲观并发控制算法之中选择一种算法来实现对该新事务的并发控制。本算法是在文中提出的EWL算法的基础上修改而成的,它比原来的EWL算法具有更强的自适应性.  相似文献   

XML数据库并发控制机制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘波  张春海  李华 《计算机工程与应用》2005,41(21):198-201,205
并发控制是改善数据库系统事务性能的最重要的机制,多用户事务并发问题在XML原型数据库领域是一个难点。通过一种类XPath数据模型,定义基于此模型的几种XML数据库操作。在此基础上,提出一种基于XPath的锁协议(XPL)以及锁模型,并验证在此锁协议机制下的调度是可串行性调度,从而实现了XML原型数据库的多用户事务并发控制。最后通过实验对XPL协议的并发性能进行测试和分析。  相似文献   

本文从分布式数据库系统中的面向对象技术的角度出发,对系统中的对象管理策略和调度策略作了详细的研究和讨论,并用扩展的时间Petri网理论对系统中的对象调度策略作了模拟。实践证明,面向对象的技术应用于分布式数据库系统,不仅可以改善分布式数据库系统的性能、优化系统的结构,而且有助于颁式数据库的实现。  相似文献   

分析了工业监控系统中的分布式实时数据库的的功能与特点、结构、数据对象和事务的种类。提出建立内存数据库保证系统实时性并讨论了PC机和嵌入系统上实现内存数据库管理的区别和难点。着重研究了根据数据相关度分配数据的分布机制的实现和基于价值函数的事务并发调度。为构建工业监控系统中的分布式实时数据库提供了一条思路。  相似文献   

分布式实时事务调度协议用于实现事务间读写的并发控制,以满足事务的一致性与隔离性要求.本文改进了动态调整时间间隔的乐观并发控制协议,提出了一种分布式实时事务调度协议DOCC-DATI,协议分为读阶段、等待阶段、准备阶段和提交阶段.协议在读阶段和等待阶段利用事务的优先级信息,动态调整事务的串行化顺序,使高优先级事务优先进入验证阶段,并通过阻塞机制避免部分低优先级事务的不必要重启.由于分布式环境下处于准备阶段的数据不可访问,这将增加事务的阻塞时间,因此本文允许处于准备阶段的事务借出数据给低优先事务.为避免传统的两阶段提交协议中由单点故障而导致的实时事务阻塞,本文通过Paxos一致性算法提交分布式实时事务.提议的方法在一个模拟的分布式实时数据库环境中得以应用,显示出了优良的结果.  相似文献   

A case study on the application of Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) to the design and verification of fault-tolerant real-time systems is presented. The distributed recovery block (DRB) scheme is a design technique for the uniform treatment of hardware and software faults in real-time systems. Through a simple fault-tolerant real-time system design using the DRB scheme, the case study illustrates a paradigm for specifying fault-tolerant software and demonstrates how the different behavioural aspects of a fault-tolerant real-time system design can be separately and systematically specified, formulated, and verified using an integrated set of formal techniques based on CSP.  相似文献   

Transaction Scheduling in Distributed Real-Time Systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Inthis paper, we study the performance of using optimistic approachto concurrency control in distributed real-time database systems(RTDBS). The traditional optimistic approach suffers from theproblem of unnecessary restarts. Transaction restarts can significantlyincrease the system workload and intensify resource and datacontention. In distributed environments, the complexity of thesystem and the high communication overhead exacerbate the problem.Therefore, the number of unnecessary restarts is the determinantfactor that affects the performance of optimistic approach indistributed RTDBS. When optimistic approach is extended to distributedenvironments, a number of issues resulting from the increasedcomplexity and communication overhead have to be resolved. Inthis paper, a new real-time distributed optimistic concurrencycontrol (DOCC) protocol with dynamic adjustment of serializationorder (DASO), called DOCC-DA is proposed. This protocol can avoidunnecessary transaction restarts by dynamically adjusting theserialization order of the conflicting transactions. Therefore,resources can be saved and more transactions can meet their deadlines.In the DOCC-DA protocol, a new distributed circular validationscheme is included to facilitate transaction validation in distributedenvironments. The performance of the DOCC-DA protocol has beenexamined in detail by simulation. The results showed that theperformance of the DOCC-DA protocol is consistently better thanthat of other protocols.  相似文献   

In many distributed databases locality of reference is crucial to achieve acceptable performance. However, the purpose of data distribution is to spread the data among several remote sites. One way to solve this contradiction is to use partitioned data techniques. Instead of accessing the entire data, a site works on a fraction that is made locally available, thereby increasing the site's autonomy. We present a theory of partitioned data that formalizes the concept and establishes the basis to develop a correctness criterion and a concurrency control protocol for partitioned databases. Set-serializability is proposed as a correctness criterion and we suggest an implementation that integrates partitioned and non-partitioned data. To complete this study, the policies required in a real implementation are also analyzed. Recommended by: Hector Garcia-Molina  相似文献   

在分析DRP分布式环形网络冗余协议故障诊断和恢复机理的基础上,建立DRP故障恢复时间模型,将故障恢复的时间分为故障定位等待时间、故障报警时间和故障处理时间,分别针对交换设备管理模块故障扣通信链路故障,以及DRP方法对不同故障的探测方式,分析影响不同故障恢复时间的各种因素,并根据算法得出制约故障恢复时间提高的主要因素,并通过实验验证各种不同故障在EPA现场网络中故障恢复时间.  相似文献   

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