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A case of hemispheric infarction involving the territory of the right middle cerebral artery and the thalamus showed conspicuous asymmetric degeneration in the substantia nigra, red nuclei, inferior olivary nuclei and dentate nuclei with concomitant changes of progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). The right substantia nigra and red nucleus showed loss of neurons and proliferation of astrocytes. The right olivary nucleus was hypertrophic, while the neuronal loss and astrocytosis in the dentate nucleus were predominant on the contralateral side. Modified Gallyas-Braak staining revealed the extensive distribution of neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), threads and intraglial argyrophilic structures in the globus pallidus, subthalamic nuclei, cerebral cortex and dentate nuclei, as well as in the affected brain stem nuclei, with a distinct predominance on the affected side. In this case, the one-sided predominance of the extended degeneration in these brain stem and cerebellar areas is considered, in addition to the PSP changes, to be due to secondary retrograde degeneration via the nigrostriatal and dentato-rubro-thalamic pathways following the hemispheric infarction, and to also be the result of disruption of the dentato-olivary fiber connections. In addition, because of the predominant distribution of NFTs on the more degenerated side, it is surmised that the formation of NFTs may be accelerated by secondary degeneration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the morphology of small extracellular potentials localized to the sinoatrial (SA) node and to elucidate its potential usefulness in evaluating SA node dysfunction. METHODS: Extracellular potentials were recorded from the endocardial surface of the SA node in isolated right atrial preparations of rabbits through custom-made modified bipolar electrodes with high-gain amplification and a low-frequency (0.5-32 Hz) filter setting. RESULTS: The potentials in and around the SA node under control conditions showed a variety of morphologies. In a small area near the leading pacemaker site, slow primary negative deflections were preceded by a gradual increase of the negativity (73.5 +/- 5.6 microV in amplitude, n = 12). In the periphery of the SA node cranial and caudal to the leading pacemaker site, slow positive/negative deflections were recorded. In the septal side of the SA node showing very slow conduction, the electrograms showed slow primary positive deflections. Transient pacemaker shifts induced by atrial stimulation or vagal nerve stimulation were reflected well in morphologies of the extracellular potentials. In the presence of 20 microM TTX, wide and slow negative deflections were observed in the center and periphery of the SA node in association with extremely slow conduction restricted to a corridor-like area along the crista terminalis, whereas the atrial muscle surrounding the area was made inexcitable. In the presence of 1 microM nifedipine, the leading pacemaker site was shifted to the periphery of the SA node close to the crista terminalis. The negative deflection in the center and septal side of the SA node disappeared reflecting no excitation of the area. CONCLUSION: The endocardial extracellular electrograms recorded in and around the SA node under appropriate conditions reflect two dimensional activation sequences. They would provide useful information in recognizing the leading pacemaker site and alterations of the conductivity and excitability.  相似文献   

Two human neuroblastoma cell lines activated the classical pathway of complement in serum. Activation caused the opsonisation of these cells with complement fragments but with moderate cell killing. Neuroblastoma expressed regulators MCP and CD59 but did not express DAF or CR1. Neutralisation of CD59 rendered the cells susceptible to killing. Neuroblastoma also expressed C1-inhibitor, factor H, clusterin and S-protein. Expression of several regulators was enhanced by incubation with cytokines. Complement inhibition using soluble CRI markedly reduced opsonisation and killing of neuroblastoma. Our results suggest that complement might play a role in neuronal loss and that treatment with complement inhibitors might be of therapeutic value.  相似文献   

To clarify the mechanism of neutrophil infiltration in glomerulonephritis, both urinary and plasma levels of a potent neutrophil chemotactic cytokine, interleukin-8 (IL-8), were measured in 40 healthy volunteers and 96 patients with various renal diseases. The plasma IL-8 levels were less than 16 pg/ml. The urinary IL-8 levels were elevated in several renal diseases including IgA nephropathy (17 of 43), acute glomerulonephritis (4 of 6), lupus nephritis (11 of 15), purpura nephritis (2 of 4), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (1 of 1), and cryoglobulinemia (2 of 2). IL-8 was detected immunohistochemically in diseased glomeruli, suggesting its local production. Elevated urinary IL-8 levels during the acute phase or exacerbations were found to be decreased during spontaneous or steroid pulse therapy-induced convalescence in all patients examined. The urinary IL-8 levels were higher in patients with glomerular leukocyte infiltration than in those without infiltration. Collectively, local production of IL-8 in diseased glomeruli might be involved in the pathogenesis of the glomerular diseases and measurement of IL-8 in the urine might be useful for monitoring the glomerular diseases.  相似文献   

Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) involves conditioning with cyclophosphamide and, for leukemic patients, total body irradiation (TBI). Based on the concern that this may lead to later neuropsychologic impairment in children, a longitudinal study was conducted. Thirty pediatric bone marrow transplant recipients, treated for leukemia or severe aplastic anemia (SAA), and their sibling donors, were given a neuropsychological examination in 1986 and 1988. A third follow-up study of patients treated before 12 years of age was undertaken in 1990-91. We present longitudinal data on patients treated with BMT when 3-11 (n = 15) and 12-17 (n = 11) years old. No neuropsychological deficits were found in the older group, or among non-irradiated SAA patients. In the first follow-up, children treated with BMT, including TBI at 3-11 years of age, performed less well than donors on tasks involving perceptual and fine-motor speed. In the second follow-up, this group of patients also demonstrated a slight deficit in non-verbal problem solving. An additional relative decline in verbal reasoning was noted in the third follow-up, 5.5-10 years after treatment. Alertness to signs of developmental difficulties in children treated with BMT, including TBI, is recommended.  相似文献   

The inherited diseases of the glomerular basement membrane include Alport's syndrome (AS), nail-patella syndrome, and thin basement membrane nephropathy. Classical AS is inherited in an X-linked manner and accounts for approximately 85% of the cases. Its manifestations include hematuria, sensorineural hearing loss, ocular defects, and a progression to renal failure. A defect(s) in the alpha 5 (IV) chain of type IV collagen is believed to be the etiology of classic AS, and alterations in its encoding gene localized to the X-chromosome have been elucidated. Although isolated cases of anti-glomerular basement membrane glomerulonephritis have been reported following renal transplantation in patients with AS, it is considered an effective form of renal replacement therapy. Less is known regarding the genetic basis of the autosomal-dominant form of AS, which apparently accounts for the remaining 15% of the cases. Nail-patella syndrome is characterized by nail dysplasia, patellar hypoplasia or aplasia, and nephropathy. It is inherited in an autosomal-dominant fashion with the gene locus assigned to the long arm of chromosome 9. Possible linkage between the COL5A1 gene and the gene for nail-patella syndrome has been suggested. Approximately 30% of the patients progress to end-stage renal failure. Renal transplantation has been successful in treating patients who progress to end-stage renal failure. Thin basement membrane nephropathy is an autosomal dominant trait that accounts for approximately 30% of the cases presenting as persistent, asymptomatic hematuria. The cause of thin basement membrane nephropathy is unknown at present. No decline in renal function is associated with thin basement membrane nephropathy.  相似文献   

1. Prion diseases include kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker disease (GSS), and fatal familia insomnia (FFI) of humans, as well as scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) of animals. 2. All these disorders involve conversion of the normal, cellular prion protein (PrPC) into the corresponding scrapie isoform (PrPSc). PrPC adopts a structure rich in alpha-helices and devoid of beta-sheet, in contrast to PrPSc, which has a high beta-sheet content and is resistant to limited digestion by proteases. That a conformational transition features in the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc implies that prion diseases are disorders of protein conformation. 3. This concept has been extended by our studies with heat shock proteins (Hsp), many of which are thought to function as molecular chaperones. We found that the induction of some Hsps but not others was profoundly altered in scrapie-infected cells and that the distribution of Hsp73 is unusual in these cells. 4. Whether the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc is assisted by molecular chaperones, or if the accumulation of the abnormally folded PrPSc is complexed with Hsps remains to be established.  相似文献   

The bactericidal activity of gaseous ozone was investigated using a commercial ozone generator. Five species of fish bacteria, Pseudomonas putida, Shewanella putrefaciens, Brochothrix thermosphacta, Enterobacter sp. and Lactobacillus plantarum, were inoculated on agar surfaces and exposed to different ozonation times in a gas chamber. Results showed ozone in relatively low concentrations (< 0.27 x 10(-3) g l-1) was an effective bactericide of vegetative cells of the five fish bacteria. The age of the cell culture was shown to influence the cell response following exposure. Survival rate was not linearly related to ozonation time, but exhibited biphasic death over an extended period. Similar bactericidal effects were observed on fish skin treated with ozone daily in the laboratory, with decreases of 1.0 log cfu cm-2 for the micro-organisms studied. Whole fish treated daily in the laboratory using a commercial ozone generator showed improved scores for sensory analyses compared with the controls. The results were statistically significant. Fish treated on board ships were also analysed for microbiological and sensory changes. Controls were obtained from a similar vessel without the ozone facility in the hold. Similar trends to those recorded in the laboratory for the microbiological and sensory results on ozonated fish were observed.  相似文献   

The formation of dinitrophenylglutathione (DNP-SG) in human colon adenocarcinoma cells was identified and quantified by an HPLC-UV method, following exposure to 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) at 10 degrees for 40 min. The rate of efflux of DNP-SG at 37 degrees likewise, was measured by monitoring the DNP-SG content in the extracellular medium. Among the polyphenols examined for their action on DNP-SG export, butein was the most potent inhibitor with an IC50 value of 15 microM. The others, in order of decreasing potencies, were quercetin, tannic acid, 2'-hydroxychalcone, 2-hydroxychalcone anIIC50 values in the micromolar range. These polyphenols did not affect the ATP or the glutathione content of the cells. Mg(2+)-ATPase extracted from the plasma membrane of the cells was activated by DNP-SG in a concentration-dependent manner, and the reaction showed saturation kinetics with K(m) and Vmax values of 110 microM and 12.3 nmol/min/mg protein, respectively. However, the six polyphenols mentioned above had negligible effects on the Mg(2+)-ATPase activity, suggesting that this was probably not the target of their inhibitory action. Probenecid, p-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone (FCCP) and chlorambucil also showed varying degrees of inhibition of the export of DNP-SG.  相似文献   

The discovery of iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) has provided a molecular framework from which to more fully understand the coordinate regulation of vertebrate iron metabolism. IRPs bind to iron responsive elements (IREs) in specific mRNAs and regulate their utilization. The targets of IRP action now appear to extend beyond proteins that function in the storage (ferritin) or cellular uptake (transferrin receptor) of iron to include those involved in other aspects of iron metabolism as well as in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. To date, it appears that IRPs modulate the utilization of six mammalian mRNAs. Current studies are aimed at defining the mechanisms responsible for the hierarchical regulation of these mRNAs by IRPs. In addition, much interest continues to focus on the signaling pathways through which IRP function is regulated. Multiple factors modulate the RNA binding activity of IRP1 and/or IRP2 including iron, nitric oxide, phosphorylation by protein kinase C, oxidative stress and hypoxia/reoxygenation. Because IRPs are key modulators of the uptake and metabolic fate of iron in cells, they are focal points for the modulation of cellular iron homeostasis in response to a variety of agents and circumstances.  相似文献   

The IGFBPs are a family of homologous proteins that have co-evolved with the IGFs and that confer upon the IGF regulatory system both functional and tissue specificity. IGFBPs are not merely carrier proteins for IGFs, but hold a central position in IGF ligand-receptor interactions through influences on both the bioavailability and distribution of IGFs in the extracellular environment. In addition, IGFBPs appear to have intrinsic biological activity independent of IGFs. The current status of research on IGFBPs is reviewed herein. Following a brief introduction to the entire IGF/IGFBP system, separate sections for each of the six cloned mammalian IGFBPs, the most extensive for IGFBP3, cover selected topics that emphasize the dynamics of IGFBPs--that is, their regulation in cells, their functionally important post-translational modifications, and their interactions in the cellular microenvironment--and how these dynamics influence physiological function.  相似文献   

In 104 patients with acute virus hepatitis, chronic hepatitides, cirrhoses, fatty livers and biliary diseases with partial and complete obstructive jaundice, respectively, IgG, IgA, IgD, beta1A- and beta1E-globulin, cholinesterase, total protein, and albumin, in 45 of these patients additionally prealbumin, retinol binding protein, thymol turbidity test were determined as well as an electrophoretic separation of the serum was performed. 11 persons with healthy liver served as control group. According to the results of univariate and multivariate variance analyses with following test of redundance (test for indispensability) and analysis of discriminance with calculations of reclassification IgD, beta1E-globulin and retinol binding protein were identified as not evident or redundant. Electrophoresis and thymol turbidity test give sufficient basis informations and can further be recommended for orienting examinations. Immune globulinogrammes from IgB, IgA and IgM are suitable as so-called mesenchyma tests particularly for controls of the course. Prealbumin and cholinesterase prove to be the most sensitive parameter of synthesis, whereas albumin and beta1A-globulin possess a high prognostic evidence.  相似文献   

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