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Commercial explosives are complex mixtures that contain not only the active explosive agent(s) but also a host of other organic and inorganic compounds. The ultrahigh mass resolving power (m/delta m50% >200,000) and mass accuracy (<1 ppm) of electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ESI FTICR) mass spectrometry allow for definitive identification of various species in TNT, RDX, and HMX. We are thereby able to correct prior misassignments of the elemental compositions of the most abundant negative ions from electrospray of RDX and HMX. Although the (known) active agents of many explosives may be identified by low-resolution MS or MS/MS, it is the other characteristic components (indigenous or artificial additives) whose presence and elemental composition can potentially identify the source of the product. ESI FTICR mass spectrometry of smokeless powder, TNT, and Powermite resolves and identifies numerous nonactive ingredients, many of which are recovered in a postblast residue. In contrast, the residue recovered from an explosion of military C4 yielded several species derived from RDX but virtually none from other ingredients.  相似文献   

A miniaturized two-electrode electrochemical (EC) cell was developed and was coupled on-line with an electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer (ESI-FTICR MS). Electrochemistry on-line with mass spectrometry, EC/ESI-FTICR MS, of triphenylamine (TPA), which undergoes one-electron oxidation to form a radical cation (TPA*+), demonstrates a significant sensitivity enhancement compared to ESI-FTICR MS. The on-line EC cell configuration with a stainless steel ES needle as the working electrode produces the highest sensitivity in EC/ESI-MS. The results provide evidence that, during the ES ionization, electrolytic reactions occur mainly in the ES tip region, as previously predicted. The results demonstrate that ESI-MS signal suppression by tetrabutylammonium perchlorate electrolyte, which can be a problem, is minimized in EC/ESI-MS. TPA*+ dimer tetraphenylbenzidine (TPB) can be detected by EC/ESI-MS, together with TPA*+, as TPB*+ and TPB2+. The high mass resolving power of FTICR MS was exploited to identify TPB2+ dication in the presence of [TPA*+ - H*]+ ions of the same m/z, from their respective isotopic distributions. The dimer dication TPB2+ can be detected only in EC/ESI-MS.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Du Y  Cui M  Xing J  Liu Z  Liu S 《Analytical chemistry》2012,84(14):6206-6212
As one of the most important platinum drugs, the interactions of cisplatin with proteins play very important roles in its anticancer action and side effects. Here, the interaction of cisplatin with cytochrome c was investigated using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR MS). On the basis of the high-resolution data, cytochrome c-Pt(NH(3))Cl was found to be the primary monoadduct. The platinated monoadducts were related to molar ratios of cytochrome c and cisplatin, and corresponding reaction pathways were proposed. Multiple binding sites of cisplatin on cytochrome c were directly determined by FTICR MS combined with trypsin digestion without liquid chromatography (LC) separation. Four binding sites (Met65, Met80, His18, and His33) for cisplatin on cytochrome c were identified. Moreover, hydrogen/deuterium exchange (H/DX) combined with FTICR MS provides the sensitive method to insight the small conformation change of cytochrome c induced by cisplatin. This strategy can be applied to comprehensive investigation of metallodrug/protein complexes.  相似文献   

In this study, high-efficiency packed capillary reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) coupled on-line with high-performance Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry has been investigated for the characterization of complex cellular proteolytic digests. Long capillary columns (80-cm) packed with small (3-micron) C18 bonded particles provided a total peak capacity of approximately 1000 for cellular proteolytic polypeptides when interfaced with an ESI-FTICR mass spectrometer under composition gradient conditions at a pressure of 10,000 psi. Large quantities of cellular proteolytic digests (e.g., 500 micrograms) could be loaded onto packed capillaries of 150-micron inner diameter without a significant loss of separation efficiency. Precolumns with suitable inner diameters were found useful for improving the elution reproducibility without a significant loss of separation quality. Porous particle packed capillaries were found to provide better results than those containing nonporous particles because of their higher sample capacity. Two-dimensional analyses from the combination of packed capillary RPLC with high-resolution FTICR yield a combined capacity for separations of > 1 million polypeptide components and simultaneously provided information for the identification of the separated components based upon the accurate mass tag concept previously described.  相似文献   

The utility of electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ESI-FIICR) mass spectrometry as a new approach for genotyping short tandem repeats (STRs) is demonstrated. STRs are currently valued as a powerful source of genetic information with repeats that range in structure from simple to hypervariable. Two tetranucleotide STR loci were chosen to evaluate ESI-FTICR mass spectrometry as a tool for genotyping: HUM-TH01, a simple STR with nonconsensus alleles, and vWA, a compound STR with nonconsensus alleles. For HUM-TH01, the genotype (i.e., repeat number of each allele) was determined for each of 30 individuals using mass measurements of double-stranded amplicons. Low-intensity peaks observed in the spectra of amplicons derived from heterozygous individuals were identified by mass as heteroduplexes that had formed between nonhomologous strands. Mass measurement of the double-stranded vWA amplicon was not sufficient for determining whether the individual was homozygous for allele subtype 18 or 18' since the amplicons differ by only 0.99 Da. Therefore, single-stranded amplicons were generated by incorporating a phosphorylated primer, prepared using T4 polynucleotide kinase, into the PCR phase and subsequently digesting the bottom strand using lambda-exonuclease. Accurate mass measurements were obtained for the single-stranded amplicons using internal calibration and the addition of a correction factor to adjust for the natural variation of isotopic abundances, confirming that the individual is homozygous for allele 18. Our results clearly demonstrate that ESI-FTICR mass spectrometry is a powerful approach to characterize both simple and compound STRs beyond the capabilities of electrophoretic technologies.  相似文献   

We report the use of desorption electrospray ionization hybrid Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (DESI-FT-ICR-MS) for the analysis of carbohydrates. Spectra of neat carbohydrates are presented along with their mass measurement accuracies and limits of detection. Furthermore, a comparison is made between the analyses of O-linked glycans from mucin by DESI-FT-ICR-MS and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Finally, glycans from mucin are identified by using the high mass measurement accuracy and tandem MS capabilities afforded by the hybrid FT-ICR-MS platform.  相似文献   

Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) has rapidly established a prominent role in proteomics because of its unparalleled resolving power, sensitivity and ability to achieve high mass measurement accuracy (MMA) simultaneously. However, space-charge effects must be quantitatively, routinely, and confidently corrected because they are known to profoundly influence MMA. We argue that the most effective way to account for space-charge effects is to introduce an internal mass calibrant (IMC) using a dual electrospray ionization (ESI) source where the IMC is added from a separate ESI emitter. The major disadvantage of our initial dual ESI source to achieve high MMA, and arguably the only one, was the time required to switch between the analyte emitter and IMC emitter (i.e., >300 ms). While this "switching time" was acceptable for direct infusion experiments, it did not lend itself to high-throughput applications or when conducting on-line liquid separations. In this report, we completely redesigned the dual ESI source and demonstrate several key attributes. First, the new design allows for facile alignment of ESI emitters, undetectable vibration, and the ability to extend to multiple emitters. Second, the switching time was reduced to <50 ms, which allowed the analyte and IMC to be accumulated "simultaneously" in the external ion reservoir and injected as a single ion packet into the ion cyclotron resonance cell, eliminating the need for a separate accumulation and ion injection event for the IMC. Third, by using a high concentration of the IMC, the residence time on this emitter could be reduced to approximately 80 ms, allowing for more time spent accumulating analyte ions of significantly lower concentration. Fourth, multiplexed on-line separations can be carried out providing increased throughput. Specifically, the new dual ESI source has demonstrated its ability to produce a stable ion current over a 45-min time period at 7 T resulting in mass accuracies of 1.08 ppm +/- 0.11 ppm (mean +/- confidence interval of the mean at 95% confidence; N = 160). In addition, the analysis of a tryptic digest of apomyoglobin by nanoLC-dual ESI-FT-ICR afforded an average MMA of -1.09 versus -74.5 ppm for externally calibrated data. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the amplitude of a peptide being electrosprayed at 25 nM can be linearly increased, ultimately allowing for dynamic analyte/IMC abundance modulation. Finally, we demonstrate that this source can reliably be used for multiplexing measurements from two (eventually more) flow streams.  相似文献   

On-line combination of capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) with electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ESI-FTICR) mass spectrometry is demonstrated for high-resolution analysis of model proteins, human hemoglobin variants, and Escherichia coli proteins. The acquisition of high-resolution mass spectra of hemoglobin beta chains allows direct identification of hemoglobin variants A and C, differing in molecular mass by 1 Da. Direct mass determination of cellular proteins separated in the CIEF capillary is achieved using their isotopic envelopes obtained from ESI-FTICR. The factors which dictate overall performance of CIEF-ESI-FTICR, including duty cycle, mass resolution, scan rate, and sensitivity, are discussed in the context of protein variants and cell lysates analyzed in this study.  相似文献   

Among the numerous forms of chemical degradation of peptides or proteins, deamidation is one of the alterations observed most frequently. In this irreversible reaction, a glutamine or an asparagine side chain is hydrolyzed to glutamic acid or aspartic acid, respectively (conversion of NH2 to OH). Besides its influence in the deterioration of biotechnological and food products, deamidation represents a defined posttranslational modification reaction with respect to proteomics. Here mass spectrometric techniques play a leading role in determining posttranslational modifications. However, not all mass spectrometers are able to resolve signal differences of 0.0193 Da (mass difference of 12CO vs 13CNH) for singly charged molecules, the mass difference between the first isotopic signal of an asparagine/glutamine-containing peptide and the monoisotopic signal of the corresponding partially deamidated aspartate/glutamate derivative. To detect partial deamidation within peptides, advantage has been taken of the ability of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry to perform very high mass resolution. In this work, we investigated up to triply charged ions produced by electrospray ionization using direct infusion. Although the special heterodyne detection mode enables higher mass resolution than the routinely used broadband detection, often only a small mass window can be investigated. Using broadband detection, we were able to resolve ions with a difference of m/z 0.0064 to detect partially deamidated peptides formed either enzymatically or under acidic and basic conditions.  相似文献   

Unlike the genome, the proteome is exquisitely sensitive to cellular conditions and will consist of proteins having abundances dependent upon stage in the cell cycle, cell differentiation, response to environmental conditions (nutrients, temperature, stress etc.), or disease state(s). Therefore, the study of proteomes under well-defined conditions can provide a better understanding of complex biological processes and inference of protein function. Thus, much faster, more sensitive, and precise capabilities for the characterization of cellular constituents are desired. We describe progress in the development and initial application of the powerful combination of capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF) and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR) mass spectrometry for measurements of the proteome of the model system Escherichia coli. Isotope depletion of the growth media has been used to improve mass measurement accuracy, and the comparison of CIEF-FTICR results for the analysis of cell lysates harvested from E. coli cultured in normal and isotopically depleted media are presented. The initial studies have revealed 400-1000 putative proteins in the mass range 2-100 kDa from total injections of approximately 300 ng of E. coli proteins in a single CIEF-FTICR analysis.  相似文献   

We describe automation of liquid injection field desorption/ionization (LIFDI) for reproducible sample application, improved spectral quality, and high-throughput analyses. A commercial autosampler provides reproducible and unattended sample application. A custom-built field desorption (FD) controller allows data station or front panel control of source parameters including high-voltage limit/ramp rate, emitter heating current limit/ramp rate, and feedback control of emitter heating current based on ion current measurement. Automated LIFDI facilitates ensemble averaging of hundreds of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectra for increased dynamic range, mass accuracy, and S/N ratio relative to single-application FD experiments, as shown here for a South American crude oil. This configuration can be adapted to any mass spectrometer with an LIFDI probe.  相似文献   

Full structural characterization of complex mixtures such as humic acid extracts has been elusive because of insufficient compound resolution with conventional techniques. Using electrospray ionization coupled with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, we were able to resolve individual compounds within humic and fulvic acid mixtures (mass resolving power approximately 80000 at 300 m/z). We examined two samples in detail: (1) dissolved organic matter (primarily fulvic acids) from Suwannee River, GA, and (2) a humic acid extract from a degraded wood collected on Mt. Rainier, WA. Sample conditions (such as solvent, pH, and concentration) and instrument parameters (such as source voltages, trapping potentials, and excitation parameters) were optimized to yield the highest mass resolving power with the least mass discrimination in positive ion mode. High resolving power was achieved with low ion densities combined with coadding numerous scans. The increased resolution allowed molecular-level comparisons of the two samples which in turn could be used to estimate the relative similarity of individual compound distribution as well as an indication of the dominant diagenetic processes in the two source environments.  相似文献   

Methods are being developed for ultrasensitive protein characterization based upon electrospray ionization (ESI) with Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS). The sensitivity of a FTICR mass spectrometer equipped with an ESI source depends on the overall ion transmission, which combines the probability of ionization, transmission efficiency, and ion trapping in the FTICR cell. Our developments implemented in a 3.5 tesla FTICR mass spectrometer include introduction and optimization of a newly designed electrodynamic ion funnel in the ESI interface, improving the ion beam characteristics in a quadrupole-electrostatic ion guide interface, and modification of the electrostatic ion guide. These developments provide a detection limit of approximately 30 zmol (approximately 18,000 molecules) for proteins with molecular weights ranging from 8 to 20 kDa.  相似文献   

Zhou X  Shi Q  Zhang Y  Zhao S  Zhang R  Chung KH  Xu C 《Analytical chemistry》2012,84(7):3192-3199
A novel technique was developed for characterization of saturated hydrocarbons. Linear alkanes were selectively oxidized to ketones by ruthenium ion catalyzed oxidation (RICO). Branched and cyclic alkanes were oxidized to alcohols and ketones. The ketones were then reduced to alcohols by lithium aluminum hydride (LiAlH(4)). The monohydric alcohols (O(1)) in the products obtained from the RICO and RICO-LiAlH(4) reduction reactions were characterized using negative-ion electrospray ionization (ESI) Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR MS) for identification of iso-paraffins, acyclic paraffins and cyclic paraffins. Various model saturated compounds were used to determine the RICO reaction and ionization selectivity. The results from the FTICR MS analysis on the petroleum distillates derived saturated fraction were in agreement with those from field ionization gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (FI GC-TOF MS) analysis. The technique was also used to characterize a petroleum vacuum residue (VR) derived saturates. The results showed that the saturated molecules in the VR contained up to 11 cyclic rings, and the maximum carbon number was up to 92.  相似文献   

Modifications to a 7 T nano-LC micro-ESI FT-ICR mass spectrometer, including a shorter octopole, approximately 100% duty cycle, improved nano-LC micro-ESI emitter tips, and reverse-phase HPLC resins that require no ion-pairing agent, combine to achieve attomole detection limit. Three peptides in a mixture totaling 500 attomoles (amol) each in water (10 microL, 50 amol/microL) are separated and detected, demonstrating detection from a mixture at low endogenous biological concentration. Two peptides in a mixture totaling 500 amol each in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (1 microL, 500 amol/microL) are separated and detected, demonstrating detection from a mixture at a biological concentration in a biological solvent. The highest sensitivity is attained with arg8-vasotocin, in which a total of 300 amol is detected in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (1 microL, 300 amol/microL) and a total of 100 amol in water (1 microL, 100 amol/microL). Arg8-vasotocin isolated from the pineal gland of rainbow trout is detected, demonstrating the ability of FT-ICR to detect and identify a true endogenous biological analyte.  相似文献   

Inulin is a class of fructooligosaccharide (FOS) derived from plants, which is often used as a natural food ingredient. Inulin is currently used as an additive in baked goods, dairy products, infant formula, and dietary supplements as a result of its purported health-promoting properties. The growth of health-promoting lactobacilli and bifidobacteria is supported by FOS, giving it the classification of a prebiotic; however, its ability to selectivity stimulate only beneficial bacteria has not been demonstrated. In order to better understand the role of inulin and FOS as prebiotics, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry has been used for qualitative and quantitative analysis on bacterial growth. A method using an internal standard has been developed to quantify the consumption of FOS by Bifidobacterium longum bv. infantis using a calibration curve. Due to the differential consumption of FOS, the calibration curve was modified to include intensity components for each polymer unit in order to achieve more accurate quantitation. The method described was designed to be more rapid, precise, and robust for quantitative analysis when compared to existing methods.  相似文献   

A new method combining FT-ICR/MS analysis and Kendrick plots for the characterization of silicon species at trace levels in light petroleum products is presented. The method provides efficient instrumental detection limits ranging from 80 ng/kg to 5 μg/kg and reliable mass accuracy lower than 0.50 ppm for model silicon molecules in spiked gasoline. More than 3000 peaks could be detected in the m/z 50-500 range depending on the nature of the gasoline sample analyzed. An in-house software program was used to calculate Kendrick plots. Then, an algorithm searched, selected, and represented silicon species classes (O(2)Si, O(3)Si, and O(4)Si classes) in Kendrick plots by incorporating model molecules' information (i.e., exact mass and intensity). This procedure allowed the complete characterization of more than 50 new silicon species with different degrees of unsaturation in petroleum products.  相似文献   

Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) has seen increased application for high spatial resolution chemical imaging of complex biological surfaces. The advent and commercial availability of cluster and polyatomic primary ion sources (e.g., Au and Bi cluster and buckminsterfullerene (C(60))) provide improved secondary ion yield and decreased fragmentation of surface species, thus improving accessibility of intact molecular ions for SIMS analysis. However, full exploitation of the advantages of these new primary ion sources has been limited, due to the use of low mass resolution mass spectrometers without tandem MS to enable enhanced structural identification capabilities. Similarly, high mass resolution and high mass measurement accuracy would greatly improve the chemical specificity of SIMS. Here we combine, for the first time, the advantages of a C(60) primary ion source with the ultrahigh mass resolving power and high mass measurement accuracy of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. Mass resolving power in excess of 100?000 (m/Δm(50%)) is demonstrated, with a root-mean-square mass measurement accuracy below 1 part-per-million. Imaging of mouse brain tissue at 40 μm pixel size is shown. Tandem mass spectrometry of ions from biological tissue is demonstrated and molecular formulas were assigned for fragment ion identification.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry is well-suited for complex mixture analysis, because unlike other types of spectroscopy, the number of mass spectral peaks per analyte is of order one. Here, we extend significantly the upper limit for the number of chemically distinct components resolved and identified in a single step. Specifically, electrospray selectively ionizes only the basic compounds (i.e., a small fraction of the entire chemical composition) in a sample of South American crude oil. Nevertheless, their positive ion Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrum (average mass resolving power of approximately 350,000 from 225 to 1000 Da) contains more than 11,100 resolved peaks, of which >75% may be assigned to a unique elemental composition (CcHhOoNnS8). Mass scale expansion and graphical representations reveal increased heteroatom diversity, aromatic rings, and alkyl substitution with increased mass. These results set a new standard and illustrate the potential of high-resolution mass spectrometry for analysis of compositionally complex chemical mixtures.  相似文献   

Here we propose a novel method for rapidly identifying proteins in complex mixtures. A list of candidate proteins (including provision for posttranslational modifications) is obtained by database searching, within a specified mass range about the accurately measured mass (e.g., +/- 0.1 Da at 10 kDa) of the intact protein, by capillary liquid chromatography electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (LC ESI FT-ICR MS). On alternate scans, LC ESI infrared multiphoton dissociation (IRMPD) FT-ICR MS yields mostly b and y fragment ions for each protein, from which the correct candidate is identified as the one with the highest "hit" score (i.e., most b and y fragments matching the candidate database protein amino acid sequence masses) and sequence "tag" score (based on a series of fragment sequences differing in mass by 1 or 2 amino acids). The method succeeds in uniquely identifying each of a mixture of five proteins treated as unknowns (melittin, ubiquitin, GroES, myoglobin, carbonic anhydrase II), from more than 1000 possible database candidates within a +/- 500 Da mass window. We are also able to identify posttranslational modifications of two of the proteins (mellitin and GroES). The method is simple, rapid, and definitive and is extendable to a mixture of affinity-selected proteins, to identify proteins with a common biological function.  相似文献   

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