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尽管外存储设备的容量增加很快,但是仍无法满足用户应用程序的需要;性能上,外存储设备已成为计算机系统的瓶颈;在集群环境下,将分布式的外设构成一种动态虚拟存储系统能够较好地解决这个问题。通过很好地组织数据,动态存储系统能够随用户的需求而动态扩容和收缩,并且具有高并发性和高可靠性等特点。论文从当今的应用需求出发,分析了用户存储特点及提出动态虚拟盘阵存储系统的原理,介绍了动态虚拟盘阵存储的体系结构和特性。  相似文献   

集群环境中经常采用虚拟盘阵方式来构建其存储系统。虚拟盘阵系统是一种并行系统,负载平衡对其性能影响非常大;同时虚拟盘阵系统一般都是异构的。本文研究了异构盘阵的负载平衡标准,并提出了基于请求的负载重构策略,在负载重构时机上对传统磁盘冷却算法进行了改进。模拟试验表明,该算法对虚拟异构盘阵是有效的。  相似文献   

王于同  程坚 《微型计算机》1997,17(1):27-28,32
本文分析了分布式数据库的数据分布问题,提出了一种精度高,运行速度快的自适应数据分布算法,并进行了实验模拟。  相似文献   

本文提出了以最小代价为目标的分布式数据库数据分布模型求解的启发式算法,利用数据分布的启发信息,将互相有紧密联系的n个关系的数据分布问题分解为具有较松散联系的n个关系的分布问题,并进行迭代调整,使算法的时间复杂度大为降低,算法精度也接近优化程度。  相似文献   

针对我们提出的以最小代价为目标的分布式数据库数据分布模型,进行适当的数据分组,并对部份组进行排序,使单目运算,双目运算的计算复杂度分别提高了O(n)和O(n^2)。更新运算分解后计算复杂度提高O(n)。  相似文献   

一种分布式数据分布的启发式算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了一种分布式数据数据分布模型的启发式算法,采用按组局部优化逐次迭代的方法明显降低了算法的时间复杂度,且达到了较高的精度。  相似文献   

本文对堆上的数据分布进行了测定,根据测定结果并利用堆的性质设计出一个堆选择算法,对于n<2^16,算法的平均复杂度以8.9n为上界。  相似文献   

在分布式OA系统中,数据资源的分布会影响整个OA系统的效率。为了能够合理进行数据资源分布,提高OA系统的效率,提出了一种基于分布式数据资源的分布模型及算法,该算法给出了可减少网络流量、降低整个分布式系统开销的数据分布方案,由此提高OA系统的整体性能,使之更能适应OA应用需要。  相似文献   

本文分析了分布式数据库环境下数据分布问题,提出了一种能适应应用环境的改变,基于最小总代价的自适应数据分布算法,实验结果也表明了算法的合理性。  相似文献   

为了解决普通AM参量阵产生的解调信号质量差、效率低等问题,设计了一个动态载波AM算法。以此算法为基础设计了一个DSP处理平台,并在此平台上实现了参量阵系统。经过系统硬件和软件两方面的优化设计,保证了算法运行的实时性和稳定性。最后,使用500Hz、800Hz和1100Hz的合成波作为测试信号,测试了系统输出的波形和参量阵前方5米处的频谱。对比测得的波形和理论波形,验证了此系统能够可靠地运行。对比普通AM和动态载波AM参量阵输出信号的频谱图,验证了动态载波AM参量阵能输出更好信噪比和能量更高的解调信号。  相似文献   

丁强  臧斌宇  朱传琪 《计算机工程与设计》2005,26(5):1135-1139,1143
数据划分是分布主存系统中并行编译的关键技术,它以教组和包含这些教组的嵌套循环为研究对象,以提高教据局部性和挖掘计算并行性为根本目的。对满足给定模式的动态分布的教组向量,通过选取代表元,给出数据划分模式。将单个嵌套循环内的数据划分技术和过程间投影技术很好地结合,解决了动态分布教组的数据划分问题。这种模式弥补了现有数据划分研究的不足。  相似文献   

Zoltán Ádám Mann 《Software》2018,48(7):1368-1389
In recent years, many algorithms have been proposed for the optimized allocation of virtual machines in cloud data centers. Such algorithms are usually implemented and evaluated in a cloud simulator. This paper investigates the impact of the choice of cloud simulator on the implementation of the algorithms and on the evaluation results. In particular, we report our experiences with porting an algorithm and its evaluation framework from one simulator (CloudSim) to another (DISSECT‐CF). Our findings include limitations in the design of the simulators and in existing algorithm implementations. Based on this experience, we propose architectural guidelines for the integration of virtual machine allocation algorithms into cloud simulators.  相似文献   

目前国内外有许多优秀的性能评测基准如TPC、SPC、IOMeter、IOZONE等,但它们在应用环境和功能上存在一些限制。为了解决这个问题,设计并实现了一个基于Linux分布式系统的磁盘阵列性能测试工具DAMeter,并与业内广泛使用的Windows下磁盘阵列性能测试基准IOMeter进行对比实验,证明了DAMeter工具测试结果的准确性和可靠性。并介绍了如何使用DAMeter产生不同负载进行磁盘阵列性能测试。  相似文献   

动态盘阵D/H分布与基于控制理论的在线重构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军  杨学军  王俊伟  唐玉华 《软件学报》2005,16(5):1028-1038
由于能够提供高性能I/O,盘阵被广泛采用.但以往的盘阵扩展性不足.而用户或应用程序对外存容量和I/O性能需求是变化的,盘阵系统本身必须有很强的扩展性,以适应系统的I/O需求.因此,由于既具有盘阵的高性能I/O,又能通过增加或减去设备后进行数据重构实现性能的扩展,动态盘阵具有广泛的前景.动态盘阵的技术热点是数据分布算法和在线自适应数据重构技术,使得盘阵的性能和容量能够随着系统的扩展而伸缩,同时使得盘阵动态扩展时的数据重构对系统的影响非常小.主要工作是:第1,对动态盘阵的数据分布展开研究,并提出一种新的数据分布算法(D/H分布).在D/H分布中,盘阵扩展时始终保持各设备上空间和负载的平衡性,同时扩展时重构的数据最少;第2,针对D/H分布,提出基于控制理论的数据重构技术,使得盘阵动态扩展时的在线数据重构对请求QoS的影响非常小,同时使得数据重构能够尽快完成;第3,研究中针对Sperite trace和合成负载进行了大量模拟实验,结果表明,提出的基于控制理论的数据重构技术行之有效.  相似文献   

虚拟磁盘技术是数据存储虚拟化技术的一个重要组成部分。当前,开发新型虚拟磁盘驱动需要涉及到较多的操作系统内核编程,这对开发人员提出了较高的要求。研究了一种通用的虚拟磁盘服务软件的实现框架,此框架可对操作系统内核提供标准块设备接口,对用户态服务进程提供一组标准服务接口用于实现服务的注册和请求/应答的传递,从而实现了操作系统内核模块的通用性。最后,基于Linux的NBD驱动实现的原型系统验证了工作的实用性。  相似文献   

在波长路由全光网中,波长转换以及路由和波长分配算法(RWA)是降低网络阻塞率、改善网络性能的两个重要方法。研究了树形网络中波长转换器的配置问题,结合树形网络的特点,对影响波长转换器配置的主要因素进行了分析。综合路径长度、路径通信负荷以及节点的度,提出了基于网络直径的波长转换器配置算法和基于网络中心的波长转换器配置算法。通过算法演示和仿真,表明提出的两种算法各有优点。  相似文献   

The performance of traditional RAID Level 5 arrays is, for many applications, unacceptably poor while one of its constituent disks is non-functional. This paper describes and evaluates mechanisms by which this disk array failure-recovery performance can be improved. The two key issues addressed are thedata layout, the mapping by which data and parity blocks are assigned to physical disk blocks in an array, and thereconstruction algorithm, which is the technique used to recover data that is lost when a component disk fails.The data layout techniques this paper investigates are instantiations of thedeclustered parity organization, a derivative of RAID Level 5 that allows a system to trade some of its data capacity for improved failure-recovery performance. We show that our instantiations of parity declustering improve the failure-mode performance of an array significantly, and that a parity-declustered architecture is preferable to an equivalent-size multiple-group RAID Level 5 organization in environments where failure-recovery performance is important. The presented analyses also include comparisons to a RAID Level 1 (mirrored disks) approach.With respect to reconstruction algorithms, this paper describes and briefly evaluates two alternatives,stripeoriented reconstruction anddisk-oriented reconstruction, and establishes that the latter is preferable as it provides faster reconstruction. The paper then revisits a set of previously-proposed reconstruction optimizations, evaluating their efficacy when used in conjunction with the disk-oriented algorithm. The paper concludes with a section on the reliability versus capacity trade-off that must be addressed when designing large arrays.Portions of this material are drawn from papers at the 5th Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 1992, and at the 23rd Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing, 1993. The work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number ECD-8907068, by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency monitored by ARPA/CMO under contract MDA972-90-C-0035, and by an IBM Graduate Fellowship.  相似文献   

iSCSI is a newly emerging protocol with the goal of implementing the storage area network (SAN) technology over TCP/IP, which brings economy and convenience whereas it also raises performance and reliability issues. This paper presents a implementation of iSCSI-based disk array system, and then analyzed the reliability of this system by combination of fuzzy logic and Markov modeling. This reliability method is a technique for analyzing fault tolerant designs under considerable uncertainty, such as is seen in compilations of component failure rates, the presented model provides the estimation of the lower and upper boundary of iSCSI-based disk array system with a single run of the model.  相似文献   

In order to achieve high reliability in disk array systems, two new schemes using dual parity placement, called DH1 (diagonal–horizontal) and DH2 schemes, are presented. Both DH schemes can tolerate up to two disk failures by using two types of parity information placed in the diagonal and the horizontal directions, respectively, in a matrix of disk partitions. DH1 scheme can reduce the occurrences of the bottleneck problem significantly because the parity blocks are evenly distributed throughout the disk array. DH2 scheme uses one more disk than DH1 scheme in order to store the horizontal parities, while the diagonal parities are placed in the same way as in DH1 scheme with a minor change. Even though both DH schemes use almost optimal disk space for storing the redundant information, the encoding algorithms for them are quite simple and efficient. Moreover, both DH schemes can recover rapidly from any two disk failures.  相似文献   

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