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Zhao F  Nakajima T 《Applied optics》1997,36(27):6949-6956
We present an iterative algorithm for the simultaneous determination of water-leaving reflectances and aerosol optical thickness from the total outgoing radiances measured in the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) visible and near-infrared channels. Numerical experiments were carried out to investigate the feasibility of the algorithm. The results show that the errors in determined water-leaving reflectance at 0.443 mum are approximately 10% in most cases. The errors in determined water-leaving reflectance at 0.55 mum are in the 4.05-7.2% range. The errors in the simultaneously determined aerosol optical thickness for all CZCS visible and near-infrared channels are less than approximately 10%.  相似文献   

Hu H  Li X  Zhang Y  Li T 《Applied optics》2006,45(16):3864-3870
A method is presented for inferring both the refractive index and the size distribution of aerosol from observations of a dual-scattering-angle optical particle counter (OPC). An existing prototype of an OPC with 60 degree and 90 degree dual-scattering angles was used for the experiments. Based on the high sensitivity of the OPC response to the refractive index of particulates, two families of size distribution curves may be calculated. The solution of the refractive index corresponds to the superposition of the two size distributions. This method was applied to the simulation and to the field measurements conducted in Beijing and Hefei, and the results of both are presented.  相似文献   

Wang M  Gordon HR 《Applied optics》1995,34(30):6989-7001
We report the results of simulations in which an algorithm developed for estimation of aerosol optical properties from the angular distribution of radiance exiting the top of the atmosphere over the oceans [Appl. Opt. 33, 4042 (1994)] is combined with a technique for carrying out radiative transfer computations by synthesis of the radiance produced by individual components of the aerosol-size distribution [Appl. Opt. 33, 7088 (1994)], to estimate the aerosol-size distribution by retrieval of the total aerosol optical thickness and the mixing ratios for a set of candidate component aerosol-size distributions. The simulations suggest that in situations in which the true size-refractive-index distribution can actually be synthesized from a combination of the candidate components, excellent retrievals of the aerosol optical thickness and the component mixing ratios are possible. An exception is the presence of strongly absorbing aerosols. The angular distribution of radiance in a single spectral band does not appear to contain sufficient information to separate weakly from strongly absorbing aerosols. However, when two spectral bands are used in the algorithm, retrievals in the case of strongly absorbing aerosols are improved. When pseudodata were simulated with an aerosol-size distribution that differed in functional form from the candidate components, excellent retrievals were still obtained as long as the refractive indices of the actual aerosol model and the candidate components were similar. This underscores the importance of component candidates having realistic indices of refraction in the various size ranges for application of the method. The examples presented all focus on the multiangle imaging spectroradiometer; however, the results should be as valid for data obtained by the use of high-altitude airborne sensors.  相似文献   

We describe the development of a new suite of aerosol models for the retrieval of atmospheric and oceanic optical properties from the SeaWiFS and MODIS sensors, including aerosol optical thickness (τ), angstrom coefficient (α), and water-leaving radiance (L(w)). The new aerosol models are derived from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) observations and have bimodal lognormal distributions that are narrower than previous models used by the Ocean Biology Processing Group. We analyzed AERONET data over open ocean and coastal regions and found that the seasonal variability in the modal radii, particularly in the coastal region, was related to the relative humidity. These findings were incorporated into the models by making the modal radii, as well as the refractive indices, explicitly dependent on relative humidity. From these findings, we constructed a new suite of aerosol models. We considered eight relative humidity values (30%, 50%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, and 95%) and, for each relative humidity value, we constructed ten distributions by varying the fine-mode fraction from zero to 1. In all, 80 distributions (8 Rh×10 fine-mode fractions) were created to process the satellite data. We also assumed that the coarse-mode particles were nonabsorbing (sea salt) and that all observed absorptions were entirely due to fine-mode particles. The composition of the fine mode was varied to ensure that the new models exhibited the same spectral dependence of single scattering albedo as observed in the AERONET data. The reprocessing of the SeaWiFS data show that, over deep ocean, the average τ(865) values retrieved from the new aerosol models was 0.100±0.004, which was closer to the average AERONET value of 0.086±0.066 for τ(870) for the eight open-ocean sites used in this study. The average τ(865) value from the old models was 0.131±0.005. The comparison of monthly mean aerosol optical thickness retrieved from the SeaWiFS sensor with AERONET data over Bermuda and Wallops Island show very good agreement with one another. In fact, 81% of the data points over Bermuda and 78% of the data points over Wallops Island fall within an uncertainty of ±0.02 in optical thickness. As a part of the reprocessing effort of the SeaWiFS data, we also revised the vicarious calibration gain factors, which resulted in significant improvement in angstrom coefficient (α) retrievals. The average value of α from the new models over Bermuda is 0.841±0.171, which is in good agreement with the AERONET value of 0.891±0.211. The average value of α retrieved using old models is 0.394±0.087, which is significantly lower than the AERONET value.  相似文献   

Cardin J  Leduc D 《Applied optics》2008,47(7):894-900
We present a method of analysis of prism-film coupler spectroscopy based on the use of transfer matrix and genetic algorithm, which allows the simultaneous determination of refractive index, thickness, and optical losses of the measured layer.  相似文献   

Aerosol extinction coefficients have been derived in the 375-700-nm spectral domain from measurement in the stratosphere since 1992, at night, at mid- and high latitudes from 15 to 40 km, by two balloonborne spectrometers, Absorption par les Minoritaires Ozone et NO(chi) (AMON) and Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et NO(chi) (SALOMON). Log-normal size distributions associated with the Mie-computed extinction spectra that best fit the measurements permit calculation of integrated properties of the distributions. Although measured extinction spectra that correspond to background aerosols can be reproduced by the Mie scattering model by use of monomodal log-normal size distributions, each flight reveals some large discrepancies between measurement and theory at several altitudes. The agreement between measured and Mie-calculated extinction spectra is significantly improved by use of bimodal log-normal distributions. Nevertheless, neither monomodal nor bimodal distributions permit correct reproduction of some of the measured extinction shapes, especially for the 26 February 1997 AMON flight, which exhibited spectral behavior attributed to particles from a polar stratospheric cloud event.  相似文献   

Vermeulen A  Devaux C  Herman M 《Applied optics》2000,39(33):6207-6220
A method has been developed for retrieving the scattering and microphysical properties of atmospheric aerosol from measurements of solar transmission, aureole, and angular distribution of the scattered and polarized sky light in the solar principal plane. Numerical simulations of measurements have been used to investigate the feasibility of the method and to test the algorithm's performance. It is shown that the absorption and scattering properties of an aerosol, i.e., the single-scattering albedo, the phase function, and the polarization for single scattering of incident unpolarized light, can be obtained by use of radiative transfer calculations to correct the values of scattered radiance and polarized radiance for multiple scattering, Rayleigh scattering, and the influence of ground. The method requires only measurement of the aerosol's optical thickness and an estimate of the ground's reflectance and does not need any specific assumption about properties of the aerosol. The accuracy of the retrieved phase function and polarization of the aerosols is examined at near-infrared wavelengths (e.g., 0.870 mum). The aerosol's microphysical properties (size distribution and complex refractive index) are derived in a second step. The real part of the refractive index is a strong function of the polarization, whereas the imaginary part is strongly dependent on the sky's radiance and the retrieved single-scattering albedo. It is demonstrated that inclusion of polarization data yields the real part of the refractive index.  相似文献   

Interactions of an enzyme with an organized amphipilic bilayer are explored as a general means of enzyme immobilization in electroenzymatic systems. Immobilization of Desulfovibrio gigas hydrogenase at the electrode surface involves hydrophobic interactions of the enzyme with the bilayer assembly consisting of octadecyltrichlorosilane and octadecylviologen (C18MV2+) molecules. Due to a hydrophobic character of the enzyme, these interactions direct the enzyme to occupy a central position in the bilayer's hydrocarbon region and lead to immobilization of 3 pmol/cm2 of the enzyme in the plane of the bilayer. This corresponds to 50% surface coverage. The immobilized enzyme catalyzes H2 oxidation mediated by the C18MW2+/.+ couple. This electroenzymatic scheme functions under steady-state voltammetric as well as potentiometric conditions in the pH range 3.5-10. Coupling of enzymatic activity to the electrode surface is accomplished via lateral diffusion of the octadecylviologen molecules along the bilayer assembly.  相似文献   

Crystallization of AlPO4-5 from a gel of composition 1.5 Pr3N (tripropylamine)· 1.0 Al2O3· 1.0 P2O5· 40.0 H2O has been investigated by carrying out the hydrothermal synthesis of the crystalline aluminophosphate in a closed stainless steel pressure bomb at 423 K for different durations of the crystallization (0–48 h). The solid products obtained during the course of crystallization have been characterized thoroughly for their crystallinity (as AlPO4-5), crystal size and morphology, N2-sorption capacity (at 78 K and relative pressure of 0.3), thermal analysis, site energy distribution by TPD of pyridine, acidity by chemisorption of pyridine at 673 K and also for their catalytic activity in cumene cracking and o-xylene isomerization reactions at 673 K. The aluminophosphate formed at the different crystallization periods differ from each other largely in these properties. The optimum crystallization period for the synthesis of AlPO4-5 is about 24 h.  相似文献   

The theoretical model presented in part 1 of this work is employed to simulate and fit experimental probe beam deflection (PBD) data of Fe(CN)6(3-)/Fe(CN)6(4-) and Fe3+/Fe2+ couples. Current and beam deviation dependency on time at constant potential (chronoamperometry and chronodeflectometry) is analyzed via a new treatment based on the migration and diffusion properties of all the species involved. The diffusion coefficients of electroactive species are obtained by fitting chronoamperometric curves. Those coefficients are then employed to simulate the respective chronodeflectometric profiles. The experimental data and the theoretical function are fitted by the minimum squares Simplex algorithm. The effect of working with systems in which both electroactive species are charged is discussed in detail. Specifically, the possibility of quantitative analysis of nonspecific techniques data is analyzed when a relative high concentration of supporting electrolyte is used. Such analysis widens the scope of techniques as PBD since in many cases the effect of supporting electrolyte species could be negligible as compared to the response of electroactive species. The variation of the refraction index with the concentration gradient of each soluble species is also discussed.  相似文献   

The theoretical framework of a general model for the simulation of concentration profiles of electroactive and nonelectroactive species, driven by an electrochemical process under potentiostatic conditions, is presented. Based on this analysis, finite differences simulations are performed to calculate the actual profiles under different experimental conditions. Furthermore, the effect of experimental parameters (diffusion coefficients of the ions of the redox couple or the supporting electrolyte, charge of the different species, etc.) on the concentration profiles is also examined. The results obtained when low and high concentrations of supporting electrolyte are compared aid understanding of the effect of the electrolyte on the measurements. The presented model also underlines the role of supporting electrolyte species when nonspecific techniques are employed to measure the concentration changes produced by electroactive species. On the other hand, if a highly specific technique were used to detect changes in the concentration or concentration gradient of a given species, then it would be possible to estimate the respective profiles of the other species. The simulations suggest that techniques measuring concentration gradients are more sensitive to determining concentration changes than those involving a measurable linearly related to concentration.  相似文献   

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