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This study was conducted using response surface methodology to predict fluid loss from injected beef strip steaks as influenced by levels of salt and sodium phosphates (SP) in the injection brine. Also, a beef-based dehydrated beef protein (DBP) water binding ingredient was evaluated. Paired U.S. select beef strip loins were quartered before being injected with 110% of initial weight with brines containing various concentrations of salt and SP (CON) or salt, SP and 5% DBP. Steaks were sliced, overwrapped and stored in the dark for 4 d. Purge values ranged from 0.6% to 4.6% for CON and 0.3% to 2.1% for DBP. Fluid losses when accounting for the fluid lost from injection to slicing were as high as 6.8% for CON brines, but only 2.8% for DBP brines. The equations generated here and the DBP product could help producers achieve acceptable purge while reducing sodium use.  相似文献   

Uttaro B  Aalhus JL 《Meat science》2007,75(3):480-486
Striping or streaking is a problem in moisture enhanced meats which are injected to low levels. Research was undertaken to determine brine distribution paths and effect of pre-injection thawing rate on brine distribution. Beef rib eyes and eye of rounds were vacuum packed and aged 7 days at 3°C, then frozen (-35°C) for a month, thawed either quickly in water (5h at 12-17°C) or slowly in air (48h at 3°C), injected to 108-110% using a conventional brine containing blue food colouring, chilled overnight, then cut along four planes and photographed for image analysis of % blue, % marbling, and subjective evaluation of brine distribution paths. There were no significant differences in % blue due to treatment. Brine distribution in both muscles was better parallel to fibers than perpendicular to them. A subset of aged rib eyes was injected to 125%. Although brine was more extensively distributed than at lower injection levels, basic patterns remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can inhibit pathogenic bacteria. This research evaluated effects of LAB inclusion on the shelf life of traditionally packaged ground beef patties; as well as the effects and possible interaction of LAB and rosemary oleoresin (RO) on the stability of high oxygen MAP ground beef during display. In both package types, trained and consumer evaluations indicated no effect (P > 0.05) of LAB on lean color and off-odor. Display affected trained and consumer sensory evaluations and indicated declined stability over time. Thiobarbituric acid values were lower for traditionally packaged ground beef with LAB (P < 0.05) and MAP ground beef with RO or RO and LAB (P < 0.05). Overall, LAB had no effect on the shelf life and stability of traditionally or high-oxygen MAP packaged ground beef patties. Therefore, utilization of LAB in ground beef to reduce pathogenic bacteria is viable without alteration of spoilage indicators.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the efficacy of marination for increasing consumer acceptability of beef. Top-sirloin steaks from 28 USDA select steers were randomly assigned to one of six marination treatments: control (CT), 150 mM calcium chloride (CA), 10% solution of beef-flavoring/seasoning mixture (FL), CA and FL (CF), 2.5% sodium phosphate and FL (PF), and tap water (TW). Steaks were marinated in vacuum pouches, aged for 7 days, cooked to 70°C and evaluated by a trained sensory panel. Marination with CA did not affect tenderness ratings, but increased (P<0.05) bitter and metallic flavors compared to CT or TW treatments. Use of FL, alone or in conjunction with CA or sodium phosphate, increased (P<0.05) tenderness and juiciness ratings and reduced (P<0.05) bitterness and metallic flavors compared to CT, CA and TW marinades. Marination of beef, in vacuum pouches, is an effective method for increasing consumer acceptability and value beef.  相似文献   

Effects of salt/phosphate injection level (112% or 125% pump), salt level (0.5% or 1.5% salt), and freezing/thawing on hydration characteristics, quality, and consumer acceptance of beef semitendinosus were investigated. All enhancement treatments decreased shear force by 25–35%, but negatively affected colour. Increased salt concentration yielded lower purge and cooking losses, and higher water holding capacity. The higher injection level reduced water binding properties, however, the loss in functionality with higher water addition was overcome with increased salt content. Freezing and subsequent thawing was generally detrimental to colour and water binding properties and tended to increase shear force. Freezing and subsequent thawing did not affect fluid release in steaks held for 1 day before analysis, but resulted in decreased water retention in samples held for 7 days. Holding vacuum packaged steaks for 7 days generally increased package purge and negatively affected colour parameters, although water binding characteristics were improved. Consumer panel results demonstrated a negative effect on juiciness and tenderness where meat subject to low salt/high injection was frozen then thawed – the low salt level was insufficient to maintain any positive effect of injection treatment. In general, salt/phosphate injection improved product acceptability and increased willingness to purchase.  相似文献   

Enhancement of beef biceps femoris muscles (n=45) with solutions comprising sodium hexametaphosphate (SHMP), sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), or tetrasodium pyrophosphate (TSPP) at either 0.2% or 0.4% of product weight, with the exclusion of sodium chloride, was performed to observe the independent phosphate effects on instrumental color during simulated retail display. All solutions were injected into muscle samples at either 112% (12% pump) or 118% (18% pump) of raw product weight. All three phosphate types maintained higher (P<0.05) L* values than untreated steaks (CNT) through 5 days-of-display, and SHMP had higher (P<0.05) L* values than STPP and TSPP through 7 days-of-display. Additionally, steaks with 0.2% phosphate inclusion were lighter (L*; P<0.05) than CNT throughout display, and were lighter (P<0.05) than steaks enhanced with 0.4% phosphates through 7 days of display. Steaks enhanced with TSPP had higher (P<0.05) a* values than CNT on days 5 and 7 of display, whereas SHMP- or STPP-enhanced steaks generally had similar (P>0.05) a* values as CNT after 3d of display. Direct comparison of phosphate concentrations revealed no differences (P>0.05) in a* values. Only steaks enhanced with TSPP were more vivid (P<0.05) and had higher (P<0.05) proportions of oxymyoglobin than CNT on days 5 and 7 of display. However, direct comparison of phosphate types indicated that TSPP- and STPP-enhanced steaks had similar (P>0.05) oxymyoglobin proportions during display. Phosphate inclusion at 0.4% maintained higher (P<0.05) oxymyoglobin proportions than 0.2% phosphate inclusion through 5 days-of-display. These results indicate that while 0.2% phosphate concentrations maintain lighter color, 0.4% concentrations can more effectively retain oxymyoglobin during display. Additionally, only steaks enhanced with TSPP were redder, more vivid, and had higher oxymyoglobin proportions than untreated steaks during the latter stages of display.  相似文献   

Beef inside round roasts (n = 144) were cut from rounds obtained from both forage-finished cattle (n = 72) and commercially-sourced beef (n = 72). Roasts were portioned to weigh 0.45-0.68 kg each. Each roast was then randomly assigned one of the following treatments: control, injected-no cure, or injected-cured. Additionally, roasts were assigned a serving temperature (hot or cold) and storage treatments (0 d or 28 d post cooking). Roasts from forage-fed beef had a more red interior color and higher shear values, and also retained more brine than commercially-sourced beef (P < 0.05). Curing roasts improved TBARS values in roasts served hot and significantly reduced sensory warmed-over and grassy flavors (P < 0.05). Marinating forage-finished beef roasts significantly improves tenderness and flavor characteristics.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that feeding high-tannin sorghum (HTS) to steers would produce beef more resistant to oxidative deterioration. We observed lower thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in Gluteus medius of steers fed HTS before it was displayed (P=0.028), which could be explained by a reduced response to stress in these animals. While steers finished with corn and corn+HTS had elevated plasma cortisol at the end of the feeding period (P=0.047 and 0.093, respectively), animals fed HTS and corn+vitamin E did not. However, feeding HTS increased the rate of discoloration and TBARS accumulation after aerobic display of Longissimus lumborum and Gluteus medius. Diet did not affect the activity of oxidation-related enzymes and fatty acid composition of muscle. The accelerated rate of lipid oxidation during display of beef could be partially explained by a numerically lower concentration of tocopherols in the tissue.  相似文献   

High-pressure needleless injection (HPNI) is an emerging enhancing process where small-diameter, high-velocity bursts of liquid penetrate soft foods at pressures up to 69 MPa. The incidence and depth of translocated surface-inoculated E. coli O157 in HPNI-processed beef eye-of-round subprimal cuts was determined. HPNI translocated E. coli O157 from the surface to the interior of the eye-of-round subprimal cuts with incidence of 40% (± 7%), 25% (± 8%), and 25% (± 8)% for subprimals that had been surface-inoculated with a 4-strain cocktail at 0.5, 1, and 2 log(10) CFU/cm(2) , respectively. The run-off water was collected and found to contain 2, 2, and 3 log(10) CFU/mL E. coli O157. The runoff was reused for HPNI of additional subprimals, and this resulted in a cross-contamination incidence of 83% (± 4%), 60% (± 15%), and 37% (± 6)%. Incidence of translocation and cross-contamination was similar at 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 6, and 6 to 8 cm below the inoculated surface. Results indicate that surface microbiota on beef will be carried to the interior of HPNI-processed beef by initial translocation from the surface with the injected fluid and by cross-contamination with recycled fluid. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: This research has practical relevance for the beef enhancement process called high-pressure needleless injection. The process's effect on surface bacteria on beef was studied.  相似文献   

A CVap steam generation oven was compared with a Blodgett convection oven to examine effects on yields, cooked color, tenderness, and sensory traits of beef Longissimus lumborum (LL), Deep pectoralis (DP), and Biceps femoris (BF) muscles cooked to 1 of 3 temperatures (65.6, 71.1, or 76.7°C). Four roasts were cooked in the CVap for a constant time, and 2 roasts were cooked in the Blodgett until they reached target temperatures (3 replications). Cooking yields were higher (P<0.05) for BF and LL roasts in the CVap. Slice shear force (SSF) for BF roasts was lowest (P<0.05) in the CVap but lowest (P<0.05) for DP roasts in the Blodgett. No oven effect (P>0.05) was found for LL roasts. Sensory tenderness for BF roasts in the CVap was higher (P<0.05) than those in the Blodgett. Juiciness was higher (P<0.05) for LL roasts in the Blodgett. The CVap oven offers some tenderization (BF) and cooking yield advantages (BF and DP) over forced-air convection cooking.  相似文献   

This study investigated meat quality and consumer preference after ageing beef gluteus medius in a water vapour-permeable dry-ageing bag or in vacuum for 14 days. Higher ageing and trim losses but lower thawing loss, cooking loss and water content were found in samples aged in dry ageing bags compared to those aged in vacuum. Samples aged in dry ageing bags had higher total bacteria and yeast counts but lower lactic acid bacteria counts than those aged in vacuum, both before and after trimming. Meat aged in dry ageing bag was more tender and juicier and overall preferred by consumers compared with samples aged in vacuum. Female participants outperformed the males in detecting differences in palatability. No differences were found in pH, smell, shear force, colour, Enterobacteriaceae, and mould counts. Thus, by using a dry ageing bag, it is possible to produce dry-aged meat in a more controlled condition without negative effects on sensory or other quality attributes.  相似文献   

The addition of foreign proteins (mainly soybean proteins and milk proteins) to heat-processed meat products is a common practice. This work approaches the determination of additions of soybean proteins in heat-processed meat products prepared with chicken meat, beef meat, and complex mixtures of meats from different species (chicken, pork, beef, and turkey) by perfusion reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. The applied method was previously developed for the determination of soybean proteins in pork and turkey meat products but it has never been tested for the determination of soybean proteins in other heat-processed meat products containing other kinds of meats. This paper demonstrates the validity of this method for the detection of soybean proteins in heat-processed meat products containing different varieties of meats and even in the presence of other foreign proteins such as milk proteins. The specificity and existence of matrix interferences have been checked for these samples and accuracy has been evaluated by the comparison of the soybean protein contents determined by the proposed method and the official ELISA method.  相似文献   

The impact of 10% trisodium phosphate (TSP) or 0.5% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) applied to beef trimmings either aerobically or under vacuum before grinding on Salmonella typhimurium (ST), Escherichia coli (EC), coliform (CO), aerobic plate count (APC), color and sensory attributes of ground beef through display was studied. For this, beef trimmings were inoculated with ST and EC then treated with either TSP or CPC in vacuum or aerobic conditions. Trimmings were ground, packaged, displayed under simulated retail conditions and sampled on days 0, 1, 2, 3 and 7 for microbial, instrumental color, and sensory color and odor characteristics. Aerobic and vacuum antimicrobial application methods were equally effective (P>0.05) for reducing microorganisms in ground beef. Trisodium phosphate and CPC reduced (P<0.05) all bacterial types monitored. In addition, TSP and CPC improved (P>0.05) ground beef redness (a*), oxymyoglobin stability (630 nm/580 nm) and sensory overall color throughout display without adversely affecting odor characteristics.  相似文献   

This study investigated the properties of different types of gelatin films from solutions of varying gelatin concentrations (4–8 wt %). Gelatin derived from beef, pork and fish skin sources was used to manufacture films using a casting approach. Mechanical properties of gelatin films, water vapour permeability (WVP), oxygen permeability, oil permeability and aqueous solubility of films were evaluated. FTIR spectroscopy was utilized to assess the composition of various gelatin sources so as to determine differences in composition of these sources and ultimately, in overall functionality. High concentration gelatin films had good mechanical properties with tensile and puncture strengths being particularly improved. Gelatin films manufactured from fish skin had the lowest WVP values for each concentration used. All gelatin films possessed excellent barriers to oxygen and oil. Films derived from pork gelatin exhibited lowest water solubility compared to those formed using beef and fish gelatin sources, regardless of the concentrations used. FTIR spectra showed that plasticizer and gelatin were well mixed and interacted well together. The use of higher concentrations of gelatin had the effect of increasing the wavenumber of amide-A in films due to greater interaction occurring between gelatin functional groups.  相似文献   

The impact of 2 different brines on the palatability and tenderness of select beef strip loin steaks was evaluated. Brines were differentiated by the type of alkaline agent, 4.5% sodium-based phosphate (control brine; CON) or 1% ammonium hydroxide (ammonium hydroxide treatment; AHT), incorporated into the formula. Injected steaks were placed in high oxygen (80% O(2)/20% CO(2)) MAP, stored 4 d at 4 °C in dark storage to simulate transportation, and then placed in retail display. Steaks were selected randomly on day 0, 7, and 14 retail display to measure pH, cook loss, shear force, and sensory characteristics. The pH for AHT steaks (pH 5.96) was slightly higher than CON steaks (pH 5.86; P < 0.05). Cook loss was lower (21%) for CON than AHT steaks (23%). There was neither a treatment nor day effect on tenderness as measured by Warner-Braztler shear force (P > 0.05). Sensory evaluation indicated that on day 0, retail display the initial juiciness, sustained juiciness, tenderness 1st impression, tenderness overall impression, and connective tissue in AHT steaks was not different from CON steaks (P > 0.05). A day effect (decrease) for those sensory parameters was observed only for sustained juiciness (P < 0.05). AHT steaks were rated higher in cooked beef flavor while CON steaks were higher in peppery and salty flavor. There was no difference in soapy and ammonia intensity between treatments. Results indicated that despite lower performance in cook loss the replacement of 4.5% sodium-based phosphate in a meat injection brine with 1% ammonium hydroxide produced a beef loin steak with comparable tenderness and palatability. Practical Application: The research in this study compares steaks that have been injected with a commercial brine formulated with sodium phosphates to steaks that have been injected with a brine where the sodium phosphate in the formulation was replaced with 1% ammonium hydroxide. Ammonium hydroxide is an USDA-FSIS approved ingredient in brines injected into fresh meats. Successful replacement of sodium phosphate with ammonium hydroxide would allow processors to significantly reduce the sodium content of injected fresh meat.  相似文献   

An increase in the intake of the n-3 series polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) is recommended by nutritionists for the human diet and beef is a significant source of these fatty acids. Enhancing the n-3 PUFA content of beef is important in view of the generally saturated nature of fatty acids in ruminant meats and the potentially negative effect this can have on human health. This study examined the effects of breed and diet on the fatty acid composition of beef M. longissimus. Ninety-six steers were used, 48 Aberdeen Angus cross (AA) and 48 Holstein-Friesian (HF). At 6months of age, 3 groups were identified, to be slaughtered at 14, 19 and 24months, respectively. Each group consisted of eight steers of each breed fed on a concentrate or a grass silage diet, rich in n-6 and n-3 PUFA, respectively. The intake of the concentrate diet was restricted so that steers of each breed grew at a similar rate on each diet. The early maturing AA produced heavier, fatter carcasses with better conformation. Animals fed grass silage had higher carcass fatness and conformation scores and higher levels of neutral lipid and total lipid in muscle than those fed concentrate. When all animals were pooled, a decline in PUFA% as total muscle lipid increased was evident. Feeding a grass silage diet rich in α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) increased levels of this fatty acid in muscle neutral lipid by a factor of about 3.0 compared with the concentrate diet, as well as enhancing the synthesis of the n-3 series long-chain C20-22 PUFA in the phospholipid fraction, including docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3). In contrast, both levels and proportions of linoleic acid (18:2n-6) and the n-6 series C20-22 PUFA were higher in animals fed the concentrate diet. The proportions of 18:1trans and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in muscle neutral lipid were higher in animals fed concentrate compared with silage in all 3 groups. This was partly due to increased consumption of 18:2n-6. The ratio of PUFA to saturated fatty acids (P:S) in muscle was reduced by feeding grass silage, partly as the result of increased fat deposition. However, the increase in levels of n-3 series fatty acids with silage-feeding resulted in beneficially low n-6:n-3 ratios in muscle in all age groups (approximately 1.2 compared with 12.0 in the concentrate diet). Subtle breed differences in PUFA amounts and proportions were noted. Holstein-Friesians had higher proportions of PUFA and higher P:S ratios compared with AA, partly due to a higher proportion of phospholipid in total lipid. In phospholipid itself, HF in the 19 and 24months groups had higher proportions of most n-3 PUFA. In all age groups the ratio of DHA to its precursor, 18:3n-3 was higher in HF.  相似文献   

Select beef loin pairs (n = 10) were injected (10% pump) with brine containing either 4.5% sodium-based phosphates, (CON), or 1% ammonium hydroxide treatment (AHT). Both brines also contained 3.6% NaCl and 1% Rosemary Herbalox. Steaks cut from loins were high oxygen (80% O(2)/20% CO(2)) modified atmosphere packaged, stored 4 d at 4 °C in the dark to simulate transportation, and then placed in retail display for 14 d (4 °C). On day 0, 7, and 14 of retail display steak properties were measured. Purge from AHT steaks was higher than CON (P < 0.05). Panelists were not able to visually discriminate between AHT and CON steaks through the first 6 d of retail display. After day 6, panelists rated AHT steaks higher for muscle color, percent discoloration, and overall color. Steaks from both treatments started at day 0 retail display with similar total plate counts (P > 0.05). Microbial counts increased more rapidly for AHT steaks than CON steaks (P < 0.05). AHT and CON steaks were not different in terms of lipid oxidation through day 7 retail display. By day 14 retail display CON steaks were above the threshold for consumer perception of oxidized flavors in fresh meat. However, results also indicated the AHT and CON steaks were no longer acceptable by day 14 in terms of color, were questionable in terms of microbial load, and likely were beyond their reasonable shelf life. Based on retail display properties, results indicated 1% AHT could successfully replace 4.5% SP in a meat injection brine. Practical Application: The research in this report compares steaks that have been injected with a commercial brine formulated with SP to steaks that have been injected with a brine, where the SP in the formulation are replaced with 1% AHT. Ammonium hydroxide is an USDA-FSIS approved ingredient in brines injected into fresh meats. Successful replacement of sodium phosphate with ammonium hydroxide would allow processors to significantly reduce the sodium content of injected fresh meat.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to validate the effectiveness of acetic and lactic acids (2% and 5%), acidified sodium chlorite (1000 ppm), and sterile water in reducing Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in inoculated beef trim in a simulated processing environment. Samples were collected to assess microbial characteristics at three processing points. Results from this study indicate that all treatments, including sterile water, reduced pathogen concentrations (P < 0.05) of both E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium in ground beef up to 0.5 and 0.6 log by 24 h, respectively. In some cases, there were no significant differences between the antimicrobial treatments and the sterile water using this application method. Triangle sensory test results of non-inoculated beef indicated there were no differences (P < 0.05) in the means of correct responses between controls or antimicrobial treatments at 6 or 24 h. While interventions are important for beef trim, use of the interventions must be validated under industry conditions to ensure proper effectiveness.  相似文献   

Longissimus muscle samples from 31 Angus-cross heifers finished on either a high-concentrate feedlot diet or pasture were used to evaluate the effects of cooking (71°C) on the concentration and forms of iron in the meat, and also on concentrations of the bioactive compounds taurine, carnosine, coenzyme Q(10), creatine and creatinine. For a sub-sample of 15 the effects of pepsin and pancreatin digestion were assessed. For iron, cooking resulted in some overall loss together with a major change from soluble haem and non-haem iron to the insoluble forms, but solubility was regained to a significant extent following digestion. Total haem iron percentage, however, decreased at each step from an initial 88% to a final 61% of total iron. For the bioactive compounds, cooking led to a reduction in taurine, carnosine, coenzyme Q(10), and creatine. The effects of digestion on the bioactive compounds varied. No clear differences were shown in the way in which beef from pasture-finished and feedlot-finished cattle responded to cooking and digestion.  相似文献   

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