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PURPOSE: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate measured asymmetry of the calves in the assessment of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism (PE). METHODS: Patients randomized for pulmonary angiography in the collaborative study of the Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis (PIOPED) were evaluated. Only patients in whom the circumference of the calves was measured were included in this evaluation of PIOPED data. Among these, 232 had angiographically diagnosed PE and 446 had no PE by angiography. For purposes of comparison, measurements of the calves also were made in a nonrandomized current cohort of 101 healthy subjects. All calf measurements were made 10 cm below the tibial tuberosity. RESULTS: Asymmetry in the circumference of the calves of 1 cm or more was measured in 101 of 232 or 44% (95% confidence interval [CI], 37 to 51%) with PE, 176 of 446 or 39% (95% CI, 34 to 44%) without PE, and in 6 of 101 or 6% (95% CI, 1 to 11%) control subjects (PE vs control subjects, p < 0.001; subjects without PE vs control subjects, p < 0.001; PE vs no PE, p = NS). Among patients with PE, the addition of calf asymmetry of 1 cm or more to qualitative signs of deep venous thrombosis increased the prevalence of a detectable abnormality of the lower extremities from 62 of 232 or 27% (95% CI, 21 to 33%) to 129 of 232 or 56% (95% CI, 49 to 63% [p < 0.001]). CONCLUSION: Asymmetry of the calves of 1 cm or more is abnormal. Such asymmetry of the calves did not distinguish between patients with PE and those with no PE. When considered in proper perspective with other nonspecific signs and symptoms in patients with suspected acute PE, however, subtle calf asymmetry may call attention to the possibility of thromboembolic disease. The observation of subtle asymmetry may indicate a need for noninvasive diagnostic tests of the lower extremities to determine whether deep venous thrombosis is present.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare prospectively the accuracy of spiral computed tomography (CT) with that of ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy for diagnosing pulmonary embolism. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Within 48 hours of presentation, 142 patients suspected of having pulmonary embolism underwent spiral CT, scintigraphy, and (when indicated) pulmonary angiography. Pulmonary angiography was attempted if interpretations of spiral CT scans and of scintigrams were discordant or indeterminate and intermediate-probability, respectively. RESULTS: In the 139 patients who completed the study, interpretations of spiral CT scans and of scintigrams were concordant in 103 patients (29 with embolism, 74 without). In 20 patients, intermediate-probability scintigrams were interpreted (six with embolism at angiography, 14 without); diagnosis with spiral CT was correct in 16. Interpretations of spiral CT scans and those of scintigrams were discordant in 12 cases; diagnosis with spiral CT was correct in 11 cases and that with scintigraphy was correct in one. Spiral CT and scintigraphic scans of four patients with embolism did not show embolism. Sensitivities, specificities, and kappa values with spiral CT and scintigraphy were 87%, 95%, and 0.85 and 65%, 94%, and 0.61, respectively. CONCLUSION: In cases of pulmonary embolism, sensitivity of spiral CT is greater than that of scintigraphy. Interobserver agreement is better with spiral CT.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the accuracy of spiral CT angiography in the diagnosis of central pulmonary embolism (PE). MATERIAL AND METHODS: A retrospective study was undertaken in a population of 90 patients who were evaluated with spiral CT angiography (acquisition: 12 to 24 s with or without strict apnea; injection of 90 cm3 of 12, 20 or 30% contrast material at a rate of 4 to 7 cm3, selective pulmonary angiography of each lung (n = 55) and/or ventilation-perfusion (VP) scanning (n = 35). RESULTS: Among the 55 patients evaluated with both spiral CT and angiography, central pulmonary embolism was excluded in 19 patients (34%), assessed in 29 patients (53%) whereas CT examination was considered as inconclusive in 7 patients (13%) due to interpretive difficulties at the level of obliquely oriented arteries and/or presence of hilar lymph nodes (sensitivity: 90.5%; specificity: 82.6%). With spiral CT, the finding of 95 central emboli (3 main, 61 lobar and 31 segmental) corresponded exactly to the angiographic findings; spiral CT enabled direct visualization of intraluminal filling defects (n = 95) whereas the angiographic recognition of PE was based on direct (n = 57) and indirect (n = 38) signs. Spiral CT angiography was more sensitive and specific than VP scanning. CONCLUSION: Spiral CT angiography appears as a sensitive and specific noninvasive method for the diagnosis of central PE.  相似文献   

The occasions on which lung embolism is likely to occur and proceed with or without initial clinical symptoms are described. Lung scintiscanning technique, complemented by special expedients and personal experience, is explained. It is felt that the method helps in the early detection of suspect or clinically silent forms, as well as in the corroboration or ruling out of a clinical diagnosis as soon as this is possible. Scintiscanning is also of assistance in showing the anatomopathological features and extent of the process. The technique is simple and readily tolerated, even by patients with slight respiratory or circulatory disturbances. On the other hand, it is not competitive with conventional and well-tried angiopneumography.  相似文献   

At the haemophilia centre in Malm?, Sweden, regular prophylactic treatment is begun at 1-1 1/2 years of age, before the onset of joint bleeds. The dose and dose interval are optimised by means of pharmacokinetic studies to determine the individual patient's FVIII or IX metabolism, the goal of maintaining a level > 1% of normal being taken as a guideline which experience has shown to yield satisfactory control of bleeding diathesis. An optimal model for prophylactic treatment needs to be applicable to haemophiliacs and acceptable to health authorities in a majority of the countries in the world. To fulfill these criteria, the Swedish model, which has been shown to yield most satisfactory outcome, can hopefully be further refined in the future. Were continuous infusion, using a recombinate concentrate with a prolonged half-life, technically feasible and socially acceptable to the child, we would probably have attained the optimal model of prophylactic treatment.  相似文献   

The use of lung scintigraphy in evaluating suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) is controversial. Several diagnostic methods have been described for lung scans, of which the most widely applied uses 99mTc-MAA for perfusion, 133Xe for ventilation and PIOPED diagnostic criteria. This study evaluates the accuracy of lung scintigraphy using an alternative ventilation agent, 99mTc-diethylenetriamine pentacetic acid (DTPA) aerosol, and specific criteria. METHODS: Diagnostic criteria for DTPA aerosol ventilation were prospectively applied to 5017 patients over a 9-yr period. Lung scan interpretations were analyzed for frequency of occurrence, and results were compared to those of angiography in 455 patients. RESULTS: Scans were interpreted as normal, low or high probability in 79% of patients and as either indeterminate or medium probability in 21% of patients. Three patients had normal scans and negative angiography. In patients with low-probability scans, 111 angiograms were performed: 103 (93%) were negative, and 8 (7%) were positive. In patients with indeterminate scans, 114 angiograms were performed: 85 (75%) were negative, and 29 (25%) were positive. In patients with medium-probability scans, 149 angiograms were performed: 86 (58%) were negative, and 63 (42%) were positive. In patients with high-probability scans, 78 angiograms were performed: 6 (8%) were negative, and 72 (92%) were positive. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that lung scintigraphy using DTPA aerosol and our criteria is accurate in diagnosing and stratifying risk of pulmonary embolic disease. Compared with 133Xe and PIOPED criteria, DTPA ventilation and our criteria reduced the false-negative rate in low-probability scans (7% versus 16%, p < 0.005) and decreased the fraction of intermediate-probability scans (21 % versus 39%, p < 0.01).  相似文献   

Diffuse pulmonary infiltrates are commonly found in hypoxic respiratory failure. We have reviewed 16 patients admitted to our medical intensive care unit over a period of 21 months, of whom seven died in hospital. Only patients requiring ventilatory support (CPAP or mechanical ventilation) for respiratory failure due to non-cardiogenic causes were included. All patients met the criteria for the diagnosis of ARDS. Three patients suffered from Wegener's granulomatosis, three from Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, three from bacterial pneumonia, and two from pneumonia. Staphylococcal septicemia, SLE, sarcoidosis, cancer-associated hemolytic-uremic syndrome and ARDS of unknown etiology were each found in one patient. We discuss diagnosis and treatment of such patients on the basis of our experience.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The risk of thromboembolism in patients taking estrogen-progestagen oral contraceptive drugs has apparently increased since the introduction of third-generation progestagens (desogestrel, gestodene). We examined the clinical features, risk factors and outcome of pulmonary embolism in this context. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We reviewed 11 cases of thromboembolism in patients on oral contraception and hospitalized in emergency situations in 1995 and 1996 for pulmonary embolism in order to determine the gravity of the thromboembolic event, risk factors and type of drug used. RESULTS: Early clinical signs had preceded the onset of embolism by 2 to 164 days. PaO2 was below 70 mmHg in 4 patients. Diagnosis was achieved with pulmonary scintigraphy (11 cases), spiral CT (3 cases) and angiopneumography (2 cases). Duplex Doppler visualized the phlebitis in 7 patients. Given heparin (with fibrinolysis in 3 cases) then anti-vitamin K, and after withdrawal of the oral contraceptive, outcome was favorable in all cases. There were no recurrences. The nature of the oral contraceptive varied. Five patients were taking third-generation progestagens. In two cases, embolism had occurred following a change from a second-generation to a third-generation progestagen. Family history of phlebitis and/or abnormal laboratory findings were observed in 6 patients: resistance to activated protein C (2 patients), protein C deficiency (2 patients), anticardiolipin (2 patients) and low-titre antinuclear antibodies (2 patients). CONCLUSION: Pulmonary embolism in patients on oral contraceptives persists despite changes in the hormone content of the drugs. Diagnosis is often delayed. Family history of thrombosis or biological risk factors are often found.  相似文献   

Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) has a definite role in general ICUs where its indications are now generally accepted. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) has widened the diagnostic scope of ultrasonic and doppler technology, partly by resolving the physical limitations of TTE. In this article the authors comment on their series of TTEs and TEEs, pointing out advantages, the diagnostic and therapeutic implications, especially in artificially ventilated patients. They conclude by emphasising the need to establish TEE as a routine diagnostic tool in general ICUs.  相似文献   

The hospital course of all patients admitted to a medical intensive-care unit (ICU) with suspected myocardial infarction was reviewed to test the feasibility of identifying patients suitable for earlier transfer from the ICU. Three hundred sixty patients admitted after presentation with uncomplicated chest pain could be stratified into three risk groups within 24 hours of admission to the ICU. One hundred sixty-eight patients (47 per cent), who were without major complications, elevation of total serum creatine phosphokinase, or electrocardiographic evidence of transmural infarction during the first day, could be designated "low-risk" patients. Three per cent of the low-risk patients subsequently met clinical criteria for infarction, 2 percent had late complications in the ICU, and none died. Rates of infarction, late complications in the ICU, and mortality in the hospital were significantly higher for patients at intermediate and high risk. Identification of low-risk patients for whom early transfer may be routinely indicated is feasible and could reduce by 55 per cent the total number of days that such patients spend in the ICU.  相似文献   

During recent years, coronary bypass surgery has progressed toward minimizing invasiveness. One important feature of this approach is performing surgery on a beating heart. During the crucial phase of such surgery, the mechanical support of the heart with a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) is a possible option. During the period from October 1, 1994 until June 30, 1997, we employed a centrifugal pump system in 118 cases of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures with LVAD support (mechanically supported CABG [SUPPCAB]). A total of 179 distal anastomoses with an average of 1.5 +/- 0.5 coronary anastomoses per patient was performed. Three types of pumps were used: 23 BioPump, 87 Isoflow, and 8 Capiox systems. The median time on mechanical support was 44 min (range, 16-116 min). The mean flow rate during support time was 3.5 +/- 0.8 L/min, which results in a calculated flow of 1.7 +/- 0.6 L/min/m2 body surface area (BSA). The average flow was 3.2 +/- 0.8 L/min with the BioPump and 3.7 +/- 0.8 L/min with the Isoflow pump, respectively (p < 0.01). The mean arterial pressure during mechanical support was 75 +/- 12 mm Hg. In 2 patients, the pump system was kept running postoperatively in the ICU. Eight of the patients received operations under resuscitation or in cardiogenic shock. Nine (7.9%) of the patients did not survive the early postoperative phase. For coronary revascularization of the anterolateral and diaphragmatic parts of the heart, the SUPPCAB procedure is feasible with excellent mechanical support of the heart by centrifugal pumps. Especially in high risk cases, this procedure can be recommended.  相似文献   

The potential role of ultrasound techniques in diagnosing acute pulmonary embolism (PE) has been investigated in severe cases with hemodynamic compromise, but is still unclear for the whole clinical spectrum of patients with suspected PE. The aim of this study was to assess the utility of an integrated bedside evaluation for PE based on the combination of a clinical score, 2-dimensional echocardiography, and color venous duplex scanning. A group of 117 consecutive patients with suspected PE was assessed using a clinical likelihood score, echocardiography, and venous duplex scanning in order to obtain a preliminary diagnosis of PE, which was subsequently compared with the final diagnosis obtained by lung perfusion scintigraphy and angiography. A preliminary diagnosis of PE was made in 70 patients; a final diagnosis of PE was made in 63 patients, of which 56 had and 7 did not have a preliminary diagnosis of PE. The preliminary diagnosis therefore showed 89% sensitivity and 74% specificity, with a total accuracy of 82%. In patients with massive PE, sensitivity and negative predictive values of the preliminary diagnosis were 97% and 98%, respectively. Echocardiography was poorly sensitive (51%) but highly specific (87%) for PE. Thus, the integration of clinical likelihood, echocardiography, and venous duplex scanning provides a practical approach to patients with suspected PE, allows the rapid implementation of appropriate management strategies, and may reduce or postpone the need for further instrumental evaluation of more limited access.  相似文献   

Antimyosin-scintigraphy is believed to have a high specificity but a low sensitivity for the diagnosis of myocarditis when histological analysis of endomyocardial biopsy is used as the reference method. However, the histological evaluation itself seems to have a low sensitivity for the diagnosis of myocarditis. Therefore, immunohistological techniques have been developed for the detection of lymphocytic infiltrates and increased expression of HLA antigens in the myocardium. The present study compares the results of antimyosin-scintigraphy with histological and immunohistological analysis of the endomyocardial biopsy. 65 patients with clinically suspected myocarditis underwent antimyosin-scintigraphy and histological and immunohistological analysis of the endomyocardial biopsy. Myocarditis could be diagnosed histologically in only 9/36 (25%) patients with a positive antimyosin scan but additional immunohistological analysis revealed lymphocytic infiltrates in 31 (86%) of these patients. In 29 patients with a normal antimyosin scan, histological analysis showed evidence of myocarditis in 3 (10%) patients; additional immunohistological evaluation disclosed lymphocytic infiltrates in 17 (59%) patients. With immunohistological analysis of the endomyocardial biopsy as the reference method, antimyosin-scintigraphy has a high sensitivity but a lower specificity for the diagnosis of myocarditis. Detection of autoantibodies against human cardiac myosin in patients with myocarditis is associated with a significantly lower incidence of positive antimyosin scans in these patients. Antimyosin-scintigraphy was repeated after six months in 14 patients with myocarditis. Histological and immunohistological evaluation of the endomyocardial biopsy now showed persistent myocarditis in 3/8 patients with a positive antimyosin scan and in 5/6 patients with a normal antimyosin scan.  相似文献   

The hospital course of 144 consecutive patients with pulmonary embolism (PE) demonstrated by pulmonary angiography was reviewed to determine the mortality of patients with treated PE. Twelve patients (8%) died of PE, and eight died of causes other than PE; 124 (86%) survived. Pulmonary embolism was the primary cause of death in only four of the 12 patients who died of PE. Pulmonary embolism contributed to the death of eight other patients, each of whom had associated potentially lethal disease, particularly heart disease. The most important factor affecting mortality was shock due to acute right ventricular failure secondary to massive PE (mortality, 32%). Mortality was not related to magnitude of PE per se; the mortality of patients with massive PE without shock (6%) was the same as that for patients with submassive PE (5%. Patients with PE who survive long enough to have the diagnosis established and appropriate prophylactic therapy begun have an excellent prognosis, unless they have associated severe medical disease.  相似文献   

Severe medical complications account for 20-30% of all deaths in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. High quality of intensive care is needed to prevent and correct pulmonary complications and electrolyte disturbances. Guidelines of intensive medical treatment should be defined to control intracranial hypertension and ischemic secondary cerebral damage in comatose patients. Extensive monitoring is necessary to achieve adequate observation in the perioperative period and safe treatment of vasospasm. A multidisciplinary approach in a critical area with intensive and sub-intensive beds, based on the cooperative role of neurosurgeons and anesthetists/intensivists, could improve the medical care, reducing complications, ICU stay and costs.  相似文献   

Sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase (SBPase) is an enzyme unique to photosynthetic organisms and has a key role in regulating the photosynthetic Calvin cycle through which nearly all carbon enters the biosphere. This makes SBPase an appropriate target for intensive study. We have expressed wheat SBPase in Escherichia coli either with or without an N-terminal polyhistidine tag. The identity of the recombinant SBPases was confirmed by SDS-PAGE analysis and immunological detection with a specific antibody. Recombinant SBPase with a polyhistidine tag (His-SBPase) was obtained in soluble, active form and purified by one-step metal-chelate chromatography. Like the native enzyme, recombinant His-SBPase was specific for the substrate sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate and required the presence of a reducing agent for activity. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against recombinant SBPase and were then used to determine relative levels of the enzyme in plant extracts. The availability of large amounts of active recombinant SBPase will also allow detailed structural studies by site-directed mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography.  相似文献   

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