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为了科学分析近年来河北省地下水饮用水源地的水质状况,以河北省42个地下水饮用水源地2000、2018年的24项指标作为评价对象,结合单一指标评价法与综合评价法分析水质状况,并进行原因分析.结果 表明:相较于2000年,2018年19项水质指标污染程度均减轻,氟化物污染程度较重,新增4项超标水质指标;安全水源地比例增加了...  相似文献   

Despite its simplicity and efficacy, the promotion of hand washing for disease prevention remains a challenge, particularly in resource-limited settings. This article reports on a quasi-experimental school-based study that aimed to improve habitual hand washing. Significant increases in hand washing occurred following improvements in hygiene and sanitation facilities (School A: t = 13.86, p = 0.0052). Smaller increases in hand washing occurred following education (School A: t = 2.63; p = 0.012; School B, no infrastructure improvements: t = 1.66, p = 0.239). Health policy and programming need to pay greater attention to the interplay of the structural, social and individual dimensions of unique contextual environments that influence habitual behaviours.  相似文献   

Through investigating the reactions of commercial farmers to land and water reforms in the Trichardtsdal-Ofcolaco area, Limpopo Province, Olifants Basin, South Africa, from 1997 to 2006, it is shown that water claims are key to land redistribution processes, and that commercial farmers make strategic use of arguments for nature conservation and ecological stewardship to defend their claims to water. Given these observations, caution is warranted with respect to the implementation of land and water reforms as separate policy packages; it may be more effective to design water and conservation policies as an integral part of land reform programmes.  相似文献   

Despite having access to irrigation water, many smallholder irrigation farmers in rural South Africa remain subsistence-oriented, with little market participation. Their tangible and intangible assets influence production and market access. Largely qualitative data collected in rural Limpopo Province show that the farmers’ tangible assets supported production but in some instances restricted them from producing efficiently. Likewise, their intangible assets mostly limited their capacity to produce efficiently, to find markets or to organize themselves. These farmers’ tangible assets need to be upgraded and their intangible assets need strengthening to increase production capacity and marketing efficiency.  相似文献   

Microbial quality of reclaimed water used for irrigation in two golf courses located in the southern Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) was evaluated. Bacterial indicators for faecal pollution (total and faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and enterococci) were tested by membrane filtration using appropriate selective media. In addition, somatic E. coli bacteriophages, enteric viruses (entero-, hepatitis A and rota-) and Legionella pneumophila were also analysed. The results obtained showed that all wastewater treatment processes reduced adequately the number of indicator microorganisms although a significant correlation between pathogenic and indicator microorganisms tested was not found. L. pneumophila was detected by PCR but not confirmed by culture. Survival experiments of pathogenic microorganisms in aerosols and irrigated turf are conducted to determine the health hazards for the golf practice and to propose a microbial standard for wastewater used for irrigation of golf courses.  相似文献   

The country of Mexico is facing serious problems with water quality and supply for human use and consumption in rural communities, mainly due to topographic and isolation. In Mexico the average annual precipitation is 1,500 cubic kilometers of water, if 3% of that amount were used, 13 million Mexicans could be supplied with drinking water that they currently do not have access. Considering the limited infrastructure and management in rural communities, which do not receive services from the centralized systems of large cities, a modified pilot multi-stage filtration (MMSF) system was designed, developed, and evaluated for treating collected rainwater in three rural communities, Ajuchitlan and Villa Nicolas Zapata (Morelos State) and Xacxamayo (Puebla State). The efficiencies obtained in the treatment system were: colour and turbidity >93%. It is worth mentioning that the water obtained for human use and consumption complies with the Mexican Standard NOM-127-SSA1-1994.  相似文献   

A short-term assessment of water, sanitation, hygiene and home-based care services in two rural and two peri-urban communities in South Africa was made using specially designed questionnaires. The results from this assessment indicated the shortcomings of various sections in the service provision to people affected and living with HIV/AIDS in South Africa. This paper is a summarised version of the assessment and aims to give an indication of the inadequacies of some of these services.  相似文献   

Weight factors (WFs) were developed for surface raw water pollution indicator variables in Vaal River's Upper and Middle Vaal sub-basins, in South Africa. The overall objective was to formulate a quantifiable ranking system to indicate importance of pollutant variables given their established effects on human and environmental health. Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) was applied to qualitative data that were obtained from South Africa's target water quality ranges as well as from literature which represented expert opinion. The human and environmental health effect choice sets were ranked from 1 to 5 on nine pollutant variable criteria: NH3/NH4+, Cl-, conductivity (EC), dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, F-, NO3-/NO2-, PO4(3-) and SO4(2-). The weighted-sum method (WSM) then assigned highest and lowest normalised weights (NWs) to F- and Cl-, respectively, for human health effects (?hh) alternative. Highest and lowest NWs were assigned to NH3/NH4+ and EC, respectively, for environmental health effects (?eh) alternative. After aggregating the ?hh and ?eh WFs, resultant values ranked the variables from highest to lowest as follows: F->NO3-/NO2->/NH3/NH4+>DO>pH>SO4(2-)>PO4(3-)>EC>Cl-. The results represented the importance of variables given their established effects on human and environmental health. It was concluded that WFs provided a quantifiable barometer which could signal harmful exposure to elucidate negative effects of using polluted surface raw water in the study area. The values could be incorporated into water quality models like water quality indices. The approach could be used to develop WFs for other sites, taking into account issues like the site's pollution variables of concern as well as using a ranking key constructed from established literature.  相似文献   

在对青岛市18处地下饮用水源地调查资料研究的基础上,分析了地下水源地的水质状况。结果显示,有9处水源地水质达到地下水Ⅲ类标准,9处水源地水质超出地下水Ⅲ类标准,表明了青岛市地下饮用水源地的污染已经相当严重。调查水源地普遍存在硝酸盐、总硬度、溶解性总固体的污染,部分水源地存在氟化物超标区和海水入侵区。结合调查数据和水源地的情况,查明了水源地污染的原因主要是农业、工业及农村非点源污染所致。  相似文献   

The Thames Water recycling plant at the Millennium Dome, London, reclaimed three sources of water: greywater from the washbasins, rainwater from the Dome roof and groundwater from a borehole on site. These were pre-treated separately, and the mixed stream filtered using ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes. Monitoring for indicator microorganisms was undertaken throughout the plant and in the reclaimed water distribution system, as well as ad-hoc monitoring for the presence of pathogens in the raw waters. Treatment to the level of ultrafiltration was more than adequate to produce a water quality meeting existing worldwide reclaimed water guidelines for toilet flushing. Owing to the excellent quality of the water leaving the plant, no significant microbiological growth was observed in the reclaimed water distribution system during the year. The raw greywater exhibited a higher faecal bacterial load than the rainwater and groundwater, as predicted from more human contact (i.e. hand washing). Environmental strains of Legionella were observed in the three raw greywater samples analysed for pathogens, as was Cryptosporidium, Giardia and faecal enterococci. The rainwater had relatively high levels of faecal bacteria, probably of avian origin. Giardia was detected in one rainwater sample confirming the potential for this water source to contain pathogens.  相似文献   

A project was designed by Umgeni Water (funded by the Water Research Commission of South Africa) to monitor the implementation of water reticulation in Vulindlela and evaluate the Water Supply Scheme from a community and environmental health perspective. The findings would hopefully contribute toward the development of criteria for Health Impact Assessment on Water Reticulation Projects. One objective of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of diarrhoeal disease as opposed to other health indicators for water-associated diseases. The innovative methodology followed in the study, a "stepped wedge design", compared four discrete areas of water reticulation implementation in Vulindlela over a 15-month period. Five surveys, including a baseline and four follow-ups at each household, were carried out. Analysis (microbiological, chemical) was carried out of samples from the household drinking water and from the source of the water. Each survey included health questionnaires, the respondent being the head of the household in each case. Overall, there was no direct correlation proved between water quality and diarrhoea per se. However, there was a marked decrease in diarrhoea with the introduction of the new water supply. There was definite correlation between hygiene behaviours and diarrhoea. Diarrhoea would seem to be the health impact associated with water, of choice.  相似文献   

河西走廊浅层地下水主离子特征及水质评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为查明河西走廊浅层地下水的主离子特征及浅层地下水水质状况,运用数理统计法、Piper三线图、相关性分析、Gibbs图及离子比例系数等手段,对研究区75个水样点的水化学指标进行了全面研究。在此基础上,采用了模糊综合评价法与内梅罗指数法对该地区浅层地下水进行了水质评价。结果表明:河西走廊浅层地下水整体偏碱性;Cl~-、Na~+、K~+、NO~-_3和SO_4~(2-)在空间上存在较强的变异性;水化学类型整体上为重碳酸硫酸型水;研究区内浅层地下水中的Na~+、SO_4~(2-)和Cl~-很可能有相同的来源;水化学组分主要受蒸发-结晶作用,硅酸盐矿物、蒸发岩盐及硫酸盐溶解的控制。水质评价结果表明人类聚集地浅层地下水水质较差。  相似文献   

针对芜湖市农村饮用水安全状况的监测成果进行了初步分析,并提出了提高农村饮用水安全状况的措施和建议.  相似文献   

The Pongolapoort Dam in Zululand, South Africa has regulated the flow of the Phongolo River to its floodplain downstream since 1970. Ecological surveys of the floodplain fish communities were conducted before (1974–6), during (September 1983) and after (August 1984) a severe drought to assess the response of the fish stocks. During the three study periods the floodplain lake communities varied. Fish populations were markedly reduced during the drought. The redistribution offish on the floodplain after the drought was rapid. Colonization of previously dry lakes was mainly by juvenile fish and the mean size of the fish was lower in these lakes than in the refuge lakes. A few species successfully spawned during the drought, although the natural mortality of the young of the year was probably greater due to increased competition and predation in restricted habitats. Large scale spawning in most species occurred immediately after the drought was broken by a large flood.  相似文献   

重庆金佛山地下水的氮污染源研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究重庆金佛山地区地下水的氮污染情况,于2007年7月采集21个水样,利用阴离子色谱仪和ICP-OES分析主要阴、阳离子,再利用EA-Conflo-IRMS联机测试δ15N-NO3-,分析得知:金佛山地区地下水已经受到NO3--N的威胁,尤其是Group1,污染严重;判断地下水的主要氮污染源有粪肥、化肥、天然土壤、工业废弃物和生活污水等,初步得出该区δ15N的变化范围,为以后深入研究金佛山地区地下水质提供基础。这一研究对金佛山部分村镇居民寻找和饮用地下水具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

从海口市地下水类型、分布及富水性等方面分析海口市地下水的基本特征,并根据地下水水质、水量、开采潜力等条件,优选长流、东营为海口市应急供水水源。  相似文献   

The concept of safe water is defined by three principles: the health-related quality must be suitable, the supply/source must be accessible and the water must constantly be available in quantities sufficient for the intended use. If any one (or more) of these three elements is missing from a water services improvement programme, providing safe water is not successfully achieved. A study in a deep rural area in South Africa showed that providing small communities, using untreated river water as their only water source, with good quality water through a piped distribution system and accessible at communal taps did not fall within our parameters of safe water. The parameters for measuring the three principles were: absence of Escherichia coli in drinking water samples; accessibility by improving tap distances to within 200 m from each household; availability by assessing whether households have at least 25 L per person per day. Results show that although E. coli levels were reduced significantly, households were still consuming water with E. coli numbers at non-compliant levels. Access (distance) was improved from an average of 750 m from households to river source to an average of 120 m to new on-tap source points. This did not result in significant increases in household quantities, which on average remained around 18 L per person per day.  相似文献   

中国地下水质量评价(Ⅰ)——平原区地下水水化学特征   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
根据全国水资源第二次调查评价初步结果,对我国地下水水质进行了全面系统的分析,论述了地下水水化学特征。初步评价结果表明,我国地下水以重碳酸型为主,但硬度和总矿化度较大,成为影响天然水质的主要因素。地下水总体上属于中性偏碱类型。地下水水化学评价结果表明,我国地下水水质先天不足,地下水水质保护工作要重视对天然地下水水文地球化学特征的认识。  相似文献   

通过对浙江省8个市25个县(市、区)75个已建农村饮用水工程水质状况的调查,全面分析了农村饮用水工程的水质状况,结果表明全省农村饮用水工程的取水水源水质总体良好;全省农村饮用水工程的出厂水和末梢水合格率较低,微生物指标超标是影响农村饮水安全的主要因素;全省农村饮用水工程的水处理工艺较为落后。建议全省进一步构建以城市供水县域网为主、乡镇局域供水网为辅、单村水厂为补充的三级供水网;加强水厂制水处理工艺设施建设,以及消毒设施设备日常使用和运行管理;健全农村饮用水工程运行长效机制,建立以县为单位的管护机构或明确水务公司,对县城内农村供水工程实行统一专业化管护。  相似文献   

对农村安全饮水来说,选择好的水源和净水工艺是获得安全饮用水的第一步.江西省地下水水质总体较好,成为了农村饮水安全工程的首选水源.根据水质情况,一般只需进行消毒处理,部分需进行除铁锰.本文对几种常见的消毒、除铁锰工艺进行了分析,并结合江西省农村实际情况,分别推荐了较适用于江西省农村地下水处理的消毒和除铁锰工艺.  相似文献   

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