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On a choice of wavelet bases in the wavelet transform approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Daubechies orthogonal wavelet (DOW) is compared with the nonorthogonal cardinal spline wavelet (NCSW) in the wavelet transform approach and it is shown that the DOW is better than the NCSW in view of the computation cost. First, the computation cost required for the wavelet transform based on the DOW is less than that based on the NCSW because the DOW has smaller support provided the same number of vanishing moments of wavelets is used. Second, in contrast with the fact that the wavelet transform based on the DOW does not affect the condition number of the impedance matrix, that, based on the NCSW, has an effect to make it very large. As a result, even though the NCSW results in a sparser impedance matrix, it requires more computation cost for solving the resultant matrix equation in comparison with the DOW because the cost depends not only on the sparsity, but also on the condition number of the matrix.  相似文献   

Motion estimation using a complex-valued wavelet transform   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper describes a new motion estimation algorithm that is potentially useful for both computer vision and video compression applications. It is hierarchical in structure, using a separable two-dimensional (2-D) discrete wavelet transform (DWT) on each frame to efficiently construct a multiresolution pyramid of subimages. The DWT is based on a complex-valued pair of four-tap FIR filters with Gabor-like characteristics. The resulting complex DWT (CDWT) effectively implements an analysis by an ensemble of Gabor-like filters with a variety of orientations and scales. The phase difference between the subband coefficients of each frame at a given subpel bears a predictable relation to a local translation in the region of the reference frame subtended by that subpel. That relation is used to estimate the displacement field at the coarsest scale of the multiresolution pyramid. Each estimate is accompanied by a directional confidence measure in the form of the parameters of a quadratic matching surface. The initial estimate field is progressively refined by a coarse-to fine strategy in which finer scale information is appropriately incorporated at each stage. The accuracy, efficiency, and robustness of the new algorithm are demonstrated in comparison testing against hierarchical implementations of intensity gradient-based and fractional-precision block matching motion estimators  相似文献   

Disparity analysis: a wavelet transform approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Describes a new method for the computation of a disparity map between a couple of stereo images. The disparities are computed along the x and y axes, respectively at each point of the image. In order to compute the disparity field, first a set of ground control points is detected in both images. Next, a mapping of the disparities over the entire image is done using the kriging method. Finally, the stereo couple of images is registered using the disparity maps  相似文献   

小波变换在傅立叶变换轮廓术中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从小波变换本质、原理出发 ,说明它在提取条纹位相方面的应用 ,通过阐述小波变换与傅立叶变换两者之间的内在联系 ,将小波变换应用到傅立叶变换轮廓术中 ,并着重用傅立叶变换的原理对小波提取位相的原理进行详细解释。模拟结果表明 :小波变换在傅立叶变换轮廓术中的应用是正确的、可行的。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional discrete wavelet transform architectures   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The three-dimensional (3-D) discrete wavelet transform (DWT) suits compression applications well, allowing for better compression on 3-D data as compared with two-dimensional (2-D) methods. This paper describes two architectures for the 3-D DWT, called the 3DW-I and the 3DW-II. The first architecture (3DW-I) is based on folding, whereas the 3DW-II architecture is block-based. Potential applications for these architectures include high definition television (HDTV) and medical data compression, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The 3DW-I architecture is an implementation of the 3-D DWT similar to folded 1-D and 2-D designs. It allows even distribution of the processing load onto 3 sets of filters, with each set performing the calculations for one dimension. The control for this design is very simple, since the data are operated on in a row-column-slice fashion. Due to pipelining, all filters are utilized 100% of the time, except for the start up and wind-down times. The 3DW-II architecture uses block inputs to reduce the requirement of on-chip memory. It has a central control unit to select which coefficients to pass on to the lowpass and highpass filters. The memory on the chip will be small compared with the input size since it depends solely on the filter sizes. The 3DW-I and 3DW-II architectures are compared according to memory requirements, number of clock cycles, and processing of frames per second. The two architectures described are the first 3-D DWT architectures  相似文献   

Programmable wavelet packet transform processor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A programmable one-dimensional discrete wavelet packet transform processor is presented. Compared with existing architectures, the proposed processor can carry out both wavelet transforms and wavelet packet transforms, and is suitable for high-tap filters and high decomposition levels. It is small, and is especially suitable for on-chip or single-chip implementation  相似文献   

Image coding using wavelet transform   总被引:217,自引:0,他引:217  
A scheme for image compression that takes into account psychovisual features both in the space and frequency domains is proposed. This method involves two steps. First, a wavelet transform used in order to obtain a set of biorthogonal subclasses of images: the original image is decomposed at different scales using a pyramidal algorithm architecture. The decomposition is along the vertical and horizontal directions and maintains constant the number of pixels required to describe the image. Second, according to Shannon's rate distortion theory, the wavelet coefficients are vector quantized using a multiresolution codebook. To encode the wavelet coefficients, a noise shaping bit allocation procedure which assumes that details at high resolution are less visible to the human eye is proposed. In order to allow the receiver to recognize a picture as quickly as possible at minimum cost, a progressive transmission scheme is presented. It is shown that the wavelet transform is particularly well adapted to progressive transmission.  相似文献   

The dual-tree complex wavelet transform   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The paper discusses the theory behind the dual-tree transform, shows how complex wavelets with good properties can be designed, and illustrates a range of applications in signal and image processing. The authors use the complex number symbol C in CWT to avoid confusion with the often-used acronym CWT for the (different) continuous wavelet transform. The four fundamentals, intertwined shortcomings of wavelet transform and some solutions are also discussed. Several methods for filter design are described for dual-tree CWT that demonstrates with relatively short filters, an effective invertible approximately analytic wavelet transform can indeed be implemented using the dual-tree approach.  相似文献   

戴文伯 《信息技术》2007,31(4):106-107,109
提出一种基于JPEG2000中推荐的提升结构的5/3小波变换硬件实现方案。该方案在加载数据的同时进行边界扩展,无须对运算电路进行逻辑控制,可以复用加法器,提高了资源利用率。该方案在FPGA上仿真通过。  相似文献   

This paper presents a VLSI implementation of discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The architecture is simple, modular, and cascadable for computation of one or multidimensional DWT. It comprises of four basic units: input delay, filter, register bank, and control unit. The proposed architecture is systolic in nature and performs both high- and low-pass coefficient calculations with only one set of multipliers. In addition, it requires a small on-chip interface circuitry for interconnection to a standard communication bus. A detailed analysis of the effect of finite precision of data and wavelet filter coefficients on the accuracy of the DWT coefficients is presented. The architecture has been simulated in VLSI and has a hardware utilization efficiency of 87.5%. Being systolic in nature, the architecture can compute DWT at a data rate of N×106 samples/s corresponding to a clock speed of N MHz  相似文献   

傅里叶变换与小波变换在信号去噪中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于高频信号和高频噪声干扰相混叠的信号,采用小波变换去除噪声可以避免用傅里叶变换去噪带来的信号折损。对于噪声频率固定的平稳信号,在对信号进行傅里叶变换后使用滤波器滤除噪声。对高频含噪信号则采用正交小波函数sym4对信号分解到第4层,利用极大极小值原则选择合适的阈值进行软阈值处理,最后利用处理后的小波系数进行重构。实验结果表明,对于高频含噪信号傅里叶去噪会出现严重的信号丢失现象,使用极大极小值原则选择阈值进行小波去噪可以有效地保留高频部分的有用信号。  相似文献   

We propose a two-dimensional generalization to the M-band case of the dual-tree decomposition structure (initially proposed by Kingsbury and further investigated by Selesnick) based on a Hilbert pair of wavelets. We particularly address: 1) the construction of the dual basis and 2) the resulting directional analysis. We also revisit the necessary pre-processing stage in the M-band case. While several reconstructions are possible because of the redundancy of the representation, we propose a new optimal signal reconstruction technique, which minimizes potential estimation errors. The effectiveness of the proposed M-band decomposition is demonstrated via denoising comparisons on several image types (natural, texture, seismics), with various M-band wavelets and thresholding strategies. Significant improvements in terms of both overall noise reduction and direction preservation are observed.  相似文献   

小波变换帧间预测医学图像编码   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文报道了一种新的医学图像编码方法,称为具有运动补偿的小波变换帧间预测医学图像编码。模拟结果表明:这种新算法比现有的同类算法有更好的性能。  相似文献   

Signal recovery from wavelet transform maxima   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The paper presents an iterative algorithm for signal recovery from discrete-time wavelet transform maxima. The signal recovery algorithm is developed by using the method of projections onto convex sets. Convergence of the algorithm is assured  相似文献   

结合几种现有的人脸识别特征提取算法,先对人脸图像进行小波分解去噪;然后通过离散余弦变换对低频分量作进一步特征提取和压缩,保留人脸图像中对光照、姿态、表情变化不敏感的识别信息;接着利用PCA和LDA相结合得到最终的识别特征,最后采用欧式距离和最近邻分类器识别人脸。实验采用ORL标准人脸库验证了这种组合的有效性。  相似文献   

Two denoising methods by wavelet transform   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
To wavelet-based noise reduction methods are discussed. First, we improve the traditional spatially selective noise filtration technique proposed by Xu et al. (1994). Second, we introduce a new threshold-based denoising algorithm based on undecimated discrete wavelet transform. Simulations and comparisons are given  相似文献   

Texture segmentation using modulated wavelet transform   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The wavelet (packet) transform has been widely used for texture analysis; however, the extracted features of similar textures with symmetric orientations are indistinguishable. Motivated by the AM-FM representation, the so called modulated wavelet (packet) transform that can be implemented efficiently by the conventional pyramid (tree) structured algorithms is developed. The performance of this new transform is demonstrated on the segmentation of Brodatz (1966) textures and an aerial image of San Francisco.  相似文献   

正交离散小波变换由于缺乏平移不变性,会对信号压缩的性能造成很大的影响。为避免这一缺陷,该文在每个变换尺度上均对偶采样和奇采样的结果进行保留,产生一个三叉树结构,由此二叉树的任意一路径均可重构原信号,按照一定的准则可以确定最优分解路线。仿真结果表明,该变换方式较标准正交离散小波变换有更高的压缩性能。  相似文献   

Two-dimensional phase unwrapping using wavelet transform   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A method for solving the least squares two-dimensional phase unwrapping problem is presented. This technique is based on the multiresolution representation of a linear system using the discrete wavelet transform. By applying the wavelet transform to the original system, a better convergence condition of an equivalent new system can be achieved  相似文献   

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