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采用表面修饰技术和原位还原碳化技术制备了纳米碳化钨(WC)/碳纳米管(CNT)纳米复合材料,通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和热重-差热分析(TG-DTA)等手段对WC/CNT纳米复合材料的晶相组成、形态结构和热稳定性进行了表征,结果显示样品是由WC和CNT两相构成,纳米WC颗粒均匀地分散在碳纳米管上,粒径细小;在空气气氛中,WC/CNT纳米复合材料在470℃以下保持稳定。采用循环伏安法研究了WC/CNT纳米复合材料对硝基苯的电催化活性和电化学稳定性。结果表明,WC/CNT纳米复合材料对硝基苯的电催化活性优于纳米WC和CNT,且WC/CNT纳米复合材料在硝基苯电还原过程中保持良好的化学稳定性。 相似文献
采用磁控溅射物理气相沉积和等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术,在金属镍基体上制备具有纳米晶结构的碳化钨薄膜;采用循环伏安、准稳态极化和恒电位阶跃等电化学方法研究了对硝基苯酚(PNP)在碳化钨纳米晶薄膜电极上电化学还原的特性和机理.研究表明,采用磁控溅射物理气相沉积技术制备得到的薄膜是由直径为20nm的WC1-X构成,在这种薄膜电极上,PNP电化学还原在电位为(0.95V(Vs. SCE)时,出现一个电流密度为6.0mA(cm(2还原峰,还原反应的表观活化能为12.0kJ(mol(1;而采用等离子体增强化学气相沉积技术制备得到的薄膜是由直径为35nm的纯相WC构成,PNP在该薄膜电极上电化学还原峰电位为(1.05 V(Vs. SCE),还原电流达10.0 mA(cm(2,表观活化能为10.9 kJ(mol(1. PNP在这两种碳化钨薄膜电极上都经过两步不可逆的电化学反应还原成对氨基苯酚,控制步骤为电极反应的电荷传递过程. 相似文献
三维电催化氧化法可有效降解废水中的硝基苯酚.本文通过测定不同电压和pH条件下,硝基苯酚废水中硝基苯酚和CODCr的氧化速率,获得降解参数,并建立动力学方程.结果表明:电压为10V,pH为5,粒子电极体积填充率为29%,反应180min,PNP氧化率为97.2%,CODCr去除率为76.3%,且PNP和CODCr的降解速... 相似文献
以偏钨酸铵(AMT)为钨源前驱体,气流式喷雾干燥仪造粒,得到空心球状结构偏钨酸铵,固定床气固反应,以CO/CO2为还原碳化气氛在800℃下制备了介孔空心球状碳化钨。采用氯铂酸作为铂源,用浸渍、气相还原法制备了Pt/WC粉末催化剂。通过XRD和SEM测试手段对Pt/WC粉末样品进行了表征,表明Pt成功负载在介孔WC材料上。采用循环伏安法、以Pt/WC粉末微电极为工作电极,研究了Pt/WC对在质子惰性介质中硝基苯的硝基还原的催化作用。结果表明,Pt/WC催化剂对硝基还原有着良好的电催化活性和化学稳定性。 相似文献
本文报导了以苯酚为原料,在温和条件下合成邻硝基苯酚和对硝基苯酚及其钠盐的方法,并对硝化剂的选择、反应温度的控制、投料量与产率的关系及其它影响因素进行了探讨。 相似文献
文章采用活性炭纤维吸附处理对硝基苯酚生产废水,回收其中的对硝基苯酚,并通过臭氧氧化进一步去除有机杂质,回收废水中的氯化钠以循环利用。 相似文献
以剥离后的蒙脱石(MMT)为载体,将浸渍法与原位还原技术相结合制备了碳化钨/蒙脱石(WC/MMT)纳米复合材料。采用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜和透射电子显微镜等手段对样品进行了表征。结果表明,剥离后蒙脱石的片层厚度为10~15 nm,层间距增大,边缘发生卷曲;复合材料由碳化钨(WC)、碳化二钨(W2C)和蒙脱石组成,碳化钨颗粒均匀地分布于蒙脱石外表面。采用循环伏安法测试了样品对对硝基苯酚(PNP)的电化学还原性能,结果表明,WC/MMT纳米复合材料对对硝基苯酚具有良好的电催化活性,且具有较好的稳定性。蒙脱石是碳化钨基复合电催化材料良好的载体。 相似文献
Tungsten carbide/carbon nanotube composite was prepared by surface decoration and in situ reduction-carbonization. The samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, EDS, TEM, HRTEM and BET, respectively. The XRD results show that the sample is composed of carbon nanotube, tungsten carbide and tungsten oxide. The EDS results show that the distribution of tungsten oxide is consistent with that of tungsten carbide. SEM, TEM and HRTEM results show that the tungsten carbide nanoparticle with irregular granule grows on the outside surface of carbon nanotube homogenously. The electrocatalytic activity of the sample for p-nitrophenol reduction was tested by a powder microelectrode in a basic solution. The results show that the electrocatalytic activity of the sample is higher than that of granular tungsten carbide, hollow globe tungsten carbide with mesoporosity and carbon nanotube purified. The improvement of the electrocatalytic activity of the sample can be attributed to its components and composite structure. These results indicate that tungsten carbide/carbon nanotube composite is one of the effective ways to improve the electrocatalytic activity of tungsten carbide. 相似文献
Tantalum (Ta)-added tungsten carbide (WC) (WC+Ta) was examined in order to obtain surperior characteristics in stability and electrocatalytic activity for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in acid electrolyte. The stability and the electrocatalytic activity of the WC+Ta catalyst were electrochemically investigated and compared to the pure WC. It was proved that the stability of the tungsten carbide was significantly increased by the addition of tantalum compared to the pure WC. The enhanced stability might be due to the formation of the W-Ta alloy in the WC+Ta catalyst. The reduction current of the WC+Ta catalyst for the ORR was observed at a potential of 0.8 V (versus dynamin hydrogen eletrode (DHE)) or less noble potential. This value was about 0.35 V higher than that of the pure WC. The enhanced electrocatalytic activity for the ORR might be caused by the presence of tungsten carbide, which exists on the surface and/or sub-surface. 相似文献
使用溶胶-凝胶法合成锌掺杂二氧化锰的纳米晶电极材料,将其与干式振动滚压法制备的纳米活性炭混合制成超级电容器所需的片状电极。纳米活性炭材料为类球状颗粒,粒径约为50 nm,且为微孔和中孔并存的狭缝结构;制备的锌掺杂二氧化锰纳米晶材料为中孔占优的孔隙结构,含有纳米锌和氧化锌的成分,经XRD测试和比表面分析,得到此纳米晶材料的平均粒径小于30 nm。分析显示,经滚压振动研磨改性的纳米活性炭与10%纳米晶锌锰材料混合的电极材料具有较好的电容性能,比电容达到299 F.g-1。 相似文献
以喷雾干燥处理的偏钨酸铵为前驱体,采用CO/CO2为还原碳化气氛,利用程序升温气固反应法制备了分散性良好的空心球状WC粉体,并分别以WC和Vulcan XC-72R碳粉为载体,采用液相沉积还原法制备了Pt/WC及Pt/C催化剂。XRD和SEM测试结果表明, 所制备催化剂中Pt/WC的Pt粒子粒径要大于Pt/C。酸性条件下氧电极极化曲线测试结果表明, Pt/WC的氧还原催化性能要优于Pt/C,这主要表现在同一电位下较高的电流密度及还原起始电位正移约28 mV。讨论了Pt/WC催化性能提高的可能原因及催化机理,并对控制条件下Pt/WC氧气扩散电极的交流阻抗谱进行了研究。 相似文献
Monotungsten carbide and titania nanocomposite with core-shell(WC@TiO2)structure was prepared by a new approach of spray drying and reduction-carbonization reaction,with titania nanopowder and ammonium metatungstate as precursors,methane as carbon source,and hydrogen as reduction gas.The sample was characterized by X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscope,high resolution transmission electron microscope and X-ray energy dispersion spectroscopy.The results show that its crystal phase is composed of brookite,tungsten and monotungsten carbide.The morphology of the sample particle is irregular sphere-like,with a diameter smaller than 100 nm.Its chemical components are titanium,tungsten,carbon and oxygen.Monotungsten carbide nanoparticles lie on the surface of titania core and form an incomplete shell around titania core in the nanocomposite.The measurement with a microelectrode system of three electrodes shows that the sample is electrocatalytic active to nitrophenol in basic solution at room temperature.Its peak potential is at0.988 V(vs saturated calomel electrode (SCE)),which is more negative than the peak potential,0.817 V(vs SCE),of mesoporous monotungsten carbide, and its peak current is 8.809μA,which is higher than the peak current,4.058μA,of mesoporous monotungsten carbide.The hydrogen generation potential of the sample is at1.199 V(vs SCE),which is more negative than that of pure nanosized monotungsten carbide at1.100 V(vs SCE).These results show that the presence of titania in the sample can lower the peak potential of nitrophenol electrocatalysis and its hydrogen generation potential,and increase its peak current of nitrophenol electrocatalysis in basic solution at room temperature.This indicates a synergistic effect of titania and monotungsten carbide in electrocatalysis. 相似文献
A cuprous oxide (Cu2O) nanoparticles modified Pt rotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE) was successfully fabricated, and the electrocatalytic determination of p-nitrophenol (PNP) using this electrode was developed. Cu2O nanoparticles were obtained by reducing the copper-citrate complex with hydrazine hydrate (N2H4·H2O) in a template-free process. The hydrodynamic differential pulse voltammetry (HDPV) technique was applied for in situ monitor the photoelectrochemical behavior of PNP under visible light using nano-Cu2O modified Pt RRDE as working electrode. PNP undergoes photoelectrocatalytic degradation on nano-Cu2O modified disk to give electroactive p-hydroxylamino phenol species which is compulsive transported and can only be detected at ring electrode at around 0.05 V with oxidation signal. The effects of illumination time, applied bias potential, rotation rates and pH of the reaction medium have been discussed. Under optimized conditions for electrocatalytic determination, the anodic current is linear with PNP concentration in the range of 1.0 × 10−5 to 1.0 × 10−3 M, with a detection limit of 1.0 × 10−7 M and good precision (RSD = 2.8%, n = 10). The detection limit could be improved to 1.0 × 10−8 M by given illumination time. The proposed nano-Cu2O modified RRDE can be potentially applied for electrochemical detection of p-nitrophenol. And it also indicated that modified RRDE technique is a promising way for photoelecrocatalytic degradation and mechanism analysis of organic pollutants. 相似文献