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Improved parallel weighted bit-flipping decoding algorithm for LDPC codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Communications, IET》2009,3(1):91-99
Aiming at seeking a low-complexity decoder with fast decoding convergence speed for short or medium low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, an improved parallel weighted bit-flipping (IPWBF) algorithm, which is applied flexibly for two classes of codes is presented here. For LDPC codes with low column weight in their parity check matrix, both bootstrapping and loop detection procedures, described in the existing literature, are included in IPWBF. Furthermore, a novel delay-handling procedure is introduced to prevent the codeword bits of high reliability from being flipped too hastily. For large column weight finite geometry LDPC codes, only the delay-handling procedure is included in IPWBF to show its effectiveness. Extensive simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm achieves a good tradeoff between performance and complexity.  相似文献   

针对低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码译码器使用行列合并(RCJ)译码算法时存在的流水线冲突问题,提出了一种构造适合行列合并译码算法的LDPC码的方法。该构造方法在渐进添边(PEG)构造算法的基础上,加入行运算顺序的约束条件,使得利用该算法构造的LDPC码在行运算顺序上相邻两行内的非零块不同时共用一列,从而避免了硬件布局布线冲突,减少了流水线延时,提高了译码速率。仿真结果表明,用这种方法构造的LDPC码与全球微波互联接入(WiMAX)标准给出的LDPC码的译码性能相当,而且有效地减少了译码迭代次数,降低了硬件实现复杂度,提高了LDPC译码器吞吐率。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model that includes both signal dependent and signal independent noises. A method for extracting statistics of the coefficients of the noise expansion from measured covariances is described. The paper also suggests how to take advantage of the signal dependence of the noise in the detection process  相似文献   

This article uses a recently developed bat algorithm (BA) meta-heuristic optimization method to solve the reliability redundancy allocation problem (RAP). The RAP is a well-known NP-hard problem which has been the subject of much prior work, generally of a restricted form where each component must consist of identical components in parallel to make computations tractable. Meta-heuristic methods overcome this limitation and allow for larger instances to be solved for a more general case where different components can be placed in parallel. The BA has not yet been used in reliability design, as it was a method initially designed for continuous problems. A BA is devised and tested on a well-known suite of problems from the literature. It is shown that the BA is competitive with the best known heuristics for redundancy allocation.  相似文献   

Magnetic materials meant for audio/video recording applications necessitate that polycrystalline materials be in acicular shape. So preparation of acicular precursors for magnetic storage materials assumes significance. The employment of aqueous solutions do not produce needle shape crystallites. Glycerol is one of the complexing media used for the precipitation of ferrous oxalate dihydrate. An inexpensive method using starch for preparation of acicular particles is described. The influence of an additive namely Gd on acicularity is also investigated.  相似文献   

数字高速视频图像的解码算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对数字化高速视频解码提出了一种改良方法:进行线性解码插值时,对原采样点样本再进 行一次平均补偿,克服颗粒噪声;采用三次插值时,调整负系数比例,补偿γ值的非线性效应,能有效克服颜色错位和“振铃”效应等。理论分析和实验均表明,该算法较好地适应于数字化高速视频解码。  相似文献   

针对LT码在短信息字长度时采用置信传播(BP)译码和最大似然(ML)译码存在大的性能差异问题,提出了一种BP/ML混合译码算法来实现LT码在二进制删除信道(BEC)中译码复杂度和性能的合理折中.此算法在BP译码失败时只需运用ML译码确定少数猜测比特就可实现成功译码.仿真结果显示,相比于BP译码,BP/ML混合译码的译码...  相似文献   

针对浅海水声信道长时延、强多途干扰的特点,建立了一种新的带自适应循环判决反馈均衡的Turbo译码结构,并对其性能进行了仿真研究.该结构对典型的Turbo译码器进行了改进,使之不但能输出信息比特,同时又能输出校验比特,这些比特经硬判决、符号映射及信道交织后反馈回判决反馈均衡器,构成带自适应循环判决反馈均衡的Turbo译码结构.厦门港实测5途浅海水声信道仿真结果显示,该结构具有优良的抗多途性能,信噪比大于4dB时,误比特率小于10-5,比联合判决反馈均衡的Turbo译码结构提高了约2.5dB.  相似文献   

An efficient algorithm is presented for solving the correspondence problem for a computer vision system which uses encoded structured light. The structured lighting system is composed of a matrix pattern of primitives projected into the scene. The decoding algorithm determines the index in the matrix pattern of each imaged point. Once the index is found, correspondence is solved by using triangulation. Examples of the algorithm are presented.  相似文献   

Magnetic multivibrators are often used as voltage-controlled oscillators in FM carrier recording systems. These oscillators generally consist of two switching transistors connected to a center tapped coil on a square loop magnetic core. The transistors operate alternately in saturation, driving the core between its positive and negative saturation limits. Frequency then depends upon saturation flux and applied voltage. In the Magnetic Feedback Modulator, stability and linearity improvement of an order of magnitude is possible with a new method of applying negative feedback to a square-loop core magnetic multivibrator. In addition, circuit complexity is reduced considerably over previous methods using conventional frequency detectors to derive feedback voltage. Based on Faraday's Law, a voltage which is a function of frequency and flux change is derived from the magnetic circuit. This voltage is then used as negative feedback to the dc differential amplifier to drive the magnetic multivibrator. Since the magnetic circuit is included in the negative feedback loop, frequency errors occurring in the modulator cause corresponding changes in the magnetic feedback voltage. The errors are then reduced in magnitude by the negative feedback.  相似文献   

A multilayered magnetic head that can read and write at 150 MHz on metal particle tape with a coercivity of 120 kA/m (1500 Oe) has been developed. Ten 2-μm layers of Fe68Ru8Ga7 Si17 alloy, with 100 nm of SiO2 used as spacer, form the magnetic-core thickness and the track width. The head was tested in a rotary recording system at a relative head-to-tape speed of 73 m/s. At a linear density of 4000 fc/mm (100 kfc) and 150 MHz, the measured single frequency signal to 300-kHz-slot noise was 33 dB (RMS-RMS). The measured frequency response curve agrees with theory and indicates a head-to-tape spacing of 70 nm at high speed. The read efficiency of the head decreases from 37% at low frequency to 15% at 150 MHz  相似文献   

A new single-pole head with no auxiliary pole was developed for perpendicular magnetic recording. The head is called WSP head (W-shaped Single Pole head) because the head has a W-shaped side core which contributes to increase the recording and reproducing sensitivitiy. The head field of the new head has the same distribusion as that of an auxiliary pole head[1]. The recording and reproducing sensitivity of the head is equal to or higher than that of a ring-type video head. The head eliminates mechanical problems which prevent its application in perpendicular magnetic recording because we can locate the head on one side of the recording medium. As a possible application of the WSP head, a 3 1/2-inch flexible disk recording system was constructed. A linear recording density of the flexible disk system was 65.5 kbits/inch. This density is equivalent to 8 times that of the existing high-density 3 1/2-inch micro-floppy and 11 times that of a 5 1/4-inch floppy disk. In termes of information storage, this density gives a 4 megabyte unformated capacity on one side of a 3 1/2-inch flexible disk. The overwrite signal-to-noise ratio was greater than 30 dB and the peakshift displacement was less than 10 % at the linear dinsity of 65.5 kbits/inch.  相似文献   

In designing a digital magnetic recording system, it is necessary to consider a large number of parameters to produce optimum performance. Because of parameter interdependence, and the nonlinear nature of the recording process, experimental evaluation of a real system is cumbersome, time-consuming, and costly. To circumvent the usual trial and error techniques, a model has been developed based on earlier work of the author; it enables a rapid quantitative evaluation to be made of the performance of a system employing saturation magnetic recording. The analysis is separated into two parts: the first is designed to characterize the recording system, and the second, the encoding system. For the former, the signal amplitude and the harmonic content of a reference pattern are of interest; for the latter, the calculated signal traces of complex bit patterns are of interest.  相似文献   

The method of Lorentz tomography with an electron beam as a microprobe, combined with an analytical reconstruction procedure, has been successfully adapted to thin-film heads for vertical recording. It is noted that the measured results can be used as a basis for adjusting the magnetic parameters of the thin-film head to achieve good agreement with corresponding FEM or BEM (finite element or boundary element method) calculations. It is concluded that Lorentz tomography can be used as an important tool in the design of thin-film magnetic heads  相似文献   

针对频率选择性衰落下的多中继分布式空频编码协同通信系统,提出了一种基于球形译码的频域符号检测算法。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该检测算法不仅获得了与最大似然(ML)检测算法相同的误符号率性能,而且显著降低了分布式空频编码协同通信系统检测算法的复杂度,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

水平阵是水声通信中常见的阵列接收形式,但垂直阵也有重要的应用场合。文章提出了一种适用于垂直阵的水声通信多通道最大似然联合均衡译码方法,相比现有仅在信道均衡中叠加各通道信号的多通道判决反馈均衡方法(Multichannel Decision Feedback Equalizer, M-DFE),该方法利用最大似然准则,在一体化联合均衡译码过程中融合空间多通道接收信息,将空间增益直接用于抵抗水声信道多途衰落和译码纠错,有效提升了水声通信的性能。仿真结果表明,在误码率同样达到10-3的条件下,该方法所需信噪比相比M-DFE方法可下降2 dB。海上实验结果显示,在多种信道条件下,该方法实现正确译码的通信速率是M-DFE方法的1.25倍以上。  相似文献   


Material behavior beyond the elastic limit can be rate-dependent, and this rate sensitivity can be captured by the viscoplastic material models. To describe the viscoplastic material behavior in structural analysis, an efficient numerical framework is necessary. In this paper an algorithm is proposed for metals for which von Mises yield surface along with Peri?’s viscoplastic model is employed. The efficiency and accuracy of the technique is examined by comparison with different numerical studies. The convergence rate of the proposed algorithm is investigated. Characteristics of the viscoplastic behavior such as relaxation are illustrated in the selected case studies. Finally, application of the algorithm in practice is demonstrated by a boundary value problem.


Precision assemblies are produced from low precision subcomponents by partitioning and assembling them randomly from their corresponding groups. Surplus part is one of the important issues, which reduces the implementation of selective assembly in real situations. A new algorithm is introduced in this present paper to reduce surplus parts almost to zero and it is achieved in two stages by using a genetic algorithm. For demonstrating the proposed algorithm, a gearbox shaft assembly is considered as an example problem in which the shaft and pulley are manufactured in wider tolerance and partitioned in three to nine bins. The surplus parts are divided into three bins equally and a best combination of groups is obtained for both cases. It is observed that nearly 995 assemblies are produced out of one thousand subcomponents with the manufacturing cost savings of 19.5% for T max and 992 assemblies are produced with 13.5% saving in manufacturing cost for 0.9T max.  相似文献   

Magnetostatic field problems are solved in three dimensions by applying a variational method that employs finite elements. Formulation through a partial differential equation allows solution for the magnetic vector potential given an inhomogeneous, orthotropic medium and a distributed current source. Three vector boundary conditions are discussed and interior sheet currents are allowed within the medium. In addition, the Lorentz condition is enforced by including a penalty term in the energy functional. A point-iterative algorithm is used to solve the set of equations resulting from finite element discretization. This method is particularily suitable for regions with regular geometry and a moderate (1,000 to 10,000) number of unknowns.  相似文献   

The position of detectors used for partial-body counters relative to a measured person has considerable influence on the counting efficiency of low-energy photon emitters. To minimise reading errors and enhance reproducibility of position data, an electronic position recording system was installed in the partial-body counter chamber at KIT. Phoswich detectors have been equipped with electronic sensors to determine the position and axes of the detectors. Additionally, a laser measurement system determines the position of arbitrary landmarks, e.g. point sources, anatomical features of phantoms and test persons. A network interface enables the reading of the position data on any connected computer. The system was successfully used to validate Monte Carlo simulations of partial-body counting scenarios for the numerical determination of counting efficiencies.  相似文献   

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