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Textural, melting, and sensory characteristics of reduced-fat Cheddar cheeses made with exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing and nonproducing cultures were monitored during ripening. Hardness, gumminess, springiness, and chewiness significantly increased in the cheeses as fat content decreased. Cheese made with EPS-producing cultures was the least affected by fat reduction. No differences in hardness, springiness, and chewiness were found between young reduced fat cheese made with a ropy Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris [JFR1; the culture that produced reduced-fat cheese with moisture in the nonfat substance (MNFS) similar to that in its full-fat counterpart] and its full-fat counterpart. Whereas hardness of full-fat cheese and reduced-fat cheese made with JFR1 increased during ripening, a significant decrease in its value was observed in all other cheeses. After 6 mo of ripening, reduced fat cheeses made with all EPS-producing cultures maintained lower values of all texture profile analysis parameters than did those made with no EPS. Fat reduction decreased cheese meltability. However, no differences in meltability were found between the young full-fat cheese and the reduced-fat cheese made with the ropy culture JFR1. Both the aged full- and reduced-fat cheeses made with JFR1 had similar melting patterns. When heated, they both became soft and creamy without losing shape, whereas reduced-fat cheese made with no EPS ran and separated into greasy solids and liquid. No differences were detected by panelists between the textures of the full-fat cheese and reduced-fat cheese made with JFR1, both of which were less rubbery or firm, curdy, and crumbly than all other reduced-fat cheeses.  相似文献   

The objective was to study the influence of different exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing and nonproducing lactic cultures on the viscoelastic properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. Changes in the viscoelastic properties were followed over a ripening period of 6 mo. Results showed that the elastic, viscous, and complex moduli were higher in reduced-fat cheeses made with EPS-nonproducing cultures than in full-fat cheese. No differences in the viscoelastic properties were found between young reduced-fat cheese made with a ropy strain of Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris (JFR1) and its full-fat counterpart. Interestingly, the changes in viscoelastic moduli in both full-fat cheese and reduced-fat cheese made with JFR1 during ripening followed the same pattern. Whereas the moduli increased during the first month of ripening in those 2 cheeses, a dramatic decrease was observed in all other cheeses. Slopes of the viscoelastic moduli as a function of frequency were lower in the full-fat than in reduced-fat cheeses. The creep test showed that fresh reduced-fat cheese made with JFR1 was less rigid and more deformable than that made with EPS-nonproducing cultures. The creep and recovery properties of young reduced-fat cheese made with JFR1 and the full-fat type were similar. No differences were found in the viscoelastic properties between reduced-fat cheese made with no EPS and those made with EPS-producing adjunct cultures of Streptococcus thermophilus. After 6 mo of ripening, cheeses made with EPS-producing cultures maintained lower elastic and viscous moduli than did those made with no EPS.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of capsular and ropy exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing strains of Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris on textural and microstructural attributes during ripening of 50%-reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. Cheeses were manufactured with added capsule- or ropy-forming strains individually or in combination. For comparison, reduced-fat cheese with or without lecithin added at 0.2% (wt/vol) to cheese milk and full-fat cheeses were made using EPS-nonproducing starter, and all cheeses were ripened at 7°C for 6 mo. Exopolysaccharide-producing strains increased cheese moisture retention by 3.6 to 4.8% and cheese yield by 0.28 to 1.19 kg/100 kg compared with control cheese, whereas lecithin-containing cheese retained 1.4% higher moisture and had 0.37 kg/100 kg higher yield over the control cheese. Texture profile analyses for 0-d-old cheeses revealed that cheeses with EPS-producing strains had less firm, springy, and cohesive texture but were more brittle than control cheeses. However, these effects became less pronounced after 6 mo of ripening. Using transmission electron microscopy, fresh and aged cheeses with added EPS-producing strains showed a less compact protein matrix through which larger whey pockets were dispersed compared with control cheese. The numerical analysis of transmission electron microscopy images showed that the area in the cheese matrix occupied by protein was smaller in cheeses with added EPS-producing strains than in control cheese. On the other hand, lecithin had little impact on both cheese texture and microstructure; after 6 mo, cheese containing lecithin showed a texture profile very close to that of control reduced-fat cheese. The protein-occupied area in the cheese matrix did not appear to be significantly affected by lecithin addition. Exopolysaccharide-producing strains could contribute to the modification of cheese texture and microstructure and thus modify the functional properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese.  相似文献   

The objectives were to reduce bitterness in reduced-fat Cheddar cheese made with an exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing culture and study relationships among ultra-filtration (UF), residual chymosin activity (RCA), and cheese bitterness. In previous studies, EPS-producing cultures improved the textural, melting, and viscoelastic properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. However, the EPS-positive cheese developed bitterness after 2 to 3 mo of ripening due to increased RCA. We hypothesized that the reduced amount of chymosin needed to coagulate UF milk might result in reduced RCA and bitterness in cheese. Reduced-fat Cheddar cheeses were manufactured with EPS-producing and nonproducing cultures using skim milk or UF milk (1.2×) adjusted to a casein:fat ratio of 1.35. The EPS-producing culture increased moisture and RCA in reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. Lower RCA was found in cheese made from UF milk compared with that in cheese made from control milk. Ultrafiltration at a low concentration rate (1.2×) produced EPS-positive, reduced-fat cheese with similar RCA to that in the EPS-negative cheese. Slower proteolysis was observed in UF cheeses compared with non-UF cheeses. Panelists reported that UF EPS-positive cheese was less bitter than EPS-positive cheese made from control milk. This study showed that UF at a low concentration factor (1.2×) could successfully reduce bitterness in cheese containing a high moisture level. Because this technology reduced the RCA level (per g of protein) to a level similar to that in the control cheeses, the contribution of chymosin to cheese proteolysis would be similar in both cheeses.  相似文献   

The microstructure of reduced- and full-fat Cheddar cheeses made with exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing and nonproducing cultures was observed using cryo-scanning electron microscopy. Fully hydrated cheese samples were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen slush (−207°C) and observed in their frozen hydrated state without the need for fat extraction. Different EPS-producing cultures were used in making reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. Full-fat cheese was made with a commercial EPS-nonproducing starter culture. The cryo-scanning electron micrographs showed that fat globules in the fully hydrated cheese were surrounded by cavities. Serum channels and pores in the protein network were clearly observed. Young (1-wk-old) full-fat cheese contained wide and long fat serum channels, which were formed because of fat coalescence. Such channels were not observed in the reduced-fat cheese. Young reduced-fat cheese made with EPS-nonproducing cultures contained fewer and larger pores than did reduced-fat cheese made with a ropy strain of Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris (JFR1), which had higher moisture levels. A 3-dimensional network of EPS was observed in large pores in cheese made with JFR1. Major changes in the size and distribution of pores within the structure of the protein network were observed in all reduced-fat cheeses, except that made with JFR1, as they aged. Changes in porosity were less pronounced in both the full-fat and the reduced-fat cheeses made with JFR1.  相似文献   

Moisture migration during cooling of 290-kg Cheddar cheese blocks is a problem. The problem is of greater magnitude in reduced and low fat varieties. The objective of this study was to design and evaluate the performance of a laboratory-scale apparatus for simulation of temperature induced moisture migration in 290-kg blocks of Cheddar cheese. Two apparati were designed to produce a systematic temperature gradient in small cheese slabs over a 36-h period to simulate the temperature gradient that develops during cooling of a 290-kg block. One of the apparati was designed to induce a moisture migration downwards with gravity and the other against gravity. The apparati produced moisture migration ranges of 9.7 and 6.4%, for the apparatus to induce moisture migration downwards and upwards, respectively. The moisture moved from areas of warm cheese to areas of cold cheese during cooling, as occurs in 290-kg blocks. These ranges were comparable to those obtained with 290-kg reduced-fat Cheddar blocks. In addition, small but significant differences in pH were created within slabs. The direct effect of the temperature gradient on moisture migration within cheese slabs appeared to be more important than the possible impact of the small pH gradient produced within the cheese by the temperature gradient.  相似文献   

Reduced-fat foods have become more popular due to their health benefits; however, reducing the fat content of food affects the sensory experience. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the sensory acceptance of reduced-fat foods to that of full-fat equivalents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of adding whey protein microgels (WPM) with an average diameter of 4 μm, or WPM with adsorbed anthocyanins [WPM (Ant)] on the textural and sensory properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese (RFC). Reduced-fat Cheddar cheese was prepared in 2 ways: (1) by adding WPM, designated as RFC+M, or (2) by adding WPM (Ant), designated as RFC+M (Ant). For comparison, RFC without fat substitutes and full-fat Cheddar cheese were also prepared. We discovered that the addition of WPM and WPM (Ant) increased the moisture content, fluidity, and meltability of RFC, and reduced its hardness, springiness, and chewiness. The textural and sensory characteristics of RFC were markedly inferior to those of full-fat Cheddar cheese, whereas addition of WPM and WPM (Ant) significantly improved the sensory characteristics of RFC. The WPM and WPM (Ant) showed a high potential as fat substitutes and anthocyanin carriers to effectively improve the acceptance of reduced-fat foods.  相似文献   

A major problem with reduced-fat cheese is the difficulty in attaining the characteristic flavor and texture of typical full-fat versions. Some previous studies have suggested that high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) can accelerate the ripening of full-fat cheeses. Our objective was to investigate the effect of HHP on reduced-fat (~7.3% fat) Cheddar cheese, with the goal of improving its flavor and texture. We used a central composite rotatable design with response surface methodology to study the effect of pressure and holding time on the rheological, physical, chemical, and microbial characteristics of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. A 2-level factorial experimental design was chosen to study the effects of the independent variables (pressure and holding time). Pressures were varied from around 50 to 400 MPa and holding times ranged from 2.5 to 19.5 min. High pressure was applied 1 wk after cheese manufacture, and analyses were performed at 2 wk, and 1, 3, and 6 mo. The insoluble calcium content as a percentage of total Ca in cheeses were not affected by pressure treatment. Pressure applications ≥225 MPa resulted in softer cheese texture during ripening. Pressures ≥225 MPa increased melt, and resulted in higher maximum loss tangent values at 2 wk. Pressure treatment had a greater effect on cheese microbial and textural properties than holding time. High-pressure-treated cheeses also had higher pH values than the control. We did not observe any significant difference in rates of proteolysis between treatments. In conclusion, holding times of around 5 min and pressures of ≥225 MPa could potentially be used to improve the excessively firm texture of reduced-fat cheese.  相似文献   

The effect of microfiltration (MF) on proteolysis, hardness, and flavor of Cheddar cheese during 6 mo of aging was determined. Raw skim milk was microfiltered two-fold in two cheese making trials. In trial 1, four vats of cheese were made in 1 d using unconcentrated milk (1X), 1.26X, 1.51X, and 1.82X concentration factors (CF). Casein-(CN)-to-fat ratio was constant among treatments. Proteolysis during cheese aging decreased with increasing CF due to either limitation of substrate availability for chymosin due to low moisture in the nonfat substance (MNFS), inhibition of chymosin activity by high molecular weight milk serum proteins, such as alpha2-macroglobulin, retained in the cheese or low residual chymosin in the cheese. Hardness of fresh cheese increased, and cheese flavor intensity decreased with increasing CF. In trial 2, the 1X and 1.8X CF were compared directly. Changes made in the cheese making procedure for the 1.8X CF (more chymosin and less cooking) increased the MNFS and made proteolysis during aging more comparable for the 1X and 1.8X cheeses. The significant difference in cheese hardness due to CF in trial 1 was eliminated in trial 2. In a triangle test, panelists could not differentiate between the 1X and 1.8X cheeses. Therefore, increasing chymosin and making the composition of the two cheeses more similar allowed production of aged Cheddar cheese from milk concentrated up to 1.8X by MF that was not perceived as different from aged Cheddar cheese produced without MF.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to study the effects of application of natural wood smoke on ripening of Cheddar cheese, and to determine the effects of smoking before or after ripening on cheese quality. A 20-kg block of Cheddar cheese obtained immediately after pressing was divided into six approximately 3-kg blocks and ripened at 8 degrees C for up to 270 d. One 3-kg block was taken after 1 d, 1, 3, 6, or 9 mo and smoked for 20 min, then returned to the ripening room for further ripening. Cheeses were sampled at intervals for lactobacilli counts, moisture, pH, and proteolysis. Sensory analysis was conducted on 6 and 9-mo-old cheeses by a trained sensory panel (n = 7). Results show that application of natural wood smoke did not significantly affect cheese pH or primary proteolysis during ripening. However, secondary proteolysis as assessed by the concentrations of free amino acids was generally higher in smoked cheeses than in control cheeses after 6 mo of ripening. Cheese smoked after 6 mo of ripening had better smoked flavor than that smoked after 9 mo of ripening. Cheese smoked after 3 mo of age and further ripened for 6 mo had the highest smoked flavor intensity. It is concluded that it is best to smoke cheese after ripening for at least 3 mo.  相似文献   

Commercial milk protein concentrate (MPC) was used to standardize whole milk for reduced-fat Cheddar cheesemaking. Four replicate cheesemaking trials of three treatments (control, MPC1, and MPC2) were conducted. The control cheese (CC) was made from standardized milk (casein-to-fat ratio, C/F approximately 1.7) obtained by mixing skim milk and whole milk (WM); MPC1 and MPC2 cheeses were made from standardized milk (C/F approximately 1.8) obtained from mixing WM and MPC, except that commercial mesophilic starter was added at the rate of 1% to the CC and MPC1 and 2% to MPC2 vats. The addition of MPC doubled cheese yields and had insignificant effects on fat recoveries (approximately 94% in MPC1 and MPC2 vs. approximately 92% in CC) but increased significantly total solids recoveries (approximately 63% in CC vs. 63% in MPC1 and MPC2). Although minor differences were noted in the gross composition of the cheeses, both MPC1 and MPC2 cheeses had lower lactose contents (0.25 or 0.32%, respectively) than in CC (0.60%) 7 d post manufacture. Cheeses from all three treatments had approximately 10(9) cfu/g initial starter bacteria count. The nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) grew slowly in MPC1 and MPC2 cheeses during ripening compared to CC, and at the end of 6 mo of ripening, numbers of NSLAB in the CC were 1 to 2 log cycles higher than in MPC1 and MPC2 cheeses. Primary proteolysis, as noted by water-soluble N contents, was markedly slower in MPC1 and MPC2 cheeses compared to CC. The concentrations of total free amino acids were in decreasing order CC > MPC2 > MPC1 cheeses, suggesting slower secondary proteolysis in the MPC cheeses than in CC. Sensory analysis showed that MPC cheeses had lower brothy and bitter scores than CC. Increasing the amount of starter bacteria improved maturity in MPC cheese.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing Lactobacillus plantarum JLK0142 on the ripening characteristics and in vitro health-promoting benefits of low-fat Cheddar cheese. Three batches of cheese were made by employing a non-EPS–producing cheese starter (control), in combination with Lb. plantarum JLK0142 as an adjunct and the purified EPS as an ingredient. Lactobacillus plantarum JLK0142 survived well in cheese, with counts of 7.99 log cfu/g after 90 d of ripening. All experimental cheeses (with adjunct culture or EPS ingredient) had higher moisture, proteolysis, and sensory scores, and lower hardness and cohesiveness compared with the control cheese. Water-soluble extracts from the experimental cheeses outperformed that of the control in scavenging 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS), and hydroxyl radicals, and inhibiting α-amylase, angiotensin-converting enzyme, and HT-29 tumor cell growth. Therefore, incorporation of the EPS-producing culture of Lb. plantarum JLK0142 is promising for improvement of low-fat cheese quality and bioactivities.  相似文献   

To determine the influence of milk preacidification with CO(2) on Cheddar cheese aging and proteolysis, cheese was manufactured from milk with and without added CO(2). The experiment was replicated 3 times. Carbon dioxide (approximately 1600 ppm) was added to the cold milk, resulting in a milk pH of 5.9 at 31 degrees C in the cheese vat. The starter and coagulant usage rates were equal for the control and CO(2) treatment cheeses. The calcium content of the CO(2) treatment cheese was lower, but no difference in moisture content was detected. The higher CO(2) content of the treatment cheeses (337 vs. 124 ppm) was maintained throughout 6 mo of aging. In spite of having almost one and a half times the salt-in-moisture, proteolysis as measured by pH 4.6 and 12% trichloroacetic acid soluble nitrogen expressed as percentages of total nitrogen, was higher in the CO(2) treatment cheeses throughout aging. The ratio of alpha(s)-casein (CN) to para-kappa-CN decreased faster in the CO(2) treatment cheeses than in the control cheeses, especially before refrigerated storage. No difference was detected in the ratio of beta-CN to para-kappa-CN between the control and CO(2) treatment cheeses. Intact alpha(s)- and beta-CN were found in the expressible serum (ES) from the CO(2) treatment cheese as well as alpha(s1)-I-CN, but they were not detected in the ES from the control cheese. No CN was detected in the ES from the curd before the salting of either the control or CO(2) treatment cheese. Higher proteolysis in the cheese made from milk preacidified with CO(2) may have been due to increased substrate availability in the water phase or increased chymosin activity or retention in the cheese.  相似文献   

Wang F  Zhang X  Luo J  Guo H  Zeng SS  Ren F 《Journal of food science》2011,76(3):E248-E253
The changes in proteolysis, calcium (Ca) equilibrium, and functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses during ripening and the resultant processed cheeses were investigated. For natural Cheddar cheeses, the majority of the changes in pH 4.6 soluble nitrogen as a percentage of total nitrogen (pH 4.6 SN/TN) and the soluble Ca content occurred in the first 90 d of ripening, and subsequently, the changes were slight. During ripening, functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses changed, that is, hardness decreased, meltability was improved, storage modulus at 70 °C (G'T=70) decreased, and the maximum tan delta (TDmax) increased. Both pH 4.6 SN/TN and the soluble Ca were correlated with changes in functional properties of natural Cheddar cheeses during ripening. Kendall's partial correlation analysis indicated that pH 4.6 SN/TN was more significantly correlated with changes in hardness and TDmax. For processed cheeses manufactured from natural Cheddar cheeses with different ripening times, the soluble Ca content did not show significant difference, and the trends of changes in hardness, meltability, G'T=70, and TDmax were similar to those of natural Cheddar cheeses. Kendall's partial correlation analysis suggested that only pH 4.6 SN/TN was significantly correlated with the changes in functional properties of processed cheeses.  相似文献   

Full fat, milled-curd Cheddar cheeses (2 kg) were manufactured with 0.0 (control), 0.1, 1.0, or 10.0 μmol of pepstatin (a potent competitive inhibitor of chymosin) added per liter of curds/whey mixture at the start of cooking to obtain residual chymosin levels that were 100, 89, 55, and 16% of the activity in the control cheese, respectively. The cheeses were ripened at 8°C for 180 d. There were no significant differences in the pH values of the cheeses; however, the moisture content of the cheeses decreased with increasing level of pepstatin addition. The levels of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen in the 3 cheeses with added pepstatin were significantly lower than that of the control cheese at 1 d and throughout ripening. Densitometric analysis of urea-PAGE electro-phoretograms of the pH 4.6-insoluble fractions of the cheese made with 10.0 μmol/L of pepstatin showed complete inhibition of hydrolysis of αS1-casein (CN) at Phe23-Phe24 at all stages of ripening. The level of insoluble calcium in each of 4 cheeses decreased significantly during the first 21 d of ripening, irrespective of the level of pepstatin addition. Concurrently, there was a significant reduction in hardness in each of the 4 cheeses during the first 21 d of ripening. The softening of texture was more highly correlated with the level of insoluble calcium than with the level of intact αS1-CN in each of the 4 cheeses early in ripening. It is concluded that hydrolysis of αS1-CN at Phe23-Phe24 is not a prerequisite for softening of Cheddar cheese during the early stages of ripening. We propose that this softening of texture is principally due to the partial solubilization of colloidal calcium phosphate associated with the para-CN matrix of the curd.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(12):9367-9386
A growing number of companies within the cheese-making industry are now using high-protein (e.g., 4–5%) milks to increase cheese yield. Previous studies have suggested that cheeses made from high-protein (both casein and whey protein; WP) milks may ripen more slowly; one suggested explanation is inhibition of residual rennet activity due to elevated WP levels. We explored the use of microfiltration (MF) to concentrate milk for cheese-making, as that would allow us to concentrate the casein while varying the WP content. Our objective was to determine if reducing the level of WP in concentrated cheese milk had any impact on cheese characteristics, including ripening, texture, and nutritional profile. Three types of 5% casein standardized and pasteurized cheese milks were prepared that had various casein:true protein (CN:TP) ratios: (a) control with CN:TP 83:100, (b) 35% WP reduced, 89:100 CN:TP, and (c) 70% WP reduced, 95:100 CN:TP. Standardized milks were preacidified to pH 6.2 with dilute lactic acid during cheese-making. Composition, proteolysis, textural, rheological, and sensory properties of cheeses were monitored over a 9-mo ripening period. The lactose, total solids, total protein, and WP contents in the 5% casein concentrated milks were reduced with increasing levels of WP removal. All milks had similar casein and total calcium levels. Cheeses had similar compositions, but, as expected, lower WP levels were observed in the cheeses where WP depletion by MF was performed on the cheese milks. Cheese yield and nitrogen recoveries were highest in cheese made with the 95:100 CN:TP milk. These enhanced recoveries were due to the higher fraction of nitrogen being casein-based solids. Microfiltration depletion of WP did not affect pH, sensory attributes, or insoluble calcium content of cheese. Proteolysis (the amount of pH 4.6 soluble nitrogen) was lower in control cheeses compared with WP-reduced cheeses. During ripening, the hardness values and the temperature of the crossover point, an indicator of the melting point of the cheese, were higher in the control cheese. It was thus likely that the higher residual WP content in the control cheese inhibited proteolysis during ripening, and the lower breakdown rate resulted in its higher hardness and melting point. There were no major differences in the concentrations of key nutrients with this WP depletion method. Cheese milk concentration by MF provides the benefit of more typical ripening rates.  相似文献   

L. Ong  N.P. Shah 《LWT》2009,42(7):1260-1268
Bifidobacterium longum 1941, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI®B94 (B94), Lactobacillus casei 279, Lb. casei LAFTI®L26 (L26), Lactobacillus acidophilus 4962 or Lb. acidophilus LAFTI®L10 (L10) were used as an adjunct in the production of Cheddar cheeses which were ripened for 24 wk at 4 and 8 °C. Effects of ripening temperatures on survival of starter lactococci and probiotic microorganisms, pH and composition of cheeses and production of organic acids were examined. The counts of starter lactococci in cheeses produced with B. animalis B94, Lb. casei L26 or Lb. acidophilus 4962 ripened at 8 °C were significantly lower than those ripened at 4 °C (P < 0.05) at 24 wk. Probiotic microorganisms remained viable (>7.50 log10 CFU/g) at the end of 24 wk and their viability was not affected by the ripening temperatures. There were significant effects of the type of probiotic microorganisms used, ripening time, ripening temperatures and their interactions on the concentration of lactic and acetic acids in the cheeses (P < 0.05). The acetic acid concentration in cheeses made with Bifidobacterium sp. or Lb. casei sp. was significantly higher than that of the control cheese (P < 0.05). Citric, propionic and succinic acids contents of the cheeses were not significantly affected by the type of probiotic microorganisms or ripening temperatures (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

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