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The overall mechanical response as well as strain and stress field statistics of an heterogeneous material made of two randomly distributed, linear elastic phases, are investigated numerically. The Boolean model of spheres is used to generate microstructures consisting of either porous or rigid inclusions, at any volume fraction of the phases. Stress and strain field integral ranges, or equivalently the representative volume element, are computed and linked to features of the field statistics, and to the microstructure geometry.  相似文献   

Silica films under present reactive electron beam deposition conditions have depicted a novel self-organized surface grain structures when probed through atomic force microscopy, 2D fast Fourier transform and glancing incidence X-ray diffraction techniques. The formation of such ordered surface grain structures is observed to be strongly correlated to the nucleation and growth process of the silica films. However, the nature of the substrate (amorphous or crystalline) and multilayer geometries have influenced the shapes, sizes and abundances in the grain structures and the ordering. The strain mediation of such ordered structures when buried under polycrystalline layers like Gd2O3 have shown to influence both the grain size as well as roughness. A variety of grain structure evolutions and morphological changes in silica layers were noticed in different multilayer geometries. It is, hence, inferred that by appropriately using combinations of these materials, it is possible to have a control over the multilayer morphology and grain structures, which is a very relevant factor in developing precision ultraviolet laser coatings.  相似文献   

Surface recession due to sputtering under low-energy and high-fluence heavy-ion implantation makes shallower and broader depth profile of implanted ions than those calculated by conventional ion-range simulation-codes such as SRIM. Depth profiles of Zn atoms in silica glasses (SiO2) implanted with Zn+ ions of 60 keV up to 1.0×1017 ions/cm2 were evaluated using both experimental methods as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), sputtering depth-profiling by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and an advanced numerical simulation code TRIDYN, which includes the sputtering loss effects. The TRIDYN code predicts the shallowing of the projectile range from ∼46 to ∼27 nm with increasing the fluence up to 1×1017 ions/cm2, and very high-concentration (∼20 at%) of Zn atoms close to the surface. However, RBS and XPS results exclude such high concentration close to the surface. These results suggest remarkable redistribution of Zn atoms from the nearer surface to the deeper region during the implantation. In fact, Zn-atom concentration near the surface and that near the projectile range are, respectively, lower and higher than those by the SRIM code predictions.  相似文献   

We report studies of the interaction of atoms and molecules with solid molecular surfaces, water in particular, by combining photoelectron spectroscopy, UPS with HeI and II, and metastable impact electron spectroscopy (MIES). In MIES charge exchange processes of the Auger-type taking place between metastable He atoms and the surface under study are utilized to gain information on their electronic structure. The MIES spectra give a rather direct image of the surface DOS. We concentrate on the following processes taking place on water films produced at 80 K:(1) Interaction of Na Atoms with Amorphous Solid H2O Films: emphasis was on the role of the 3sNa electrons in the water dissociation process. In order to make a detailed comparison with density functional theory (DFT), DOS (density of states) information is compared with the MIES spectra. Our results are consistent with the theoretical prediction that the 3s-electron is delocalized from the Na-core and trapped (solvated) between the Na-core and water molecules of the surrounding water shell.(2) Ionization and Solvation of NaCl Interacting with Amorphous Solid Water: at 90 K there is no interpenetration of H2O and NaCl. However, ionic dissociation of NaCl takes place when H2O and NaCl are in direct contact. At 105 K the solvation of the ionic species Cl and Na+ becomes significant. The desorption of H2O from the mixed film takes place between 145 and 170 K; those species bound ionically to Na+ and Cl are removed last.(3) The Interaction of PBTs (persistent, bio-accumulative, and toxic substances), chlorobenzene and chlorophenyl, with amorphous solid water: the organic layers produced at 80 K were annealed up to 200 K under in situ control of MIES and UPS. The different behaviour of the interfaces for the three studied cases is traced back to the different mobilities of the molecules with respect to that of water. The interaction between H2O and the benzene derivatives is discussed on the basis of qualitative free energy profiles.  相似文献   

In this paper we derive a set of novel formulas for computation of the Green’s function and the coupled electro-elastic fields in a 2D piezoelectric strip with free boundaries and containing a distribution of straight line defects. The strip is assumed to be of unrestricted anisotropy, but allowing piezoelectricity, and in this sense situation is more general than in the available literature where only cubic symmetry was investigated. We employ a set of already known analytic formulas for the Fourier amplitude of the Green’s function and the corresponding electro-elastic fields. The key novelty of this paper is solution for the divergence problem occurring during integration of the Fourier amplitude. This problem is caused by poles at k = 0 in various matrix components of the amplitude. From purely mathematical point of view such poles lead to quantities which do not tend to zero at infinity, and this situation is clearly unphysical. To resolve this issue it is demonstrated by means of rigorous analysis that when some additional physical conditions are imposed, physical fields exhibit regular behavior at infinity - the poles do not contribute. Nevertheless, they lead to irremovable numerical ∞ − ∞ uncertainties spreading over the whole domain of integration. This motivates us to compute exact formulas for all these poles to enable engineering calculations involving the system in question.  相似文献   

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