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Eighty-four Holstein cows were utilized to evaluate effects of dry period (60 d vs. 30 d), with or without estradiol cypionate (ECP) injections to accelerate mammary involution, on prepartum and postpartum dry matter intake (DMI), body weight (BW), body condition score (BCS), and subsequent milk yield (MY). Treatments were arranged in a 3 x 2 x 2 factorial design that included dry period (30 d dry, 30 d dry + ECP, and 60 d dry), prepartum and postpartum bovine somatotropin (bST; 10.2 mg/d), and prepartum anionic or cationic diets. To accelerate mammary involution, ECP (15 mg) was injected intramuscularly at dry-off. No interaction of bST or prepartum diet with dry period length was detected on BW, BCS, or MY. No significant effects of dry period length on prepartum DMI, BW, or BCS were detected. Cows with shorter dry periods maintained postpartum BCS better and tended to have greater DMI immediately postpartum. Mean daily yields of milk for dry period groups did not differ during overall lactation period (1 to 21 wk). Injection of ECP at the onset of the 30-d dry period did not affect MY. No significant differences due to dry period length were detected for milk, 3.5% FCM, or SCM yields during first 10 wk of lactation. Data indicated that a short dry period protocol can be used as a management tool with no loss in the subsequent milk production of dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective was to determine whether the use of estradiol-17beta (E2) at the initiation of short dry periods prevented an anticipated decline in milk production in the subsequent lactation. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 66) were dried at either 60 or 30 d before expected calving. Treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement included: D60 (n = 19, 60-d dry, no E2), D60 + E2 (n = 18, 60-d dry, E2), D30 (n = 15, 30-d dry, no E2), and D30 + E2 (n = 14, 30-d dry, E2). To accelerate mammary involution, estradiol-17beta (15 mg in 4 ml of ethanol) was injected subcutaneously daily for 4 d beginning 30 d before expected calving. Parturitions occurred between November 1995, and March 1996. Actual days dry for respective treatments were 57.3, 60.6, 33.9, and 33.8 +/- 1.7 d. Onset of parturition, calving difficulty, and cow health were not affected by E2. Actual 305-d milk yields for the lactation completed immediately before the experimental dry period were 10,318, 10,635, 10,127, and 10,447 +/- 334 kg, respectively; and were 9942, 9887, 9669, and 10,172 +/- 387 kg, respectively, for the lactation immediately following treatment. Respective pre- and posttreatment mature equivalent 305-d yields were 9574, 9861, 9812, and 9724 +/- 297 kg; 8987, 8843, 9126, and 9008 +/- 294 kg. Milk yields did not differ across treatments. Cows with a 34-d dry period were as productive as cows with a 59-d dry period. Estradiol-17beta had no effect, but perhaps should be evaluated with dry periods shorter than 34 d.  相似文献   

Effects of dry period length on milk production and health of dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Holstein cows (n = 781) in a commercial dairy herd were used in a randomized design to evaluate 2 dry period (DP) management strategies on milk production, milk components, milk quality, colostrum quality, and incidence of metabolic disorders. Cows were randomly assigned to a traditional 55 d (T) or shortened 34 d (S) DP. Cows assigned to T were fed a low-energy diet until 34 d before expected calving at which time all cows were fed a moderate-energy transition diet until calving. Postpartum, cows assigned to T produced more milk and tended to produce more solids-corrected milk than cows on S. Treatment differences in milk and solids-corrected milk yield were accounted for by cows in their second lactation. Milk fat percentage did not differ between treatments, but milk protein percentage was greater for cows assigned to S. Colostrum quality measured as IgG concentration did not differ between management strategies. Somatic cell score and cases of mastitis were not affected by management strategy. There was a tendency for prepartum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) to be lower for cows assigned to T compared with S. However, postpartum, cows assigned to S had significantly lower NEFA concentrations than those assigned to T. The incidences of ketosis, retained placenta, displaced abomasum, and metritis did not differ between treatments. Postpartum energy balance, as indicated by plasma NEFA, may have been improved for cows assigned to S; there was no detectable effect on animal health.  相似文献   

To evaluate effects of different dry period lengths on milk yield, milk composition, and energy balance of dairy cows, 122 multiparous and primiparous Holstein dairy cows were used in a completely randomized experimental design with 56-, 42-, and 35-d dry period lengths. Actual dry period lengths for respective treatments (TRT) were 56 ± 5.1 d, 42 ± 2.1 d, and 35 ± 2.7 d. Overall, cows in the 42- and 56-d TRT gained more body condition than those in 35-d TRT during the dry period; however, postpartum body condition score did not change substantially among the TRT. Although from 3 to 210 DIM, differences were not detected in the milk yield of multiparous cows between the 35- and 56-d TRT, primiparous cows in the 35-d TRT produced less milk than those in 56-d TRT. In primiparous cows, the milk production at wk 9, 10, and 11 of lactation was lower in the 35-d compared with the 56-d TRT. Primiparous cows in the 35-d compared with the 56-d TRT produced less milk protein. In the 35-d TRT, serum triglyceride concentration was greater in primiparous cows than in multiparous cows during the peripartum period. Among primiparous cows, those in the 56-d TRT had greater concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids than those in the 35-d TRT during the peripartum period. No significant differences were observed in concentrations of serum glucose, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor-I during early lactation among TRT. There was also no difference among TRT for incidence of metabolic disorders. Thus, this study indicates that shortening the dry period to 35 d may be beneficial in multiparous and overconditioned cows, but not in primiparous cows.  相似文献   

Short dry periods and their effects on milk production, reproductive performance, as well as cow and udder health have been widely studied. A dearth of information is available about the consequences of short dry periods on the residue concentrations of dry cow antibiotics in milk after calving. The objective of our study was to determine the residue concentration of a dry cow antibiotic in milk after short dry periods during the colostrum period and early lactation. Quarters of 19 dry cows were treated with an intramammary (IMM) dry cow antibiotic containing 150 mg of cefquinome on d 21, 14, and 7 before calculated calving date. One quarter of each cow did not receive treatment and served as negative control. After calving, quarter foremilk samples were collected twice daily until 21 d and once daily until 36 d after IMM dry cow treatment (i.e., end of withdrawal period). A total of 588 foremilk samples from odd milking numbers were chosen for the determination of the residue concentration of cefquinome using HPLC–tandem mass spectrometry until the residue concentration fell below the limit of quantification (1 ng/g), which occurred at the latest in milking number 37. The dry period length of the treated quarters was categorized in 3 dry period groups ranging from 1 to 7 d (4.8 ± 2.4), 8 to 14 d (11.5 ± 2.3), and 15 to 26 d (19.5 ± 3.3; ±SEM), in dry period group 1, 2, and 3, respectively. In dry period group 1, the cefquinome concentration increased after calving until the third milking and decreased considerably until the fifth milking. In dry period group 2, the cefquinome concentration peaked at the second milking and decreased considerably until the fifth milking as well. There was no increase in cefquinome after calving in dry period group 3. Up to the 37th milking, the cefquinome concentration was higher in dry period group 1 than in dry period group 2 and 3. On average, 31.3 ± 1.2, 19.0 ± 1.1, and 6.7 ± 0.8 milkings and 19.4 ± 0.4, 20.6 ± 0.5, and 24.1 ± 0.7 d after treatment were necessary for the concentration of cefquinome to fall below the maximum residue limit (MRL) in dry period group 1, 2, and 3, respectively. These results indicate that shorter dry periods lead initially to higher cefquinome residues in milk. The residue concentration after experimental short dry periods still falls below the MRL within the recommended withdrawal period for milk of 36 d after IMM dry cow treatment. For the sake of food safety and economics, these short dry periods should not be used in the dry cow management, as they lead up to a maximum of 31.3 ± 1.2 milkings and 19.4 ± 0.4 d after treatment with cefquinome residues above the MRL. Therefore, a considerable number of milkings have to be discarded due to long withdrawal periods after calving.  相似文献   

Milk production per cow has increased as a result of progressive changes in the genetics and management of the dairy animal population. A management constant during many decades of progress has been the widely adopted dry period length of 51 to 60 d. The scientific basis for that industry standard was examined to assess its validity as the appropriate standard for the modern dairy industry. If subsequent milk yields can be sustained fully after dry periods that are shorter than the current standard, then considerable milk is being forfeited by retaining longer dry periods. Conversely, failure to allow any dry period will result in a significant decrease in subsequent milk synthesis and secretion. Most studies to determine the minimum length of dry period required have involved retrospective analyses of observational data. Only five experiments have been reported in which dairy cows were assigned, at random, to planned 30- and 60-d dry periods. Estimates of the change in subsequent milk production when days dry were decreased from 50 to 57 d to 30 to 34 d ranged from a 10% decrease to a 1% increase. However, lower yields after shorter dry periods may be partially offset by greater milk yields in the previous lactation if such cows are milked 3 to 4 wk longer. Environmental factors that influence milk production as well as the biological processes that occur within the mammary gland during the nonlactating period must be considered when dry period lengths are compared. Importantly, additional animal trials that specifically assign cows randomly to the dry period lengths to be evaluated are needed to determine optimal dry period lengths for modern dairy cows in differing management scenarios.  相似文献   

Shortening or omitting the dry period (DP) has been proposed as a management strategy to improve energy balance of dairy cows in early lactation. Both shortening and complete omission of the DP reduces milk production in the subsequent lactation compared with a conventional DP length of 60 d. Some cows have less milk production loss than other cows after applying no DP or a short DP. The aim of this study is to evaluate which cow characteristics are associated with the amount of milk production losses following no DP or a short DP (30 d). Daily production information from the lactation before and after the DP was available from 161 dairy cows (54 cows with a 0-d DP, 51 cows with a 30-d DP, and 56 cows with a 60-d DP) from a research herd. Daily production (milk, fat, and protein) until 305 d in milk was estimated for all cows. Subsequently, total fat- and protein-corrected milk yield from 60 d before the expected calving date until 305 d in the following lactation (FPCMtotal) was estimated. A statistical analysis was performed to evaluate which cow characteristics were associated with limited or no production losses following no DP or a short DP, compared with a conventional DP length of 60 d. Average FPCMtotal was 9,341, 10,499, and 10,795 kg for cows with no DP, a 30-d DP, and a 60-d DP, respectively. The cow characteristics parity, daily milk production at 12 wk before the expected calving date, and reduction in daily milk production between 16 and 12 wk before the expected calving date were associated with production loss due to a short (30 d) or no DP. Compared with 60 d DP, multiparous cows had less production loss (987 kg) following no DP than primiparous cows (2,132 kg). The difference in FPCMtotal between the 3 DP groups was largest for cows with a low milk production (e.g., 10 kg/d) at 12 wk before the expected calving date. The greater the reduction in milk production between 16 and 12 wk before the expected calving date, the larger the difference in FPCMtotal between the 3 DP groups. The difference in FPCMtotal between cows with no DP and 60 d DP at a reduction in milk production between 16 and 12 wk of 10% was 665 kg, whereas this difference was 1,138 kg at a reduction of 70%. The cow characteristics found can be used to select cows for specific DP lengths in a decision-support model to support the farmer on the economic optimal DP length for each individual cow. Output of such a decision-support model can be, for instance, to advise a 30-d DP for multiparous cows with high milk production (e.g., 25 kg/d) at 12 wk before the expected calving date.  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to determine whether low doses of bovine somatotropin (bST) during the transition period and early lactation period improved dry matter intake (DMI), body weight (BW), or body condition score (BCS); provoked positive changes in concentrations of somatotropin, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and Ca; or improved milk yield (MY) response without obvious adverse effects on health status. Eighty-four multiparous Holstein cows completed treatments arranged in a 2 x 3 x 2 factorial design that included prepartum and postpartum bST, dry period (30 d dry, 30 d dry + estradiol cypionate, and 60 d dry), and prepartum anionic or cationic diets. Biweekly injections of bST began at 21 +/- 3 d before expected calving date through 42 +/- 2 d postpartum (control = 0 vs. bST = 10.2 mg of bST/d; POSILAC). At 56 +/- 2 d in milk, all cows were injected with a full dose of bST (500 mg of bST/14 d; POSILAC). During the prepartum period and during the first 28 d postpartum, no differences in mean BW, BCS, or DMI were detected between the bST treatment group and the control group. During the first 10 wk of lactation, cows in the bST treatment group had greater mean MY and 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield and lower SCC than did cows in the control group. When cows received a full dose of bST, an increase in milk production through wk 21 was maintained better by cows in the bST group. Mean concentrations of somatotropin, IGF-I, and insulin differed during the overall prepartum period (d -21 to -1). During the postpartum period (d 1 to 28), cows in the bST group had greater mean concentrations of somatotropin and IGF-I in plasma. Concentrations of Ca around calving did not differ because of bST treatment. Results suggest that changes in concentrations of blood measures provoked by injections of bST during the transition period and early lactation period resulted in improved metabolic status and production of the cows without apparent positive or negative effects on calving or health.  相似文献   

Elimination of selected mastitis pathogens during the dry period   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We aimed to evaluate the elimination of 4 different mastitis pathogens, Streptococcus agalactiae, Mycoplasma bovis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus uberis, from infected udder quarters during the dry period using quantitative PCR. The second purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between milk haptoglobin (Hp) concentration and the presence of udder pathogens (Strep. agalactiae, Staph. aureus, M. bovis, and Strep. uberis) in udder quarter milk samples before and after dry period. Aseptic udder quarter milk samples (n = 1,001) were collected from 133 dairy cows at dry off and at the first milking after calving from 1 large dairy herd. Bacterial DNA of Strep. agalactiae, Staph. aureus, Strep. uberis, and M. bovis in the udder quarter milk samples was identified with commercial quantitative PCR analysis Mastitis 4B (DNA Diagnostic A/S, Risskov, Denmark). Milk Hp concentration (mg/L) was measured from udder quarter milk samples. The elimination rates during the dry period for M. bovis, Staph. aureus, Strep. agalactiae, and Strep. uberis were 86.7, 93.6, 96.2, and 100.0%, respectively. The new IMI rate was 3.0% for M. bovis, 2.9% for Staph. aureus, 2.4% for Strep. agalactiae, and 3.1% for Strep. uberis. The milk Hp concentration was significantly higher in udder quarter milk samples with blood and in samples positive for Strep. agalactiae at dry off and for Staph. aureus postcalving. Elevated milk Hp concentration was not associated with the presence of M. bovis in the udder quarter milk samples. In conclusion, elimination of Staph. aureus, Strep. agalactiae, and Strep. uberis during the dry period was high; the elimination of M. bovis from infected udder quarters was lower, but probably spontaneous. Additionally, milk Hp concentration may be used as a marker for udder inflammation when combined with the bacteriological results at dry off and postpartum.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to study dry matter intake (DMI), body condition, milk yield, and milk composition in cows with different body condition at the time of parturition. Twenty four multiparous cows with genetic merit for high or low milk fat content were assigned to one of three diets during the dry period. The treatments consisted of 6, 9, or 14.5 kg dry matter of a total mixed ration providing 71, 106, or 177 MJ/d of metabolizable energy and are referred to as low (L), medium (M), and high (H) dry period rations, respectively. These diets were introduced when the cows were dried off from the previous lactation, at least 8 wk before expected parturition. After parturition all cows were fed another total mixed ration ad libitum. The dietary treatments generated differences between the groups in body weight as well as in body condition score at parturition. There were no differences in DMI in early lactation, but during wk 6 to 12 DMI was lower among H cows, which was linked to a prolonged negative energy balance in this group. The milk yield was 38.5 +/- 0.8 kg of energy-corrected milk the first 4 wk postpartum and did not differ between treatments or selection lines. Body weight loss mainly occurred in lactation wk 1 to 4 and was greatest in H cows. The mobilization of body tissues was reflected in a higher milk fat content of C18:0 for the H cows during wk 1 to 4. There were no marked effects of treatments on milk fat content or milk protein content, which indicates that cows in early lactation have a potential to compensate for low nutrient intake during the dry period if they are offered a high-quality diet. The observed differences between treatments in DMI wk 6 to 12 could not be explained by differences in milk yield or mobilization of body tissues. Milk fat content was 4.7% in cows with genetic merit for high milk fat content and 4.2% in cows with genetic merit for low milk fat content. There was a tendency for higher body weight in cows with genetic merit for low milk fat content throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

To determine the optimum feeding level of fatty acids of palm oil (PALM; Energizer RP10; 86.6% palmitic acid) on milk production, lactating cows (n = 18) were randomly assigned to a treatment sequence in replicated 4 × 4 Latin squares. Animals were assigned to squares by parity (3 multiparous and 1 primiparous squares with primiparous in the incomplete square). The 4 diets were designed to provide 0, 500, 1,000, and 1,500 g of PALM per day. Cows were fed individually with feed intake measured daily. Each period lasted 16 d with milk production and composition determined the final 2 d. Milk production, milk composition and feed intake data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Milk yields were 30.9, 34.0, 34.2, and 34.2 kg/ d (SEM = 1.9) for the 0, 500, 1,000, and 1,500 g levels, respectively. Milk yield was increased by the addition of PALM; however, there were no differences among the levels of PALM. Milk fat percentage was also increased from 3.44% for 0 g to 3.95% (SEM = 0.17) across all levels of PALM but there were no differences among the PALM treatments. Dry matter intakes were 23.3, 26.4, 24.7, and 23.8 kg/d (SEM = 1.4) for the 0, 500, 1,000 and 1,500 g levels, respectively. The addition of PALM increased milk yield and milk fat percentage, and no adverse effects on dry matter intake were observed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of far-off and close-up diets on prepartum metabolism, postpartum metabolism, and postpartum performance of multiparous Holstein cows. From dry-off to −25 d relative to expected parturition (far-off dry period), cows were fed a control diet to meet National Research Council (NRC) recommendations for net energy for lactation (NEL) at ad libitum intake (100NRC; n = 25) or a higher nutrient density diet, which was fed for either ad libitum intake to provide at least 150% of calculated NEL requirement (150NRC; n = 25) or at restricted intake to provide 80% of calculated NEL requirements (80NRC; n = 24). From −24 d relative to expected parturition until parturition (close-up period), cows were fed a diet that met or exceeded NRC nutrient recommendations at either ad libitum intake (n = 38) or restricted intake (n = 36) to provide 80% of the calculated NEL requirement. After parturition, all cows were fed a lactation diet and measurements were made through 56 d in milk (DIM). Prepartum metabolism was consistent with the plane of nutrition. During the first 10 DIM, far-off treatments had significant carryover effects on dry matter intake, energy balance, serum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration, and serum β-hydroxybutyrate concentration. Cows with the lower energy balance during the far-off period (100NRC and 80NRC) had higher dry matter intake and energy balance and lower serum NEFA and β-hydroxybutyrate during the first 10 DIM. There were no effects of close-up diet and no interactions of far-off and close-up treatments. During the first 56 DIM, there were no residual effects of far-off or close-up diets on dry matter intake, milk yield or composition, body weight, body condition score, serum glucose and insulin concentrations, or muscle lipid concentration. Serum NEFA was higher for 150NRC than 80NRC; 100NRC was intermediate. Thus, the effects of far-off and close-up treatments on postpartum variables diminished as lactation progressed. Overfeeding during the far-off period had a greater negative impact on peripartum metabolism than did differences in close-up period nutrition.  相似文献   

The focus of modern dairy cow breeding programs has shifted from being mainly yield based toward balanced goals that increasingly consider functional traits such as fertility, metabolic stability, and longevity. To improve these traits, a less pronounced energy deficit postpartum is considered a key challenge. On the other hand, feed efficiency and methane emissions are gaining importance, possibly leading to conflicts in the design of breeding goals. Dry matter intake (DMI) is one of the major determinants of energy balance (EB), and recently some efforts were undertaken to include DMI in genomic breeding programs. However, there is not yet a consensus on how this should be achieved as there are different goals in the course of lactation (i.e., reducing energy deficit postpartum vs. subsequently improving feed efficiency). Thus, the aim of this study was to gain more insight into the genetic architecture of energy metabolism across lactation by genetically dissecting EB and its major determinants DMI and energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield at different lactation stages applying random regression methodology and univariate and multivariate genomic analyses to data from 1,174 primiparous Holstein cows. Daily heritability estimates ranged from 0.29 to 0.49, 0.26 to 0.37, and 0.58 to 0.68 for EB, DMI, and ECM, respectively, across the first 180 d in milk (DIM). Genetic correlations between ECM and DMI were positive, ranging from 0.09 (DIM 11) to 0.36 (DIM 180). However, ECM and EB were negatively correlated (rg = ?0.26 to ?0.59). The strongest relationship was found at the onset of lactation, indicating that selection for increased milk yield at this stage will result in a more severe energy deficit postpartum. The results also indicate that EB is more affected by DMI (rg = 0.71 to 0.81) than by its other major determinant, ECM. Thus, breeding for a higher DMI in early lactation seems to be a promising strategy to improve the energy status of dairy cows. We found evidence that genetic regulation of energy homeostasis is complex, with trait- and lactation stage-specific quantitative trait loci suggesting that the trajectories of the analyzed traits can be optimized as mentioned above. Especially from the multivariate genomic analyses, we were able to draw some conclusions on the mechanisms involved and identified the genes encoding fumarate hydratase and adiponectin as highly promising candidates for EB, which will be further analyzed.  相似文献   

During the last decade, the use of systematic crossbreeding in dairy cattle herds has increased in several countries of the world. The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of breed proportion and heterosis on milk production traits and udder health traits in dairy cattle. The study was based on records on milk yield (MY), protein yield (PY), fat yield (FY), somatic cell score (SCS), and mastitis (MAST) from 73,695 first-lactation dairy cows in 130 Danish herds applying systematic crossbreeding programs. Around 45% of the cows were crosses between Danish Holstein (DH), Danish Red (DR), or Danish Jersey (DJ), and the remaining were purebred DH, DR, or DJ. The statistical model included the fixed effects of herd-year, calving month, and calving age and an effect representing the lactation status of the cow. In addition, the model included a regression on calving interval from first to second lactation, a regression on the proportion of DH, DR, and DJ genes, and a regression on the degree of heterozygosity between DH and DR, DH and DJ, and DR and DJ. Random effects were the genetic effect of the cow and a residual. The effect of breed proportions was estimated relatively to DH. For MY, a pure DR yielded 461 kg milk less than DH, whereas a pure DJ yielded 2,259 kg milk less than a pure DH. Compared with DH, PY was 41.7 kg less for DJ, whereas PY for DR was 4.0 kg less than for DH. For FY, a DR yielded 10.6 kg less than DH, whereas there was no significant effect of breed proportion between DJ and DH. A DR cow had lower SCS (0.13) than DH, whereas DJ had higher SCS (0.14) than DH. There was no significant effect of breed proportion on MAST between the 3 breeds. Heterosis was significant in all combinations of breeds for MY, FY, and PY. Heterosis for crosses between DH and DR was 257 kg (3.2%), 11.9 kg (3.2%), and 8.9 kg (3.2%) for MY, PY, and FY, respectively. Corresponding figures for crosses between DH and DJ were 314 kg (4.4%), 14.3 kg (4.4%), and 10.4 kg (4.0%), whereas heterosis between DR and DJ was 462 kg (6.7%), 19.6 kg (6.7%), and 13.9 kg (5.4%) for MY, PY, and FY, respectively. Heterosis was only significant for SCS in the crosses between DH and DR. Heterosis effects for MAST were nonsignificant for all the crosses. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that in first lactation cows, there is a positive effect of heterosis on milk production traits, but limited effect on udder health traits.  相似文献   

The effects of 2 common dry-off management procedures, feed restriction [8 vs. 16 kg of dry matter (DM)/d] and reduced milking frequency (once, 1× vs. twice, 2×/d), on the behavior and udder characteristics of dairy cattle were assessed in late lactation and the early dry period. Milking cows 1× instead of 2× in the week before dry off reduced milk yield (7.0 vs. 8.9 ± 0.95 kg/d for 1× and 2×, respectively), but had little effect on behavior before or after cessation of milking. In comparison, feed restriction reduced milk yield (6.9 vs. 9.1 ± 0.95 kg/d for 8 and 16 kg of DM/d, respectively), udder firmness after dry off (7.3 vs. 8.0 ± 0.24 g force for 8 and 16 kg of DM/d, respectively), milk leakage (2 d after dry off, 14% of cows offered 8 kg of DM/d were leaking milk compared with 42% cows offered 16 kg of DM/d), and the likelihood of Streptococcus uberis intramammary infection (nonclinical mastitis; 12.5 vs. 62.5% of groups with at least 1 cow with a new intramammary infection for 8 and 16 kg of DM/d, respectively). Despite these benefits, cows offered only 8 kg of DM/d spent less time eating (7.3 vs. 8.3 ± 0.28 h/d for 8 and 16 kg DM/d, respectively), more time lying (8.8 vs. 7.3 ± 0.24 h/d), and vocalized more before dry off than cows offered 16 kg of DM/d (0.8 vs. 0.2 ± 0.15 calls/min for 8 and 16 kg of DM/d, respectively). These behavioral changes indicate that this level of feed restriction may cause hunger. Information is needed about alternative dry-off procedures that maintain the health benefits and comfort associated with lower milk yield before dry off but prevent hunger, such as feeding low quality diets ad libitum.  相似文献   

There has been substantial recent interest in shortening dry periods; however, the effects of this management change on reproduction have not been adequately evaluated. Holstein cows (n = 58) were assigned in a randomized block design to 1 of 3 treatments: 1) traditional (T) dry period (∼56 d) in which cows were fed a low energy diet from 56 to 29 d prepartum followed by a moderate energy diet for 28 d; 2) shortened (S) dry period (∼28 d) in which cows were fed continuously a high energy diet; or 3) no planned (N) dry period in which cows were fed continuously a high energy diet. All cows received a high energy lactation diet after calving. Ovaries were evaluated by ultrasound and blood samples collected 3 times weekly beginning at d 6 or 7 postpartum until 7 d after second ovulation. Average days from calving until first detection of a 10-mm follicle were fewer in N (8.0 d) and S (8.9 d) than in T (10.5 d) cows. Time from calving to first ovulation was earlier in N (13.2 d) than in S (23.8 d) and T (31.9 d) cows. A greater percentage of follicles of the first follicular wave ovulated in N (89%; 16/18) than in T (42%; 8/19), with S (62%; 13/21) cows being intermediate. Double ovulation rate at the first ovulation was greater in T (61%) than N (16%), with S (35%) intermediate. No difference was detected in double ovulation rate at second ovulation (13/56). Number of cows with persistent corpus luteum (>30 d; 15/56) was not different among groups; however, short luteal phases were greater in N (28%; 5/18) than S (0%; 0/20) cows. Days to first artificial insemination were fewer in N (69.4 d) and S (68.0 d) than in T (75.0 d). First-service conception rate was greater in N (55%; 11/20) than in T (20%; 4/20), with S (26%; 6/23) cows being intermediate. Days open in pregnant cows were fewer in N (93.8 d) than in T (145.4 d), with S (121.2 d) cows being intermediate. Thus, shortening or eliminating the dry period leads to earlier postpartum ovulation and the results highlight the need for future large field studies to accurately evaluate the effect of dry period length on reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(4):2630-2641
From an initial data set involving 84,189 lactations, this research evaluated the relationship between dry period length (DPL) and milk production, culling risk, and fertility. The data set included a total of 48,297 multiparous cow lactation records, with a calving event occurring in 2019 and 2020, belonging to 62 Italian herds with at least 150 cows. The DPL was classified into 5 categories (<40, 40–49, 50–60, 61–70, and >70 d) and these categories were used to establish the association between DPL and the outcome variables. All data obtained were assessed with simple and multiple linear regressions and Cox proportional hazard models. Cumulative milk production at 60 d in milk (DIM) was the highest in DPL categories of 61 to 70 d (2,480.29 kg/cow) and 50 to 60 d (2,474.39 kg/cow), and the lowest in <40 d (2,281.29 kg/cow). Similarly, DPL categories 61 to 70 d (10,830.94. kg/cow) and 50 to 60 d (10,817.48 kg/cow) had the highest 305-d milk production, whereas the <40 d (10,200.96 kg/cow) had the lowest one. The groups with a DPL of 40 to 49 d and >70 d had slightly, but significant, lower milk production both as cumulative 60 DIM and predicted 305-d milk production. Culling risk had a curvilinear behavior, with DPL <40 d and DPL >70 d showing significantly higher odds for culling during the first 60 DIM compared with DPL of 50 to 60 d [relative risk (RR): 1.53; RR: 1.46]. Within the same comparison, DPL of 61 to 70 d also had a slightly higher risk for culling (RR: 1.13). The DPL was associated also with fertility, with DPL of 40 to 49 d and 50 to 60 d having the greatest odds for pregnancy within the first 200 DIM. The DPL of <40, 61 to 70, and >70 d were negatively associated with fertility and showed pregnancy risks of 0.87, 0.95, and 0.94, respectively. This paper reinforces the importance of DPL as we demonstrated its association with milk production, culling, and fertility. Despite being attractive for high production dairy cows, very short dry periods are at the same time also associated with higher culling risk, lower milk production and fertility. Long DPL is detrimental, especially regarding culling and fertility. In summary, reducing variability in DPL and avoiding extremes by improving reproductive performance, maximizing late lactation milk production and making wise decisions on dry-off timing, may lead to better performances and lower early culling under Italian dairy conditions.  相似文献   

Objectives were to evaluate the effects of a low dose of bovine somatotropin (bST) injected prepartum and postpartum on body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW), and milk yield (MY) in cows as well as somatotropin insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), glucose, and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) in plasma. Holstein cows nearing second or later parities were assigned randomly to control (CON = 98) or bST-treated (TRT = 95) groups. Biweekly injections of bST began 21 +/- 3 d before expected calving and continued through 42 d postpartum (CON vs. TRT; 0 vs. 10.2 mg of bST/ d). From 42 to 100 d postpartum, no cows received bST. During yr 1, somatotropin, IGF-I, insulin, NEFA, and glucose were measured in plasma samples from 82 cows. During yr 2, effects of bST on BCS and BW of 111 cows were evaluated, but no blood samples were collected. Milk yields through 100 d of all 193 cows were analyzed. Prepartum treatment with bST resulted in greater prepartum plasma concentrations of somatotropin, insulin, and numerically greater NEFA but did not affect glucose or IGF-I. Postpartum bST increased mean plasma concentrations of somatotropin and NEFA, but not INS, IGF-I, or glucose. Mean BCS of cows did not differ prepartum, around parturition, or postpartum. Although mean BW did not differ prepartum or around calving, cows receiving bST maintained greater BW postpartum. Cows receiving bST tended to have higher MY (6.6%) in the first 60 d of lactation, but differences did not persist through 100 d, including approximately 40 d when no cows received bST. Number of cows that were culled due to health (CON = 3 vs. TRT = 2) or died (CON = 3 vs. TRT = 1) were not affected by treatment. Low doses of bST in the transition period resulted in higher postpartum BW, quicker recovery of body condition during lactation, and significantly more milk during treatment.  相似文献   

A total of 850 cows distributed among 13 commercial Holstein herds were involved in this study to compare the effects of 2 different dry period (DP) management strategies on milk and component yields as well as body condition score (BCS) over complete lactations. Within each herd and every 2 mo, cows were assigned to a short (35 d dry; SDP) or conventional (60 d dry; CDP) DP management based on previous lactation 305-d milk yield, predicted calving interval, and parity: primiparous (n = 414) and multiparous (n = 436). Cows assigned to CDP were fed a far-off dry cow ration from dry-off until 21 d prepartum, and were then switched to a precalving ration. Cows assigned to SDP were fed the precalving ration throughout their DP. Rations were different across herds, but the late-lactation, precalving, and early lactation rations were identical for both treatment groups within each herd. Additional milk was obtained at the end of lactation from cows assigned to SDP due to the extended lactation. Average daily milk yield in the following lactation was not different between treatments for third- or greater-lactation cows, but was significantly decreased in second-lactation SDP cows. However, when expressed as energy-corrected milk, this difference was not significant. Although lower for primiparous than multiparous cows, body weight and BCS were not affected by DP management strategy. Milk production and BCS responses to treatments varied among herds. Results from the present study suggest that a short DP management strategy could be more appropriate for today's dairy cows, although not suitable for all cows or all herds.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of altering dry period length in multiparous dairy cows (n = 341) on milk production for a full lactation (294 d). The study used 3 commercial herds in the western United States. Cows producing greater than 8,400 kg of mature-equivalent milk were assigned to treatments 60 d before their due dates. The 4 treatments were 1) 60-d dry period, label use of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST; 60d-L); 2) 32-d dry period, label use of rbST (32d-L); 3) 0-d dry period, label use of rbST (0d-L); and 4) 0-d dry period, continuous use of rbST (0d-C). Cows with shortened dry periods produced 625, 1,000, and 1,042 kg of milk during the prepartum period for treatments 2 to 4, respectively. During the postpartum period, cows on the 32d-L treatment produced similar amounts of milk compared with the 60d-L treatment (11,490 vs. 11,968 kg, respectively). However, cows on the 0d-L (10,316 kg) and 0d-C (10,195 kg) treatments produced significantly lower amounts of milk during the postpartum period compared with the 60d-L treatment. Total milk production from the prepartum and postpartum periods was not altered significantly and was 11,974, 12,112, 11,310, and 11,230 kg for treatments 1 to 4, respectively. The concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate and nonesterified fatty acids in serum after calving were decreased for cows on the 32d-L, 0d-L, and 0d-C treatments compared with cows on the 60d-L treatment, which may indicate improved metabolic status.  相似文献   

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