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We have observed a high incidence of calcium lactate surface crystals on naturally smoked Cheddar cheese in the retail marketplace. The objective of this study was to identify chemical changes that may occur during natural smoking that render Cheddar cheese more susceptible to calcium lactate crystal formation. Nine random-weight (approximately 300 g) retail-packaged samples of smoked Cheddar cheese were obtained from a commercial manufacturer immediately after the samples were smoked for about 6 h at 20°C in a commercial smokehouse. Three similarly sized samples that originated from the same 19.1-kg block of cheese and that were not smoked were also obtained. Within 2 d after smoking, 3 smoked and 3 control (not smoked) samples were sectioned into 5 subsamples at different depths representing 0 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 6, 6 to 8, and 8 to 10 mm from the cheese surface. Six additional smoked cheese samples were similarly sectioned at 4 wk and again at 10 wk of storage at 5°C. Sample sections were analyzed for moisture, l(+) and d(−) lactate, pH, and water-soluble calcium. The effects of treatment (smoked, control), depth from cheese surface, and their interactions were analyzed by ANOVA according to a repeated measures design with 2 within-subject variables. Smoked samples contained signficantly lower moisture and lower pH, and higher total lactate-in-moisture (TLIM) and water-soluble calcium-in-moisture (WSCIM) than control cheeses. Smoked samples also contained significant gradients of moisture, pH, TLIM, and WSCIM, with lower moisture and pH, and higher TLIM and WSCIM, occurring at the cheese surface. Gradients of moisture were still present in smoked samples at 4 and 10 wk of storage. In contrast, the pH, TLIM, and WSCIM equilibrated and showed no gradients at 4 and 10 wk. The results indicate that calcium and lactate in the serum phase of the cheese were elevated because of smoking, especially at the cheese surface immediately after smoking treatment, which presumably predisposes the smoked cheeses to increased susceptibility to calcium lactate surface crystallization.  相似文献   

Calcium lactate crystals that sometimes form on Cheddar cheese surfaces are a significant expense to manufacturers. Researchers have identified several postmanufacture conditions such as storage temperature and packaging tightness that contribute to crystal formation. Anecdotal reports suggest that physical characteristics at the cheese surface, such as roughness, cracks, and irregularities, may also affect crystallization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the combined effects of surface roughness and packaging tightness on crystal formation in smoked Cheddar cheese. Four 20-mm-thick cross-section slices were cut perpendicular to the long axis of a retail block (~300 g) of smoked Cheddar cheese using a wire cutting device. One cut surface of each slice was lightly etched with a cheese grater to create a rough, grooved surface; the opposite cut surface was left undisturbed (smooth). The 4 slices were vacuum packaged at 1, 10, 50, and 90 kPa (very tight, moderately tight, loose, very loose, respectively) and stored at 1°C. Digital images were taken at 1, 4, and 8 wk following the first appearance of crystals. The area occupied by crystals and number of discrete crystal regions (DCR) were quantified by image analysis. The experiment was conducted in triplicate. Effects of storage time, packaging tightness, surface roughness, and their interactions were evaluated by repeated-measures ANOVA. Surface roughness, packaging tightness, storage time, and their 2-way interactions significantly affected crystal area and DCR number. Extremely heavy crystallization occurred on both rough and smooth surfaces when slices were packaged loosely or very loosely and on rough surfaces with moderately tight packaging. In contrast, the combination of rough surface plus very tight packaging resulted in dramatic decreases in crystal area and DCR number. The combination of smooth surface plus very tight packaging virtually eliminated crystal formation, presumably by eliminating available sites for nucleation. Cut-and-wrap operations may significantly influence the crystallization behavior of Cheddar cheeses that are saturated with respect to calcium lactate and thus predisposed to form crystals.  相似文献   

Calcium lactate crystals that form white specks or haze on the surface of cheese constitute a significant quality problem for producers of Cheddar cheese. Subjective methods to evaluate crystal coverage of cheese surfaces have been reported previously, but objective methods are currently lacking. The objectives of this work were to develop and evaluate an objective method to measure the area occupied by calcium lactate crystals on surfaces of naturally smoked Cheddar cheese samples using digital photography and image analysis. Coefficients of variation ranged from 1.29 to 4.68% for 5 replicate analyses of 3 different cheese surfaces that ranged from ∼2 to 49% of total surface area occupied by crystals. Thus, results showed a high degree of repeatability for the 3 cheese surfaces, which ranged from very slight and geometrically simple to very heavy and geometrically complex crystal coverage. The method underestimated total area occupied by crystals on the 3 surfaces by 0.24 to 4.83% unless the fainter crystal regions that went undetected during initial thresholding were manually segmented and quantified. The wet weight of crystal substance collected per unit of surface area from 20 different cheese samples increased exponentially as the percentage of total surface area occupied by crystals increased. These data were consistent with subjective observations that crystal regions appeared to grow vertically as well as horizontally as they expanded to occupy greater surface area. Image analysis was well suited for evaluating changes in crystal coverage during cheese aging because measurements were made nondestructively and with minimal disruption to the cheese. The area occupied by crystals on 6 different surfaces from 3 different cheese samples increased linearly (R2 = 0.94 to 0.99) during storage at 4°C for up to 33 wk. However, the rates of increase differed significantly among the 3 cheese samples. Image analysis may serve as a useful tool to quantitatively evaluate the effects of factors such as cheese composition, packaging conditions and storage temperature on rate of crystal growth and time of crystal appearance during storage.  相似文献   

Gas-flushed packaging is commonly used for cheese shreds and cubes to prevent aggregation and loss of individual identity. Appearance of a white haze on cubed cheese is unappealing to consumers, who may refrain from buying, resulting in lost revenue to manufacturers. The objective of this study was to determine whether gas flushing of Cheddar cheese contributes to the occurrence of calcium lactate crystals (CLC). Cheddar cheese was manufactured using standard methods, with addition of starter culture, annatto, and chymosin. Two different cheese milk compositions were used: standard (lactose:protein = 1.47, protein:fat = 0.90, lactose = 4.8%) and ultrafiltered (UF; lactose:protein = 1.23, protein:fat = 0.84, lactose = 4.8%), with or without adjunct Lactobacillus curvatus. Curds were milled when whey reached 0.45% titratable acidity, and pressed for 16 h. After aging at 7.2°C for 6 mo, cheeses were cubed (1 × 1 × 4 cm) and either vacuum-packaged or gas-flushed with carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or a 50:50 mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen, then aged for an additional 3 mo. Heavy crystals were observed on surfaces of all cubed cheeses that were gas-flushed, but not on cheeses that were vacuum-packaged. Cheeses without Lb. curvatus exhibited l(+)-CLC on surfaces, whereas cheeses with Lb. curvatus exhibited racemic mixtures of l(+)/d(−)-CLC throughout the cheese matrices. The results show that gas flushing (regardless of gas composition), milk composition, and presence of nonstarter lactic acid bacteria, can contribute to the development of CLC on cheese surfaces. These findings stress the importance of packaging to cheese quality.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of 2 studies designed to investigate the influence of several manufacturing and curing treatments on the appearance of Cheddar cheese defects. Specifically, 2 defects, calcium lactate crystal formation and the expulsion of free liquid (weeping) were monitored in Cheddar cheese. Both studies were conducted at a commercial cheese manufacturing facility that produces Cheddar in 18.14-kg (40-lb) blocks. In the first study we monitored cheese calcium, both total and soluble during manufacture and early curing. In the second study we measured cheese pH from 3 d through 8 mo, as well as some factors that are influenced by cheese pH. Early cheese pH (3 d to 7 d) patterns were used to select vats of cheese for retail packaging. Mild Cheddar packaged at 30 d postmanufacture and sharp Cheddar packaged at 8 mo postmanufacture from the same vats were monitored for the incidence and severity of the defects. Our results indicated that factors measured in early stages of manufacture and curing (less than 7 d) such as cheese pH at mill, lactic acid concentration, nonprotein nitrogen, and calcium (total and soluble) in cheese did not correlate with the appearance of either calcium lactate or expulsion of free liquid in packaged cheeses. Factors including pH, lactic acid concentrations, and soluble calcium measured during curing (greater than 7 d) of cheese were found to be statistically significant in the development of defects and appeared to be associated with use of specific starter culture groups. In the study, 5 different starter culture groups, each consisting of a 4-strain blend of Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris and Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis, were used to manufacture the cheeses. Cheese manufactured with one particular culture group showed no incidence of calcium lactate crystal formation or weeping during curing and shelf-life of cheeses in this study. This starter group also generated the least amount of pH change in cheese during the first month of curing. From these results we conclude that starter culture group, more than any other factor measured, played an important role in the development of calcium lactate and liquid expulsion defects in Cheddar cheese. Starter culture group appeared to strongly influence cheese pH, lactic acid, and soluble calcium concentrations during curing and storage.  相似文献   

Three experimental batches of Cheddar cheese were manufactured in duplicate, with standardization of the initial cheese-milk lactose content to high (5.24%), normal (4.72%, control), and low lactose (3.81%). After 35 d of aging at 4.4°C, the cheeses were subjected to temperature abuse (24 h at 21°C, unopened) and contamination (24 h at 21°C, packages opened and cheeses contaminated with crystal-containing cheese). After aging for 167 d, residual cheese lactose (0.08 to 0.43%) and l(+)-lactate concentrations (1.37 to 1.60%) were high and d(−)-lactate concentrations were low (<0.03%) for all cheeses. No significant differences in lactose concentrations were attributable to temperature abuse or contamination. No significant differences in l(+)- or d(−)-lactate concentrations were attributable to temperature abuse. However, concentrations of l(+)-lactate were significantly lower and d(−)-lactate were significantly higher in contaminated cheeses than in control cheeses, indicating inoculation (at d 35) with heterofermentative nonstarter lactic acid bacteria able to racemize l(+)-lactate to d(−)-lactate. The fact that none of the cheeses exhibited crystals after 167 d demonstrates that high cheese milk or residual lactose concentrations do not guarantee crystal formation. Contamination with nonstarter lactic acid bacteria can significantly contribute to d(−)-lactate accumulation in cheese.  相似文献   

Previous research demonstrated that crystal coverage on the surface of Cheddar cheese can be quantitatively and nondestructively measured using image analysis of digital photographs of the cheese surface. The objective of the present study was to extend image analysis methodology to quantify and characterize additional features of visible crystals on cheese surfaces as they grow over time. A random weight (∼300 g) retail sample of naturally smoked Cheddar cheese exhibiting white surface crystals was obtained from a commercial source. The total area occupied by crystals and total number of discrete crystal regions on one of the surfaces (∼55 × 120 mm) was measured at 3-wk intervals for 30 wk using image analysis. In addition, 5 small (∼0.3 mm radius) individual crystals on that surface were chosen for observation over the 30-wk period. The crystals were evaluated for area, radius, and shape factor (circularity) every third week using image analysis. The total area occupied by crystals increased in a linear manner (R2 = 0.95) from about 0.44 to 7.42% of the total cheese surface area over the 30-wk period. The total number of discrete crystal regions also increased but in a nonlinear manner that was best described by a quadratic relationship. Measurement of discrete crystal regions underestimated the true number of crystals present at the cheese surface due to merging of adjacent crystals as they grew and merged into a single crystal region over time. Throughout this period, the shapes of the 5 individual crystals closely approximated perfect circles, except when adjacent crystals merged to form a single irregular crystal region, and the area occupied by each of the 5 crystals increased in a near-linear manner (R2 = 0.95). Image analysis approaches may be used to evaluate crystal formation and growth rates and morphology on cheese.  相似文献   

The occurrence of unappetizing calcium lactate crystals in Cheddar cheese is a challenge and expense to manufacturers, and this research was designed to understand their origin. It was hypothesized that nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) affect calcium lactate crystallization (CLC) by producing D(-)-lactate. This study was designed to understand the effect of NSLAB growth and aging temperature on CLC. Cheeses were made from milk inoculated with Lactococcus lactis starter culture, with or without Lactobacillus curvatus or L. helveticus WSU19 adjunct cultures. Cheeses were aged at 4 or 13 degrees C for 28 d, then half of the cheeses from 4 and 13 degrees C were transferred to 13 and 4 degrees C, respectively, for the remainder of aging. The form of lactate in cheeses without adjunct culture or with L. helveticus WSU19 was predominantly L(+)-lactate (> 95%, wt/wt), and crystals were not observed within 70 d. While initial lactate in cheeses containingL. curvatus was only L(+)-lactate, the concentration of D(-)-lactate increased during aging. After 28 d, a racemic mixture of D/L-lactate was measured in cheeses containing L. curvatus; at the same time, CLC was observed. The earliest and most extensive CLC occurred on cheeses aged at 13 degrees C for 28 d then transferred to 4 degrees C. These results showed that production of D(-)-lactate by NSLAB, and aging temperature affect CLC in maturing Cheddar cheese.  相似文献   

Calcium lactate (CaL2) crystal formation on the surface of cheese continues to be a widespread problem for the cheese industry despite decades of research. To prevent those crystals from forming, it is necessary to keep the concentration of CaL2 below saturation level. The limited data available on the solubility of CaL2 at conditions appropriate for the storage of cheese are often conflicting. In this work, the solubility of L(+)-CaL2 in water was evaluated at 4, 10, and 24 degrees C, and the effects of salt and pH at those temperatures were investigated. The effects of additional calcium and lactate ions on solubility also were studied. The results suggested that temperature and the concentration of lactate ions are the main factors influencing the solubility of CaL2, with the other parameters having limited effect.  相似文献   

Powder X-ray diffraction has been used for decades to identify crystals of calcium lactate pentahydrate in Cheddar cheese. According to this method, diffraction patterns are generated from a powdered sample of the crystals and compared with reference cards within a database that contains the diffraction patterns of known crystals. During a preliminary study of crystals harvested from various Cheddar cheese samples, we observed 2 slightly different but distinct diffraction patterns that suggested that calcium lactate pentahydrate may be present in 2 different crystalline forms. We hypothesized that the 2 diffraction patterns corresponded to 2 enantiomeric forms of calcium lactate pentahydrate (l- and dl-) that are believed to occur in Cheddar cheese, based on previous studies involving enzymatic analyses of the lactate enantiomers in crystals obtained from Cheddar cheeses. However, the powder X-ray diffraction database currently contains only one reference diffraction card under the title “calcium lactate pentahydrate.” To resolve this apparent gap in the powder X-ray diffraction database, we generated diffraction patterns from reagent-grade calcium l-lactate pentahydrate and laboratory-synthesized calcium dl-lactate pentahydrate. From the resulting diffraction patterns we determined that the existing reference diffraction card corresponds to calcium dl-lactate pentahydrate and that the other form of calcium lactate pentahydrate observed in cheese crystals corresponds to calcium l-lactate pentahydrate. Therefore, this report presents detailed data from the 2 diffraction patterns, which may be used to prepare 2 reference diffraction cards that differentiate calcium l-lactate pentahydrate from calcium dl-lactate pentahydrate. Furthermore, we collected crystals from the exteriors and interiors of Cheddar cheeses to demonstrate the ability of powder X-ray diffraction to differentiate between the 2 forms of calcium lactate pentahydrate crystals in Cheddar cheeses. Powder X-ray diffraction results were validated using enzymatic assays for lactate enantiomers. These results demonstrated that powder X-ray diffraction can be used as a diagnostic tool to quickly identify different forms of calcium lactate pentahydrate that may occur in Cheddar cheese.  相似文献   

The occurrence of l(+)-lactate crystals in hard cheeses continues to be an expense to the cheese industry. Salt tolerance of the starter culture and the salt-to-moisture ratio (S:M) in cheese dictate the final pH of cheese, which influences calcium lactate crystal (CLC) formation. This research investigates these interactions on the occurrence of CLC. A commercial starter was selected based on its sensitivity to salt, less than and greater than 4.0% S:M. Cheddar cheese was made by using either whole milk (3.25% protein, 3.85% fat) or whole milk supplemented with cream and ultrafiltered milk (4.50% protein, 5.30% fat). Calculated amounts of salt were added at milling (pH 5.40 ± 0.02) to obtain cheeses with less than 3.6% and greater than 4.5% S:M. Total and soluble calcium, total lactic acid, and pH were measured and the development of CLC was monitored in cheeses. All cheeses were vacuum packaged and gas flushed with nitrogen gas and aged at 7.2°C for 15 wk. Concentration of total lactic acid in high S:M cheeses ranged from 0.73 to 0.80 g/100 g of cheese, whereas that in low S:M cheeses ranged from 1.86 to 1.97 g/100 g of cheese at the end of 15 wk of aging because of the salt sensitivity of the starter culture. Concentrated milk cheeses with low and high S:M exhibited a 30 to 28% increase in total calcium (1,242 and 1,239 mg/100 g of cheese, respectively) compared with whole milk cheeses with low and high S:M (954 and 967 mg/100 g of cheese, respectively) throughout aging. Soluble calcium was 41 to 35% greater in low S:M cheeses (low-salt whole milk cheese and low-salt concentrated milk cheese; 496 and 524 mg/100 g of cheese, respectively) compared with high S:M cheeses (high-salt whole milk cheese and high-salt concentrated milk cheese; 351 and 387 mg/100 g of cheese, respectively). Because of the lower pH of the low S:M cheeses, CLC were observed in low S:M cheeses. However, the greatest intensity of CLC was observed in gas-flushed cheeses made with milk containing increased protein concentration because of the increased content of calcium available for CLC formation. These results show that the occurrence of CLC is dependent on cheese milk concentration and pH of the cheese, which can be influenced by S:M and cheese microflora.  相似文献   

The pH buffering capacity of cheese is an important determinant of cheese pH. However, the effects of different constituents of cheese on its pH buffering capacity have not been fully clarified. The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical species and chemical equilibria that are responsible for the pH buffering properties of cheese. Eight cheeses with 2 levels of Ca and P (0.67 and 0.47% vs. 0.53 and 0.39%, respectively), residual lactose (2.4 vs. 0.78%), and salt-to-moisture ratio (6.4 vs. 4.8%) were manufactured. The pH-titration curves for these cheeses were obtained by titrating cheese:water (1:39 wt/wt) dispersions with 1 N HCl, and backtitrating with 1 N NaOH. To understand the role of different chemical equilibria and the respective chemical species in controlling the pH of cheese, pH buffering was modeled mathematically. The 36 chemical species that were found to be relevant for modeling can be classified as cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+), anions (phosphate, citrate, lactate), protein-bound amino acids with a side-chain pKa in the range of 3 to 9 (glutamate, histidine, serine phosphate, aspartate), metal ion complexes (phosphate, citrate, and lactate complexes of Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), and calcium phosphate precipitates. A set of 36 corresponding equations was solved to give the concentrations of all chemical species as a function of pH, allowing the prediction of buffering curves. Changes in the calculated species concentrations allowed the identification of the chemical species and chemical equilibria that dominate the pH buffering properties of cheese in different pH ranges. The model indicates that pH buffering in the pH range from 4.5 to 5.5 is predominantly due to a precipitate of Ca and phosphate, and the protonation equilibrium involving the side chains of protein-bound glutamate. In the literature, the precipitate is often referred to as amorphous colloidal calcium phosphate. A comparison of experimental data and model predictions shows that the buffering properties of the precipitate can be explained, assuming that it consists of hydroxyapatite [Ca5(OH)(PO4)3] or Ca3(PO4)2. The pH buffering in the region from pH 3.5 to 4.5 is due to protonation of side-chain carboxylates of protein-bound glutamate, aspartate, and lactate, in order of decreasing significance. In addition, pH buffering between pH 5 to 8 in the backtitration results from the reprecipitation of calcium and phosphate either as CaHPO4 or Ca4H(PO4)3.  相似文献   

A sanitized cheese plant was swabbed for the presence of nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) biofilms. Swabs were analyzed to determine the sources and microorganisms responsible for contamination. In pilot plant experiments, cheese vats filled with standard cheese milk (lactose:protein = 1.47) and ultrafiltered cheese milk (lactose:protein = 1.23) were inoculated with Lactococcus lactis ssp. cremoris starter culture (8 log cfu/mL) with or without Lactobacillus curvatus or Pediococci acidilactici as adjunct cultures (2 log cfu/mL). Cheddar cheeses were aged at 7.2 or 10°C for 168 d. The raw milk silo, ultrafiltration unit, cheddaring belt, and cheese tower had NSLAB biofilms ranging from 2 to 4 log cfu/100 cm2. The population of Lb. curvatus reached 8 log cfu/g, whereas P. acidilactici reached 7 log cfu/g of experimental Cheddar cheese in 14 d. Higher NSLAB counts were observed in the first 14 d of aging in cheese stored at 10°C compared with that stored at 7.2°C. However, microbial counts decreased more quickly in Cheddar cheeses aged at 10°C compared with 7.2°C after 28 d. In cheeses without specific adjunct cultures (Lb. curvatus or P. acidilactici), calcium lactate crystals were not observed within 168 d. However, crystals were observed after only 56 d in cheeses containing Lb. curvatus, which also had increased concentration of d(−)-lactic acid compared with control cheeses. Our research shows that low levels of contamination with certain NSLAB can result in calcium lactate crystals, regardless of lactose:protein ratio.  相似文献   

A novel model system was developed for studying the effects of colloidal Ca phosphate (CCP) concentration on the rheological properties of Cheddar cheese, independent of proteolysis and any gross compositional variation. Cheddar cheese slices (disks; diameter = 50 mm, thickness = 2 mm) were incubated in synthetic Cheddar cheese aqueous phase solutions for 6 h at 22°C. Control (unincubated) Cheddar cheese had a total Ca and CCP concentration of 2.80 g/100 g of protein and 1.84 g of Ca/100 g of protein, respectively. Increasing the concentration of Ca in the synthetic Cheddar cheese aqueous phase solution incrementally in the range from 1.39 to 8.34 g/L significantly increased the total Ca and CCP concentration of the cheese samples from 2.21 to 4.59 g/100 g of protein and from 1.36 to 2.36 g of Ca/100 g of protein, respectively. Values of storage modulus (index of stiffness) at 70°C increased significantly with increasing concentrations of CCP, but the opposite trend was apparent at 20°C. The maximum in loss tangent (index of meltability/flowability) decreased significantly with increasing concentration of CCP, and there was no significant effect on the temperature at which the maximum in loss tangent occurred (68 to 70°C). Fourier transform mechanical spectroscopy showed the frequency dependence of all of the cheese samples increased with increasing temperature; however, solubilization of CCP increased the frequency dependence of the cheese matrix only in the high temperature region (i.e., >35°C). These results support earlier studies that hypothesized that the concentration of CCP strongly modulates the rheological properties of cheese.  相似文献   

Consumer perception of smoked cheese was evaluated through focus groups, surveys, and central location testing. Three focus groups (n = 29) were conducted with consumers of smoked cheese. Subsequently, 2 online surveys were conducted. The purpose of the first survey (n = 1,195) was to understand types of smoked cheeses consumed and if consumers associated specific wood smokes with smoked cheese. Next, an adaptive choice-based conjoint (n = 367) was designed to evaluate consumer perception of different attributes of smoked cheese. Maximum difference scaling and familiarity questions were also included in the adaptive choice-based conjoint survey. Following the surveys, a central location test (n = 135) was conducted with cheeses smoked with 3 different woods at a low and high intensity (6 cheeses total). Hierarchical Bayesian estimation, 1-way ANOVA, agglomerative hierarchical clustering, and 2-way ANOVA (smoke type × intensity level) were used to interpret the collected data. Results from the focus groups indicated that smoked cheese was perceived as an artisan, high-end product and that appearance and price were strong purchase factors. In general, consumers were not aware of how smoked flavor was imparted to cheese, but when informed of the processes, they preferred cold-smoked cheese to the addition of liquid smoke flavor. Results from both surveys confirmed focus group observations. Consumers perceived flavor differences among different wood smokes and smoked products. Method of smoking, smoke intensity, type of wood, and type of cheese were the most important attributes for purchase of smoked cheese. When tasting, consumers differentiated smoke aroma and flavor among cheeses and preferred cherry wood smoked cheeses over apple wood or hickory smoked cheeses. Understanding consumer perceptions of smoked cheese will give insight into the desired experience that consumers expect when purchasing smoked cheese.  相似文献   

概述了对切达干酪的加速成熟的现状与研究方法,通过提高温度、添加促熟酶、修饰发酵剂细胞、高压处理等方法缩短切达干酪的成熟时间,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

The objectives were to reduce bitterness in reduced-fat Cheddar cheese made with an exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing culture and study relationships among ultra-filtration (UF), residual chymosin activity (RCA), and cheese bitterness. In previous studies, EPS-producing cultures improved the textural, melting, and viscoelastic properties of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. However, the EPS-positive cheese developed bitterness after 2 to 3 mo of ripening due to increased RCA. We hypothesized that the reduced amount of chymosin needed to coagulate UF milk might result in reduced RCA and bitterness in cheese. Reduced-fat Cheddar cheeses were manufactured with EPS-producing and nonproducing cultures using skim milk or UF milk (1.2×) adjusted to a casein:fat ratio of 1.35. The EPS-producing culture increased moisture and RCA in reduced-fat Cheddar cheese. Lower RCA was found in cheese made from UF milk compared with that in cheese made from control milk. Ultrafiltration at a low concentration rate (1.2×) produced EPS-positive, reduced-fat cheese with similar RCA to that in the EPS-negative cheese. Slower proteolysis was observed in UF cheeses compared with non-UF cheeses. Panelists reported that UF EPS-positive cheese was less bitter than EPS-positive cheese made from control milk. This study showed that UF at a low concentration factor (1.2×) could successfully reduce bitterness in cheese containing a high moisture level. Because this technology reduced the RCA level (per g of protein) to a level similar to that in the control cheeses, the contribution of chymosin to cheese proteolysis would be similar in both cheeses.  相似文献   

随着干酪市场的日益增长,开发新型风味干酪成为新的趋势.根据前期实验结果,研究选定了3种制作添加酿酒酵母的切达干酪(KY组、KH组、KC组)加工工艺,通过顶空固相微萃取和气相色谱-质谱联用技术、聚类分析及感官评价对干酪中挥发性风味化合物进行测定及分析,以此来评价酿酒酵母在切达干酪中的应用前景.干酪成熟过程中,3组干酪中挥...  相似文献   

以玉米胚茅蛋白为添加辅料,研究了玉米胚芽蛋白添加量、Ca^2+浓度、切割大小、盐浓度四个工艺参数对玉米胚芽Cheddar干酪品质的影响,利用响应面分析法确定了最佳工艺参数。结果表明,胚芽蛋白添加量为4.28%,Ca^2+浓度为0.04%,切割大小为9.05mm3,盐浓度为1.62%时,生产的玉米胚芽Cheddar干酪具有干酪特有的滋味和气味,软硬适度、香味醇厚、营养丰富。  相似文献   

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