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结合泰安市大型智能化住宅小区--国华经典小区实例,说明"一卡通"系统作为住宅小区实现智能化的一个核心内容,在智能化住宅小区中的应用.  相似文献   

本文阐述了住宅小区智能化的基本概念和功能,介绍了住宅小区智能化系统的支撑平台及实施方法,展示出小区智能化系统广阔的发展前景和市场价值。  相似文献   

结合泰安市目前唯一一处大型智能住宅小区--国华经典小区工程实例说明智能化住宅小区中智能化设计及其实现.  相似文献   

随着我国国民经济的持续发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,住宅正朝着满足生活、办公、教育、娱乐等诸多功能要求发展,人们对生活的舒适性、便利性提出了更高的要求,智能化住宅小区应运而生。本文提出一种基于LonWorks技术的智能化住宅小区设计方案。本方案把住宅小区中每个住户作为LON网络中的一个节点,每个节点具有报警信息自动检测、电话自动拨号语音报警、小区秘书台等智能化功能,创新的组网方式实现了停水、停电等信息的及时沟通和交流。这种以LonWorks现场总线技术为框架的智能化住宅小区系统具有良好的开放性、可靠性和扩充性,有着很好的现实意义与市场前景。  相似文献   

本文旨在对所谓的“绿色智能住宅小区”的界定进行研究。分清理念,分析现况。以便统一认识,促进绿色智能住宅小区的健康发展。本文强调“绿色”的规划设计理念。主要阐明“绿色智能住宅小区”概念。在分析现有智能化居住小区的基础上。给出“绿色”技术在智能化小区中的应用。文中也阐述了绿色智能建筑的现况和进一步控制的政策导向问题。[编者按]  相似文献   

本文介绍了楼宇自动化-智能化住宅小区及智能大厦宽带接入技术ADSL,Cable Modem,LAN,卫星接入,无线连网等的技术概况及实施方案,各自的优缺点和所适应的场合等,以供楼宇自动化-智能化住宅小区及智能大厦(包括企,事业单位,家庭等)宽带接入时之参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了智能住宅及住宅小区的功能特征,并结合现代人对住宅的要求提出了对智能化程度的一些评价指标及智能化系统工程设计中应考虑的一些重要问题。  相似文献   

伴随着智能化建筑的四处兴起,“智能化”的概念渐人人心,并逐渐进入了小区建筑群中间,已由过去的概念炒作成为了现代家居的主流方向。清华同方网络凭借多年来在智能建筑领域中的经验,依据“住宅小区智能化技术示范工程建设大纲”,规划开发出了一个完整的智能化小区产品大系统,此系统可根据  相似文献   

<正> 随着国民经济的发展,近几年来,高档住宅小区在大中城市的房地产市场上异军突起,并以其精美的设计、舒适的环境及完善的物业管理,吸引着越来越多的购买者。而随着以计算机技术为核心的高新技术的普及和广泛应用,“智能化小区”这一崭新的概念,成为最近高档住宅小区建设中新的亮点。 众所周知,高档住宅小区除了具备良好的地理位置、优秀的建筑设计和建筑施工质量、协调而典雅的整体  相似文献   

智能抄表系统针对住宅小区的用电、用水、用气实现自动抄表、查询、催费、监控,是住宅小区智能化发展方向的一个基础环节。该文主要讲述S7—200PLC作为小区采集器在智能抄表系统中所实现的通讯功能,以及自由端口模式下编程所应注意的两个问题。  相似文献   

Abstract Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are now widespread in Australian schools but with variation in how, where, when and how much they are used. Computers may be located in a computer laboratory, distributed throughout the school, or students may use their own laptop computers. IT may be a subject in its own right or ICT may be used across all areas of the curriculum. It is how ICT is used in the school setting that is important in providing students with the skills to be participate in a 'knowledge society'. This paper examines the ways in which information and communication technologies influence teaching and learning in five Australian schools. Data were gathered through observation, interviews and document analysis in schools operating at the elementary and secondary grades in relatively technology rich environments. Each of the schools participated in the Australian component of the Second Information Technology in Education Study – Module 2 (SITES-M2) of innovative pedagogical practices. Several of the studies were of specific projects where ICT was the key enabler of the learning programme. Others focused on an entire school's approach to ICT as an agent for changed approaches to learning.  相似文献   

以全国森林覆盖率最高的福建省为研究对象,利用2000~2017年夏季的MODIS EVI植被指数数据和气象与非气象因子进行协同分析,以揭示近17年福建植被的时空变化及其影响因子。结果表明:研究期内福建的EVI均值整体上升,从2000年的0.454上升至2017年的0.505,17 a间上升了11.2%,表明福建省的植被整体处于变好的状态,且在中部和西南部的变化最明显。相关分析表明,在研究期内,气象因子(气温和降水)对EVI变化的影响不显著,植被的变好主要为非气象因子的作用。EVI的提高主要得益于2003年福建省建设生态省后森林覆盖率的提高,并和2012年开始的水土流失治理有明显关系,这说明人类活动的积极作用对福建植被的变好起到了关键的作用。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the pendulum-like change in the way people read and use text, which was triggered by the introduction of new reading and writing technologies in human history. The paper argues that textual features, which characterized the ancient pre-print writing culture, disappeared with the establishment of the modern-day print culture and has been “revived” in the digital post-modern era. This claim is based on the analysis of four cases which demonstrate this textual-pendulum swing: (1) The swing from concrete iconic-graphic representation of letters and words in the ancient alphabet to abstract phonetic representation of text in modern eras, and from written abstract computer commands “back” to the concrete iconic representation in graphic user interfaces of the digital era; (2) The swing from scroll reading in the pre-print era to page or book reading in the print era and “back” to scroll reading in the digital era; (3) The swing from a low level of authorship in the pre-print era to a strong authorship perception in the print era, and “back” to a low degree of authorship in the digital era; (4) The swing from synchronic representation of text in both visual and audio formats during the pre-print era to a visual representation only in print, and “back” to a synchronic representation in many environments of the digital era. We suggest that the print culture, which is usually considered the natural and preferred textual environment, should be regarded as the exception.  相似文献   

关联规则挖掘技术研究进展*   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
为帮助人们深入研究关联规则挖掘技术,总结了关联规则的分类方法、评价方法以及相关技术的最新进展,特别是对关联规则的主要算法进行了详细的介绍,并探讨未来的发展方向。该研究比较系统全面,对将来进一步深入分析关联规则挖掘技术具有指导意义。  相似文献   

DTN网络中PRoPHET路由协议的改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对DTN网络中PRoPHET路由协议进行了改进,在采用基于效用值来选择DTN路由下一跳的同时,充分利用了临时簇内的端到端的连接.另外,当网络中发生了DTN拥塞时,把拥塞节点上紧急程度低的信息转移到临时簇的周围其它节点,然后传输紧急程度高的信息到拥塞节点.仿真结果表明,与DTN网络中路由协议PRoPHET相比,改进后的路由方法提高了数据包的成功发送率,降低了平均发送延时.  相似文献   

The extension force against resistance was recorded in 23 postures for 12 subjects to find explanations for the decrease in back strength in asymmetric postures. A reduction in muscle force in asymmetric postures was found up to 40%, but was strongly dependent on the plane in which asymmetry occurred, and on the posture to which it referred. A quantitative relationship between the forces exerted in different asymmetric postures is discussed, as a basis for formulating universal ergonomic guidelines for optimal working postures. The reduction in force in different asymmetric postures can be explained by length of the muscle, the activation of the muscle, and the moment angle of the muscle.  相似文献   

Abstract The term 'desktop publishing' has received much media coverage in recent months in both the commercial and educational press. School-based 'desktop publishing' packages are at the moment poor imitations of full-specification systems. This paper discusses the state of desktop publishing in education today and demonstrates the weaknesses of the systems available for use in the classroom. The skills required for desktop publishing are interrelated in a complex way and cannot be presented in a hierarchical fashion. A model of the functional processes involved is suggested in the paper and analysed in terms of the skills required.  相似文献   

Fujian province has the highest forest coverage rate in China for decades, which has played an important role in maintaining a good ecosystem quality in southeastern China. This study conducted an investigate aiming to find out the spatial and temporal changes of the vegetation status in Fujian and the impact factor involving in the vegetation growth during the period from 2000 to 2017, using the summer data of MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) product, associated with meteorological and non-meteorological data. The results showed that the mean EVI of Fujian rose as a whole during the 17 study years, from 0.454 in 2000 to 0.505 in 2017, increased by 11.2% in the period. This indicates that the overall vegetation status in Fujian has been improved, especially in, south and west parts of the province, while eastern coastal areas have shown decrease in vegetation coverage. Correlation analysis showed that during the study period, meteorological factors (temperature and precipitation) had no significant impact on the provincial EVI change, and the improvement of the vegetation status mainly due to non-meteorological factors. Both the construction of the ecological province in Fujian starting in 2003 and the soil erosion treatment starting in 2012 have strong relationships with vegetation increase. The increase of forest coverage rate and the decrease of soil erosion area have contributed significantly to the enhancement of Fujian’s EVI in the past 17 years.  相似文献   

基于欧空局的GlobSnow雪水当量数据集和国家青藏高原科学数据中心的北半球长时间序列雪深数据集NHSD研究了北半球及9个典型区的雪深时空分布与变化特征。结果表明:北半球1988~2018年平均雪深总体呈显著下降趋势(p<0.01),年际变化幅度为-0.55 cm·(10 a)-1。在高纬度地区,加拿大北部和阿拉斯加年平均雪深下降明显(p<0.01),下降速率分别为3.48 cm·(10 a)-1和3 cm·(10 a)-1,两地区月平均雪深在冬季显著下降。西西伯利亚平原和东欧平原年平均雪深呈下降趋势,其中东欧平原雪深下降较为明显(p<0.01),变化速率为-2.3 cm·(10 a)-1,两地区的月平均雪深在春季显著下降,其中5月份最为明显。东西伯利亚山地的雪深年际变化呈增加趋势,除堪察加半岛外,其月平均雪深在冬季呈显著增加趋势。对于高山区,阿尔卑斯山脉和落基山脉的年平均雪深呈缓慢增长趋势,而青藏高原地区雪深呈缓慢下降趋势。阿尔卑斯山脉的月平均雪深在冬季呈显著增加趋势,5月份显著减小。落基山脉和青藏高原雪深变化呈现出空间异质性:在整个研究时段,落基山脉北部月平均雪深呈下降趋势,中部和南部呈上升趋势;青藏高原的北部边缘山脉雪深呈显著上升趋势,中部大多数地区呈下降趋势。喜马拉雅山脉的北坡雪深增加,南坡雪深减小,但其变化率绝对值小于0.5 cm·a-1。东南部雪深较大的念青唐古拉山脉冬季雪深呈显著下降趋势。对9个典型区雪深的年内分析(2001~2010年平均值)结果显示:高山区雪深峰值远低于高纬度地区雪深峰值。除青藏高原外,高山区的积雪融化起始日期明显早于高纬度地区。  相似文献   

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