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冉德峰 《照相机》2004,(10):69-69
在彩色感光材料和数码影像飞速发展的今天,黑白摄影以其独有的艺术魅力仍然吸引着众多影友锲而不舍地追求她.笔者二十年来从未间断冲洗黑白胶卷,深深体味了其中的甘苦.现将冲洗黑白胶卷的一隅之得奉献给广大影友,如能对影友有一丝借鉴,则余幸甚.  相似文献   

陈琳 《影像材料》1989,(2):63-63
冲洗黑白胶卷,控制质量的关键是要显影时间适当,而显影时间随着冲卷时显影液的温度的变化而变化,因此温度变化后合适显影时间的确定往往是颇伤脑筋的事。事实上,确定温度变化后的显影时间,只需要掌握显影温度对显影时间影响的定量规律,这样任何温度条件下的显影时间就很好确定了。  相似文献   

除了染料型胶卷外 ,目前大部分黑白胶卷主要还是靠手工冲洗。手工冲洗胶卷可以根据个人的创作意图来控制底片的反差与影调 ,为照片的制作打下基础。但是手工冲洗黑白胶卷也常会出现一些质量问题 ,最常见的毛病就是显影过度 ,经常使用黑白胶卷的影友可能都有过显影过度的经历。笔者以为黑白胶卷容易显影过度主要有以下几方面的原因。1 显影时间把握不当以乐凯SHD1 0 0和上海GP31 0 0 /2 1 0 1 67这两种最常用的黑白胶卷为例 ,它们共同的显影条件为“D- 76,2 0℃” ,前者显影时间为 7min ,后者为 6~ 1 0min。由于乐凯SHD黑白…  相似文献   

笔者使用乐凯SHD 4 0 0黑白胶卷已近一年 ,通过在冲洗方法上不断摸索 ,以求达到理想效果 ,逐渐积累了一些经验 ,在此与广大影友们聊聊 ,不妥之处望指正。笔者在 2 0 0 1年春天 ,首次使用了乐凯SHD 4 0 0黑白胶卷 ,按标准时间曝光拍摄后 ,用D - 76显影液按厂家推荐的在 2 0℃温度条件下的显影时间冲洗后 ,底片密度正常 ,反差大、颗粒粗 ,据厂家称 ,此胶卷的颗粒度 (RMS)正常值为 13,可见除追求特殊效果外 ,此种胶卷用D - 76显影液正常冲洗难以获得颗粒细腻的效果 (见图 1)。随后把按正常曝光量拍摄的胶卷在 17℃温度条件下将D - …  相似文献   

地区批发价格零售价格公元上海公元上海ISO 10 0胶卷印相纸( 10英寸×12英寸10 0张) ISO 10 0胶卷ISO 10 0胶卷印相纸( 10英寸×12英寸10 0张) ISO 10 0胶卷济南5 80 13 0 0 0 4 10 7 0 0 15 0 0 0 6 0 0青岛6 5 0 14 0 0 0 5 0 0 9 0 0南京5 3 0 12 8 0 0 13 0 0 0上海5 60 13 5 0 0 4 40 14 9 5 0 8 0 0杭州5 5 5 13 0 0 0 13 2 0 0蚌埠5 60 13 0 0 0 4 5 0 6 5 0西安5 60 13 3 0 0 4 80 8 0 0 14 5 0 0 7 0 0兰州5 60 13 7 0 0 5 0 0 14 5 0 0 9 0 0乌鲁木齐5 2 0 13 0 0 0 5 5 0 7 5 0 14 0 0 0 8 0 0重庆…  相似文献   

作为摄影人,掌握冲洗胶卷的技能是重要的,尤其是黑白摄影。自摄影彩色化以来,商业冲印部门依旧采用传统的手工方式加工黑白照片(C-41工艺的染料型黑白片不在此列),由  相似文献   

高波 《照相机》1996,(11):39-39
乐凯SHD100、SHD400黑白胶卷高波目前市场上销售的SHD100、SHD400黑白胶卷是中国乐凯胶片公司1995年下半年推出的新一代产品。经过一年的使用,受到了广大摄影者的青睐,下面就有关情况向读者作些介绍。1.胶卷采用的新技术要点首先,SHD...  相似文献   

在电化教学、产品展示、医学和科研等方面,使用幻灯片较为广泛,市场上有专门的黑白反转片供制作幻灯片使用。用一般的负片拍摄后进行反转冲洗,也可得到正像。但是一般负片的片基都带有一点淡蓝色,各种牌号的深浅不一,这种颜色会影响幻灯片的透光性,看起来不是那么明快。  相似文献   

黑白摄影这个古老传统的摄影技术目前尽管受到彩色摄影和数码影像系统的冲击,但是并没有被淘汰,而实际上黑白摄影的使用率正在回升。据报道,最近一段时间,在北京、深圳、武汉、重庆等地又悄然兴起一股黑白摄影热。黑白摄影离不开黑白胶卷。我国早在1958年就由原上海感光胶片厂试制成黑白胶卷,经过40年的不断改进,目前国产黑白胶卷的质量已可与进口胶卷相媲美,中国乐凯胶片公司第一胶片厂用扁平颗粒(即T一颗粒)制造的黑白胶卷也已面市。为了比较国内外黑白胶卷的性能,我们对五种国内外的135黑白胶卷进行了测试,测试方法按照国家…  相似文献   

利用数字手段可以很容易地实现彩色影像与黑白影像的相互转化。在数字影像输出时,同样可以选择彩色打印或黑白打印实现其相互转化。彩色影像与黑白影像相互转化过程极其适合只携带一种型号的胶卷拍照,这样既可省钱又可省时间。  相似文献   

黑白染料胶片是继彩色胶片之后发展起来的一种新型黑白胶片品种。本文概述了黑白染料胶片的优点 ,并简介了黑白染料胶片的油乳组成及成像机理。  相似文献   

According to the recent studies on the noise characteristics of photographic materials, two kinds of noise can be defined: the macronoise, trD (mac), and the micronoise, aD (mic). The macronoise is the equivalent of the RMS-granularity of the photographic material, and is believed to include the contribution of the macroscopic non-uniformity of the emulsion layer. On the other hand, the micronoise is thought to be determined by the ultimate limits of the statistical fluctuation in the process of photon recoding on the emulsion layer. In this work, the above mentioned hypothesis was verified experimentally and also by computer simulation. The results showed that σD (mac) is generally greater than σD (mic), and the standard correlation coefficient, r, is greater than zero. This is obviously not due to the overlapping of the successive sampling spots. When the sampling rate was reduced from 50 s-l to 11 s-1 which is equivalent to increase the distance between the successive sampling spots from 52.4 microns to 238 microns, the macronoise remained unchanged, whereas the micronoise became close or equal to the macronoise. The computer simulation showed that the micronoise approaches the macronoise as the distance between the successive sampling spots increases. The authors suggested that the macronoise, i.e. the RMS-granularity, can be used as a figure of merit in the evaluation of photographic materials, whereas the micronoise may be more meaningful when one’s interest is on the influence of AgX emulsion on the image quality. The r-value may serve as a measure of the large-scale non-uniformity of a photographic layer.  相似文献   

目的研究卷膜在拉开过程中的动力学仿真方法。方法卷膜在受拉过程中,相邻卷膜层之间会发生自身接触的高度非线性行为的动力学问题,其分析计算量大且收敛困难。通过对卷膜的离散化建模,以减少接触区域,从而减少计算量。该问题方法借助于ANSYS软件,用APDL命令流参数化建立卷膜模型,施加边界条件,并对其求解。结果可以通过圆心与内圆节点建立刚性梁来创建圆的绕圆心转动的转动副;对于类似卷膜的缠绕物体,可以通过离散且用转动副连接相邻离散体的方法建立有限元模型;得出了计算收敛后卷膜的动力学属性及其力学行为。结论该方法对卷膜的建模及动力学仿真具有可行性,为类似卷膜的接触动力学分析提供了借鉴方法。  相似文献   

本文详细介绍了上海感光材料厂生产的新一代的上海牌GP3 100型黑白照相胶卷的性能特点和使用方法。该产品具有乳剂涂层薄、清晰度高、宽容度大等优点;经测试,照相性能接近国际先进水平。  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to develop and validate an in vitro test method that can be used as a tool for accessing batch-to-batch uniformity of finished topical products. The studies were performed by utilizing topical creams containing the 13-cis isomer of retinoic acid. Various physicochemical factors which may affect drug release from topical cream formulations were evaluated including drug concentration, internal phase droplet size distribution, viscosity and the composition of the emulsion internal and external phases. Utilizing a modified Franz diffusion cell with a cellulose membrane, the in vitro drug release profile from various cream formulations was established

The effect of varying the concentrations of various key ingredients by 30% does affect the viscosities and release rates compared to a standard formulation. However, there is no correlation between the viscosities and the release rates. No significant differences in pH and droplet size distribution were observed in these cream formulations compared to a standard formulation. The oil phase volume ratio appears to have the largest influence on the in vitro release of the drug. Intra- and inter-batch comparisons of the finished cream products show reproducible release profiles. Based on the results obtained in this study, when used together, both in vitro release and viscosity measurements may be useful as tools to assess batch-to-batch uniformity and consistent manufacturing of the finished cream product  相似文献   

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