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含天然气水合物沉积物的介电常数是水合物资源勘探开发过程中的重要参数。祁连山冻土区钻探表明水合物储集层多属致密型岩石类型,因此无法精确定位水合物储层及估算资源量,探地雷达及介电测井成为重要的备选方案。本文设计并建立含水合物岩心介电常数测试系统,对祁连山水合物钻探区DK-8井岩心样品进行实验。结果表明,含水合物砂岩样品的介电常数与外加电场的频率相关,即介电常数总趋势是随频率增高而减小,而在低频端出现高值,介电常数与频率呈现指数关系,含水合物砂岩的实验结果符合岩石介电常数规律。同一岩石样品,含水合物岩石的介电常数介于饱水岩石和干岩石介电常数之间。在气饱和条件下,同一岩石孔隙中较高介电常数的极化水转化为较低介电常数水合物导致含水合物岩石介电常数低于饱水岩石;但是水合物的介电常数高于空气的介电常数使含水合物岩石的介电常数高于同一块干岩石的介电常数,说明岩石中水合物增大了岩石的介电常数。含水合物样品在10 ~ 40 MHz频段存在频散特性;频率高于50 MHz,频散特性变弱,介电常数变化很小。 相似文献
选取祁连山天然气水合物钻探区DK-8井岩心样品中的砂岩,利用模拟气合成含天然气水合物砂岩样品,并进行电阻率及介电常数研究。砂岩样品在天然气水合物形成后电阻率明显增大。在温度震荡过程中,电阻率测量能检测到水合物或冰的二次形成。在天然气水合物形成过程中,体系的介电常数变化规律复杂,在1 kHz ~ 100 kHz频段内,含水合物岩石的介电常数存在频散特性,频率高于100 kHz,频散特性变弱。从介电常数的实验结果来看,基于介电常数的电法勘探技术可用来定性分析含水合物储层,但很难定量研究储层的水合物饱和度。 相似文献
《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2021,46(73):36069-36079
In this work, a dual p-n heterojunction of Cu2O/Ni(OH)2/TiO2 with type-II band alignment and matched build-in electric field was fabricated. This dual p-n heterojunction promoted the separation and transfer of charge carriers, which is much more efficient than individual p-n heterojunction. Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under the simulated sunlight shows a high rate of 6145 μmol g−1 h−1 for Cu2O/Ni(OH)2/TiO2, which is 1.9 and 2.7 times that of Ni(OH)2/TiO2 and Cu2O/TiO2, respectively. The apparent quantum yield of Cu2O/Ni(OH)2/TiO2 is about 20.2% under the irradiation of monochromatic light (λ = 420 nm). The recycling test of hydrogen evolution also verified a high stability for this dual heterojunction. The type-II band alignment and matched build-in electric field was confirmed, which accelerate the migration of charge carriers. The width of space-charge layer was calculated and proved that the p-n junctions in Cu2O/Ni(OH)2/TiO2 are fully-depleted, which largely reduced the bulk recombination of charge carriers. The synergistic effect of the improved visible-light response, type-II band alignment, matched build-in electric field, and fully-depleted space-charge layer contributes to the enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution. 相似文献
Yaradehalli Lakkanna Savitha Chikkanalluru Erappa Nanjundappa Inapura Siddagangaiah Shivakumara 《亚洲传热研究》2023,52(7):4529-4546
The role of a uniform AC electric field and a nonuniform volumetric heat source arising due to an external incident radiation on the onset of Marangoni convection in a horizontal layer of an incompressible dielectric fluid is investigated. The bottom rigid surface is fixed at a constant temperature while the top free surface at which the surface tension acts is considered to be nondeformable and a Robin boundary condition on the perturbation temperature is invoked. The nonuniform internal heating within the fluid layer alters the conduction temperature profile from linear to nonlinear in the vertical coordinate. The linear stability of the quiescent basic solution is studied with respect to normal mode disturbances. The resulting stability eigenvalue problem with variable coefficient is solved numerically using the Galerkin method. The impact of governing parameters on the instability of the system is discussed thoroughly. The forces causing instability reinforce together and are found to be tightly coupled. It is observed that the strength of nonuniform heat source and the electric Rayleigh number is to hasten, while an increase in the Biot number is to delay the onset of Marangoni electroconvection. Finally, the results obtained under the limiting cases are shown to be in good agreement with those published earlier. 相似文献
针对沉积物中水合物饱和度的测量问题,立足于时域反射技术(TDR)能够同时获得含水合物沉积物表观介电常数和电导率的优点,提出了一种基于介电常数/电导率双参数的水合物饱和度评价新方法。在分析介电常数和电导率测量原理的基础上,设计了四氢呋喃(THF)水合物模拟实验与参数测量系统以及实验方案;基于TDR测量响应分析了孔隙水电导率对水饱和的以及含水合物的模拟沉积物介电常数和电导率的影响;利用TDR获取的不同水合物饱和度条件下的介电常数测量数据对比分析了经典介电常数模型的性能,并以Lichteneker-Rother(LR)模型为原型建立了水合物饱和度与介电常数之间的关系模型,以阿尔奇公式为原型建立了基于TDR测量电导率的水合物饱和度计算模型。研究结果表明:采用LR模型和Maxwell-DeLoor模型能够较准确地描述TDR测量表观介电常数与水合物饱和度之间的关系;基于表观介电常数/电导率双参数的水合物饱和度联合评价方法为提高评价结果的准确度和可靠性提供了新途径。将来需要结合水合物储层实际特征开展模拟实验并进一步完善饱和度计算模型,将基于TDR双参数的饱和度联合评价方法推广应用到含天然气水合物沉积物。 相似文献
In this paper, the electric fields in the wind turbine blades due to the lightning stepped leader are studied, and the dielectric breakdown is assessed. The developed finite element analysis (FEA) includes the full length of the leader and enables one to incorporate various uniform and non‐uniform charge density models. The lightning striking distance is calculated using the rolling sphere method. The electric field in a horizontal axis wind turbine with three blades representing Sandia 100 m All‐glass Baseline Wind Turbine Blades (SNL 100‐00) at three different lightning protection levels (LPL) is computed and compared to the dielectric breakdown strength of the blades. The dielectric breakdown strength of the blades is evaluated based on the experimental data. The results show that the tip region of the blade is the most vulnerable to the dielectric breakdown with the safety factor as low as 1.32 at LPL I. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
通过利用高速摄像机对液滴燃烧时火焰和粒径的实时测量,以及激光诱导白炽光(LII)对碳烟体积分数的测量方法,研究了垂直电场作用下正癸烷液滴在重力场中的燃烧特性,结果表明:当V>0时,随着电压的增加,液滴上半部分的火焰高度不断缩短,下半部分不断被拉长,在电压为5,kV左右时,火焰呈上下对称结构,燃烧速率常数随着电压的增加先减小后增大,碳烟体积分数随着电压的增加先减小后增大再减小;当V<0时,燃烧速率常数随着电压的增加而增大,碳烟体积分数随着电压的增加逐渐减小;燃烧速率常数随电压的变化是由于碳烟颗粒与外加电场的相互作用而造成的,碳烟颗粒向周围环境的辐射换热量的减少是造成燃烧速率常数增大的主要原因. 相似文献
川西低渗致密气藏具有多层系叠置的特点.大量气井是通过压裂改造后多层合采,测试也通常采用多层混合测试的方式。由于多层存在各小层静态特征差异及渗流特征的表现形式,在资料的解释时具有多解性。为提高测试资料的利用率。本文充分利用气藏地质认识、测录井数据及生产动态资料,分析了大量多层混合测试资料,并归纳提出了多层混合测试资料解释方法:①“产气层+差气层”或有一层产能贡献主要是措施改造层的两层混合测试时,可简化成单层资料处理;测试地层数大于或等于3时,如储层物性相近且属于同一气藏,可按渗透率高低将多层划分为2层,即简化为双渗模型处理;③当各测试层相隔100m以上且物性差异不大,有单层测试或生产测井资料等提供产能劈分依据时.可选用多层模型分层解释。 相似文献
瞬态电场测量系统的研制与试验 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
针对瞬态电场的测量,研制了一款以基于MSP430系列微处理器为核心,应用高速模数转化芯片与高速存储器的测量系统,所用球形探头具有体积小、功耗低、可编程和测量范围可调的特点。通过试验验证和改进,该测量系统能够满足电力系统中的电场测量要求。 相似文献
在合理简化条件下,对国内凝汽式火力发电厂主流炉型亚临界、超临界、超超临界锅炉燃用大同烟煤、开滦烟煤、西山贫煤、阳泉无烟煤、元宝山褐煤的排烟温度升高引起供电煤耗提高的状况进行计算及分析.计算结果表明:当排烟温度升高5℃时,凝汽式电厂的供电煤耗提高约0.567~0.934g/kWh,当煤种相同时,过热蒸汽压力越高,排烟温度... 相似文献
川西气田中浅层主力气藏平均有效渗透率大多小于0.1×10-3μm2,具有典型低渗致密气藏特征.对于低渗油气藏渗流过程中应力敏感的影响程度,目前在国内外还存在较大的争议:有学者认为低渗透储层存在着较强的应力敏感性;也有学者认为储层岩石越致密,其对应力的敏感程度越低.地层压力变化可以作为验证低渗气藏是否存在应力敏感的重要参数.川西气田多数气井需压裂投产,因此本文仅针对压裂气井建立产能方程,并进行优化,从而建立物质平衡与方程优化法.利用物质平衡与产能方程优化法对CX135井,新场沙溪庙组气藏以及马井蓬莱镇组气藏的部分气井地层压力进行分析,发现考虑应力敏感和不考虑应力敏感计算所得的地层压力、无阻流量很相近,误差在5%以内,这说明应力敏感对川西低渗气藏气体渗流的影响较小,在产能计算过程中可以忽略不计. 相似文献
电力机车作为单相冲击性负荷,在其运行过程中会产生负序分量。当牵引站和风电场集中接入地区电网时,电力机车产生的负序分量会通过电网间接影响到恒速恒频风电机组的安全稳定运行。文章针对目前部分地区牵引站与风电场同时接入电网的情况,从理论上分析了电力机车负序特性及其对风电机组的影响,并通过搭建牵引站与风电场并存地区电网模型,仿真分析不同牵引工况的电力机车对不同运行方式下风电机组的机端电流、瞬时功率等参数的影响,验证理论分析的正确性,最后提出能够减小电力机车负序对风电机组影响的措施。 相似文献
电场辅助燃烧是利用外部电场,通过将带电物质分离到单极区域来产生离子驱动的风,从而驱动周围的中性物质,这通常被认为是一种强大的火焰控制机制,是提升燃料燃烧效率的一个重要手段。对不同形式、不同施加方式的电场下的火焰特性、碳烟颗粒的排放和仿真现状进行广泛研究,总结不同火焰参数测量方式导致的不同程度的误差,及完善的数值模拟对实验数据的预测作用。结果表明:当前的数值模拟大多是2维的,需要开发完善准确的3维模型来模拟和预测火焰在电场下的特性;也需要在高压力和温度条件下对不同燃料在电场下的测量结果,以便在电场下为火焰开发出更广泛、更精确的动力学和化学模型。 相似文献
Xiaoqi Tan Shuxia Liu Qingping Guo Jie Zhang Shujun Liang Maoyong He Jujie Luo 《国际能源研究杂志》2020,44(6):4556-4567
Amorphous MnO2 was attached to carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in 60 seconds by solid-state microwave method. As electrodes in supercapacitors, the coactions of the MnO2 and CNT augmented the actual value of capacitance to 1250 F g−1, and cycle steadiness held 80% of the starting value after 7000 cycles. The equipped MnO2/CNT//AC asymmetric supercapacitor (ASC) manifested preferable energy density with 33.5 Wh kg−1 (at 400 W kg−1). Its glorious electrochemical properties of MnO2/CNT demonstrated that the microwave method has great potency to realise the composite of electrode materials. 相似文献
Rajesh Kumar Shivani Shisodia Manoj Kumar Kamlendra Awasthi 《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》2018,43(47):21690-21698
The hydrogen-based economy is one of the possible approaches toward to eliminate the problem of global warming, which are increases because of the gathering of greenhouse gases. Palladium (Pd) is well-known material having a strong affinity to the hydrogen absorbing property and thus appropriate material to embed in the membrane for the improvement of selective permeation of hydrogen gas. In present work, we have functionalized polycarbonate (PC) membranes with the help of UV irradiation to embed the Pd nanoparticles in pores as well as on the surface of the PC membrane. Use of Pd Nanoparticles is helpful to enhance the H2 selectivity over other gases (CO2, N2, etc.). Also, the UV based modification of membrane increases the attachment of Pd Nanoparticles. Further to enhance the Pd nanoparticles attachment, we used PVP binder with Pd nanoparticles solution. Gas permeability measurements of functionalized PC membranes have been carried out, and better selectivity of hydrogen has been found in the functionalized and Pd nanoparticle binded membrane. PC membrane with 48 h UV irradiated and Pd NPs with PVP have been found to have maximum selectivity and permeability for H2 gas. All the samples being characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Raman spectroscopy and UV–Vis spectroscopy for their morphological and structural investigation. 相似文献
简要分析了某石化公司聚丙烯粉体输送系统的静电危险,提出了相应的防护措施,文中数据主要是通过模拟试验和现场测试得出的。 相似文献
本文对目前正在发展的几种电法脱硫方式-荷电干式喷射脱硫法,电子束法和脉冲电晕等离子体法等的工作原理及发展状况进行了简单的介绍,指出了各自的特点及应用前景。 相似文献