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Despite the existence of previous studies on the heat treatment of the MAR-M247 superalloy, there is a lack of microstructural characterization data that support the heat-treatment conditions that are proposed in this study. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate the changes in microstructure that occur in this alloy when subjected to different solutioning and aging heat treatments. Thermodynamic calculations and differential thermal analysis guided the experimental design and the analysis of experimental results. The MAR-M247 superalloy was produced via vacuum induction melting and investment casting. The samples were solutioned between 1185 and 1270 °C and aged between 770 and 980 °C. The as-cast and heat-treated samples were characterized using scanning electron microscopy in backscattered electron and secondary electron modes. Thermodynamic calculations have shown that the minimum solutioning temperature is approximately 1220 °C, occurring in a γ + MC + MB2 three-phase field (M = metal). The samples were solutioned at 1250 °C for 310 min before aging heat treatment. During solutioning the carbide composition is the MC phase shifts to higher hafnium (Hf) and lower tantalum (Ta) content, which is in agreement with the thermodynamics calculations. After solutioning, residual aluminum (Al) segregation leads to the formation of large γ′ particles in certain regions of the material following one-step aging heat treatment at 770 and 870 °C. However, a nearly uniform size distribution of γ′ particles was observed after aging at 980 °C as well as after double aging heat treatment at 980 °C for 300 min + 870 °C for 1200 min.  相似文献   

Solution and aging heat-treatments play a key role for the application of the superalloys. The aim of this work is to evaluate the microstructure of the MAR-M246 nickel-based superalloy solutioned at 1200 and 1250 °C for 330 min and aged at 780, 880 and 980 °C for 5, 20 and 80 h. The γ′ solvus, solidus and liquidus temperatures were calculated with the aid of the JMatPro software (Ni database). The as-cast and heat-treated samples were characterized by SEM/EDS and SEM-FEG. The γ′ size precipitated in the aged samples was measured and compared with JMatPro simulations. The results have shown that the sample solutioned at 1250 °C for 330 min showed a very homogeneous γ matrix with carbides and cubic γ′ precipitates uniformly distributed. The mean γ′ size of aged samples at 780 and 880 °C for 5, 20 and 80 h did not present significant differences when compared to the solutioned sample. However, a significant increasing in the γ′ particles was observed at 980 °C, evidenced by the large mean size of these particles after 80 h of aging heat-treatment.  相似文献   

新型镍基粉末高温合金的热变形行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Gleeble-1500热模拟试验机对新型镍基粉末高温合金FGH98Ⅰ进行了单向热压缩变形试验,研究了其在变形温度为950~1150℃,应变速率为0.0003~1s-1条件下的热变形行为,建立和对比了不同应变量下的应变速率敏感因子m图和功率耗散效率因子η图,并对热加工图进行了组织验证。结果表明:合金的流变应力随着变形温度的升高和应变速率的降低而降低;不同应变量下的η图与m图相似,随着应变量的增大,峰区的η与m值逐渐升高;当真应变为0.5时,在变形温度为1050℃,应变速率为0.0003s-1条件下,η与m达到峰值,分别为40%和25%,合金发生了动态再结晶,晶粒细化且无内裂纹。该结果为FGH98Ⅰ合金实际热加工工艺的优化提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

研究了高温时效对一种镍基单晶高温合金组织演变行为的影响。使合金在980, 1050, 1100 ℃,进行20, 50, 100 h的短期时效及在1100 ℃下进行200~800 h的长期时效,采用扫描电子显微镜进行组织形貌的观察、电子探针显微分析仪分析TCP相的成分,并对时效后的试样进行硬度测试。试验结果表明:在短期时效时,γ'相的粗化符合扩散控制理论的长大规律,即r3与t成正比,可求得不同温度的粗化长大系数;在长期时效下,1100 ℃时效400 h后,筏排状的γ'相形成且有TCP相析出,TCP相中富含Re和W元素;此外,在1050 ℃时效50 h及在1100 ℃时效20和100 h后,合金中也有TCP相的析出;硬度结果显示,不同时效条件的试样硬度值没有明显变化  相似文献   

采用激光增材制造技术制备了DD98M镍基高温合金管状试样,研究了其沉积态、固溶时效态和长期时效态微观组织变化,对比分析了沉积态和固溶时效态试样中γ'相尺寸分布及在1000℃长期时效时γ'相的演化规律。结果表明:沉积态组织主要由外延生长的微细柱晶组成,枝晶间无γ-γ'共晶组织析出,试样中γ'相体积分数约为70%。合金中元素微偏析造成了枝晶干和枝晶间γ'相尺寸差异,其中枝晶干处为210 nm,枝晶间为560 nm。经固溶时效处理后,γ'相(约370 nm)均匀分布在γ基体上,其尺寸分布符合LSW模型。经1000℃长期时效500 h后,合金组织中无TCP相(拓扑密排相)生成,γ'相仍保持立方形貌,其尺寸几乎保持不变。固溶时效处理后,合金显微硬度从沉积态时的4420 MPa增加至4870 MPa,长期时效能降低合金硬度,降幅约5.9%。  相似文献   

利用原位高温拉伸台在扫描电镜中研究了镍基铸造高温合金MAR-M247在室温、400 ℃与760 ℃拉伸过程中的动态组织演变和断裂机制。原位测试结果表明,在室温到760 ℃范围内,MAR-M247合金的屈服强度与抗拉强度随温度的升高略有下降,拉伸塑性略有提高。室温原位拉伸过程中,并没有出现滑移带;400 ℃与760 ℃的原位拉伸,只在样品断口附近存在少量的滑移带。随拉伸温度的提高,合金的断裂机制并无明显变化,均表现为韧性穿晶断裂。合金的微裂纹主要来源于变形过程中碳化物的破裂,晶内与晶界都存在因碳化物破裂而形成的微裂纹。  相似文献   

对新型第3代粉末高温合金母合金、等离子体旋转电极法生产(PREP)粉末和热等静压态合金中的微量元素Hf,Zr和Ta的存在相进行了研究。结果表明:母合金中微量元素Hf,Zr和Ta主要以一次MC型碳化物存在,呈块状、条状和蝶状分布于枝晶间;原始粉末中碳化物大致可分为两类:一类为富Ti,Ta和Nb,另一类为含有Ta,Hf和Zr,两类碳化物均含有一定量非碳化物形成元素Co和Ni及弱碳化物形成元素Cr和Mo,以块状、粒状分布于枝晶间或胞晶间。另外,热等静压态分析表明,微量元素Hf,Ta和Zr主要以晶内和晶界MC型碳化物存在,说明微量元素Hf,Zr和Ta以MC型碳化物存在并具有一定遗传性的特点。与原始粉末相比,热等静压态γ′相和碳化物中的Ta量比较少。  相似文献   

Microstructural instability with the precipitation of topologically close-packed (TCP) phases of an experimental nickel-based single-crystal superalloy has been investigated. A significant amount of σ phases are distinguished in the interdendritic region of the as-cast samples after thermal exposure at 900 °C for 1000 h. The σ phases are preferentially precipitated at the periphery of coarse γ/γ′ eutectic, and their morphological evolution from needles to granules is observed. Microstructural analysis suggests that the local segregation of Cr and Ti at the periphery of coarse γ/γ′ eutectic accounts for the formation of σ phases in the as-cast samples. After heat treatment with low solution temperature and short holding time, the dendritic segregation of alloying elements (i.e., W, Re, Ti and Ta) and the volume fraction of γ′ phase in the interdendritic region are similar to that of the as-cast samples. However, no TCP phases are present in the interdendritic region of the heat-treated samples after thermal exposure, which is primarily ascribed to the elimination of local segregation of Cr and Ti near the coarse γ/γ′ eutectic. Moreover, small quantities of μ phases are precipitated in the secondary dendrite arm near the interdendritic region after thermal exposure, due to the increased volume fraction of γ′ phase and the concomitant enrichment of W and Re in the γ matrix.  相似文献   

In the current work, sheets of superalloy 718 were processed via thermomechanical route by hot and cold rolling, followed by annealing below the δ phase solvus temperature and precipitation hardening to optimum strength. Grain boundary character distribution throughout the processing was mapped via EBSD and its evolution discussed. The results show that it is possible to process the alloy to a fine grain size obtaining concomitantly a considerably high proportion of special boundaries Σ3, Σ9, and Σ27. The precipitation of δ phase presented a strong grain refining role, without significantly impairing the twinning mechanism and, consequently, the Σ3, Σ9, and Σ27 boundary formations.  相似文献   

研究在两种凝固条件下,热处理对镍基单晶高温合金性能的影响。研究表明:γ相为0.5时,镍基单晶高温合金在950~1050℃有最佳的蠕变性能;显微疏松对850℃的高周疲劳以及750℃低周疲劳有明显的影响,采用高的温度梯度下的铸造处理可以使性能得到改善;该合金的耐腐蚀性较高。  相似文献   

本工作研究了复合亚固溶热处理工艺对一种新型镍基粉末高温合金FGH4113A(WZ-A3)γ"相组织的影响规律。大尺寸锻造态涡轮盘件锻后冷速较低,γ"相的尺寸在约100nm至4500nm之间分布。在盘件上取小试样进行热处理实验,试样升温至1000℃和1050℃时,γ"相总占比下降,Oswald熟化机制及PAM机制同时存在。试样升温至1100℃时,晶内γ"相完全回溶。使用复合亚固溶热处理工艺,先将试样升温至1120℃度保温2h,快速冷却后再分别升温至1000℃、1050℃和1100℃时,γ"相总占比均下降,晶内γ"相演变以Oswald熟化机制为主导,其形貌及尺寸在升温过程中相对稳定。在盘件上取性能试棒分别进行锻造态+1000℃(不保温)+时效热处理和锻造态+1120℃(2h),80℃/min+1000℃空冷+时效热处理后进行550℃拉伸测试,后者的屈服强度和抗拉强度显著高于前者,可为大尺寸涡轮盘件的双性能热处理工艺的制定提供参考。  相似文献   


通过对一种镍基单晶合金进行中温不同应力条件下的蠕变性能测试及组织结构与断口形貌观察,研究了合金在蠕变期间的损伤及断裂机制。结果表明:合金在蠕变后期的变形机制是主、次滑移系的交替开动,主/次滑移系的多次交替开动,可在两滑移系交错区域的γ′/γ两相界面萌生裂纹;随蠕变进行,沿与应力轴垂直的γ′/γ两相界面发生裂纹的扩展,形成与<110>方向平行的正方形解理面,其中,裂纹在(001)面沿<110>方向扩展,与{111}二次解理面相截时,可终止裂纹扩展。这是使(001)解理面具有四方形特征的原因。由于蠕变期间在不同横断面发生多个微裂纹扩展,并在裂纹尖端沿较大剪切应力方向形成撕裂棱或发生二次解理,使多个裂纹连通,直至发生蠕变断裂。这是使合金蠕变断口呈现凹凸不平多层次解理特征的主要原因。  相似文献   

采用SEM和TEM研究了室温(23℃)和中温(650、750、815℃)下第3代镍基粉末高温合金(FGH98)拉伸变形显微组织、行为和机制。结果表明:含有多模尺寸分布γ′相的合金具有优良的拉伸性能,室温拉伸主要变形机制为位错剪切γ′相形成层错,并在γ′相周围形成位错环,阻碍后续位错运动。中温拉伸变形机制为位错剪切γ′相形成层错和形变孪晶,随着变形温度的升高,形变孪晶增多。给出了a/3112不全位错剪切γ′相形成层错和形变孪晶共存的模型,随着应变量的增加,在连续相邻的{111}滑移面上层错堆积变多,促进连续孪晶的形成,协调了γ和γ′相两相之间的变形,有助于释放两相之间的变形应力和提高合金强韧性。  相似文献   

一种新型高温合金的固溶处理条件与高温时效的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用电子探针测定合金的枝晶干和枝晶间各元素的含量.通过扫描电镜观察时效不同时间后的γ'相形貌.结果表明:通过理论计算,进一步证明了本实验中的固溶处理制度的合理性;高温时效4h后,γ'相的正方度良好,且尺寸较小(150~320nm),延长时效时间,γ'相长大,继续延长时间,γ'相边缘开始钝化.因此,高温时效时间选择4h.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to address the dynamic responses properties of the second-generation nickel-based single crystal superalloy DD6 with different orientations, rotor speeds, and temperatures, and this work can lay good foundation for predicting damage behaviors of the DD6 blade and starting with the application of gas turbine in aerospace. The finite element method was applied to investigate the dynamic characteristics of the DD6 blade with [001] and [111] orientations under different rotor speeds at 760, 980, and 1070 °C. On the basis of establishing the elastic-plastic constitutive model of single crystal alloy, the dynamic responses model of a DD6 blade was educed. As a result, the corresponding static and dynamic frequencies were analyzed for different temperatures, rotor speeds, and orientations. Comparison of the computational and experimental results shows the proposed model of the DD6 blade is effective. The analyses indicate that the natural frequencies of [111] orientation is higher than that of [001], and the effect of rotor speed on natural frequencies of [001] orientation is greater than that of [111]. In other words, the values of the natural frequency are increased with the elevated rotor speed, and the values of the natural frequency are decreased obviously with the elevated temperature.  相似文献   

根据损伤应变能释放率的定义表达式,将各向同性材料应力二三轴性因子拓展到正交异性材料,定义了含有3个弹性常数的镍基单晶应力三轴性因子。用它修正Mises应变范围作为疲劳损伤参量,可以显著消除晶体取向和多轴载荷对疲劳寿命的影响。用损伤应变能释放率作为热力学广义力描述正交异性材料的疲劳损伤过程,引入取向函数和损伤驱动力循环特征参数反映晶体各向异性对疲劳损伤的非线性影响以及循环载荷的交变特性,提出了单晶合金低周疲劳损伤模型。利用CMSX-2镍基单晶合金薄壁圆筒试样的拉一扭循环载荷低周疲劳试验数据和DD3镍基单晶合金缺口试样的低周疲劳试验数据,运用多元线性回归分析方法拟合模型的材料常数,试验所得数据分别落在2.5倍和2.0倍偏差分布带内。  相似文献   

针对GH3536镍基高温合金无应力集中和带典型应力集中圆棒试样在160,200,240 MPa应力条件下的高温(750℃)蠕变性能进行了试验和有限元分析,研究了缺口的存在对材料蠕变性能的影响。采用扫描电镜分析了试样断口的形貌,确定了材料的断裂机制。结果表明:缺口的存在对GH3536镍基高温合金试件的蠕变性能影响较大,其降低了试件的最大蠕变应变及在蠕变各个阶段的蠕变速率。缺口对试件的蠕变寿命存在硬化作用,缺口根部轴向应力的再分配和松弛可简单认为是导致缺口对该合金蠕变寿命起硬化作用的影响因素。断口形貌分析表明由于缺口的存在,2种试件的表面形貌虽有不同,但蠕变断裂机理都是由微孔洞不断增大与聚集引起的。  相似文献   

单晶合金中孔洞对蠕变行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对有/无缺陷单晶镍基合金蠕变性能测试、组织形貌观察及采用有限元对近孔洞区域的应力场分析,研究了组织缺陷对单晶合金蠕变行为及组织演化的影响。结果表明:组织缺陷可明显降低单晶镍基合金的塑性和蠕变寿命。在高温蠕变期间,近孔洞区域的应力等值线具有碟形分布特征,并沿与施加应力轴成45°角方向有较大值,该应力分布特征可使合金中γ′相转变成与施加应力轴成45°角的筏状结构,并使圆形孔洞沿应力轴方向伸长成椭圆状。蠕变期间,在合金圆形孔洞缺陷的上、下区域具有较小的应力值,而在圆形孔洞的两侧极点处具有最大应力值,随蠕变时间延长,应力值增大,促使裂纹在该处萌生,并沿垂直于应力轴方向扩展是降低合金蠕变寿命的主要原因。  相似文献   

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