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钢铁工业是我国工业的用水大户之一,其总用水量和新水量均占全国工业的10%以上。因此,钢铁工业的节水至关重要,本文首次提出了五维水平衡理论,并揭示了这一理论的构架与原理,分析了它的可行性和可操作性,展望它在钢铁工业以及其它方面的节水前景。 相似文献
本对山西分公司的节水实践进行了简要概述,围绕企业节水的“4R”原则进行了一些探索和有益的尝试。其中的一些观点和事例对同行业的节水工作有一定的启发作用和指导意义。 相似文献
从整个湖泊流域角度出发,提出基于水环境保护的生态环境治理措施.在分析流域生态环境现状的基础上,提出了南水北调山东段湖泊水环境整治对策. 相似文献
对我国目前的水资源使用情况进行了简单的概述,指出了我国水资源严重短缺和严重浪费的矛盾,要解决这个矛盾,关键在于降低工业单位耗水量,提高水的利用率。 相似文献
宝钢铁前系统新水消耗量占公司吨钢水耗27.8%。近年来,炼铁厂通过积极探索多种节水途径,铁前系统新水单耗不断下降,节约了水资源,改善了环境,取得了明显的经济和社会效益。促进了炼铁系统的可持续发展。 相似文献
鞍钢目前有河水、净化河水、地下水、新水、高炉煤气洗涤水和冶炼净环水等六大水种.河水是净化河水的原料水,地下水是新水(分工业新水和生活饮用水)的原料水,为选矿、烧结、焦化等生产环节的工艺和冷却用水;以及辅助系统工业生产及部分矿山和厂区的生活、消防用水.每小时的河水取水量为2 400 t、地下水取水量为19 600 t. 相似文献
本对中州分公司2002年上半年能源消耗情况进行了分析,阐述了通过开展设备经济运行和技术攻关活动使能源消耗大幅降低的经验,结合生产实际,探讨了下一步的节能途径。 相似文献
提出了热电厂工业节水过程中主要存在以下7个方面的问题:①节水模式传统、陈旧;②用水管理粗放;③地下水开发使用过度,保护措施欠缺;④节水改造投入资金不足;⑤对窃取工业水查惩力度不够;⑥跑冒滴漏现象严重;⑦节水意识淡薄。并就这些方面提出了许多具体的建议和解决措施。 相似文献
《Baosteel Technical Research》2010,(Z1):135
With the development of the production scale and the increasing of the process technologies and facilities,product quality and the requirement of water supply continuously put forward new requirements to water treatment technology.The practice of the water saving technology should ensure the safe of water using and the innovation of technique data.Especially the stabilization of water quality should also meet the production at full capacity,reduce equipment failure rate and maintain the sustainable development under the condition of the minimal resource consumption.This article describes the practice of Baosteel saving technology,water-saving ideas from the system to start,according to Baosteel raw water intake requirements and process water and drainage characteristics,water and salt water tidal according to changes in the Yangtze River and the Yangtze River upstream and downstream trends in water discharge on water quality factors,established the electrical conductivity,chloride ion indicators for the control of the Yangtze River water,the implementation of "avoid salt build light" water at the same time,combined with the actual situation of water pollution in the Yangtze River,the use of force coefficient correlation theory,the implementation of "avoid taking clear pollution" to ensure the quality of raw water intake. System and cascade utilization of water,process water,based on whole plant water balance testing, analysis,technical parameters of the system and processes the user running the pressure balance pipe network,and implemented a stabilization system to adjust water pressure,reducing the water supply network systemwater loss;application of electrochemical principles,the implementation of the protection of underground pipes Baosteel,implemented a water use,steps to use,the operating mode of water supply in series to increase water reuse,reduce wastewater discharge system. Water quality stability and water-saving in the process;carry out water quality stability technology in the different complicated processes of the steel industry;apply the environmental protection and water quality, sterilization,non-phosphorus and low phosphorus technologies which are suitable for high concentration of circulating water.By these technologies,we achieved the water-saving in the process in different seasons and solved the technical problems affecting production such as equipment corrosion,scaling and the formation of the water quality proprietary technology under the conditions of high heat load production as well. The use of water ecological conservation and biological treatment technology:the implementation of the reservoir to the ecological technology is characterized by food chain and wetland environmental technology characterized by plants chain.Reservoir ecological management techniques in the use of natural conditions, wind direction,temperature,light and fish biomass in the reservoir water level regulation of balance and combination of organic,control and resolve the reservoirs in spring and summer algae problems and water quality changes rot of the "fresh" operating problems.The artificial wetland technology develops a new way for metallurgical plants’ wastewater treatment.All the measures by the implementation of water to create the conditions for the system to achieve the water target of constant innovation,reaching the advanced level of iron and steel enterprises. 相似文献
目前,中国正在建设环境友好型、资源节约型社会,而冶金企业的耗水量很高,在很大程度上使城市的绿色清洁发展受到了制约。所以,在冶金企业生产中,较为关键的是给排水节能设计,为此本文对冶金业给排水节能设计进行了详细的论述,希望可以为相关业界人士提供有价值的参考。 相似文献
本文通过对工业污泥泵房的节水改造,实现了节约新水的目的,扩展了污水回用的范围,节能效果显著。 相似文献
随着产业的不断发展,生产过程中的节能、高效程度逐渐的成为衡量企业经济效益的重要指标。目前,在我公司冷却水循环系统上存在着效率低、能耗大等问题,这些问题在很大程度上影响着企业的经济效益。采用流体输送高效节能技术,在不改变系统流量和压力的前提下对我公司的生产车间冷却循环水系统进行节能技改。通过提高泵组运行效率,使该套循环水系统泵组节电率达到30~50%左右,具有可靠性强、节能效果显著等优点。本文通过对流体输送高效节能技术在我厂应用分析和探讨,证明该技术非常适合循环水系统,在实际应用中节能效果显著。 相似文献